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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

I don't get that because I've stayed around the same weight while being at this job but I do get the "what? are you on a diet? hur hur" whenever I turn down anything sweet. Middle aged women eat SO much chocolate.

And cake! I used to be the same way but everytime theres free food everyone just starts to feast, and that's when I turn things down. I really think my diet for some reason is making people uncomfortable

Lol my mom doesn't know what I look like...but most likely she will tell me to our weight back!

I get that in the office. Always from fat people. People that are in shape tend to just congratulate me.

Absolutely. I got a workout buddy and he has no problem whatsoever. But it's with women, and none of them are currently active, that think what I'm doing is extreme

Don't make me join you and HP on dat pedaling on a stability ball

And also, maybe i missed it, so is there any way to lose body fat for the abs? My weight is fine down and continues to drop slightly, but I think my body fat is still relatively high. Worry that my weight will continue to drop and I end up more like the Machinist than Batman


Don't make me join you and HP on dat pedaling on a stability ball

And also, maybe i missed it, so is there any way to lose body fat for the abs? My weight is fine down and continues to drop slightly, but I think my body fat is still relatively high. Worry that my weight will continue to drop and I end up more like the Machinist than Batman

Just gotta keep building muscle and burning fat... can't burn fat in specific parts unfortunately. The places people want to lose fat are generally the last to go away too, so just keep it as an end goal motivator.


The Cryptarch's Bane
BeautifulMemory said:
any way to lose body fat for the abs?
Lol. Liposuction.

Dude, if there was, I'd be broadcasting it all over this board and doing it every day. Actually, the last time I looked in the mirror, my abs were the only place I really still want to drop fat from. The flab has drained from just about every other part of my body including my face and legs, and my waistline has dropped from a 37 to a 31, but I still have a bit of gut I cannot get rid of.

There's just no way to do it specifically.

Losing weight = maintaining a caloric deficit, i.e. burning more than you take in. There is literally no way to control where the fat drops from. Building abdominal muscle will stretch the layer of fat and reduce its appearance, but you'll still have to burn it off the same way as any.
Just gotta keep building muscle and burning fat... can't burn fat in specific parts unfortunately. The places people want to lose fat are generally the last to go away too, so just keep it as an end goal motivator.
Yeah. Hahaha, an "end goal motivator" is a much more gentle and optimistic way of putting it than I would ("Come ON why the FUCK won't it DISAPPEAR ALREADY")

But I guess you guys will see soon enough, actually...

Killed Legs & Back today, getting to do it early in the day for a change. Beat every one of my numbers from last week. But on filling it in, I realized this was my last resistance workout for this cycle of P90X. Holy shit, I can't believe how fast 3 months went by. I'm very pleased with my results, especially for someone starting without any upper body strength at all and modifying a ton all the way through. But I'm absolutely positive I'm not "done," in any way, and moreover, it's become clear to me that I truly never will be, which is a surprising sensation. Not how I expected to feel at all. But more on that in my "graduation" post in... 9 days :O

But anyway I'd like to take today to thank each and every participant in this glorious thread for the support, the tips, the motivation to stay committed, and the positive reinforcement. I feel a hell of a lot more confident than I did in February and I know this program and, I must admit, this thread as well, are mainly what I have to thank for it, culminating in a damn, damn good Tuesday night that proved to me how worth the effort this all is.

Maybe even more important than the super-effective exercise routines and the nutrition principles is the change in attitude that P90X suggests from minute one. Whether it's Tony saying "don't say 'I can't,' say 'I presently struggle with,' or Erik kicking your ass to the ground with one leg, or any time you yell "fuck you" at the suggestion you might take a break, the permeating philosophy of "always be improving" is constantly there. Don't be surprised if it starts to bleed into other areas of your life.

Keep pushing play ;)


Just out of curiosity, how many carbs do you guys take in on a normal day?

I try to get at least 150 because I feel like shit if I'm below that. Anytime I start edging towards 200 I feel guilty like I'm hurting my body fat loss.


The Cryptarch's Bane
You're gonna find a lot of variation in those answers. Not everyone in this thread is trying to lose weight. I try to stay below 150 and generally as low as possible.

edit: It's tough as hell though. Love me some carbs.


Just out of curiosity, how many carbs do you guys take in on a normal day?

I try to get at least 150 because I feel like shit if I'm below that. Anytime I start edging towards 200 I feel guilty like I'm hurting my body fat loss.
Usually 15-30 carbs a day for me.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Food politics in the office are ridiculous. I never take part in eating any cake for birthdays and people look at me like I'm a monster.
Same. I actually can't remember the last time I ate any "celebratory" food at work — someone always comments on it. I'm better at moderation now, eating cheat meals and even treats occasionally, but I still hold out work because I like making people feel bad about themselves. I'm terrible.

Gumbie said:
Just out of curiosity, how many carbs do you guys take in on a normal day?
When I lost 50+ pounds late last year, I did it on like 175-200 carbs a day in conjunction with P90, and I'm around that number now as well. Low carb certainly works, but it's not essential. As a vegetarian, it would be hard for me to get a decent amount of protein (and generally feel satisfied) without carbs. It's much easier if you're an omnivore because you can just eat a shitload of meat.


Same. I actually can't remember the last time I ate any "celebratory" food at work — someone always comments on it. I'm better at moderation now, eating cheat meals and even treats occasionally, but I still hold out work because I like making people feel bad about themselves. I'm terrible.

Yeah, not even having a small piece of birthday cake is a bit much. At some point the whole thing can get too obsessive.
Officially starting p90x tomorrow, chest and back + ab ripper x

On that note, I am starting p90x2 phase 2 on Saturday. Just got my extra two medicine balls - 4 total. I am such a sucker for Beachbody workouts

So far I have bought

Then weights, yoga mat
Then pull up bar, more weights, plyo mat, chair, stool, syntha 6, then complete new diet
P90X2 (this alone was $350)
Then more bands, new shoes, Shakeology, and now two extra medicine balls



This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
On that note, I am starting p90x2 phase 2 on Saturday. Just got my extra two medicine balls - 4 total. I am such a sucker for Beachbody workouts

So far I have bought

Then weights, yoga mat
Then pull up bar, more weights, plyo mat, chair, stool, syntha 6, then complete new diet
P90X2 (this alone was $350)
Then more bands, new shoes, Shakeology, and now two extra medicine balls

Haha, nice. I'll definitely be doing another run of P90X when I'm done with this one (next week is the halfway point), as I just can't afford anything else, aside from maybe a few additional plates for my dumbbells. If I spend money on anything, it needs to be new clothes, as they're fucking falling off me now (pants and belt worse than ever in the past few weeks). I look like a clown wearing these big baggy things.
Haha, nice. I'll definitely be doing another run of P90X when I'm done with this one (next week is the halfway point), as I just can't afford anything else, aside from maybe a few additional plates for my dumbbells. If I spend money on anything, it needs to be new clothes, as they're fucking falling off me now (pants and belt worse than ever in the past few weeks). I look like a clown wearing these big baggy things.

Absolutely! Nothing like displaying that new body!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah, digging through my closet for my smallest shirts is the most satisfying annoyance that has resulted from all this


So, it took me two days to catch up with this thread. Love it that gaf has an amazing p90x community. I'm sort of a p90x half grad. Lol. I did it twice to day 60 and somehow injury always threw me off the wagon. So here I am again, I'm back to bringing it and giving it my best again.
I'm on day 9 currently.
I'm doing it sort of differently this time. I used to force p90x into my regular schedule which includes playing futsal for 2 hours twice a week. This time, I'm sort of taking it easy since I am not doing p90x on my futsal days.
Wish me luck!! No more injuries!!!
Btw, I thought it would be interesting to compare numbers. How many push up and pull up can you do on day 1 and how many on day 90?


Has anyone tried the Greenberry Shakeology? I like chocolate, would like to try tropical but it's more expensive. I'm curious to try this flavour but it looks like it could potentially taste like shit.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Btw, I thought it would be interesting to compare numbers. How many push up and pull up can you do on day 1 and how many on day 90?
Assisted still, but...

Pull-ups (wide front)
Day 1: 1
Day 81: 15

Chin ups
Day 1: 1 (barely)
Day 81: 15

I'll have to check on push-ups. I can do a ton more than I could starting out but they are still my weak point.


Damn, really? I wish posting on GAF burned calories
*pedals furiously*


Finally done! Did an extra week of Phase 3 to balance out random days that I may have missed. I'm currently sitting at 194 lbs, at one point in Phase 3, I was down to 192, but have floated between that and 194 since. So from beginning to end of P90X2 (January 19th to today) I went from about 230lbs to 194lbs. Still have some work to do, but it was a great first step! This was the first time I have completed P90X/2 without having to stop due to injury/cold, hopefully my next routine will be similar, knock on wood.

I feel great for the most part. I don't know if it was how I slept one night or a Tony's Triangle, but I must have dislodged one of my lower ribs or popped some cartilage, if I sleep on it, I wake up with a nice pain on my lower right back :p

Thinking about what to do next, I was leaning towards a P90X/2/Insanity hybrid, but I think for all of the stubborn chest and belly fat, I will do a round of Insanity with some X2 Yoga and foam rolling to supplement (maybe some additional strength exercises if I have time).

Congratulations to all who have completed anything thus far and for those just starting out, good luck and enjoy. You'll feel amazing when it's all said and done.

Has anyone tried the Greenberry Shakeology? I like chocolate, would like to try tropical but it's more expensive. I'm curious to try this flavour but it looks like it could potentially taste like shit.

My co-worker has tried all three and said that tasted the worst. Horrible. Enjoys the chocolate, said Strawberry was ok.


Damn, really? I wish posting on GAF burned calories
*pedals furiously*

Wow, I've never been in a top posting count list for any thread. Dont know whether to be horribly sad or hesitantly happy :p


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Congrats, those sound like great results! That's more weight loss than I was expecting to see from someone doing P90X2, to be honest. Is it possible it's better for shedding pounds than the first one?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Congrats GC!!!!
Congrats, those sound like great results! That's more weight loss than I was expecting to see from someone doing P90X2, to be honest. Is it possible it's better for shedding pounds than the first one?
I'd be interested to know that as well, although I bet diet plays a massive role too. All of the P90X workouts are a decent burn.

It looks like i'm on track to have lost ~25 pounds on P90X though I have been supplementing a bit of cardio for the latter half (not a true doubles routine though).
I'd say it's much easier to bulk up on X instead of X2. The PAP routines definitely are a good calorie burn. With that said, diet still plays a BIG part.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
BeautifulMemory's the king, he's the ripped king


Congrats GC, very impressive results.

Is there anywhere to preview the P90X2 workouts? I definitely want to do P90X2 but I'm debating if I should go another round of P90X or just go for P90X2 next.

Btw, I thought it would be interesting to compare numbers. How many push up and pull up can you do on day 1 and how many on day 90?

I'm on day 77 and here are my results so far:

Pull Ups:
Day 1 = 0
Day 77 = 7 unassisted in 1 set

Chin Ups:
Day 1 = 0
Day 77 = 9 unassisted in 1 set

Pushups (standard):
Day 1 = 20
At the start of Phase 3 first set of Chest & Back = 50 and had more in the tank (paced myself)

I could probably bust out 60 standard pushups now without stopping.
Officially starting p90x tomorrow, chest and back + ab ripper x

How to sum up day one? chest and back was a disaster because the bands I was using broke I should have gone with my gut and got the weights instead. I will able to complete Ab ripper X the best that I could.

Hopefully things will run smoother from now


The Cryptarch's Bane
Congrats GC, very impressive results.

Is there anywhere to preview the P90X2 workouts? I definitely want to do P90X2 but I'm debating if I should go another round of P90X or just go for P90X2 next.

I'm on day 77 and here are my results so far:

Pull Ups:
Day 1 = 0
Day 77 = 7 unassisted in 1 set

Chin Ups:
Day 1 = 0
Day 77 = 9 unassisted in 1 set

Pushups (standard):
Day 1 = 20
At the start of Phase 3 first set of Chest & Back = 50 and had more in the tank (paced myself)

I could probably bust out 60 standard pushups now without stopping.
That's awesome! I should see how many unassisted I can do in a set now, it's been months since I've tried.

"Bonus round" is Tony's way of saying "hahaha if you can't finish this workout I'm giving you a convenient way out."
How to sum up day one? chest and back was a disaster because the bands I was using broke I should have gone with my gut and got the weights instead. I will able to complete Ab ripper X the best that I could.

Hopefully things will run smoother from now

What bands did you get? Breaking on their first USE is outrageous. Are you using them for pull-down exercises as well?


BeautifulMemory's the king, he's the ripped king
Ah, that reminds me. My ARX is getting much better. I went from barely being able to do 10 reps of each move (and just a few of some, like Heels to the Heaven) to at least 15-20 reps of every move, as well as 40 out of 50 Mason Twists.

Fifer Scissors are the bane of my existence, though. Ugh. Those things kill me every time.
Congrats GC, very impressive results.

Is there anywhere to preview the P90X2 workouts? I definitely want to do P90X2 but I'm debating if I should go another round of P90X or just go for P90X2 next.

I don't know either, but I went ahead and purchased it anyway. The only thing I can say is if you want an evolution challenge in terms of body confusion and fitness, I'd get it. Stability ball and medicine balls add a whole new dimension. From the first phase I can say its a lot of sphinx position, emphasis on core strength, and challenging in balance. It's emphasis is less weights in your dumbells because you are literally doing a warrior 3 while lifting the weights

How to sum up day one? chest and back was a disaster because the bands I was using broke I should have gone with my gut and got the weights instead. I will able to complete Ab ripper X the best that I could.

Hopefully things will run smoother from now

It will get better! It's already a great start that you showed up. Do tell us about your first plyo...



Thanks everyone!

Congrats, those sound like great results! That's more weight loss than I was expecting to see from someone doing P90X2, to be honest. Is it possible it's better for shedding pounds than the first one?
Congrats GC!!!!I'd be interested to know that as well, although I bet diet plays a massive role too. All of the P90X workouts are a decent burn.
It looks like i'm on track to have lost ~25 pounds on P90X though I have been supplementing a bit of cardio for the latter half (not a true doubles routine though).
I'd say it's much easier to bulk up on X instead of X2. The PAP routines definitely are a good calorie burn. With that said, diet still plays a BIG part.

Yep, diet is CRITICAL. I went through P90X haphazardly without following a diet plan/counting my caloric intake and I didn't see much of a result. Felt stronger, just didn't look it. I maintained (for the most part) a low calorie diet throughout the program using the MyFitnessPal app on my phone and supplemented my exercises with cardio. For the first two phases, I slowly implemented a 10 minute P90X or 15 minute Insanity workout at lunch followed by my actual routine at night. Once I got into Phase 3, I started doing Insanity Pure Cardio at lunch about every other day, now it's every day (until I start up Insanity proper).

How to sum up day one? chest and back was a disaster because the bands I was using broke I should have gone with my gut and got the weights instead. I will able to complete Ab ripper X the best that I could.

Hopefully things will run smoother from now

Dang, I've had a band snap at me, I was using it for pull ups in the door hinge, but didn't have the hinge loop all the way in. Pulled back, it snapped back and thankfully missed my face but cracked my hands. Swollen knuckles for a couple of days.

The bands broke when I did the dumbell raises, I think he called it pull up the pants?

What bands did you purchase? Having them snap on the first day makes the brand of bands a little suspect...

Is there anywhere to preview the P90X2 workouts? I definitely want to do P90X2 but I'm debating if I should go another round of P90X or just go for P90X2 next.

Didn't watch the videos, but this may help: P90X2 Workout Playlist Preview

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Just out of curiosity, how many carbs do you guys take in on a normal day?

I try to get at least 150 because I feel like shit if I'm below that. Anytime I start edging towards 200 I feel guilty like I'm hurting my body fat loss.

Weekdays is on average 80 or less. I'm trying to limit carbs where I can, but not doing an all-out low carb diet. Just so happens that I don't eat a lot of things with carbs during a workday.


I have Pure Cardio tonight for Insanity, how is it? Harder than the day 2/3 workouts?

The biggest adjustment is doing 14-15 exercises back to back without 'stopping', but you can stop when you feel you need to. The moves I think are easier, less resistance based exercises than the previous days.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I'd say so. No breaks. You may think a break is coming. Think again. mawhahahahah

The biggest adjustment is doing 14-15 exercises back to back without 'stopping', but you can stop when you feel you need to. The moves I think are easier, less resistance based exercises than the previous days.


I'm more worried about the workout tomorrow morning. I have huge trouble working out in the morning on a Saturday, but it's the only time I'll get it done on the weekends. It's the same workout I did Tuesday, and cardio is exceptionally hard in the AM.


I would go so far as to say Pure Cardio is more difficult than the month two equivalent, Max Cardio, due to Max Cardio having a cooldown segment. I don't have the schedule handy, but eventually you start doing Cardio/Insane Abs after the cardio workout, you might just wanna jump into that today if it's not scheduled yet (I know in month two you do a few cardio workouts before the ab workout gets added on).
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