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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

Thanks HP!

Btw on Shakeology. I ordered alternating flavors between chocolate and strawberry. I personally like the latter better. Chocolate is a bit too much for me. They are both good


So, it took me two days to catch up with this thread. Love it that gaf has an amazing p90x community. I'm sort of a p90x half grad. Lol. I did it twice to day 60 and somehow injury always threw me off the wagon. So here I am again, I'm back to bringing it and giving it my best again.
I'm on day 9 currently.
I'm doing it sort of differently this time. I used to force p90x into my regular schedule which includes playing futsal for 2 hours twice a week. This time, I'm sort of taking it easy since I am not doing p90x on my futsal days.
Wish me luck!! No more injuries!!!
Btw, I thought it would be interesting to compare numbers. How many push up and pull up can you do on day 1 and how many on day 90?

Good luck sir!

And to GC- great job! I am going to take a page from your approach and tack a week onto the end of my (nearly over) P90X run since I missed a week due to my surgery.

KenMasters- first day, first many days, will be miserable if you're not super fit and you're giving it your all. My assessment? You're absolutely on the right track and doing what you need to do if you're failing on some exercises and feeling beat up. It will get easier. Keep at it.

Harry Potter- I would like to point out that any time I discuss this thread with a co-worker who also reads this thread that I feel incredibly stupid saying "well Harry Potter says that if you try this move..." because I am sure my other co-workers think I'm insane.
Harry Potter- I would like to point out that any time I discuss this thread with a co-worker who also reads this thread that I feel incredibly stupid saying "well Harry Potter says that if you try this move..." because I am sure my other co-workers think I'm insane.


Ill Saint

but rest day is tomorrow

Never a good idea to work our when you're sick. Missing a day of Kenpo isn't gonna set you back in the grand scheme of things. You don't want to pump a virus around your body which might elevate the sickness and interfere with the more important workouts next week.

Rest up, relax, take care of your health, eat well.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Never a good idea to work our when you're sick. Missing a day of Kenpo isn't gonna set you back in the grand scheme of things. You don't want to pump a virus around your body which might elevate the sickness and interfere with the more important workouts next week.

Rest up, relax, take care of your health, eat well.
I started the workout but had this thread open and saw this point. then I saw you username. if there's anybody who knows this topic in and out it must be you.

stopping and closing up shop for the night. much obliged :)

Ill Saint

I started the workout but had this thread open and saw this point. then I saw you username. if there's anybody who knows this topic in and out it must be you.

stopping and closing up shop for the night. much obliged :)

I'm humbled. :)
Look forward to the workout coming up on Monday, that's where it's at! Hopefully by then you'll be well rested and recovered.


A question for the grads, have you beaten the numbers by Tony and Co? That's actually my goal here. To do exercises right and actually do it better than Tony and Co.

Ill Saint

A question for the grads, have you beaten the numbers by Tony and Co? That's actually my goal here. To do exercises right and actually do it better than Tony and Co.

If that's your goal, and you push yourself during every workout, you have every chance of going beyond the numbers they pull.
Just finished Day 6... so far:

Overall its been a real tough week lol. Day 3 I was probably the most sore ive ever been in my entire life. Could hardly bend my elbows or knees :p (Im OK... now)

Been dieting and eating no junk food whatsoever.. smaller meals/snacks instead of huge honking portions. Havent lost any weight, actually gained a couple (didnt expect to this early). Friday (yesterday) was my bday so of course I had a cheat meal.

I would say I absolutely detest the chin-up/pull-ups cuz i cant do many without assistance of a chair; and Tri/Bi/Arms too, because in the video they always show this one woman having such an easy time but she is using very little weight and i want to just punch her so hard because im struggling as im using more weight... Kenpo was a lot of fun, so was Legs+Back... Ab ripper X aint so bad. Yoga however is from the bottom of hell and 90 min is miserable to endure. Tony and his buddies exist on another universe to pull off that stuff.

So far I feel fantastic and honestly i think im starting to feel muscles working that have been dormant for a few years lol. My chest and abs are definitely forming better shapes even after 6 days :) I really look forward to everyday of it now honestly. The first couple days i was like hmmm maybe im in over my head?? But I think i can do it ;)


lol im so evil, i just did insanity max conditioning with my friend (it was his first time doing any beachbody workout).. he looks so dead now bwahah


Had a rare moment where I stopped the workout (kenpo) halfway through. Can only remember doing that once before (on a yoga day), but had/have a nasty headache so I was just going through the motions. Bummer, but might try to do the rest later tonight or tomorrow on the rest day.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Last week, I posted that my knees were sore whenever I got in the squat position and have been that way for a couple weeks. It finally bothered me enough that I got this knee brace. I tried it today during CardioX and my right knee (which is the one that bothers me more) felt amazing! I wouldn't say the knee brace is ultra comfortable or anything since it kinda feels like you're wearing a kneepad, but it definitely did the trick for me and it's thin enough not to be too much of a bother. I wish I bought this a few weeks ago.

The package only comes with one brace, so you'll have to buy two if you want one for each knee. I like it enough to buy another one for my left knee

P90 comes on Tuesday. I'm scared, hold me....

Do keep us updates on your progress, good and bad okay? Anything you will experience some of us, if not all, have probably gome through before

Did Chest/Back/Balance. Loved the twists with all the stability ball and medicine balls. Could not do one single impossible/possible at all with one ball, but did manage to stay in position for 5 sections :)

HP, tried using the band as pull-up assist like you mentioned awhile back. It is awesome! It felt a bit springy but I was able to work my shoulders/back more than with a chair

Checked out the DVD for base and back, looked fun! Phase 2 is off to a good start!
Thanks. Will do. This is so frustrating though. Everytime I start p90x, injury always come my way and throw me off the wagon. :(

I understand the frustration, having being sick during the middle of my first run. Neck, like back, is serious though. I always think of it as we do P90X because we want to better ourselves, and not to destroy ourselves, right?

Please keep checking back, it's hard to accept this now but if you can come back to it and recommit it will perhaps be a very meaningful moment in your journey
Had a rare moment where I stopped the workout (kenpo) halfway through. Can only remember doing that once before (on a yoga day), but had/have a nasty headache so I was just going through the motions. Bummer, but might try to do the rest later tonight or tomorrow on the rest day.
Don't worry bout it man. It's happened to me today during legs and back which is usually my strongest exercise. I think it was because I just came off recovery week and it had been 2 weeks since my last legs and back and it just hit me like I had never done it before. This week after recovery week has been hit and miss for my workout energy. Killed chest and back but wasn't so hot with Plyo and again with Legs and Back today.

Just try and finish it some time throughout the day. I took about an hour break for myself halfway through today, then finished it up as best I could.

I have been doing a 5k cross country run 3 times a week on top of P90X (on cardio days) so I usually find that 5k to be my redemption if I had a bad P90X workout earlier in the day.


Ah, no bands. :\

They aren't too incredibly expensive, but if you can't pick some up you can just make up your own calisthenics routine. It won't be as good as what you're used to, but it's better than nothing. There are a lot of calisthenics routines posted on the internet for you to look at if you decide to go that route.

Really though, your meals are going to be more critical in those three weeks if you're trying to keep that six pack in place.

Good luck. We have faith in you, brother.

Edit- Looking though the thread, there aren't a lot of people posting their results. Results pictures really helped motivate me when I first started this way back when. I took my pics down for some reason, but here they are again. I hope someone is motivated by them.

There's not much of a change from the time I took these, and what I look like presently. I had a bad case of depression, mixed with a lot of family based tragic last year that caused me to really just float along after March of last year. Hopefully I make some more progress this year and get slightly more defined.
(I'll keep them up this time, I promise.)


Nice progress! What's your timeline behind those pictures?

I've got a bunch of day 1/day 30/day 60 pictures ready but I'm waiting till day 90 (or 97 since I missed a week) to post my results three (or four) weeks from now.


Nice progress! What's your timeline behind those pictures?

I've got a bunch of day 1/day 30/day 60 pictures ready but I'm waiting till day 90 (or 97 since I missed a week) to post my results three (or four) weeks from now.

Day 7 or so and Day 80 or so when I went though it the first time.
Foote thanks for sharing! Really good results! Hope you are hanging in there. What program are you doing it now?

I will post pics again once p90x2 is finished...unless ppl wanna see the old ones again
When do you leave?
Leaving this coming Saturday.

They aren't too incredibly expensive, but if you can't pick some up you can just make up your own calisthenics routine. It won't be as good as what you're used to, but it's better than nothing. There are a lot of calisthenics routines posted on the internet for you to look at if you decide to go that route.

Really though, your meals are going to be more critical in those three weeks if you're trying to keep that six pack in place.

Good luck. We have faith in you, brother.

Good call about the diet. Here's hoping stuff over there has nutrition labels. :p Great results by the way, pretty inspirational!


Thanks for the nice comments. I know results pics really helped me, so I'm glad I can help now. I'm still into the P90X routine, but I've implemented Insanity in there too. Every time I think I have a real routine to follow I think of something else that might work would better. So, for now at least I'm just winging it with mixing them up.

Also, yeah I wasn't in terrible shape when I first started out but I really needed someone to tell me exactly what to do to get to the next step with my fitness. P90X is definitely what put me over the line I was trying to cross.
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