She kind of looks like Female Tony Horton
Yeah she is insane in that video. He's pretty critical of her actually on some poses, which is funny (except for when she tries crane which she doesn't seem to have the triceps for).
When she's doing standing splits and Tony says holy cow, nasty thoughts cross my mind.
I always imagine he's thinking, "how can we try this later".
Everyone on a recovery day?
I start the first recovery week tomorrow.
oh GOD core synergistics
Hopefully I eventually will. Which set have you got?Powerblocks are a beautiful thing. I really recommend them if you can spare the cash. Makes things easy.
Hopefully I eventually will. Which set have you got?
I love the bands and I love the concept of being able to pack a couple and clip multiple to the handle. But there are some exercises they are absolutely NOT right for. This back lunge on legs and back... I don't know how the dentist chick stays steady, and if you lift your tension foot you're in a bit of danger of getting whipped.
holyInsanity day 40. Max Interval Circuit (second time). 941 calories in an hour.
Insanity day 40. Max Interval Circuit (second time). 941 calories in an hour. Tomorrow is Tricep Killer, aka Max Interval Plyo. Phase 2 makes Phase 1 seem like a cakewalk. Shaun T WILL kick your butt.
Advice: ate poorly this morning, did not sleep at all last night, did 75 minutes of pedaling at my desk this afternoon- should I force myself to do my workout tonight when I get home, or just crash and get as much sleep as possible and bring it tomorrow?
Advice: ate poorly this morning, did not sleep at all last night, did 75 minutes of pedaling at my desk this afternoon- should I force myself to do my workout tonight when I get home, or just crash and get as much sleep as possible and bring it tomorrow?
Well gaf, it's been three weeks and my stomach has gotten like 90% flat. Didn't expect these kind of results this fast. It's like Tony says, I hate Ab Ripper X, but I love it.
Out of curiosity, what are you using to measure your calorie burning? I use a dotfit exerspy to keep track of my results and never saw numbers that high; always looking for more data for my spreadsheets!Insanity day 40. Max Interval Circuit (second time). 941 calories in an hour. Tomorrow is Tricep Killer, aka Max Interval Plyo. Phase 2 makes Phase 1 seem like a cakewalk. Shaun T WILL kick your butt.
Yeh its definietly one of the exercises where i saw improvement in fast. Definietly a good ab workout. However I've heard ab ripper X isn't that good for the back? Anyone else know anything about this?
Out of curiosity, what are you using to measure your calorie burning? I use a dotfit exerspy to keep track of my results and never saw numbers that high; always looking for more data for my spreadsheets!
Max Interval Sports Training is my personal favorite of the phase 2 activities. My first time through it, I took a break during the two minute suicide run right before one of the cast members did the same, and felt ashamed when Shaun told him that he didn't need a break and to get back to work, haha. Also, bronco jumps.
Max interval circuit is for sure the most difficult workout in Insanity. I always dreaded that day. I still do Insanity but only 3 times a week and only first month videos. But occasionaly I'll do a month 2 video, and normally skip the last round of max interval plyo/cicuit/sport training.
You think Tony would take a day off? Didn't think so.
Doin' it. Here goes.Siding with commish- do your best, forget the rest. Good luck!
About to do legs and back. Day sixty something. Took some pictures and have totally lost a noticeable amount of fat in some places and most every part of my body feels like a goddamn rock when I flex. I am tired but committed to being easily identifiable as very fit by year's end.
Doin' it. Here goes.
Motivational Tip number 2
Stop Comparing The Present To The Past.
Doing your best and forgetting the rest means to work as hard as you can right now and stop comparing today's workout to ones from your past. You are NOT going to see gains and improvements every time you exercise. Sometimes you'll be weaker on day 50 than you were on day 37. Weather, temperature, lack of sleep, missed supplements, too much stress, injuries, biorhythms, altitude, soreness from previous workouts and more all play a role on how you will perform on any given day. So give yourself a break and just show up.
Tony Horton was right about Insanity, if you don't do it with proepr care, you can fuck shit up. Insanity was the first workout programma I did, after only dabbling ina bit of a gym work beforehand. Started back in August.. Still doing it semi-regulary and I think my knees are fucked. No pain (except back in october when i realised i wasn't squatting till atleast knees) but lots of clicking and popping and shit. I'm actually pretty worried now, but I don't want to stop insanity because its such a good workout.
When i do ab ripper x I feel a lot of clicking and today I heard a really low pop.
Anyone got any advice?
When did Tony say that? I'm doing a lot of Insanity these days so I really hope I'm staying safe, e.g. trying to engage my muscles as much as I can during landing, not twisting my knees.Tony Horton was right about Insanity, if you don't do it with proepr care, you can fuck shit up. Insanity was the first workout programma I did, after only dabbling ina bit of a gym work beforehand. Started back in August.. Still doing it semi-regulary and I think my knees are fucked. No pain (except back in october when i realised i wasn't squatting till atleast knees) but lots of clicking and popping and shit. I'm actually pretty worried now, but I don't want to stop insanity because its such a good workout.
When i do ab ripper x I feel a lot of clicking and today I heard a really low pop.
Anyone got any advice?