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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

Sorry for the late update, I just finished week 3 of my p90x adventure.

Feels good man. I'm not sure how much stronger I've become physically, but I do know my heart and lungs have definitely improved from the cardio. I've also noticed an increase in my flexibility and balance.

Overall, I've had a lot of fun so far. I actually enjoy working out 6 days a week, and it's cool to see some results already.


Does anyone else ever get randomly sore form a workout? I'm on the last phase and legs and back just kicked my ass. My butt has been sore for 3 days.


I've also noticed an increase in my flexibility and balance.

Yep, I'm in my 3rd week as well although Insanity and I'm MUCH more flexible, I can touch my toes now without bending my knee that is really cool and a testament that the workout pays off even though there are no visual results yet.


first time doing plyo in like over a year, fuck i forgot how tiring that workout is!! i cant wait till i smash in the next following weeks!


Cool, we'll see how long I can go for. After X2 I start Couch to 5K again, so timing it for mid spring. :)

Why couch to 5k after X2? I haven't done any of X2, but based on my limited time with X and being familiar with couch to 5k, isn't that a pretty giant downgrade? I'd think if you're doing X2 you'll dominate the final week of 5k like it's nothing.

Also, did yoga tonight and it might have been the hardest workout yet. Did most of it but when there were the one legged moves in the first half I just couldn't even come close to doing that and instead opted to just try balancing on one leg bending forward as long as I could. Great workout.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I'm in the second of the final four weeks of the P90 Master Series "lean" program, which has two days of plyo per week. It's a killer. This workout isn't as brutal as P90X's version, but almost all of the moves are pulled from it, just with a bit less repetition. Of course it was like 80 degrees here today, too... WTF. Once I'm finally done with the Master Series (I did two runs of it, "standard" and "lean"), I'm likely going back to P90X (I did it once years ago, though I kind of half-assed it). I don't remember much about the program, so keeping up with this thread has been helping me get ready.

Has anyone tried the French Vanilla Creme flavor of Optimum Nutrition whey? It's actually pretty good, and I don't generally go crazy for vanilla stuff (more of a chocolate guy by far). It sort of tastes like melted ice cream when mixed with milk. I realized that my ex left a jug of it here, so I might as well finish it. I also really want to try the Chocolate Mint flavor, but the reviews I've read are conflicting, and I don't wanna waste money on something that might be gross.
I'm in the second of the final four weeks of the P90 Master Series "lean" program, which has two days of plyo per week. It's a killer. This workout isn't as brutal as P90X's version, but almost all of the moves are pulled from it, just with a bit less repetition. Of course it was like 80 degrees here today, too... WTF. Once I'm finally done with the Master Series (I did two runs of it, "standard" and "lean"), I'm likely going back to P90X (I did it once years ago, though I kind of half-assed it). I don't remember much about the program, so keeping up with this thread has been helping me get ready.

Has anyone tried the French Vanilla Creme flavor of Optimum Nutrition whey? It's actually pretty good, and I don't generally go crazy for vanilla stuff (more of a chocolate guy by far). It sort of tastes like melted ice cream when mixed with milk. I realized that my ex left a jug of it here, so I might as well finish it. I also really want to try the Chocolate Mint flavor, but the reviews I've read are conflicting, and I don't wanna waste money on something that might be gross.

I've had double chocolate, vanilla ice cream, and chocolate mint most recently. Vanilla ice cream is my favorite. I like chocolate mint but it definitely smells more like the real thing than it taste like it. It's still good though.


So next week is my final recovery week for P90X. After debating about doing another round of classic, or a modified version focused on strength training, I think I've decided to just go and buy P90X2. I've been reading a lot about it, and it seems like a perfect fit to me (gain strength).

Looking forward to start X2 on April 2nd.
So next week is my final recovery week for P90X. After debating about doing another round of classic, or a modified version focused on strength training, I think I've decided to just go and buy P90X2. I've been reading a lot about it, and it seems like a perfect fit to me (gain strength).

Looking forward to start X2 on April 2nd.

How come no p90x plus? Just curious

Today is the first day of phase 3. My, can't remember the 1st DVD at all. Felt great going in, then resistance arrived at the second round. In a twisted way I'm looking forward to being sore again

Still amazed at how coming out of recovery week is like being hit with a reset button

And yes, now watching the German girl doing dive bombers knowing she is or was in porn...distracting...or making her behaviors much more sense


Almost done with my 6th week of P90X here. I've been reading this thread for a while, but just never got anything to post. But I have to say thank you all for all the advices posted here, it's been very helpful. I've started doing Ab Ripper X before my workouts and it's a lot easier this way.
So I'm halfway done and I'm already so happy with the results. I've lost most of my belly and I just feel a lot better about myself in general (even though every time I sit, I feel fat again lol). It's funny because during the first 3 weeks, I didn't really feel any change, and then it was as if I lost everything during the recovery week (god I LOVE core synergetics). When I compared the day 1 and day 30 pictures, I couldn't believe it myself! I started eating a little bread and rice during phase 2, so I'm kinda afraid I won't lose anymore weight, but I hope that at least ill build some muscles instead. By the way, when I started, I couldn't even do a single pull-up! Zero! Now, I can do around 3 or 4, and that too feels so good.
Anyway, can't wait to take and see my day 60 and 90 pictures. 6 more weeks to go :)


Has anyone tried the French Vanilla Creme flavor of Optimum Nutrition whey? It's actually pretty good, and I don't generally go crazy for vanilla stuff (more of a chocolate guy by far). It sort of tastes like melted ice cream when mixed with milk. I realized that my ex left a jug of it here, so I might as well finish it. I also really want to try the Chocolate Mint flavor, but the reviews I've read are conflicting, and I don't wanna waste money on something that might be gross.

I've had double chocolate, vanilla ice cream, and chocolate mint most recently. Vanilla ice cream is my favorite. I like chocolate mint but it definitely smells more like the real thing than it taste like it. It's still good though.

I have Chocolate Malt currently. It's pretty tasty with skim and does have that 'malt' taste, not as rich as a Syntha-6 flavor, but that's to be expected with the reduced fat and sugar content. I think once this tub runs out I'll switch to Vanilla Ice Cream.
Probably better in the other thread, but whilst we're on the subject... can anyone recommend a protein powder which can be used (well?) in cooking? To start with I just want to beef up the protein content of my porridge, but I could see it being useful in a few recipes I make.

Do some types survive the cooking process better than others? (egg vs whey vs casein vs soy etc)
Probably better in the other thread, but whilst we're on the subject... can anyone recommend a protein powder which can be used (well?) in cooking? To start with I just want to beef up the protein content of my porridge, but I could see it being useful in a few recipes I make.

Do some types survive the cooking process better than others? (egg vs whey vs casein vs soy etc)

I haven't really though about it myself but I've heard of people doing it. I would think that any of the typical fruit flavored whey powders would mix into porridge just fine (I use strawberry-banana for shakes). Chocolate or vanilla flavors might taste a bit weird. Also, I'd add the powder AFTER you cook the porridge, just stir it in before you eat it.
I started eating a little bread and rice during phase 2, so I'm kinda afraid I won't lose anymore weight, but I hope that at least ill build some muscles instead.

/Tonyvoice Great job...SO FAR! /Tonyvoiceoff. Don't worry about the added carbs in phase 2, you need it. It's deceptive because you are eating more calories but due to your improved fitness you are able to work much harder than you could in phase 1, and therefore are going to burn more. By phase 3 you'll be killing it and your metabolism will crush anything you put into it. Woodchipper from Fargo comes to mind.


Probably better in the other thread, but whilst we're on the subject... can anyone recommend a protein powder which can be used (well?) in cooking? To start with I just want to beef up the protein content of my porridge, but I could see it being useful in a few recipes I make.

Do some types survive the cooking process better than others? (egg vs whey vs casein vs soy etc)

I have added ON Chocolate Malt to Multi-Grain Cherrios w/ skim and stirred it in. It made everything more 'chocolate-y' which was nice for flavor; however, using a full scoop made it quite thick... Perhaps if I did again I would use half the amount. It was still good.

Regarding your question, I would imagine egg protein would cook better while more processed proteins would not jive with other ingredients as well.


I was running a few nights a week prior to P90X... think I can get away with throwing in a run a couple nights a week or will that somehow negatively impact my training with X?

Oh, and I did legs and back + ab ripper today (day 5). Best workout yet. I was sweating bullets afterwards and felt really good all throughout the day. Also noticed I was more limber already than the start of the week.
I was running a few nights a week prior to P90X... think I can get away with throwing in a run a couple nights a week or will that somehow negatively impact my training with X?

Oh, and I did legs and back + ab ripper today (day 5). Best workout yet. I was sweating bullets afterwards and felt really good all throughout the day. Also noticed I was more limber already than the start of the week.

You definitely could continue to run if you are up for it. People have been doing Insanity + P90X, so I don't see why not. And glad to hear you liked the back + legs. That was the toughest for me. My butt was on fire! I was almost limping like I just had butt sex


One week of P90X complete (not counting tomorrow's rest day, where I'll try the stretching) and feeling kind of amazing. Ate pretty well- lots of protein shakes, glutamine, Clif Builder's bars, and an occasional actual meal from either Whole Foods (lean chicken and veggies, basically) or Chipotle (salads, no dressing, no rice, no cheese, no sour cream... just meat veggies, beans, salsa, and guac) with no cheating aside from an occasional diet soda. Obviously not seeing any sweeping changes in my physique but I do feel really good and am excited to see the after pictures 83 days from now.


I keep failing day 2 of p90x. I've failed it two days in a row. I mean I'm making better progression each time I try. First time I made it about 25 mins into the session and couldn't go much more. Second time I made it 30 mins. Any tips?


I keep failing day 2 of p90x. I've failed it two days in a row. I mean I'm making better progression each time I try. First time I made it about 25 mins into the session and couldn't go much more. Second time I made it 30 mins. Any tips?

Sounds cheesy but do your best and forget the rest. And pause it when you need to. Obviously based on the above I just got started myself but that seems to be the mantra of the series. Keep at it and you'll eventually get it... I'm pretty sure of that.
I keep failing day 2 of p90x. I've failed it two days in a row. I mean I'm making better progression each time I try. First time I made it about 25 mins into the session and couldn't go much more. Second time I made it 30 mins. Any tips?

Just keep going. Take longer breaks. Regulate your breaths. Modify moves. Skip certain moves if you feel uncomfortable. And you know what? Even if you can't get past 30 minutes, that's all good and move onto the next day. It's the journey not the destination that's key. The more you keep at it. The more you learn, the more you will improve. However, the key is not to hurt yourself. If you really are not ready for p90x yet, it's totally fine, try a different program and come back. I did p90 for 2 3/4 months before I seriously considered p90x.

It's important to remember you have options and you must be patient.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Two days away from completing P90X. Here's just some bathroom pictures:



I don't have the money for P90X2 right now, so I'm going to restart and bulk up the second time through. I'm replacing AB Ripper X with another workout plan that I found on Youtube that's actually giving me better results.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I don't have the money for P90X2 right now, so I'm going to restart and bulk up the second time through. I'm replacing AB Ripper X with another workout plan that I found on Youtube that's actually giving me better results.
Tell me about this better than Ab Ribber X deal?


The Cryptarch's Bane
I can't remember which thread it was posted in, but here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk_usVg7Fp0&list=FLCIGBSVZXa0TCUSFVB3CZGA&feature=mh_lolz

My abs have been BURNING with this workout in a way that AB Ripper wasn't doing.
Ah, wow, that was intense. Surprised at how different it is- and half as long as ARX complete with Linkin Park and Green Day :lol

Anybody else using this?

Definitely feel it impressively, considering I was learning it while doing it.

ahhh, but Chest/Back/Tri humbled me :-[ I guess that's the idea, eh? Now I have nowhere to go but up? BAM
I hung out with a girl the other day who I hadn't seen in a few weeks. She didn't know that I've been doing p90x.

She told me I look noticeably bigger and bulkier in my shoulders and chest, even through my shirt.

Made me feel really good, especially because I'd been having doubts about how effective the program has been for me.

Onward to Week 5!


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Day 90 and it's Yoga and I'm not doing it. LOL

Add me to the group of P90X graduates.

I'll have measurements and stuff later. I'm too tired now for all of that. I'm going to take a rest day and then restart the program. :)


Day 90 and it's Yoga and I'm not doing it. LOL

Add me to the group of P90X graduates.

I'll have measurements and stuff later. I'm too tired now for all of that. I'm going to take a rest day and then restart the program. :)

Haha, aw man, day 90 you should do it like it's a celebration. Especially yoga. Did you take before shots to show your progress? Congrats either way.

Day 8 for me here. Did the first week without any real slip ups (let myself go out and have a few drinks on Saturday and ate a less than healthy sub yesterday, but aside from that, all good). Going to push hard tonight after work (need to get more sleep though, ugh).
Day 90 and it's Yoga and I'm not doing it. LOL

Add me to the group of P90X graduates.

I'll have measurements and stuff later. I'm too tired now for all of that. I'm going to take a rest day and then restart the program. :)

Lol @ yoga....damn

What are the things you feel you have improved the most?


I got to around 4 months of P90x until one day I strained my shoulder (I have really weak shoulders) doing the two angle shoulder fly. I generally didn't overwork my shoulders in those four months since I knew they were pretty weak but that day I didn't care and went for it. Unfortunately I raised the weights above shoulder level and the next day my shoulder started hurting, and not the usual muscle pain you get the day after you do exercise. The pain continued for around 4 weeks and I stopped doing P90 altogether since it just hurt to do pushups, pullups, lift weights, etc.

After that it was just too hard to start back up again, especially since I was in the middle of my college semester. Since I started P90 on summer, when college started, since I already had a basic routine, it was much easier to follow through, but after a month and a half of not doing anything, it became too hard for me to start up the routine. Ah well...


Do many of you use heart rate monitors for Plyo and the other cardio based workouts? I'm entering my 7th week now and I haven't used one yet, just wondering if it's worth it to pick one up. I know I'm keeping my heart rate up and I can get through Plyo now with only taking 1 short pause break (that second set of 180 run stance switch squats kills me) and for Kenpo X and Yoga I don't need any pauses.
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