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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


I did this two years ago, and I am going to do it again when my son gets out of the hospital (schedule has been all fucked up this week).

I'm really excited. I'm loose in the cage.
What is everyone's thoughts on Shakeology?

I'm on Day 28 of P90, and I was thinking about doing the Fat Burning Express Week, strictly adhering to the diet that was included. Problem is, the diet also calls for Shakeology supplements. At around $120 for a month's supply, this seem incredibly pricey. My question is, is it worth it? Are there cheaper/better alternatives?

Any help is appreciated!


Here is a review of Shakeology that was posted a long while back.

I know a few people in this thread use (or at one point did use) something similar but cheaper called Lean1.

I don't have any insights of my own to share since I follow my own diet, but hopefully the above links and some others can help you. :)


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Regarding the weird timing, form demonstrations and such, man, P90X is a breath of fresh air to me coming from P90 and especially P90 Master Series. You guys would hate it – P90MS is really very “informal” and Tony is at his goofiest. Compared to those videos, P90X is just so much faster-paced with less gaffes and far better editing. It still has its issues, though.

The problem with a lot of these routines (in all the Power 90 programs) is that they’re almost performed and edited in a manner to appeal to people who are going to do them one time and one time only – there’s just way too much instruction. They don’t take into account the fact that people are watching these MULTIPLE times, almost memorizing them, and that all the “dead air” gets old fast. I’d rather have videos that took a couple of tries to learn but were then much more tolerable from then on. In the P90MS Sweat 5-6 video I feel like I did double the work the “kids” did because Tony took such a long time to explain the moves... I needed to keep my heart rate up so I just started early on all of them and adjusted the time for switching sides.

It’s definitely a major gripe of mine with most exercise videos, really.


The Cryptarch's Bane
What happens when you try to pedal backwards? Is it a pretty funny visual? So weird you can't do it.
I would imagine it would be a very funny visual to people who are not me, particularly the look of dumbstruck confusion that comes across my face.

What is everyone's thoughts on Shakeology?

I'm on Day 28 of P90, and I was thinking about doing the Fat Burning Express Week, strictly adhering to the diet that was included. Problem is, the diet also calls for Shakeology supplements. At around $120 for a month's supply, this seem incredibly pricey. My question is, is it worth it? Are there cheaper/better alternatives?

Any help is appreciated!
Shakeology is absolutely, without a doubt the best nutrient/meal replacement shake on the market, and I say this solely through research- I've never even tried it myself (so obviously I can't comment on flavor). For total nutrition provide, nutrition density per calorie, protein/carb/fat ratio and quality of ingredients, nothing comes close. Seriously. Unfortunately it is also seriously overpriced. Prohibitively so in my case, I just straight-up cannot afford the expense. They can get away with charging what they do for it because it really is in a class by itself as a product.

It may be worth it if you're looking into meal replacement/trying to lose weight. There are no better alternatives. One cheaper alternative that I have come to swear by is Lean1. It's very tasty, each scoop is 100 calories (2 scoops a standard serving). Generally very good ingredients and ratios and it keeps me full (have it as breakfast at least a couple times a week). I've had great results with it. LaneDS and I did a great point/counterpoint about its pros and cons a couple dozen pages back...


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I still occasionally have trouble with the reverse ones. If I visualize my feet as shovels, trying to dig up dirt or something, it helps tremendously.


The Cryptarch's Bane
That's an intriguing concept, maybe I'll give it a shot when I get home!

I did this two years ago, and I am going to do it again when my son gets out of the hospital (schedule has been all fucked up this week).

I'm really excited. I'm loose in the cage.
Hope your son is doing alright!
What is everyone's thoughts on Shakeology?

I'm on Day 28 of P90, and I was thinking about doing the Fat Burning Express Week, strictly adhering to the diet that was included. Problem is, the diet also calls for Shakeology supplements. At around $120 for a month's supply, this seem incredibly pricey. My question is, is it worth it? Are there cheaper/better alternatives?

Any help is appreciated!

Think about it as spending $4 per day on a meal. It becomes inexpensive when you think about it.

It is "overpriced" - but there are so much in its ingredients there has to be some cost to it


The Cryptarch's Bane
Think about it as spending $4 per day on a meal. It becomes inexpensive when you think about it.

It is "overpriced" - but there are so much in its ingredients there has to be some cost to it

Absolutely true. Lean1 is slightly under $2 a day for me which is actually just sort of mindblowing if I think about it. If you can afford Shakeology it's not a bad "deal" per se.

Though I stick to it being overpriced. They would be charging $30 less a month if there was a serious competitor :p
Thanks for the responses, everyone. A few folks I've talked to swear by Shakeology as well, and I was gung-ho for it, until I saw the price.

One of the problems I have is that it is not so much a meal replacement, as it is an additional meal. According to the chart they've provided, a guy my size (315 lbs) will need an extra 1,000 calories added on to whatever they have listed, and I have no idea where to get the hose extra calories from.

I'll definitely look into Lean1 though.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Thanks for the responses, everyone. A few folks I've talked to swear by Shakeology as well, and I was gung-ho for it, until I saw the price.

One of the problems I have is that it is not so much a meal replacement, as it is an additional meal. According to the chart they've provided, a guy my size (315 lbs) will need an extra 1,000 calories added on to whatever they have listed, and I have no idea where to get the hose extra calories from.

I'll definitely look into Lean1 though.
Whoa, what chart is this?
Whoa, what chart is this?

It came with the P90 DVD set I bought. The chart had a recommendation of Caloric intake based on weight. It capped at around 1,700 calories for someone at 200 lbs. and to add 100 calories for every 10 lbs. over.

I'm at work right now, but I can post it later.
Lane: I'm sorry :( her loss though, you are a great looking man

Hawkian & Shakeology: lol there's not a day that goes by without me double guessing my purchase! I will say though it was kind of reassuring when a co-worker was touting the greatness of chia seeds and behold it is part of Shakeology

Funnily I just came back from Whole Foods and they have protein shake and meal replacement too. And they have to be good, right? It's Whole Foods! I don't know anymore...

btw: exactly what do you guys use for recovery drink?
Finished Insanity. Not happy with the results. I've lost weight but im at the point of minimal body fat now. Ab focused exercises once a week wasn't a good idea! My brother lost 2 stone though.

P90 definitely gives better results although I am now much fitter than i was previously.

Gonna do a month of the Asylum and then back to good ol Tony Horton.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
: exactly what do you guys use for recovery drink?
Lactaid fat-free milk (can't drink the real stuff) + Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard whey + Blender Bottle = 75% of the reason I work out. DELICIOUS.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
What flavor do you have right now? I'm getting sick of cookies & cream.
French Vanilla Creme, which is really good. What's weird though is that I had it before and thought it tasted more like what I'd expect the Vanilla Ice Cream flavor would taste like. This jug tastes significantly different, though, and closer to the name — I'm almost positive that the first jug was labeled incorrectly. I liked the ice cream flavor better, so I'll probably get that one next time.

Day 1 through day 82 animated GIF I just made, mostly because I am pissed off (yay lady problems) and figured this might make me feel better (it did, sort of!).


Linked there since it's pretty giant.
What a beast! Awesome results.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Awesome gif LaneDS. Sorry bout that 100th problem ;)

I ended up making the drive to MIA to pick up the Motoactv (smartwatch/fitness tracker/magic square) for $125. Holy fuck I am in the future.


Awesome gif LaneDS. Sorry bout that 100th problem ;)

I ended up making the drive to MIA to pick up the Motoactv (smartwatch/fitness tracker/magic square) for $125. Holy fuck I am in the future.

UGH at problem #100. Anger at least is a good motivator through legs & back (though I skipped ARX today and will try it tomorrow along with kenpo).

Thanks everyone, as always.
French Vanilla Creme, which is really good. What's weird though is that I had it before and thought it tasted more like what I'd expect the Vanilla Ice Cream flavor would taste like. This jug tastes significantly different, though, and closer to the name — I'm almost positive that the first jug was labeled incorrectly. I liked the ice cream flavor better, so I'll probably get that one next time.

Maybe I'll try french vanilla creme next. I love vanilla ice cream, my favorite by far.
Just wanted to share my "plan" to increase calorie intake while aiming to lower body fat/increasing weight, since I am now officially under 140 lb, and I'm only 5'5. You can see my rib cage bones when I flex -_-

1. Making sure I eat fat from the nutritional guide now - I used to skip it all the time. This now includes either olive oil, avocado, or peanut butter. I used to avoid veggie burger too because of its seemingly high fat percentage, not anymore! This amounts to 120 to 200 calories

2. Increase my protein intake during meal. I am going eat roughly 100 to 300 more calories at either lunch or dinner, sometimes both.

3. Drink two servings of protein shake now instead of one on workout days. One serving on recovery day. Extra 200 calories.

4. Making sure I eat my daily servings of grain and legume. A lot of the days I only eat one of the two, 150 calories

5. More lax about my eating in general. I still won't do "cheat meal" per se, but I will experiment with more calories, more fat, and indulge with Chipotle when I feel like it. I figured extra calories with whole/fresh foods is still better than going all out on a cheat meal

We will see how this goes...


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just wanted to share my "plan" to increase calorie intake while aiming to lower body fat/increasing weight, since I am now officially under 140 lb, and I'm only 5'5. You can see my rib cage bones when I flex -_-

1. Making sure I eat fat from the nutritional guide now - I used to skip it all the time. This now includes either olive oil, avocado, or peanut butter. I used to avoid veggie burger too because of its seemingly high fat percentage, not anymore!

2. Increase my protein intake during meal. I am going eat roughly 100 to 300 more calories at either lunch or dinner, sometimes both.

3. Drink two servings of protein shake now instead of one on workout days. One serving on recovery day

4. Making sure I eat my daily servings of grain and legume. A lot of the days I only eat one of the two

5. More lax about my eating in general. I still won't do "cheat meal" per se, but I will experiment with more calories, more fat, and indulge with Chipotle when I feel like it.

We will see how this goes...

Gonna commit this to memory.


1. Making sure I eat fat from the nutritional guide now - I used to skip it all the time. This now includes either olive oil, avocado, or peanut butter.
As someone who eats a spoonful of peanut butter before every work out, I was thinking about how easy it'd be to add calories to my diet (currently getting around 1500/day on resistance days) by giving in to the incredibly strong temptation to keep eating spoonfuls of peanut butter. So good!

After getting my ass kicked by Back and Biceps yesterday, Yoga really hit the spot today. Looking forward to hitting Legs and Back again tomorrow!
And you know, even though peanut butter isn't listed as fat in the nutritional guide, I have seen other people saying they use it as a healthy fat option. At this point, variety and pre-work boost helps!

OG Kush

Adding tablespoon of olive oil to shakes is a great way to add some healthy calories. Good fat and all. Adds about 120 calories. And you don't even taste it when you mix it in shakes.
Almonds are another good snack for adding more calories.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Holy fuck I am exhausted this morning. It's the rest day after my recovery week... I felt like this after the first one, too. I'm not sure why, but I feel the complete opposite of "recovered" after these weeks!


Holy fuck I am exhausted this morning. It's the rest day after my recovery week... I felt like this after the first one, too. I'm not sure why, but I feel the complete opposite of "recovered" after these weeks!

Those weeks are nightmares! I am not looking forward to core syn twice next week, that's for goddamn sure. Or yoga x2 3 times a week for the X2 recovery weeks!





Hey guys, I'm planning to start P90X during the summer so I'll be checking this thread often :D. For now I have one question, can I use the resistance band instead of the dumbbells?
I think using the resistance band is easier/convenient that's why I'm asking.
It's amazing, don't listen to the haters.

Have fun.

Good to hear. I know Ebert liked it so that's good enough for me.

Hey guys, I'm planning to start P90X during the summer so I'll be checking this thread often :D. For now I have one question, can I use the resistance band instead of the dumbbells?
I think using the resistance band is easier/convenient that's why I'm asking.

Welcome, and yes for sure! Get a few different sizes though so you have some variety in resistances.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hey guys, I'm planning to start P90X during the summer so I'll be checking this thread often :D. For now I have one question, can I use the resistance band instead of the dumbbells?
I think using the resistance band is easier/convenient that's why I'm asking.
I did my entire first round of P90X with bands. They are awesome in terms of convenience and they absolutely work. You can see my results a couple pages back.

They're harder to build a lot of new muscle with (in my opinion) than dumbbells would be, but so much cheaper.

What are your goals/reasons for doing P90X? :)


X2 folks- I don't want to do P90X kenpo today for a few reasons, so can anyone recommend a good cardio routine from X2 I can try instead? If it's less mean on the knees, all the better.


There's no cardio in X2. Plyocide would be the closest thing, but that workout will kill your knees.

Consider doing Cardio X instead.


X2 folks- I don't want to do P90X kenpo today for a few reasons, so can anyone recommend a good cardio routine from X2 I can try instead? If it's less mean on the knees, all the better.
Try to get a DVD of Kempo+ from P90X+, it's shorter but it's more intense, a good change if you're bored of regular Kempo.


The Cryptarch's Bane
X2 folks- I don't want to do P90X kenpo today for a few reasons, so can anyone recommend a good cardio routine from X2 I can try instead? If it's less mean on the knees, all the better.
You want to do Cardio X, but there's a plyo section...

Maybe do Yoga X2 instead if your knees are in trouble? I don't want you to sideline yourself man.


Holy hell, I just did my first day of chest/back and I couldn't even keep up. I'm moderately in shape and took a break for a few months because I moved out of state and had to get things in order, but I didn't think I'd get my ass kicked. I'm going to try to do the doubles program even though in the middle of it, I was cursing at the thought of finishing the 1st half. Now that I've rested somewhat, I might try the second half.

Nice burn.
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