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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Nearly 4 a.m. and I can't sleep because now my upper and lower body is collectively sore enough that I woke up from it. That's a new feeling.


Wow, today was the hardest day since I started Insanity, Pure Cardio+Cardio Abs, Pure Cardio itself is killer but now coupled with another workout, what!?
Afterwards my shirt was wet all around, I sweat a good amount, I've never seen anything like that.


How intense is Yoga X going to be? I have essentially no yoga experience (pretty positive a short lived Wii Fit stint doesn't count) so I don't know what to expect tomorrow. I'm kind of worried since today (day three, shoulders and arms + abs) didn't leave me nearly as drained as the previous two days did. Might have not used enough resistance bands for some of the exercises since I felt like I completed a lot more.

Also, took "before" pictures and boy, just looking at those love handles from behind... that's all the motivation I need to stick with this. Yuck.


I just started P90 this week. I haven't exercised in over a year and haven't lifted since high school so I felt a little uncomfortable diving right into p90x. Anyone have experience with regular p90? I'd like to hear some impressions. I'm enjoying it so far. I'm hoping it can help me drop this gut I've developed over the last few years.
I just started P90 this week. I haven't exercised in over a year and haven't lifted since high school so I felt a little uncomfortable diving right into p90x. Anyone have experience with regular p90? I'd like to hear some impressions. I'm enjoying it so far. I'm hoping it can help me drop this gut I've developed over the last few years.

I did p90 before p90x. Would love to help you out. What questions do you have?

Generally speaking, p90 is great for people who are absolutely not in shape at all. Doing it will give you a strong foundation in both resistance and cardio training. There are two levels of workouts so it's very beginner friendly.

All you need for p90 are resistance bands (come with the video), yoga mat, and water
Cool man. Do you feel you had results after you finished up 90 days? How did you eat while you were doing it? I'm eating much better than I was before I started, but I haven't put myself on a strict diet.

I probably lost 20 to 25 lbs before the 3 month was up. there are recommendations for diet but no plan like p90x you can follow. To see good results diet is very important...which I didn't really do until p90x

But p90 has made everything about p90x much easier and comfortable


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I've done P90 on two separate occasions (years apart) and lost 25~ pounds each time, so yeah, it definitely works. Diet is a pretty big part of the program, as I had better results the second time when my eating was more consistent and I cheated less (my starting weight was 20 pounds less than it was the first time, but I lost even more).

Only a few of us in here have done (or are doing) P90, but if you're looking for additional resources, the Team Beachbody forum is pretty good. The people over there are a bit cheesy for my tastes ("Push play every day, yay, you can do it!" and so forth), but you'll be able to get a wider variety of impressions and ideas from others doing the program.
I've done P90 on two separate occasions (years apart) and lost 25~ pounds each time, so yeah, it definitely works. Diet is a pretty big part of the program, as I had better results the second time when my eating was more consistent and I cheated less (my starting weight was 20 pounds less than it was the first time, but I lost even more).

Only a few of us in here have done (or are doing) P90, but if you're looking for additional resources, the Team Beachbody forum is pretty good. The people over there are a bit cheesy for my tastes ("Push play every day, yay, you can do it!" and so forth), but you'll be able to get a wider variety of impressions and ideas from others doing the program.

I vouch for this! Vastep helped me greatly when I was doing p90


The Cryptarch's Bane
Tonight during Core Syn, I felt really obvious, clear gains in being able to do push-ups as well as flexibility. Feels amazing! Cannot stress how impressed I am with this workout.

Since starting out less than one month ago (Day 25), I've lost 10-13 lbs (178 starting, 164.5 when I just weighed myself- plenty of fluctuation day to day, but still, :O), gone from being able to do 0 unassisted pull-ups and 2 assisted to 2-3 unassisted and 7-8 assisted, seen notable improvement in my stamina, and generally just felt better at the end of the day.

When I was just in front of the bathroom mirror weighing myself, I thought I saw what was a shadow playing tricks on me, flexed, and noticed some (albeit slight) definition in my biceps for literally the first time in my life.

I tell you all of this by way of mentioning three things, ultimately:

1) This shit is the real deal. For all the infomercial fluff and psuedoscientific language that gets you to click "buy," these are serious, varied, efficient workouts that you can do with literally $50 worth of equipment if necessary.
2) Don't get discouraged; if you don't see results right away, it doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong or even that you aren't getting results. Stick with it and post here with questions.
3) Do your motherfucking recovery weeks. I'm not even done with my first one and I can tell how important they are. Core Syn is far and away the most unique workout and it clearly tightens up everything you've been working on in the past weeks.

Frankly, I'm amazed at my results so far because to be perfectly honest I have not been as strict with my diet as I need to be. I've been limiting my caloric intake effectively, but I know I really need to cut out more carbs to maximize what I'm getting out of this. Still, feeling great right now.


How intense is Yoga X going to be? I have essentially no yoga experience (pretty positive a short lived Wii Fit stint doesn't count) so I don't know what to expect tomorrow. I'm kind of worried since today (day three, shoulders and arms + abs) didn't leave me nearly as drained as the previous two days did. Might have not used enough resistance bands for some of the exercises since I felt like I completed a lot more.

Also, took "before" pictures and boy, just looking at those love handles from behind... that's all the motivation I need to stick with this. Yuck.

Yoga is uncomfortable and it will make your legs burn, but is not an exhausting workout like Plyo for example. For this one you just need to have patience and try to enjoy it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Don't listen to him :p Yoga X is the most exhausting workout in my experience, in no small part due to how incredibly long it is. It's effective, and will make your body feel bizarrely, like... tall, afterwards, but I get close to or exactly as much out of Yoga X2, and it's a half hour shorter and much faster-paced.


I drank some 1% choc milk after working out. That's ok, right?

and hey, I'm doing P90 as well, so we in this shit together, Ravager


To those that have done p90, did you ever throw in an extra ab workout on you sculpt days or off days? I'm assuming that is why its separated on the dvd menu. The ab workout was the hardest part for me and I'm guessing I'm going to need more that a 6 minute workout 3 times a week to get results there.

To those that have done p90, did you ever throw in an extra ab workout on you sculpt days or off days? I'm assuming that is why its separated on the dvd menu. The ab workout was the hardest part for me and I'm guessing I'm going to need more that a 6 minute workout 3 times a week to get results there.

Extra ab workout is not necessary. Your diet, rest, and consistency of workout will be the differences
I really suck at eating. I eat clean as hell but I don't eat enough. School is killing me I have so much stress I just forget to eat some days. May be hard for some to understand that but it happens. I've been like that for a long time and P90X was supposed to be the beginning of me eating better and properly. Some days I'll go all day without eating until about 8pm and eat my one meal and a snack or two before bed. Totaling anywhere from 1000-1500 calories. Not reaching 1800 most days like I should be and spreading it all out. My sleep routine is fucked too it's 5AM and I'm still awake just finished studying. :(

Plyo 2nd round was today and found it about as hard as week one. I can't help but chug water because I get so thirsty mid-way and then I have to take a longer break for my stomach to settle before moving on. I found putting music on and the tv muted helps. By week two your already bored of the commentary and don't really need the verbal instructions.

Workouts are going good. Gotta figure out how to eat more so I don't sabotage all this hard work.


Hang out with Steve.
I just started P90 this week. I haven't exercised in over a year and haven't lifted since high school so I felt a little uncomfortable diving right into p90x. Anyone have experience with regular p90? I'd like to hear some impressions. I'm enjoying it so far. I'm hoping it can help me drop this gut I've developed over the last few years.

I just finished day 75 of P90. I transitioned to phase 3-4 at day 30, and wish I had gone to 5-6 (aka Power90 Master's Series) at day 60. While there's still room for improvement in the 3-4 routines, since you alternate between the same two each day it gets repetitive. At this point I'm going to stick it out & continue to adjust weights, reps and intensity but I'd recommend having 5-6 on hand.

The Fat Burner Express video that comes with P90 is fun to throw in every once in a while, too.

I'm coupling this with a primal/paleo diet, whole foods with lots of meat & veggies and limited carbs. I work out first thing in the morning and use BeachBody's Energy & Endurance drink pre-workout. After this I'm jumping right in to Insanity and will probably get a recovery drink as well.

I've lost over 20lbs (from 188, I'm 5'11" tall) and at least 6" from my waist. I'm also 47 :)

So yeah P90 is good stuff. And I'll echo the recommendation to use the TeamBeachbody.com message boards. Find a group doing the program you are and join them.
I really suck at eating. I eat clean as hell but I don't eat enough. School is killing me I have so much stress I just forget to eat some days. May be hard for some to understand that but it happens. I've been like that for a long time and P90X was supposed to be the beginning of me eating better and properly. Some days I'll go all day without eating until about 8pm and eat my one meal and a snack or two before bed. Totaling anywhere from 1000-1500 calories. Not reaching 1800 most days like I should be and spreading it all out. My sleep routine is fucked too it's 5AM and I'm still awake just finished studying. :(

Plyo 2nd round was today and found it about as hard as week one. I can't help but chug water because I get so thirsty mid-way and then I have to take a longer break for my stomach to settle before moving on. I found putting music on and the tv muted helps. By week two your already bored of the commentary and don't really need the verbal instructions.

Workouts are going good. Gotta figure out how to eat more so I don't sabotage all this hard work.

Cries, Cries, Cries. I can't stress how important it is for you to get this sorted! Think of your metabolism like an FTL drive. You got to get that shit spun up for it to run. Think of it like a ball spinning on your finger if you like....get it spinning with breakfast, keep it going with little taps (snacks) and big spins (lunch/dinner). The longer it's spinning, the more calories you are burning and the more energy you'll have.

I used to be just like you, forget to eat and then eat one big ass meal in the evening. To fix this habit I set a separate alarm on my phone for each meal/snack I needed to eat that had an annoying message that would play on my screen (i.e. 'Time to eat, asshole'). It worked and I now eat 5-6 times a day.


Hang out with Steve.
45 I thought. Isn't that what he says on Kenpo?

That may be for P90X. In P90 Sweat 3-4, when he's doing the third round of jumping jacks he says "I'm 42!" when trying to get the "kids" in the back to pick up the pace. Wiki says he was born in '58, so he's got 6 years on me.


For those that did P90, would you say it is better for weight loss than P90X? My wife has been doing X with me and she doesn't feel like she's getting that much out of it. We both are eating well, but she's not getting the same results that I am.
For those that did P90, would you say it is better for weight loss than P90X? My wife has been doing X with me and she doesn't feel like she's getting that much out of it. We both are eating well, but she's not getting the same results that I am.

Tony has said that for women it'll be more like P120X to get similar results.
My missus is doing P90X (lean) and she's lost a ridiculous amount of body fat whilst also managing to maintain her muscle mass. Completely kicking my arse on results.

Are you both sticking to the diet?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
For folks on X2, how long did you do phase 2? I am on week 4 now and was debating going into a rest week next week and then doing my 6 weeks of phase 3...


I did Chest, Shoulders & Triceps for the first time last night. One-armed pushups... oh man, even on my knees mine were pathetic. Has anyone gone from struggling to doing them nice and clean without using knees? Any tips?

Other than that, great workout. It felt like a much better tricep workout than Shoulders & Arms. I can feel the soreness kicking in just like week 1.

Cake Boss

I did Chest, Shoulders & Triceps for the first time last night. One-armed pushups... oh man, even on my knees mine were pathetic. Has anyone gone from struggling to doing them nice and clean without using knees? Any tips?

Other than that, great workout. It felt like a much better tricep workout than Shoulders & Arms. I can feel the soreness kicking in just like week 1.

Those one arm pushups were easy at first for then I realized I was doing it wrong, now shit I could barely finish it.


I did Chest, Shoulders & Triceps for the first time last night. One-armed pushups... oh man, even on my knees mine were pathetic. Has anyone gone from struggling to doing them nice and clean without using knees? Any tips?

Other than that, great workout. It felt like a much better tricep workout than Shoulders & Arms. I can feel the soreness kicking in just like week 1.
In my opinion, this is the most brutal resistance routine. The only people off their knees the whole time are Phil (HULK SMASH) and Tony. There are different levels of assisted pushups. Just keeping moving your knees back a little further each week until you can do some in plank. You only do this routine 5 times during the whole 90 days so don't expect to master it on your first go through.


No yoga experience here- should I purchase a yoga block on the way home, or go without it at first? I'm not quite sure what it is used for yet.
I thought its only for superflexible people who can stretch past their feet(block gives them more length to work with)
Theres probably other uses but I cant remember.

That and any moves that require you to put one or two hands on the floor and turn, gives you more room to stretch on the chest, shoulders, arms, and legs


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Ya learn something new everyday.

Also that website gave me this:


Comin' in for a landing!




Purchased a yoga block and two 15 lb dumbbells. The resistance bands are kind of tricky and switching bands in the middle of a workout sometimes takes too long, so hopefully two 15 lb-ers will work out well for me.
Cries, Cries, Cries. I can't stress how important it is for you to get this sorted! Think of your metabolism like an FTL drive. You got to get that shit spun up for it to run. Think of it like a ball spinning on your finger if you like....get it spinning with breakfast, keep it going with little taps (snacks) and big spins (lunch/dinner). The longer it's spinning, the more calories you are burning and the more energy you'll have.

I used to be just like you, forget to eat and then eat one big ass meal in the evening. To fix this habit I set a separate alarm on my phone for each meal/snack I needed to eat that had an annoying message that would play on my screen (i.e. 'Time to eat, asshole'). It worked and I now eat 5-6 times a day.

I know I know man it sucks! First week I was doing pretty good but this second week I've fallen back to old habits. I think it's all about sleep. I got to get back to a normal sleep routine because my system is out of wack when I dont sleep. Setting at least 3 timers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, although quite sad that it's come to that, is not a bad idea at all. I'll do that for tomorrow an beyond until it becomes second nature.
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