So this is my final weekend of doing/eating whatever I want before I start on Monday. Im nervous/anxious and excited as hell. I've been despising the way I look and feel for so long. I need this! Just a couple of quick questions first..
Do you have the P90X nutrition guide? It answers your questions here with varying levels of specificity.
-What is the best or most efficient way to properly portion my meals? I don;t want to overeat.
The portion approach in the nutrition guide shows you a fairly simple way to look at this. I also recommend using at least to roughly estimate and track your calories- definitely motivating.
-Since I'm sitting at a desk in an office 5 out of 7 days a week, what is the best way to approach lunches? Is it best to bring my own? If so, what are some good suggestions?
It'll always be best to bring your own, and there are some pretty awesome and fairly easy recipes in the nutrition guide. I can't always manage to prepare my own lunch beforehand but there are decent options to be found without knocking yourself too off course.
If you're interested in meal replacement, I just started using this stuff
Lean1, really not too expensive and I think it's going to make a notable difference for me.
-I know I'm gonna be in some severe pain for the first couple weeks, if I start hurting during certain reps, should I just stop and move onto the next or stop completely for the day? I want to play it safe and not fuck myself up too bad, but at the same time I don't want to slack either...
I'm not quiiiite sure what you're asking- some pain and discomfort during workouts is expected and even necessary. If you're pushing yourself into unsafe territory you should be able to recognize it quickly and back off- do a modified move, slower or fewer reps, while the sequence completes. If you actually injure yourself (pull/sprain a muscle, hurt a joint) then you absolutely need to stop for the day (and probably more), which it's why it's so important to avoid this.
Stay well-hydrated, always make sure you have enough energy before a workout (this is something I've had trouble with, I've always been likely to eat the most toward the end of the day), and while you're working out you want to be
just outside your comfort zone. You want to be consistently pushing yourself the whole time, not pushing yourself too hard at any one time, if that makes sense.