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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah, that's one of my only concerns. Durant is too nice a lot of the time.
Agreed. He's likable as all hell- I mean come on, he seems almost like an apostle in interviews sometimes. Reminds me of his tattoos:

Everything about him with edge is kept below the surface; Westbrook is all edge and no humility. Gotta get dat balance


Agreed. He's likable as all hell- I mean come on, he seems almost like an apostle in interviews sometimes. Reminds me of his tattoos:

Everything about him with edge is kept below the surface; Westbrook is all edge and no humility. Gotta get dat balance
Even his tats are all religious and family stuff.

I don't think it's an act, and he's shown a competitive edge--but I question whether he's enough of a sociopath to win year after year in the NBA like Michael did.

I don't care though, I wouldn't trade him for anyone (including LeBron).


The Cryptarch's Bane
Totally agree, I don't think it's an act. He's a good kid through and through (oh my god I am two years older than him). He could just stand to actually get a little rougher around the edges as he gets older.


Guys, is it cool if I don't hit my 1200 calories for today?

I ate breakfast, missed lunch completely and just made dinner, a nice lean burger with low carb wrap, lettuce, turkey bacon, onion and some green beans. But that only totaled around 400 calories. Add that to breakfast and I'm only sitting around 700 for today, plus did Kenpo, so I'm actually -23 net calories for the day.

I was thinking of making something else to eat but I'm stuffed.
Guys, is it cool if I don't hit my 1200 calories for today?

I ate breakfast, missed lunch completely and just made dinner, a nice lean burger with low carb wrap, lettuce, turkey bacon, onion and some green beans. But that only totaled around 400 calories. Add that to breakfast and I'm only sitting around 700 for today, plus did Kenpo, so I'm actually -23 net calories for the day.

I was thinking of making something else to eat but I'm stuffed.

1200 calories? Are you trying to starve yourself?


1200 calories? Are you trying to starve yourself?
No. It's a fine intake for me as I'm trying to shed a bunch of fat while I am doing P90X. Once I start phase 2 next week, I will be upping the calorie count.

I don't eat much anyway, so 1200 hasn't been an issue for me in regards to being hungry a lot or whatever.
No. It's a fine intake for me as I'm trying to shed a bunch of fat while I am doing P90X. Once I start phase 2 next week, I will be upping the calorie count.

I don't eat much anyway, so 1200 hasn't been an issue for me in regards to being hungry a lot or whatever.

Seems really low. What was your recommended intake level from the guide? Look up starvation mode. If your body doesn't get enough calories it will hoard fat reserves by assuming you're not gonna feed it. It seems illogical but the more you eat the more you lose.


Seems really low. What was your recommended intake level from the guide? Look up starvation mode. If your body doesn't get enough calories it will hoard fat reserves by assuming you're not gonna feed it. It seems illogical but the more you eat the more you lose.
1200 was what the guide says. I'm 5'6"ish. And Yeah, I'm aware of starvation mode, but I've been shedding fat very well these first 90 days so I don't think it's an issue.
1200 was what the guide says. I'm 5'6"ish. And Yeah, I'm aware of starvation mode, but I've been shedding fat very well these first 90 days so I don't think it's an issue.

Cool. I didnt realise it went so low. You must have hardlys any fat to begin with. I just ate a low calorie intake on my first run and the result were slightly disappointing. It was only when I upped the calories to 1800-2200 range where the fat dropped off. Just don't want anyone else doing what I did :)

Keep up the good work though. So youve completed 1 round already?


Cool. I didnt realise it went so low. You must have hardlys any fat to begin with. I just ate a low calorie intake on my first run and the result were slightly disappointing. It was only when I upped the calories to 1800-2200 range where the fat dropped off. Just don't want anyone else doing what I did :)

Keep up the good work though. So youve completed 1 round already?
Well, my problem is I'm 5'6", maybe 5'7" barely and was at 178 lbs and I was putting on a lot of fat. My life is incredibly sedentary so my stomach was big, started to get moobs and shit. So I wanted to kick start the first 30 days with a low cal, low carb diet. The guide said 1200 would get me to my goal. Basically having about a 1400 calorie deficit per day. I've lost 10 lbs since I started on May 28th and am over half way to my minimum goal weight of 160lbs. I wouldn't mind dropping to 150-155 but I will definitely be upping my calorie intake. Tomorrow is the last day of my recovery week and then onto Phase II, where I'm bumping it up to 2000 a day. Thanks for the advice! :D

Edit: I waited a bit and made some more to eat so I'm just under my goal for the day. I'll probably eat a little peanut butter on whole grain later just to bump me up over.

Edit II: I should also clarify, no the guide does not go that low. I think the lowest it goes is 1800. I was posting on the BeachBody forums and people over there agreed that doing 1200 for 30 days was alright as long as I boost it up afterwards. I'm just making Phase I an ultra fat shredding phase. :)


Hm, 1400 deficit seems... really extreme. I'd go easy on your body and do like 1500, and work for the long haul. You'll still lose weight and fat if you're eating cleanly around that level, and you'll have more energy for your workouts I reckon (I'm 5'8" and think I take in 1500-2000 calories most days). On that note, I just yoga'd, and need my shake.


Hm, 1400 deficit seems... really extreme. I'd go easy on your body and do like 1500, and work for the long haul. You'll still lose weight and fat if you're eating cleanly around that level, and you'll have more energy for your workouts I reckon (I'm 5'8" and think I take in 1500-2000 calories most days). On that note, I just yoga'd, and need my shake.
I'll give that a shot.

I had some really low self esteem right around the time I started so I just wanted to shed fat ASAP and it did work, so bumping up will be fine I'm sure. Confidence has definitely skyrocketed as well. :)


Just finished x-stretch. Tomorrow starts my first recovery week. Pretty happy with my results so far. It's crazy how much stronger I feel in only 3 weeks.


Just finished x-stretch. Tomorrow starts my first recovery week. Pretty happy with my results so far. It's crazy how much stronger I feel in only 3 weeks.

Good job! Keep pushing yourself hard and you will be amazed at how stronger you can feel down the line.

Time for Balance and Power, round 1. My body is sore as shit from Total Body and maybe still from Pure Cardio, and also from all these words I'm capitalizing. Time to bring it.


OH MAN!!! Just bought some tennis racket grip and put it on my pull up bar. It makes an incredible difference. If you're having trouble hanging on to your pull up bar get some of this stuff...


... and wrap it around your bar. I needed two packs to cover my whole bar but it works amazingly well. My hands don't slip at all! It think it cost like $2.99 a pack.


Core Syn today, man that workout is slowly growing on me. Kicks your ass every time.

It's definitely one I'm gonna carry over into my post-P90X routine, along with Legs and Back.

Now I'm gonna go get some much-needed relaxation by the pool.


X2, week 1 of phase 1, now complete. Loved every workout (and loved Insanity Pure Cardio I tossed in along with Recovery & Mobility for the first rest day... but my body disagreed and told me to fuck off).

Total Body and Power & Balance were beasts. Kept the weight fairly light on a lot of the more advanced exercises but kept good form and totally exhausted myself all the same. The stability ball (which Beachbody.com has fucked up my order on three times now... I have three 55cm balls and ordered one 65cm one) and medicine ball stuff is great, but I'm still not sold on the rumble roller (torture myself for good results! Yeah!).

Personality wise, I loathe Ted from X2 yoga (for no good reason) and think Steve from Power & Balance is a "mega doucher". Exercise apparently makes me curse a lot. Hm.


Ted's awesome, specially his t-shirt.

Out of curiosity, are you noticing a huge difference in how much you sweat after a X2 workout compared to the original?
You guys need to remember that if you're going for a well-sculpted body, it'll take months to maybe even a year, following proper diet and such. You can't just do this for 3 months and say, I look great! Now to eat like shit the rest of the time...NO.

I've noticed as soon as I cut the crappy foods out of my diet and sleeping earlier and such, I wake up feeling good. Take your time, watch what you eat, and eventually you will look good (even if you already look good =P ).

Focus on the life effects (reduce chances of health problems?) of working out and not just the aesthetics.


Ted's awesome, specially his t-shirt.

Out of curiosity, are you noticing a huge difference in how much you sweat after a X2 workout compared to the original?

Ted does nothing in that video to make me hate him (besides being awesome at yoga whereas I am not), but I think Tony sort of hates him too (y'know, in the P90X fan fiction I make up while watching the videos).

And yes, I sweat a ton. Went through three whole 28 oz bottles of water during Total Body, and two for Power & Balance. In P90X it was rare I went through one whole bottle during any workout. I think it has a lot to do with these foundation videos proving a full body workout where the P90X stuff was more focused on certain parts (guessing phase 2 of X2 is a little more similar to that). Also, I don't miss kenpo at all after today's workout... so much better.
I second the notion that Ted is awesome. He's the person I paid attention to during yoga.

And Steelo no difference in sweat for me, but the resistance training is way more exhausting

And Lane, playing with the foam rolling for more. I was the same way


Did Base and Back for the first time yesterday.

So that's where X2 left all those jump squats they took out of Plyometrics.

While I thought the upper body workouts were very similar to X1 (basically the same with a few modifications to fit in the overall motif), Base and Back is a pretty big departure from Legs and Back. And, much like Plyocide, ARX2, Yoga X2, and Recovery and Mobility, I like this one a lot more. Just pull ups, jump squats, pull ups, jumps squats. So simple, so effective. In addition to working basically the total body, Your heart rate is going crazy the entire time. Never drags for a second.


I'm in need of some advice. So there seems to be a problem with my right knee; for some reason it keeps ...err... clicking. I noticed it yesterday during Ab Ripper, so I decided to give it a rest. I was just at a taekwondo competition today however, and I still have Legs and Back to do, but now my leg is worse. Should I just give it a miss? Tomorrow is the start of my first recovery week as well, will my leg hold me back or should I just hold off for a few days?


Does it hurt when your knee "clicks", if so, it would be wise to give it a rest.

My knees used to pop a little bit when doing the warm-up for Plyometrics, but they don't anymore.


Bleh. My last Chest/Back wasn't as good as I had hoped.

I did fine, but last week I killed it...since this was week three, I don't think I do it again for awhile.

Oh well. Tomorrow sucks because I'm flying to Pittsburgh (get to airport at 5am, arrive in Pitts at 5:30p and straight to dinner with co-workers) so I'll have to do Plyo in my hotel room.

And then the next day I'm shooting all morning, then get on a plane around 2 and get home around 9p. So I will have to do Shoulders/Arms really late.



The Cryptarch's Bane
Back and Biceps with 8 rep sets... nice to be legitimately sore again. Feels almost like week 1-2 of the first round.

On the other hand... bleh. I'm up 4 pounds from the last time I weighed myself. I guess it is to be expected with more calories and the creatine, but I can't say I like the feeling :(


Feeling low today and I'm slated to do recovery and mobility (day 7 of week 1 of X2) but would like to push myself more physically- any suggestions on how to augment R&M today?


Go for a run? Exercise a muscle group that you wont do for a few days?

That works, and thanks. While I'd like to run, I'm pretty worried about effing up my effed up knees (seems to always go fine and then I regret it for a couple days after). I think I'm going to try one of the phase 2 workouts then follow it up with R&M.
That works, and thanks. While I'd like to run, I'm pretty worried about effing up my effed up knees (seems to always go fine and then I regret it for a couple days after). I think I'm going to try one of the phase 2 workouts then follow it up with R&M.

X-Sculpt was my favourite workout from the P90 regimes. Try that one.


Uhhh not a dumb question.

Depends on your current level of fitness and goals.

As I read, I saw that the P90 was the "first level", so maybe I should start with it. I have to reduce my body fat, so...

One question: What do I need for P90, btw? The initial post doesn't seem clear about that. (for P90)
As I read, I saw that the P90 was the "first level", so maybe I should start with it. I have to reduce my body fat, so...

One question: What do I need for P90, btw? The initial post doesn't seem clear about that. (for P90)

You don't need much. You can either use weights or band (a basic one comes with it). You can use a mat or towel for 5-min yoga section. The rest you just need space for squats, push-ups, and cardio.

If you feel that you are out-of-shape (which I totally was. I couldn't do ten squats without feeling like my thighs were going to explode) and new to fitness. I recommend getting the P90 - it helps orient you to basic scheduling (commitment to 90 days), different forms of push-ups and weight-lifting, and cardio. A lot of people make significant progress before 90 days that they are ready to jump into a more advanced program, like P90X.

However, if you want to take a shot at P90X - by all means do it, just know it takes more equipment, more commitment, and you have got to be more aware your body otherwise you will get injured
As I read, I saw that the P90 was the "first level", so maybe I should start with it. I have to reduce my body fat, so...

One question: What do I need for P90, btw? The initial post doesn't seem clear about that. (for P90)

I'd say start with P90X2. Its more beginner friendly.

I started with P90X and it destroyed me but i persevered. If you have the willpower to stick it go with P90X. I think that program gives better results.

But if all you're after is fat loss have a look at Insanity.

The choice is yours really. They're all good in their own way.
I am so terrible with push ups. I don't get it. I've been trying to get better for the last 2 years but I only seem to get worse. Now my elbows click and I can barely do the crappy amount I would normally be able to (7-15). Should I try doing 15 from my knees when I do P90 instead of struggling to do 7 normally?
I am so terrible with push ups. I don't get it. I've been trying to get better for the last 2 years but I only seem to get worse. Now my elbows click and I can barely do the crappy amount I would normally be able to (7-15). Should I try doing 15 from my knees when I do P90 instead of struggling to do 7 normally?

Start on your knees and session by session move your legs back and back until you are in a regular press up position. Ideally you should have a target and not progress until you can complete this set with ease.

....... Avatar quote.......
Plantar fasciitis go fuck yourself :(

Finished p90x yesterday and was hoping to start another round tomorrow but I can barely put any weight on my left heel. Sucks. Going to try to go at it tomorrow but not force it to make it worse. This wasn't because p90x but because I run 5-10km 3 times a week and have been using shitty shoes after my runners gave out recently. Gotta buy new runners soon.


I think you've done your legs and back for the day my man. P90X isn't 6 hours long.

I vote today is seven hours of exercise for Mr. HP. Bring it!

Just did X2 Chest+Back+Balance. Yikes. Busted out six impossible/possibles after much effort and did about nine 4 med ball push ups (took me over twice the allotted time due to balance issues, but I still felt good about it). Didn't have anything in the tank for 3 ball plyo push ups and almost broke my wrist on the first switch by almost missing the balls, then just did regular push ups.

When Tony is talking about "kipping" (?) on the towel pull-ups, is that him making a CrossFit jab? Guessing so.

As with all the other X2 stuff, really liked this. Love the med/stability ball stuff. Still need to do recovery and mobility tonight though.
Plantar fasciitis go fuck yourself :(

Finished p90x yesterday and was hoping to start another round tomorrow but I can barely put any weight on my left heel. Sucks. Going to try to go at it tomorrow but not force it to make it worse. This wasn't because p90x but because I run 5-10km 3 times a week and have been using shitty shoes after my runners gave out recently. Gotta buy new runners soon.

Its ok to take a break. Especially after finishing a whole run through. You've got the fitness bug my friend.
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