I officially finished my first round of P90X on Saturday. I kicked off 2012 in very poor health and I was determined to get that under control. I've had Type 2 diabetes for 13 years now, and over the past few years I stopped monitoring my blood sugars and my diet went to crap. After 2+ years of not seeing a doctor, I finally went in December 2011 and got some shocking news, my average blood sugars were around 340 (should be 80-120), my cholesterol was high (HDL 120, LDL 107), and my blood pressure was 150/90. I immediately cleaned up my diet and after losing 7 lbs. in a little over a month I decided it was time to finally start P90X (which I had purchased last year and never even opened).
Fast forward to May 1st, and a revisit to my doctor and I was amazed at the progress I had made. Avergae blood sugars were 128, my cholesterol dropped to HDL 64, LDL 53, and my blood pressure was a perfect 120/80. My doctor said he'd never seen anyone make that kind of change in just 4 months.
Sorry that was longer than I expected.
I'm pissed that I didn't take before and in progress pics

It took longer than the 90 days for me since I had a vacation week and 2 weeks I had to start over for personal stuff that got in the way. I also didn't follow the P90X diet plan, I've been following a low carb ketogenic diet since January 1st of this year.
Planning a second round starting possibly next week, but this time of year is so hard since just about every weekend is tied up already with some kind of obligation or housework. My goals for round 2 is to continue burning more fat, I still have quite a bit of a gut and some man boobage to take care of. Hope to continue gaining some strength throughout and I plan to transition to a Starting Strength/Stronglifts type of program after this round.
Age - 33
Height - 5' 11"
1/1/12 - 205 lbs.
P90X Starting Weight 2/13/12 - 198 lbs.
P90X Finishing Weight 6/9/1 - 178 lbs.
Wide Front Pullups
Starting - 0
Now - 10 unassisted
Starting - 0
Now - 13 unassisted
Pushups (Standard)
Starting - 20
Now - 73 nonstop