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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


P90X2 P.A.P. Upper and Lower workouts are amazing. I've never done the Insanity workouts, but I imagine them to be similar to these. It's a shame they don't show up until phase 3. By far the most I've sweat out of all the P90x2 workouts.

Are these like core synergistics or more resistance based?
I really want to pay someone to edit Frog Boy out of the Plyo X vid. I'm doing well, though struggling my arse off, see him doing is batshit mental stuff and get utterly demoralised. Fucker. :(

I've now taken to watching what I'm supposed to be doing and sort of looking away from the screen. lol


To those that have gone through the alternate exercises in Phase 2 of P90X2 (V Sculpt, etc.), how is it? I'm almost down with my third week and have been thinking about switching it up...


To those that have gone through the alternate exercises in Phase 2 of P90X2 (V Sculpt, etc.), how is it? I'm almost down with my third week and have been thinking about switching it up...

Did Vsculpt for the first time today. Really dug it. Loved doing the renegade moves which involved getting in plank with one hand on med ball and other hand doing rows or curls plus some back moves that didn't involve pullups. For reference this is my 4th week in phase 2 and am doing the supplemental dvds the next 3 weeks.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Trust me, it never even crossed my mind to try and keep up with Tony or Bobby or the German potato soup girl and the other dude with the bands. If they were doing 25 push ups I was doing 10 assisted. I ate a banana during my 30 minute break which gave me the energy to finish. I may eat a banana from now on before my workout. Seems to give me a huge boost.
Dude I was right there with you, man. I still struggle with push ups (week 3) but it absolutely gets better. I bet you'll feel noticeably stronger just doing legs and back in a couple days, let alone chest/back week 2. The only thing is once you start doing a little better you start pushing yourself more and that makes the workout harder overall.... yeah this really is some effective stuff here.

Ironically, I think today is the first day I actually overexerted myself. Did Arms/Shoulders in the AM and had a protein shake after it, but otherwise didn't change my diet for the day. Just finished Yoga X2 and Ab Ripper X and I am absolutely wasted. Various parts of my body are shaking and I really couldn't keep it together at the end (I broke it up- halfway through yoga I did Ab Ripper, then went back). When they were doing plow/shoulder stands I was just laughing at the TV screen (last time I was able to at least attempt something). Now I feel both nauseous and just deliriously hungry. :-[ I probably should have had some extra calories before starting this workout, but I felt shitty about missing yesterday's. Ah man, whaddyagonna do.

On an unrelated note man that Shawna has some really impressive... skills
How many grams of carbs and fat do you guys eat? I am 190lb right now, currently eating around 1800ish calories.

I get a good amount of protein but I've been low on energy the last couple of weeks. I think I might be skimping on carbs + fat without realizing it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
How many grams of carbs and fat do you guys eat? I am 190lb right now, currently eating around 1800ish calories.

I get a good amount of protein but I've been low on energy the last couple of weeks. I think I might be skimping on carbs + fat without realizing it.
lol 190lb at what height?


The Cryptarch's Bane
1800 is probably spot on, and phase 1 you really don't want to be eating many carbs- have you looked at the nutrition plan that comes with the program? some of the recipes are really easy.

A banana or apple for some simple sugars is a good way to boost energy as well. I'm also taking green tea extract every day if you're interested in supplementing.
1800 is probably spot on, and phase 1 you really don't want to be eating many carbs- have you looked at the nutrition plan that comes with the program? some of the recipes are really easy.

A banana or apple for some simple sugars is a good way to boost energy as well. I'm also taking green tea extract every day if you're interested in supplementing.

Oh, I'm not questioning the calories, just the number of grams of carbs and fat I should be eating. I saw the nutrition guide but I'm not sure I trust it 100%.

Fruit is a good idea, I usually have bananas and apples around. I'll try adding one for lunch and maybe in the evening.
There's nothing wrong with it, short term at least.

As for how many grams you want... did you want to do a particular phase of the diet in the plan, or did you just want an average setup?

Average I think. I'll give the guide another go-over. I'm a vegetarian so I make a decent number of adjustments, particularly when it comes to protein.
Average I think. I'll give the guide another go-over. I'm a vegetarian so I make a decent number of adjustments, particularly when it comes to protein.
Ah, to be honest I wouldn't be the right person to comment on a vegetarian diet. I guess you're just going to be best off doing what you're doing and increasing protein where you can, as difficult as that might be without having to rely on shakes and bars.

There are actually a few good websites out there on vegetarian bodybuilding nutrition, might be worth having a google around.
I don't really know how many grams of protein or carbs I should be eating either. I'm just following the portion plan. A veggie burger has 12g of protein and 110 calories. Veggie burgers are listed under the protein category of foods. 100 calories = 1 serving. If I used all my 5 protein servings for level 1/phase 1 eating veggie burgers then I would have gotten 60g of protein for the day from those 5 protein servings. Seems low, no?

If I ate chicken breast instead of veggie burgers for my 5 protein servings id get about 100g of protein (about 25g of protein for 3oz).

So, really kind of confusing. It would be easier to just know how many grams of each (carbs, fat, protein etc) you need a day and just keep it all at around 1800 calories.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I'm on day 80 of P90X and did Plyometrics last night. I still have to take 1-2 minute breaks after a set of 5-6. It becomes incredibly intense the longer you stick with the program, because, like someone said, you start doing the exercises right and you start doing more of them in a set. I try to go as intense from start to finish on each set, so my heart is usually beating out of my damn chest.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm on day 80 of P90X and did Plyometrics last night. I still have to take 1-2 minute breaks after a set of 5-6. It becomes incredibly intense the longer you stick with the program, because, like someone said, you start doing the exercises right and you start doing more of them in a set. I try to go as intense from start to finish on each set, so my heart is usually beating out of my damn chest.

that was me

keep bringing it alfarif. day 19 here
I don't really know how many grams of protein or carbs I should be eating either. I'm just following the portion plan. A veggie burger has 12g of protein and 110 calories. Veggie burgers are listed under the protein category of foods. 100 calories = 1 serving. If I used all my 5 protein servings for level 1/phase 1 eating veggie burgers then I would have gotten 60g of protein for the day from those 5 protein servings. Seems low, no?

If I ate chicken breast instead of veggie burgers for my 5 protein servings id get about 100g of protein (about 25g of protein for 3oz).

So, really kind of confusing. It would be easier to just know how many grams of each (carbs, fat, protein etc) you need a day and just keep it all at around 1800 calories.

It is confusing. There's some formula out there they for 2400 calories you are supposed to eat 300 gram of protein per day. Personally, I stopped counting and just went for the easier route of maximizing my protein:calories ratio

This meant I ate nothing but chicken, fish (especially tuna) or shrimp for my protein (700 calories) intake during phase 1 diet.

I'm lazy so I prefer keeping things consistent over variety

edit: From http://wiki.dandascalescu.com/reviews/fitness/p90x_faq
3000 calories at 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat

Mix in some facts:

1 gram of protein = 4 calories
1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories
1 gram of fat = 9 calories

Stir vigorously:

Protein = (3000 cal * 0.50) / 4 g/cal
Carbs = (3000 cal * 0.3) / 4 g/cal
Fat = (3000 cal * 0.2) / 9 g/cal

And enjoy:

Protein - 375g
Carbs - 225g
Fat - 67g


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I don't really know how many grams of protein or carbs I should be eating either. I'm just following the portion plan. A veggie burger has 12g of protein and 110 calories. Veggie burgers are listed under the protein category of foods. 100 calories = 1 serving. If I used all my 5 protein servings for level 1/phase 1 eating veggie burgers then I would have gotten 60g of protein for the day from those 5 protein servings. Seems low, no?

If I ate chicken breast instead of veggie burgers for my 5 protein servings id get about 100g of protein (about 25g of protein for 3oz).

So, really kind of confusing. It would be easier to just know how many grams of each (carbs, fat, protein etc) you need a day and just keep it all at around 1800 calories.

I don't think on it too much. I try to eat the same amount of protein grams as I want my weight to be. I try to keep my carb intake really low and only use fruits and vegetables (and thin slices of bread) for my carb intake.
I got through Plyo today without hitting the pause button at all. Big sense of accomplishment there; the first time I tried it, two weeks ago, I must have hit it at least 10 times.


I got through Plyo today without hitting the pause button at all. Big sense of accomplishment there; the first time I tried it, two weeks ago, I must have hit it at least 10 times.

good job, keep it up and by the end of P90X, you'll be able to keep up with dom

I really miss doing Plyo X. I think I'll swap it with plyometric cardio circuit next week, just to see how much i've improved


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
good job, keep it up and by the end of P90X, you'll be able to keep up with dom

I really miss doing Plyo X. I think I'll swap it with plyometric cardio circuit next week, just to see how much i've improved

Plyo is one of those exercises where you dread it when you do it and LOVE IT when you're finished because you can FEEL the fat melting off of you.
Just finished Plyo for this morn. First time. This is me eating my words because I said Plyo would have not been very difficult for me. As someone who can jog at least 5km in the summer at a steady pace without stopping, I still found this to be really tough on my lower body. Holy squat hell. Love the heismans and circle jog though. lol. I took breaks of 2-5 minutes sometimes during those 30 second water breaks. Big mistake is drinking too much water which I now know. Bogged me down and makes you feel like you want to vomit.

I still need to figure out my breakfast routine because I feel like I don't have the fuel to do some of these exercises where I would if I had eaten before hand. Didn't want to do my workout in the afternoon/evening but maybe I'll have to try it tomorrow. An hour or two after lunch maybe.


Did Vsculpt for the first time today. Really dug it. Loved doing the renegade moves which involved getting in plank with one hand on med ball and other hand doing rows or curls plus some back moves that didn't involve pullups. For reference this is my 4th week in phase 2 and am doing the supplemental dvds the next 3 weeks.

Thanks! I will start the supplemental DVDs tomorrow, looking forward to it.

I still need to figure out my breakfast routine because I feel like I don't have the fuel to do some of these exercises where I would if I had eaten before hand. Didn't want to do my workout in the afternoon/evening but maybe I'll have to try it tomorrow. An hour or two after lunch maybe.

What do you normally have for breakfast?

I'm always impressed with those that get up and exercise in the morning because I've tried and I just can't seem to get as into it as I do when I exercise in the evening.

If I were exercising in the morning, I would try and split my meal into halves and have a half prior to my workout and then the remainder, after. My breakfast consists of an egg white omelet with a light amount of cheese and ham and a bowl of multi-grain Cheerios with skim. I, like you, need to eat when I get up, so I think I would have the omelet before the exercise and the Cheerios after. The Cheerios would also help my recovery, with its carb amount, and I would probably supplement it with a protein shake.
I am not one for working out in the AM. I never feel like I have the energy that early but I do run a pretty heavy deficit (1700-1800ish calories @ 212lb / 6'0).

For Plyo (and any cardio really), get a heart rate monitor. It makes it so much easier to find out if you are pushing hard enough without pushing TOO hard. It will cut down on those dizzy spells that take you out of the workout for 5+ minutes. If you ever pass 85% of your max just chill out for a bit until it drops 15-20% and get back to it.

Also for Plyo I push hard on the first 2 exercises of each set, moderate on the third, and use the 4th as a recovery period. I make sure to use correct form and to keep my heart rate in the zone, but I am not going balls to the wall. The first time I did P90X I was able to increase my intensity gradually over the course of the program without ever really blowing up or hurting myself. When you get tired, you get SLOPPY. My wife turned her ankle pretty bad doing the bonus round "football hero" due to fatigue.
the first week is the hardest after being away for so long. Do arms and shoulders, wake up in the morning sore as FUCK. Wish I had something to take afterwards to help
For Plyo (and any cardio really), get a heart rate monitor. It makes it so much easier to find out if you are pushing hard enough without pushing TOO hard. It will cut down on those dizzy spells that take you out of the workout for 5+ minutes. If you ever pass 85% of your max just chill out for a bit until it drops 15-20% and get back to it.
I've had my heart rate up in the 170s / 180s for quite a considerable period of time doing Plyo and never had dizzy spells. That doesn't sound right.
Thanks! I will start the supplemental DVDs tomorrow, looking forward to it.

What do you normally have for breakfast?

I'm always impressed with those that get up and exercise in the morning because I've tried and I just can't seem to get as into it as I do when I exercise in the evening.

If I were exercising in the morning, I would try and split my meal into halves and have a half prior to my workout and then the remainder, after. My breakfast consists of an egg white omelet with a light amount of cheese and ham and a bowl of multi-grain Cheerios with skim. I, like you, need to eat when I get up, so I think I would have the omelet before the exercise and the Cheerios after. The Cheerios would also help my recovery, with its carb amount, and I would probably supplement it with a protein shake.
My morning eating consists of about this: a banana before or midway through workout if im feeling faint, glass of chocolate skim milk after workout (I'm a poor student doing it el cheapo here no money for recovery drinks. Chocolate milk is $1 litre).

About 1-1.5 hours after recovery drink I have breakfast which is usually 2 hard boiled eggs with whole wheat bagel, a banana (if I need that banana during or before my workout for energy then I don't eat another banana here for breakfast), and water.

I'm just trying to figure out if I should just do the bagel, banana and eggs or whatever for breakfast first when I wake up and then a few hours later do the workout. Ill try that tomorrow and see what works best and allows me to bring it the most. If my breakfast sucks please tell me because I've mentioned many times the past few pages I'm new to trying to eat right.
Now that I think about it I spend most of my time at 165-175 which is at about 90% of my MHR. I do notice the light headedness start to come on at the higher end of that though so if I spike to 177-180 I back off considerably.

So maybe use your heart rate monitor to find that limit is better advice?


Hang out with Steve.
Early morning is the only time I have available to work out. I'm 67 days into P90. I use Beachbody's Energy & Endurance formula when I first get up, then start the workout about 15-20 minutes later. I eat breakfast about a half hour or so after my workout.

I'm starting Insanity as soon as I'm done with P90. I'm probably going to get the recovery drink. They recommend drinking a little bit of it before you start, and then sipping at it as you need it during the workout, finishing it up when you're done. If necessary I might end up getting up 30 minutes earlier (which would mean 4:30) and eating a light breakfast.

But I'll work it out. No excuses!
My morning eating consists of about this: a banana before or midway through workout if im feeling faint, glass of chocolate skim milk after workout (I'm a poor student doing it el cheapo here no money for recovery drinks. Chocolate milk is $1 litre).

About 1-1.5 hours after recovery drink I have breakfast which is usually 2 hard boiled eggs with whole wheat bagel, a banana (if I need that banana during or before my workout for energy then I don't eat another banana here for breakfast), and water.

I'm just trying to figure out if I should just do the bagel, banana and eggs or whatever for breakfast first when I wake up and then a few hours later do the workout. Ill try that tomorrow and see what works best and allows me to bring it the most. If my breakfast sucks please tell me because I've mentioned many times the past few pages I'm new to trying to eat right.

I'd go easy on the Bananas. They are mushy yellow sticks of carbs. If you are in Phase 1 that bagel will take care of your carb serving and an apple or berries would be better suited for your fruit serving. The glycemic index for a banana is fairly close to pure sugar. Also, the bagel needs to be whole GRAIN. Whole wheat is bullshit marketing.

Can't comment on the order of those things since I don't work out in the morning but if you have the ability to wait a couple of hours after eating before you workout then I would eat first.
I hate Adam from ab ripper X. datsracist.jpg

Guy has a SICK body and makes it look easy and has perfect form. Although if you look closely you can see a tiny bit of pain on his face a few times during the workout. That makes me feel good.

I hope I can still walk for a wedding on Saturday. I have to fit Legs & Back in that day somehow.

Edit - LowKeyed: Bananas give me a boost like nothing else ive ever eaten but I'll try and cut back a bit. Made a note about the whole grain vs whole wheat thing. The nutrition guide I think mentions whole wheat. I think that's why I picked some up the other day. I'll look into that a bit but honestly I don't like bagels very much so I may just switch to English muffins.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Hit 206 lbs this week, down 15 pounds on X2 and 27 overall since last year at this time. :)

I like X2 more and more the further I go. Phase 2 is pretty challenging, especially the Saturday (or day 6) plyo + pushup workout. Interesting mix.
Hit 206 lbs this week, down 15 pounds on X2 and 27 overall since last year at this time. :)

I like X2 more and more the further I go. Phase 2 is pretty challenging, especially the Saturday (or day 6) plyo + pushup workout. Interesting mix.

Nice work! I hope to be around that mark myself in the next 2-3 weeks. I'll probably shed a manly blood-tear when I drop below 200.
Edit - LowKeyed: Bananas give me a boost like nothing else ive ever eaten but I'll try and cut back a bit. Made a note about the whole grain vs whole wheat thing. The nutrition guide I think mentions whole wheat. I think that's why I picked some up the other day. I'll look into that a bit but honestly I don't like bagels very much so I may just switch to English muffins.

Yeah they give such a great boost because of the sugar content. If you can eat your full breakfast first wait 1.5-2 hours and then workout I doubt you'll miss it at all. I eat a whole grain english muffin with honey as part of my breakfast also. I look forward to that damn thing so much it's sad. What I'd do in your case:


2-3 Eggs (which you already eat)
English muffin (add honey for a bit more kick in the AM)
Protein shake (I mix with unsweetened almond milk)

Wait 1.5-2 hours and do your workout

Workout and have lowfat (1%) chocloate milk for recovery drink (does wonders, fits a perfect 4:1 carb:protein ratio for glycogen resynthesis and is CHEAP)

Fit your fruit in as a snack later in the day.

edit: 1% choc milk


The Cryptarch's Bane
I hate Adam from ab ripper X. datsracist.jpg

Guy has a SICK body and makes it look easy and has perfect form. Although if you look closely you can see a tiny bit of pain on his face a few times during the workout. That makes me feel good.

I hope I can still walk for a wedding on Saturday. I have to fit Legs & Back in that day somehow.

Edit - LowKeyed: Bananas give me a boost like nothing else ive ever eaten but I'll try and cut back a bit. Made a note about the whole grain vs whole wheat thing. The nutrition guide I think mentions whole wheat. I think that's why I picked some up the other day. I'll look into that a bit but honestly I don't like bagels very much so I may just switch to English muffins.
I know what you mean about Adam. I can't imagine getting that ripped even if I devoted the rest of my life to ab exercisers.

Also sure if mentioned this in here before, but I am incapable of doing reverse pedal bicycles. I just don't get it. My brain cannot make my legs move in that fashion. I end up just doing two sets of forward as best I can. Why can I not do it? I expect these workouts to make me feel humbled physically, exhausted, embarrassed about the shape I'm in, etc... I don't expect them to make me feel like a moron :p
Maybe think about pulling your knees to your chest as opposed to pushing your feet away? Works for me when i'm clicked into my road bike.
From http://wiki.dandascalescu.com/reviews/fitness/p90x_faq

3000 calories at 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat

Mix in some facts:

1 gram of protein = 4 calories
1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories
1 gram of fat = 9 calories

Stir vigorously:

Protein = (3000 cal * 0.50) / 4 g/cal
Carbs = (3000 cal * 0.3) / 4 g/cal
Fat = (3000 cal * 0.2) / 9 g/cal

And enjoy:

Protein - 375g
Carbs - 225g
Fat - 67g
This formula using phase 1 (1800 cals) means I'd have to eat 225g of protein a day. I weigh 137 lbs so thats roughly 1.6 times my body weight. Is that not too high for me? Carbs would be at 135g and fats at 40g which seem reasonable. That damn protein at 225g really seems high though.

What I'd do in your case:

2-3 Eggs (which you already eat)
English muffin (add honey for a bit more kick in the AM)
Protein shake (I mix with unsweetened almond milk)

Wait 1.5-2 hours and do your workout

Workout and have lowfat (1%) chocloate milk for recovery drink (does wonders, fits a perfect 4:1 carb:protein ratio for glycogen resynthesis and is CHEAP)

Fit your fruit in as a snack later in the day.

edit: 1% choc milk

This looks good. I'll try that routine tomorrow and I'm pretty sure it will be much better for me. Why 1% and not skim? I do notice my skim is actually 3:1 and not 4:1 ratio. I guess the 1% is 4:1?

I know what you mean about Adam. I can't imagine getting that ripped even if I devoted the rest of my life to ab exercisers.

Also sure if mentioned this in here before, but I am incapable of doing reverse pedal bicycles. I just don't get it. My brain cannot make my legs move in that fashion. I end up just doing two sets of forward as best I can. Why can I not do it? I expect these workouts to make me feel humbled physically, exhausted, embarrassed about the shape I'm in, etc... I don't expect them to make me feel like a moron :p
It took me a second to do those reverse ones also. You have to give it a thought when starting them. It just goes against everything you've ever learned in terms of riding an actual bicycle. Pedal forward not backwards! I wouldn't worry too much about it, though. Do forward ones both times and don't give any more thought to it if you really can't get your brain to play nice with your legs.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Maybe think about pulling your knees to your chest as opposed to pushing your feet away? Works for me when i'm clicked into my road bike.
I can do it on an actual bicycle no problem (I assume the resistance allows my brain to work out what I'm going for). It's just when my legs are up in the air there's this huge disconnect. Can't even describe how weird it feels, haha
This formula using phase 1 (1800 cals) means I'd have to eat 225g of protein a day. I weigh 137 lbs so thats roughly 1.6 times my body weight. Is that not too high for me? Carbs would be at 135g and fats at 40g which seem reasonable. That damn protein at 225g really seems high though.
It's extremely high, but basically it means that your body wont be getting enough carbs to use as fuel which will force your body to burn fat instead. I increased my fat intake a little as it was almost impossible for me to get enough calories as I don't have time for 5 meals a day. I don't think it's a fully ketogenic diet, but it works on similar principals.

I wouldn't do it long term though. 4-6 weeks is enough.
This formula using phase 1 (1800 cals) means I'd have to eat 225g of protein a day. I weigh 137 lbs so thats roughly 1.6 times my body weight. Is that not too high for me? Carbs would be at 135g and fats at 40g which seem reasonable. That damn protein at 225g really seems high though.

This looks good. I'll try that routine tomorrow and I'm pretty sure it will be much better for me. Why 1% and not skim? I do notice my skim is actually 3:1 and not 4:1 ratio. I guess the 1% is 4:1?

It took me a second to do those reverse ones also. You have to give it a thought when starting them. It just goes against everything you've ever learned in terms of riding an actual bicycle. Pedal forward not backwards! I wouldn't worry too much about it, though. Do forward ones both times and don't give any more thought to it if you really can't get your brain to play nice with your legs.

That's the thing. If you have just started and decided to try the phase 1 diet (you don't have to). Then you'd want to up your protein as much as possible. The number is high but that's the whole purpose of phase1. I personally wouldn't worry about the numbers of grams you need to hit per day but just maximize your protein on every single thing you eat

As with bananas. They are fine but you can only have one per day for fruit, so that's it and be careful. At the same time, this adjusting is tough and especially if you are doing phase1 fat shredder diet since its low carbs = low energy

PS you might be doing this already but it becomes important to eat throughout the day and time your meals, kind of like psycho suggested. I eat a protein bar or banana at least an hour before
Are these like core synergistics or more resistance based?

They feel like a more uptempo combination of core and resistance. You go through two "complexes" that consist of 4 rounds of 4 exercises with zero downtime in between. For example, the first complex in PAP Upper features renegade row (push up, row, row, push up, etc) to plyo push ups to plank on stability ball to superman. You go through 4 rounds of each exercise before taking like a 30 second break. Structurally I think it's more akin to CrossFit, as it almost feels like a race against the clock.


I'm on week 4 of P90X which means it's my first recovery week. I'm debating whether I should do it as written or throw in some resistance workouts. Core Synergistics sounds interesting, but the rest... :/

Any recommendations from the grads?
This looks good. I'll try that routine tomorrow and I'm pretty sure it will be much better for me. Why 1% and not skim? I do notice my skim is actually 3:1 and not 4:1 ratio. I guess the 1% is 4:1?

I went and looked it up and both are pretty close ratio wise (around 3.5 or so just at a glance). I use 1% for the extra calories after a workout (and the taste is better). I'm sure skim would be fine, just use what you need based on your caloric needs. Truly the difference in fat and calories is minimal. The taste difference alone may be worth it : ).
I'm on week 4 of P90X which means it's my first recovery week. I'm debating whether I should do it as written or throw in some resistance workouts. Core Synergistics sounds interesting, but the rest... :/

Any recommendations from the grads?

Let your body rest. Don't be fooled, though. Yoga and core syn twice is nothing to sneeze at.
Last question I promise about diet since I'm starting to get the hang of this I think:

Should I be concerned about sodium intake? I'm noticing a lot of the foods that are on the nutrition guide that im eating like English muffins, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, all have pretty high sodium values. What is a number per day I should try to stay under?

I think after a week of counting grams and all sorts of nutrition values that it just becomes second nature and your not physically looking at every nutrition label on everything you eat because your more educated with how to eat properly. First week is a pain cause im over think everything.

LowKeyed, thanks. I actually think skim tastes the same to be honest. When I'm craving a recovery drink after a workout I really can't notice a difference between that and 1%. I usually do buy 1% anyways but the store didn't have any stock.
If you are drinking tons of water as you should and you don't have issues with high blood pressure, I wouldn't get too fussed about the sodium in the foods you mentioned.

OG Kush

I'm on week 4 of P90X which means it's my first recovery week. I'm debating whether I should do it as written or throw in some resistance workouts. Core Synergistics sounds interesting, but the rest... :/

Any recommendations from the grads?

I worked out as normal during the recovery week. Unless you're extremely new to fitness and all, and p90x is the first amount of regular fitness you've done in a looong time, then its fine to continue as normal. If you feel you're body needs a rest though then go for it.
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