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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

Today's my recovery day for week 4.

That first month flew by! Happy with my results so far. A noticeable increase in strength, overall muscle definition, and about 5 pounds lost.

I'm doing the Lean program, FWIW. I plan on doing Classic after I'm done with this round.

My goal is to amp up my weight loss for the final 2 months. I've gone from 10-12 beers/week to less than 6, and I'd like to cut back even more. It's tough during the NBA playoffs with friends over, but I need to remind myself of how far I've come (and how far I want to go).

Great job! May your success go hand-in-hand with Thunders'
So who else thinks that P90X2 is a downgrade from P90X1 ? To be fair, I'm currently in phase 1 and this shit is a walk in a park compared to P90X.

Plyometrics is much harder than plyocide,
Yoga x1 >>>> Yoga x2

Does it get any better (tougher) later on?

(I didn't read the whole thread from the start so I apologize if this question is repeated)

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So who else thinks that P90X2 is a downgrade from P90X1 ? To be fair, I'm currently in phase 1 and this shit is a walk in a park compared to P90X.

Plyometrics is much harder than plyocide,
Yoga x1 >>>> Yoga x2

Does it get any better (tougher) later on?

(I didn't read the whole thread from the start so I apologize if this question is repeated)

It gets tougher. Phase 2 is hard and PAP in phase 3 is quite different.

I liked yoga X2 much more than X1. A bit faster move transition time kept it from being boring.

For me, you can't really compare X1 and 2, as 2 is a true sequel in that it doesn't repeat anything X1 does. Plyocide in X2 has a different move-set than Plyo in X1, and the focus of X2 overall is more on core, etc than X1 was.

That's the main reason I enjoyed it so much, it wasn't just a new version of X1, it was a true sequel to X1.


So who else thinks that P90X2 is a downgrade from P90X1 ? To be fair, I'm currently in phase 1 and this shit is a walk in a park compared to P90X.

Plyometrics is much harder than plyocide,
Yoga x1 >>>> Yoga x2

Does it get any better (tougher) later on?

(I didn't read the whole thread from the start so I apologize if this question is repeated)

I think Yoga X2 is probably easier overall but the section where you do single/double/triple warrior 1/vinyasa towards the beginning is way more exhausting than anything in X1. Also, all the one-legged warrior 3 stuff absolutely crushes those legs (can't come close to doing any of that stuff properly).

Can't really comment aside from that workout though.
I will chime in just on phase 1 X2 since I'm on that as well

1) I think being a grad of X and being shape helps a ton. Otherwise all those sphinx and balancing move would be almost impossible

2) plyocide has some hard, hard moves. Fr what we have heard it is a more true plyometric workout anyway - it is meant to have breaks in between and very high intensity for the workout

3) Yoga X2 is definitely tweaked. I wouldn't say it is significantly easier because, personally, doing a simple upward and downward dog is hard enough if you are not in shape, let alone doing it fast. And if you are not used to yoga I can imagine with X2 it can be easy to get lost and miss the intensity because it goes so fast

4) Total Body is a hard workout for me. Kills me the twice I have done it.

Ultimately...I think your reaction shows that you are in shape more than anything else :)


The Cryptarch's Bane
BTW, re: my snapped band- Black Mountain Products have great customer service. I emailed them and got a response in under 3 hours. He's sending a replacement band plus the free heavier one. :D


The Cryptarch's Bane
Was. I felt very lucky it did not hit me in the face. There was a funny moment too, when I felt it start to give. It was like "Is it.. no, there's no way.. is- *SNAP*"


Completely disagree about X2 being "easier" than X1. See, they are just different. The first phase of X2 isn't necessarily straight up nuts like the first part of X1, but that's because the program is focusing on laying the foundations first for what's coming next. Come back to me after you've done phase 2 and tell me that stuff is a "walk in the park"

And like I mentioned, if you still feel that P90X2 is "easy", then you are not pushing yourself enough. A lot of the moves in the workouts have modifications that make them even harder. The medballs, stability balls, added weight, etc.

Finally, I gotta say that Plyocide makes me sweat even more than Plyometrics.


I just finished my second fitness test for Insanity.

I actually did worse on a couple of the exercises. Was a little disappointed there weren't improvements across the board. Guess I have to dig deeper. :(
I just finished my second fitness test for Insanity.

I actually did worse on a couple of the exercises. Was a little disappointed there weren't improvements across the board. Guess I have to dig deeper. :(

You probably just had an off day. It happens. Don't let it bring you down.


Aaaaah- just finished chest & back to start off phase 3 and I was so goddamn tired from not sleeping much last night (didn't nap after work) and I did much, much better than my day one numbers... didn't have to go to my knees for almost all of the push ups and just in general really brought it despite how wrecked my body feels... my sore body is going to do my Diablo III playing tomorrow night no favors.

Short five minute break, then ab ripper which I can already tell I am going to kind of phone in... urgh.

Edit: Shortest five minutes ever :(

Edit 2: I was a pile of farts and found myself completely unable to do ab ripper... will try again later tonight.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Man, I can't install my stupid pullup bar so it is secure. I'm using the iron gym bar, and it just keeps feeling like it's going to fall out. The stupid security latch thingy can't go into my door frame, so I just have to hang it. Really driving me nuts.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Edit: Shortest five minutes ever :(

Edit 2: I was a pile of farts and found myself completely unable to do ab ripper... will try again later tonight.
Right there with you buddy. I "finished" ARX convulsing and feeling way too hungry to be normal. Hope I can get a good night's sleep tonight :p


Right there with you buddy. I "finished" ARX convulsing and feeling way too hungry to be normal. Hope I can get a good night's sleep tonight :p

Melatonin currently surging through my system, so hopefully it'll knock me out pretty soon. Recommended!

And to update my earlier comment, I did in fact do ab ripper about twenty minutes later and did well enough where I didn't feel bad about it. Woo!


Globe jumps. I'm smiling 'cause I love it.

I started doing my insanity workouts before work and it's been so much better for me. Kind of funny that since I've started working out in the mornings, I haven't felt as tired during the day.

I've also decided to just follow the insanity workouts from beginning to end. Im still doing a sort of hybrid too though which is the scheduled insanity workout in the mornings and roughly half of the p90x workouts at night.

So far it has worked fine and I don't feel tired. I really need to start planning on doing a routine that will help me gain weight though. I'm down to 145, and I really want to be at least 175. Insanity and P90X really are not the routines for that. Might dive into crossfit sometime this summer.


I've been much happier doing Ab Ripper X before my workouts. Most of the time I'm toast by the end of the workout and I would skip ARX probably 1/3 or more of the time because of that :( By the time the warmup and stretching section is done, the soreness in my abs is gone. I'd highly recommend giving this a shot if you struggle to get ARX done.

Also, my Powerblocks are a godsend. For back and biceps alone I used every weight from 10 to 50 lbs.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I gotta try this ARX first madness.

Bad food day. :( Was so low on energy in the morning I went for an egg/bacon wrap (mmmm so good) and then a gyro salad for lunch, which wouldn't have been so bad except that I demolished it when it could have been a two-meal portion. Looks like it might be a meal-replacement dinner tonight
Doing some extra pedaling today at work, too.


Globe jumps. I'm smiling 'cause I love it.

I started doing my insanity workouts before work and it's been so much better for me. Kind of funny that since I've started working out in the mornings, I haven't felt as tired during the day.

I've also decided to just follow the insanity workouts from beginning to end. Im still doing a sort of hybrid too though which is the scheduled insanity workout in the mornings and roughly half of the p90x workouts at night.

So far it has worked fine and I don't feel tired. I really need to start planning on doing a routine that will help me gain weight though. I'm down to 145, and I really want to be at least 175. Insanity and P90X really are not the routines for that. Might dive into crossfit sometime this summer.

You are a madman.

I don't know how you can do Insanity in the morning. I am WIPED after them. I just finished the plyo circuit and need a good thirty minutes of just lying down to recover. It's pretty common for me to have a nap an hour or so after working out too.

It also seems odd you aren't gaining weight. I've gained at least forty pounds between P90X and Insanity. When I started P90X after returning from Japan I was around the 140-150 lbs mark. Today, I'm 190 lbs. How much are you eating on a daily basis?


Its gonna be hard to gain weight if you're doing such an intense carido workout everyday...

Ya, pretty hard to put on weight when doing Insanity.

The main reason I'm doing Insanity now is to up my cardio for my upcoming hockey and football(soccer) seasons. I'll have to figure something out after that and it will mostly involve my eating habits, I'll probably only do Insanity twice a week at the most by then as well.


The main reason I'm doing Insanity now is to up my cardio for my upcoming hockey and football(soccer) seasons. I'll have to figure something out after that and it will mostly involve my eating habits, I'll probably only do Insanity twice a week at the most by then as well.

For gaining weight on the Insanity program, I just followed their nutrition guide. Calculate your calorie requirements then make sure you are eating enough to fulfill them. If you're not putting on weight after awhile (I can't remember what it said but after about a week) then you gradually increase your caloric intake until you start seeing a change.

I've gained approximately seven pounds and am on my third week now.


For gaining weight on the Insanity program, I just followed their nutrition guide. Calculate your calorie requirements then make sure you are eating enough to fulfill them. If you're not putting on weight after awhile (I can't remember what it said but after about a week) then you gradually increase your caloric intake until you start seeing a change.

I've gained approximately seven pounds and am on my third week now.

hmm. I'm still following the same plan I setup under the p90x guide. I haven't even looked at the insanity eating book. I need to have a look-see. Thanks for the advise.
My body gave me a sign for rest today. I haven't been sleep deprived but my one hour nap after work turned into a 3 hour one. Eating dinner late because of the workout. No way I was going to skip it tonight....


Anyone ever get knees popping in and out of their joints? I did plyometrics today and my left knee would pop, mostly non-painfully, out of place whenever I'd do a squat... kind of worrisome. Still brought it, hope I won't pay for it later though.
No not me...you know I am going to say, get it checked man. An injury will take you out longer

Starting X2 phase 2 this Saturday. What can I look forward to?


Anyone ever get knees popping in and out of their joints? I did plyometrics today and my left knee would pop, mostly non-painfully, out of place whenever I'd do a squat... kind of worrisome. Still brought it, hope I won't pay for it later though.

How bad of a pop?

When I started working out, I had that with my elbow even if I was just doing a push-up. If it's causing a lot of discomfort, I would either lower the weight or take the exercise a little more carefully. Eventually, my elbow stopped popping so it might go away but as mentioned, if it sounds really serious I would be very careful.


So who else thinks that P90X2 is a downgrade from P90X1 ? To be fair, I'm currently in phase 1 and this shit is a walk in a park compared to P90X.

Plyometrics is much harder than plyocide,
Yoga x1 >>>> Yoga x2

Does it get any better (tougher) later on?

(I didn't read the whole thread from the start so I apologize if this question is repeated)

I'll preface this by saying...

I'm currently in the 5th week of phase 1 (decided to extend since I hadn't touched the one on ones and balancing is a weak point for me.) I actually just finished Asylum in April and INSANITY both in March and pretty much immediately went into P90X2.

With that said,

Dude you are either in mondo good shape or you need to turn up the volume on your workouts. X2 Core isn't very difficult, neither is X2 Balance + Power - but you have got to be kidding me if you think Plyocide and X2 Total Body are a walk in the park. I just did X2 Total Body this morning and that thing slayed me. And on Plyocide you better be exploding 100% with every movement. Frog Burpee Hops man... that move alone destroys anything in the original Plyometrics. If you are still thinking it's way too easy and feeling super brave and confident in your cardio/legs you can always swap it with Max Interval Plyo from INSANITY or Vertical Plyo from Asylum. The latter I think is probably the hardest workout I've ever done.

Everyone's talk about Phase 2 ramping things up is very exciting to me and also scary!


for the dudes taking Lean 1: do you take 2 or 3 scoops? It recommends 3 for an active person, and doing P90X every day does make me an active person... but 3 seems like a lot? No? I'm normally a Shakeology man, but decided to give this a try. Raspberry Vanilla is tasty as hell.


The Cryptarch's Bane
for the dudes taking Lean 1: do you take 2 or 3 scoops? It recommends 3 for an active person, and doing P90X every day does make me an active person... but 3 seems like a lot? No? I'm normally a Shakeology man, but decided to give this a try. Raspberry Vanilla is tasty as hell.
2 is just fine as a meal replacement for me. If you're still hungry you could always do the 3rd, it's 100 calories per scoop. Vanilla Raspberry's what I got too, yum yum. Gonna try Cookies and Cream next though.
Oh man... I took a week off to concentrate on acing my finals, and just started back yesterday with Plyometrics. This morning I am super sore. I forgot that that happens when you work out and aren't in great shape. Ugh

OG Kush

My lats are very sore from Back and Biceps two days ago, should I do Legs and Back today or switch it with Kenpo?

From the fiteness thread:
I just completed my first workout yesterday, and I've had today off. I would like to go to the gym tomorrow but my arms are still sore, so if they're still sore tomorrow it probably isn't a good idea to go is it?

Contrary to popular belief being sore doesn't mean you have to skip workouts until you are no longer sore. As your body adapts to this new stress you are putting on it, the soreness will eventually go away. I lift 4 times a week and not a single day do I feel as sore as the first week.


Something that blows my mind is why Beachbody hasn't released one of their programs for any of the available gaming platforms. Fuck, if they released a quality P90X for Kinect, I'd buy that shit day one. If those shitty Jillian Michaels games sell decently, P90X would do gangbusters.
Something that blows my mind is why Beachbody hasn't released one of their programs for any of the available gaming platforms. Fuck, if they released a quality P90X for Kinect, I'd buy that shit day one. If those shitty Jillian Michaels games sell decently, P90X would do gangbusters.

It would be awesome to control a CG Tony Horton and have him fight various dairy products.


How bad of a pop?

When I started working out, I had that with my elbow even if I was just doing a push-up. If it's causing a lot of discomfort, I would either lower the weight or take the exercise a little more carefully. Eventually, my elbow stopped popping so it might go away but as mentioned, if it sounds really serious I would be very careful.

Wasn't really all that painful but it just felt really off. If it's still presently for yoga or legs and back on Friday, I might give myself two days off (to play Diablo).
Something that blows my mind is why Beachbody hasn't released one of their programs for any of the available gaming platforms. Fuck, if they released a quality P90X for Kinect, I'd buy that shit day one. If those shitty Jillian Michaels games sell decently, P90X would do gangbusters.

Everyone would quit at the yoga level...unless we can summon Shawna, either one


so i did Insanity's max interval plyo as part of my p90x/insanity hybrid.

wow.. holy shit, probably one of the hardest workout ever.. i thought regular insanity workout is already hard itself, this shit is on another level of insanity!!

i love it!
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