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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

I only have 1 medicine ball, couldn't afford a mortgage to buy 4! Stupidly expensive items.
I used the stability ball as well.

Id say all the shredding has come from my change in diet. Like I said I didn't eat right at all for P90X. I was having around 1000 calories so my body was just locked in starvation mode. Now I eat 6 times a day and am constantly hungry.


Is like to do the p90x. A while back I was doing just the ab workout and running and really like the intensity of the workout. My biggest goal would be to put on some weight by the end of it. Right now I weigh about 140-145 and am 6' 1". I've always been really thin and from what I've seen this is a good way to put on some weight. The biggest thing for me would be finding a good diet to start so that I'm getting the most out of it. I go to school and have two jobs so my eating patterns are awful right now but if I have something to follow it would help. Anyone have any direction to point me as far as a diet to put on weight as well as other tips to help me get the most out of this.


I'm no expert, but to gain weight you are gonna need a diet high in carbs and protein. Right now I'm looking to do the same, so I mostly eat:

- 3 servings of protein
- 1 serving of dairy
- 3 servings of fruits
- 3 servings of veggies
- 4 servings of carbs
- 1 serving of fat
- 1 serving of a single snack
- 1 serving of a double snack

Aside from that, I'm drinking a shitload of protein and a mass gainer.

NH Apache

I only have 1 medicine ball, couldn't afford a mortgage to buy 4! Stupidly expensive items.
I used the stability ball as well.

Id say all the shredding has come from my change in diet. Like I said I didn't eat right at all for P90X. I was having around 1000 calories so my body was just locked in starvation mode. Now I eat 6 times a day and am constantly hungry.

I'm eating around 1k to 1.2k calories doing p90x. My goal is to lose weight. What do you mean by starvation mode?
Oh. Well looks like I should look for a calorie counting app. Plyo tomorrow. Gonna need some extra kcals.

Well the idea is to eat within your range. A lot of people naturally assume that lose weight/diet = under eat. Ear adequately and each exercise knocks off at least 600 calories

Hope this helps

NH Apache

So I massively under estimated my meals. Started up a my fitness pal account.

I've eaten about 2028 calories today and I estimated chest and back at 500 so I'm net 1528.

I'm 6'0 and just under 200. I guess if I shoot for around 1800-2000 that should be better. Thanks for the help everybody.

Here is my food for the day: http://i.imgur.com/Gz5pI.png

Really didn't want to eat carbs so late, but it was the only thing I had in the house.

Edit: I'm still getting used to kale. It feels so damn weird.


Just completed day one. Well, maybe completed is the wrong word since holy shit that kicked my ass.

Can I/should I go for a 2-3 mile run now while I still have the energy high?


No you gonna need it for plyo!

How much are my neighbors that live in the apartment below me going to hate me for that?

Also, should I do a 16 oz protein shake right now? Haven't really read up on the nutrition side of things yet but after getting my ass kicked by day one I am fucking ready to do this right. My form can use a lot of work.
How much are my neighbors that live in the apartment below me going to hate me for that?

Also, should I do a 16 oz protein shake right now? Haven't really read up on the nutrition side of things yet but after getting my ass kicked by day one I am fucking ready to do this right. My form can use a lot of work.

Yes recovery drink is essential! Do it! Helps you with soreness and hence be stronger

I highly recommend getting a jump mat for plyo...it will buffer the sound considerably

You will find that Tony emphasizes landing lightly...but some moves you will just have to make noises


How much are my neighbors that live in the apartment below me going to hate me for that?

Also, should I do a 16 oz protein shake right now? Haven't really read up on the nutrition side of things yet but after getting my ass kicked by day one I am fucking ready to do this right. My form can use a lot of work.

Land on your toes when you jump and you'll make considerably less noise. And yeah, good luck with plyo! (sleep well tonight)


What an awesome high after that first workout. Really excited for what's ahead!

Did a 16 oz skim milk + casein protein powder + glutamine shake. Might do the same for breakfast? Will read up on nutrition at work tomorrow.


Im going to do P90X for my first time starting in March. Ive done regular P90 numerous times, but this is my first time stepping up. Just had a question for you vets...

Im doing a low carb diet. Not necessarily eating alot of fat, but lean meats, vegetables, eggs, and beans mainly. With a cheat day every Saturday. Do any of you that have done P90X done a low carb at the same time? How were you on energy? Any suggestions for things I should eat to help keep me energized for the workouts?

Edit: I usually do a post workout creatine/whey protein drink. Should I do more of these? maybe before? Any tips to help me get through it the first time would be greatly appreciated.
Im going to do P90X for my first time starting in March. Ive done regular P90 numerous times, but this is my first time stepping up. Just had a question for you vets...

Im doing a low carb diet. Not necessarily eating alot of fat, but lean meats, vegetables, eggs, and beans mainly. With a cheat day every Saturday. Do any of you that have done P90X done a low carb at the same time? How were you on energy? Any suggestions for things I should eat to help keep me energized for the workouts?

Edit: I usually do a post workout creatine/whey protein drink. Should I do more of these? maybe before? Any tips to help me get through it the first time would be greatly appreciated.
Hey, I did p90 first too!

There's a nutrition guide that comes with p90x. Try following it. The first phase is called Fat Shredder, and it is exactly a high protein /low carb diet. I didn't have this problem but a some do report of having low energy because of the lack of carbs. Everythinh will make sense when you get the guide

As for the protein drink. I drink it after the workout. I maintain energy by eating consistently throughout the day, and save the protein bar before the workout. Now, some ppl do drink two protein drinks a day. It's up to you (although the nutrition guide only allows one), just be careful of the fat and carb content of your drink


Almost done with my third week of Insanity. Not a lot of visual results yet, but fitness results are amazingly good so far. I can't wait til I'm done so that I go back to P90X.
Almost done with my third week of Insanity. Not a lot of visual results yet, but fitness results are amazingly good so far. I can't wait til I'm done so that I go back to P90X.

I've done 1 week. Ive noticed fat loss. Whats your diet like?

Also, do your calves ever stop hurting? Im in agony.


Started P90X2 on January 17th, but didn't start tracking my caloric intake and taking pictures until the 19th. Now maintaining a 1700 calorie diet (1800 last month). Sorry for the crappy iPhone pics. For reference, I'm 6'2".

January 19th: 220 pounds / 26% body fat
February 16th: 205 pounds / 21% body fat
March 19th: 199 pounds / 19% body fat


Expected the weight loss to slow as Phase 2 focuses on muscle building although I think my diet may be impeding on my progress, I think I need to incorporate more protein and less carbs (roughly ~130g/200g a day respectively). This past Saturday was horrible, drank too much and ate waaay too much. I was down to 197 prior, but went back up to around 200 by the end of the weekend.

Currently halfway through my fourth week in Phase 2. I think I'm going to do a total of 6 weeks in Phase 2 and then move on to the next phase. Not a fan of V-Sculpt, but found Chest, Shoulders and Triceps to be my favorite out of all the routines thus far.

Super impressed and blown away with everyone's results and progress thus far! Keep up the good work everyone!
What is your diet?

Good results though. You can see your hips are coming in and your gut isnt as prominent. Obliques and the top abs are starting to say hello too. Keep it up.

The man boobs is always the last thing to go. Mine still have a little fat left, but im hoping Insanity will blast that away.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Man, slept though the entire night after work last night. Madness. Guess I'll do Kenpo X today and then CS tomorrow.

Im going to do P90X for my first time starting in March. Ive done regular P90 numerous times, but this is my first time stepping up. Just had a question for you vets...

Im doing a low carb diet. Not necessarily eating alot of fat, but lean meats, vegetables, eggs, and beans mainly. With a cheat day every Saturday. Do any of you that have done P90X done a low carb at the same time? How were you on energy? Any suggestions for things I should eat to help keep me energized for the workouts?

Edit: I usually do a post workout creatine/whey protein drink. Should I do more of these? maybe before? Any tips to help me get through it the first time would be greatly appreciated.
That sounds perfect for starting X. I need to cut back on carbs even more than I have really...


I've done 1 week. Ive noticed fat loss. Whats your diet like?

Also, do your calves ever stop hurting? Im in agony.

I'm in week 3 and as said no visual results yet apart from the obvious weight loss. I tried to adapt to the provided diet plan but I just don't have the time for it, so I keep it simple. I try to avoid unhealthy stuff like fast food, soda, candy, alcohol etc. and I drink water almost exclusively.

My calves stopped hurting midway in week 2, it sure is a relief and a testify to your workout :)

Also did my second fit test yesterday and I like what I'm seeing, I exceeded my previous results by a good margin except those that require upper body work, they stayed the same.
I think I'll squeeze in some upper body work on the recovery day and day off unless they focus on it more in month 2.


What is your diet?

Good results though. You can see your hips are coming in and your gut isnt as prominent. Obliques and the top abs are starting to say hello too. Keep it up.

The man boobs is always the last thing to go. Mine still have a little fat left, but im hoping Insanity will blast that away.

Thanks. Yeah, I've had a gut/love handles since my teenage years and for all the diets/routines I've tried, none have helped reduce those. Seems I'm on the right track although it may take a while. And regarding the chest area, the doc says it's a genetic condition how excess fat exists there and can only be reduced through surgery, but I'm determined to prove him wrong :p

My diet consists of the following:
  • Breakfast: ~250 calories
    Egg-white (3 egg equivalent) omelet with reduced fat feta
    1 cup of Multi-grain Cheerios with splash of skim milk
  • Morning snack: 90 calories
    Fiber brownie
  • Lunch: ~260 calories
    Spring mix salad w/ reduced fat feta, light raspberry dressing & blanched almonds
    Cup of carrots
  • Post-lunch cardio drink: 120 calories
    Optimum Gold 100% protein shake (w/ water)
  • Dinner: ~400-600 calories
    Varies, always involves a vegetable and type of meat
  • Post-P90X2 drink: ~270 calories
    Optimum Gold 100% protein
    Cup of skim milk
    Wheat germ
  • Misc. snacks: ~200 calories
    Various low calorie snacks
Not a bad diet. Lunch sounds tasty. I might try it. My doctor told me the same thing, said it was Gynaecomastia. He was wrong. If you build up enough muscle on your pecs it will stretch out anything there anyways.


Hey guys

Do you need/recommend something other than the Iron Gym Total Body?
What about diet/food? is this touched upon in the program? This is probably more important than any exercise


That's kinda funny because man-boobs were gone for me after the first 45 days. The only thing I have remaining is fat on my lower abs. That's really my only problem area and it's not bad enough to where I couldn't live with it. I could probably shed that if I changed my diet, but to me, it wouldn't be sustainable. I don't eat a totally "clean" diet and I have no qualms eating a cheeseburger and fries or pizza here and there. I likely could get to that ripped lower abs stage, but I doubt I could maintain it. I do religiously stick to a ceiling of 2200 calories a day from the onset, though (5'10" 163lbs currently, was 189 a year ago). I'll drink a protein shake but I have not taken any weight loss supplements at all.

I just finished my second 90 day round of p90x and am now using something called Supreme 90 for variety's sake. I do own p90x2 but I haven't started it yet because I'm waiting to find a good deal on medicine balls and foam rollers. I'm not feeling like throwing down another $200 in equipment at the moment and the dvds aren't going anywhere. When I start p90x2, I want to do it right and have everything I need to get the most out of the workouts. Supreme 90 is interesting, though. Workouts are shorter than p90x, but I still get a good soreness after.


Hey guys

Do you need/recommend something other than the Iron Gym Total Body?

You'll also need either weights or resistance bands, and a yoga mat.

What about diet/food? is this touched upon in the program? This is probably more important than any exercise

P90X comes with a nutrition guide. You can follow it's recipes or eat the recommended # of portions per food group. I hope you're not too attached to bread, pasta and rice, because the first phase is low carb.


I've done 1 week. Ive noticed fat loss. Whats your diet like?

Also, do your calves ever stop hurting? Im in agony.

i cheat...a lot :(

but usually my diet's usually something like this:

1/2 banana
20g whey protein
=130 cals

During Workout:
350ml gatorade
=80 cals

20g whey protein
1/2 banana
=130 cals

170g Non-fat yogurt
40g Muesli
10g flaxseed
28g almonds
=400 cals

2 Natural Valley Oats Bars

100g frozen veggies
2 boiled eggs
200g skinless chicken breast
=450 cals

200g beans
20g whey protein
2 cucumbers
2 tomatos
=320 cals

200g skinless chicken breast
100g frozen veggies
=300 cals

so overall i try to eat around 2000 calories a day.

As for your second question, my calves only stop hurting at the beginning of the week, after my rest day.
You'll also need either weights or resistance bands, and a yoga mat.

P90X comes with a nutrition guide. You can follow it's recipes or eat the recommended # of portions per food group. I hope you're not too attached to bread, pasta and rice, because the first phase is low carb.

Adding to this I highly recommend a plyo mat. Doubles as a yoga mat. Protects your feet, knees, and buffer your sound when you do plyo

And ditto on low carbs. Only 200 calories of carbs per day


You'll also need either weights or resistance bands, and a yoga mat.

P90X comes with a nutrition guide. You can follow it's recipes or eat the recommended # of portions per food group. I hope you're not too attached to bread, pasta and rice, because the first phase is low carb.

They serve the same purpose? Which would be better? (= less expensive :p)

I don't like bread, pasta or rice too much :)

The only thing I'm afraid of is the fact I've got a herniated disc and suffer daily from pains in both my back and right leg.. I could probably do most of the stuff in this program, but should I see a doctor before I start using this program? I should probably go see a doctor anyway..
They serve the same purpose? Which would be better? (= less expensive :p)

I don't like bread, pasta or rice too much :)

The only thing I'm afraid of is the fact I've got a herniated disc and suffer daily from pains in both my back and right leg.. I could probably do most of the stuff in this program, but should I see a doctor before I start using this program? I should probably go see a doctor anyway..

You should go see a doctor. Ab Ripper comes to mind as an exercise that a lot of people say hurt their lower back.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah, resistance bands can be used in place of weights and they're pretty cheap.
I got this bundle, and I can't recommend it enough:

Such a good value from my perspective. You can mix and match bands for extra resistance.

I don't like bread, pasta or rice too much :)
You lucky bastard!

The only thing I'm afraid of is the fact I've got a herniated disc and suffer daily from pains in both my back and right leg.. I could probably do most of the stuff in this program, but should I see a doctor before I start using this program? I should probably go see a doctor anyway..
There are modified versions presented (or obvious modifications that aren't shown) for many of the exercises,

It's a good idea to discuss things with a doctor beforehand, but going easy on many of the exercises and using some modified moves you should be okay. Off the top of my head, Plyometrics, Ab Ribber, and Core Synergistics might give you some pain.


Any advice prior to starting plyometrics? Going to hit it hard as soon as I get home from work but have always heard it's kind of a bitch.


Take breaks. Don't be a hero. I couldn't keep up with them after 3 months of P90X. You will improve each week.

I was really hesitant to pause on day one with chest & back, but did a few times when I had to see how they had their resistance bands setup. I also sort of felt like if I take too many breaks, or my breaks are too long, I'd kind of miss out on the intensity that makes these workouts seem so effective.

That said, I will give that a go tonight to see how it goes, so thank you.

As far as the chest and back DVD is concerned, I had great difficult figuring out how to use the resistance bands to do the back fly (I think that was it) where you're seated. Felt very awkward and didn't seem like I was working my back at all. Might invest in a bar of dumbells but wouldn't know a good weight to start with (25lbs, maybe?); seems like those would be easier to do some of the workouts.

You won't have eaten within a couple hours before doing it, right?

It's 2:52 here now, I'll probably start around 6. Had a big (healthy) lunch around 12:30, so maybe I'll have a builder's bar in an hour or so.


The Cryptarch's Bane
It's 2:52 here now, I'll probably start around 6. Had a big (healthy) lunch around 12:30, so maybe I'll have a builder's bar in an hour or so.
Yeah just don't have eaten within two hours... at the very least not within 1 hour before doing it, or your stomach will hate you.
I was really hesitant to pause on day one with chest & back, but did a few times when I had to see how they had their resistance bands setup. I also sort of felt like if I take too many breaks, or my breaks are too long, I'd kind of miss out on the intensity that makes these workouts seem so effective.

That said, I will give that a go tonight to see how it goes, so thank you.

As far as the chest and back DVD is concerned, I had great difficult figuring out how to use the resistance bands to do the back fly (I think that was it) where you're seated. Felt very awkward and didn't seem like I was working my back at all. Might invest in a bar of dumbells but wouldn't know a good weight to start with (25lbs, maybe?); seems like those would be easier to do some of the workouts.

If you need to pause do it. You have 89 days to improve. You cant expect to keep up with Tony on day 1.

With the bands i never felt like i was working my back either. Try stepping further back or using a heavier band.

Most dumbbells will come with 1 bar but adjustable weights. So you can go up and down depending on your level of intensity.


The Cryptarch's Bane
With the bands, the "loop size" is really important to feel like you're activating the muscles. I wish it was more clear-cut how much weight you were simulating with different loops, but I had to adjust mid-set a couple times for chest and back.

Later today I'm gonna be doing Kenpo with the wrist/ankle weights for the first time, I'll let you guys know how it is!


Any advice prior to starting plyometrics? Going to hit it hard as soon as I get home from work but have always heard it's kind of a bitch.

I made a tips for plyo in the past, but here's the short version:

- You should sleep a good 7 hours the day before you do this workout
- Make sure you are properly hydrated. Drink water throughout the day, not only before the workout.
- Eat your last big meal at least 2:30 hours before the workout. If you are hungry, eat a juicy fruit or have a protein shake.

And during the workout, whenever Tony is talking/explaining a move, use the little break to catch your breath. You'll need it.
Thanks all for the tips and feedback; this thread is a great resource already and I've just begun.

If you want to manage your "breaks" you can try this. Seemed to work for me. Rather than time how long my breaks were, when I paused I'd just take 3 deep breathes and then resume the exercise. I'd do a tally mark of how many "3 deep breathes" breaks I had to take and as time went on, it dropped considerably.


That was... very difficult! Some of the later moves like the rock star jumps and the uh, other jump that requires both legs high up off the ground at the same time just destroyed me. Ended up not being able to do, well, just about any of those when they came up. Still got a very heavy sweat going and did (I think) reasonably well for the first time.

Oh, and I paused it twice for thirty seconds, so I failed that challenge. Next week!
I brought it during chest & back today to start my 2nd week. Upped my reps from first week in most exercises and lifted heavier weight too. I'm getting better at pull-ups and push-ups although still assisted for now.

I can't look at german potato soup girl anymore after seeing her in that porno movie. Her facial expressions after she does exercises are the same faces she makes when she takes it up the....

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