Opinions on foam versus rumble roller? Looks like I'll just buy the cheap package and get the roller + stability ball + medicine balls separately, since the ultimate X2 package is way pricey. I use the "perfect pushup" device for my push up stands and am guessing I can skip the PowerStands too.
It's not a big deal, but if you can, see if you can play with the medicine ball first in person. I just bought 2 of Valero's 8lb. They are fine, but if you ever play basketball you'd know the difference in texture in terms of a cheap basketball that has hard surface (Valero) and an indoor premium one (Beachbody). World of difference on your hands
Pick a good stability ball too. This and the medicine balls are really the core of the workouts. Any weights and push-ups you will be doing (so far in phase 1 + 2, I could be wrong) are all with those two equipments.
I love the Powerstands, but it really hasn't been used so far, and I am in phase 2.
As with the roller, yeah I can't justify the price either on the rumble roller. I bought it, it's incredible, but...so far only Tony uses the rumble roller in the DVDs, everyone else uses the foam roller