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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


The Cryptarch's Bane
All the yoga talk reminded me that I need to order a yoga block so I can keep my leg up higher during the moves during the warrior 3 phase. Every time I do yoga I think "I suck at this, I need a yoga block" and always forget to order one.
I did as soon as I wrote that post. :)
Which did you get? I think it's time for me to do the same.
You can buy the One on One version of Yoga MC2 (what it was originally called) for $20 from Beachbody, along with any other X2 DVD. I'm pretty sure the routines are the same.
Brilliant call, highly recommended.


Ha, we're about the same height then (I'm like 5'7 and a half) and I'm 5 pounds more than you.
Then you know my pain of being short and gaining weight. If I were like 3" taller, it'd be fine haha. When you're this short, you can really tell when you gain a couple of pounds. It sucks. My body only puts fat on in my belly and chest and some on my face. I'd rather it go to my bird legs! Though before I started this last month, I noticed my arms started to get chubby.


Then you know my pain of being short and gaining weight. If I were like 3" taller, it'd be fine haha. When you're this short, you can really tell when you gain a couple of pounds. It sucks. My body only puts fat on in my belly and chest and some on my face. I'd rather it go to my bird legs! Though before I started this last month, I noticed my arms started to get chubby.
Sadly I've been bigger for most of my life so that pain has been around since a kid. :) Like you, my stomach/chest area is where most of the weight is though I also have thicker legs than you do. My face is the last thing to get fat so when it did finally balloon up a couple of years ago I realized that something had to change (for the record, I was 240 pounds when I realized that). I lost a lot of weight doing cardio and low calorie dieting, then I decided it was time to get rid of my acne and took accutane for that, and went back up to 200. I kinda went back and forth between 180 and 200 over the last couple of years and now I'm back down to 170 and have found a diet that I can happily maintain (low calorie diets suck long-term) and a workout I enjoy (as much as I love Insanity it does get repetitive, but I think it'll be great mixed in with P90X).
Here's my 30 Day progress photos. Not great pictures, but oh well. I am very pleased so far.

Forgive the cases of beer. The first photo was taken after Memorial Day weekend and had friends over all weekend. :)


May 28th I weighed 178lbs.

Today I weigh 165.

Wow the gut has pretty much disappeared. Well done man. Keep it up. Day 90 will be a good day for you :D


Sadly I've been bigger for most of my life so that pain has been around since a kid. :) Like you, my stomach/chest area is where most of the weight is though I also have thicker legs than you do. My face is the last thing to get fat so when it did finally balloon up a couple of years ago I realized that something had to change (for the record, I was 240 pounds when I realized that). I lost a lot of weight doing cardio and low calorie dieting, then I decided it was time to get rid of my acne and took accutane for that, and went back up to 200. I kinda went back and forth between 180 and 200 over the last couple of years and now I'm back down to 170 and have found a diet that I can happily maintain (low calorie diets suck long-term) and a workout I enjoy (as much as I love Insanity it does get repetitive, but I think it'll be great mixed in with P90X).
That's awesome, man! Congrats on getting down to 170 and finding things that work for you! That's great!

And Week 5, Day 3 done. Damn you back & biceps!
Examiner did an interview with Tony. Some good news in there. A little bit about his new food line and a tease on P90X3.


Q: Is there a P90X3 in the works, and if so, what can we expect in the next version?

TH: Right now, we’ve got about 10 groups that just graduated from the P90X certification, which puts you in the mindset that I live in. These P90X-certified trainers will lock in their ability to succeed with fitness and have access to continuity videos, such as a cardio routine and a new ab ripper, along with other perks such as annual events and access to special gear. These continuity workouts are the developmental aspects of P90X3, which we will shoot at the end of the year or the beginning of 2013.

Q: Your fans can’t seem to get enough of you; anything else you’re working on of which they should be aware?

TH: My book ‘Bring It’ is out in paperback, plus I have an ebook called ‘Crush It,’ which features 27 videos with training tips. My third book, another ebook – the working title is ‘Yoga for Men, Women Can Play, Too’ – will be about that vital aspect of fitness. Without yoga and its flexibility and conditioning, athletes become vulnerable to injury because of a lack of range of motion. This will allow you to do other workouts better and not get hurt by them. And finally, we’re premiering a soft launch of Tony Horton Kitchen (“TH Kitchen”), which offers fresh meals, delivered to your home every day. It’ll be about $50 a day for three meals, plus everything in between. It’s organic, free range, healthy...and awesome. It’s available now in 12 different parts of the country – New York, Los Angeles, Nashville, New England, plus a few other spots – and should be available on our website around the beginning of July.


As if my year wasn't shitty enough, just found out my stepdad is leaving my mother and much younger siblings after 22 years, so I uh, have a lot of rage to expend tonight. Was supposed to be a recovery and mobility day, but now it's an anger funneled into exercise kind of day. Sorry if that's too weird of an overshare for the thread.
opinions on P90x + ?

I enjoy it. You repeat a lot of the same work outs, but there are a lot cooler moves in that one compared to P90X. Work outs are a bit shorter too, mostly cause there is a lot less fluff. Pull up bar is mandatory though.
As if my year wasn't shitty enough, just found out my stepdad is leaving my mother and much younger siblings after 22 years, so I uh, have a lot of rage to expend tonight. Was supposed to be a recovery and mobility day, but now it's an anger funneled into exercise kind of day. Sorry if that's too weird of an overshare for the thread.

Sorry to hear that man. Be strong for your mother and siblings. And don't stay too angry about the past. Anger gets you nowhere.


Thanks guys. Have been trying to just channel all my negative feelings as of late into the workouts, and it has been at least semi-successful. I'm normally a pretty positive and upbeat person too, but this year has been beyond taxing.
Tony's Kitchen can kiss my British arse. My weekly healthy eating expenditure comes to £15. I could spend more but I'm cheap :) That thing is a rip off.

That does discount protein shakes/bars etc...


Thanks guys. Have been trying to just channel all my negative feelings as of late into the workouts, and it has been at least semi-successful. I'm normally a pretty positive and upbeat person too, but this year has been beyond taxing.
Sorry to hear about your family business not going too well. But working out is the best outlet for that anger and negativity. Sure beats stewing around about it. That's why a lot of people are assholes; because they don't have an outlet to get rid of that negativity.

While things will be shitty in the short-term, it is probably for the best in the long run. Stay positive and bring it!

On a different note, today was the first day I was able to do ALL 50 mason twists at the end of ARX without stopping once! :D


$50 / day for TH Kitchen? Sheesh.

One more week to go on Phase1. Amazing how time flies on this program. I've become best friends with my pull up bar. Love / hate kind of thing.


As if my year wasn't shitty enough, just found out my stepdad is leaving my mother and much younger siblings after 22 years, so I uh, have a lot of rage to expend tonight. Was supposed to be a recovery and mobility day, but now it's an anger funneled into exercise kind of day. Sorry if that's too weird of an overshare for the thread.

Be strong for your mom. She's going to need you, man. Bring it extra strong these next few weeks!


Sooo what do you guys listen to while working out? The music that comes with? For me I listen to a hella ton of Kanye. I also throw in some dubstep and other electronic stuff. If I'm doing yoga or something I generally put on the Beatles.


Sooo what do you guys listen to while working out? The music that comes with? For me I listen to a hella ton of Kanye. I also throw in some dubstep and other electronic stuff. If I'm doing yoga or something I generally put on the Beatles.

I used to listen to the music on the DVD's. Then I realized that it annoyed me. Now, I turn the music off and listen to some dubstep, like you, and some rap and a lot of electro rock.


Be strong for your mom. She's going to need you, man. Bring it extra strong these next few weeks!

Thanks man- I am certainly going to; everyone's support is, as always, very much appreciated.

Just completed kenpo with weighted gloves and I think it is what I needed. Bringing intensity (which oh, I had today) plus the extra weight got a nice sweat going, and I'll do recovery and mobility soon.


Okay, so I'm thinking of hitting up P90, but I want to make sure it will accomplish what my aim is.

Basically my lungs are shit. I need to build up better breathing. I can't jog a mile without my lungs feeling like they are full of rust. I can bike 10 miles fairly hard and not feel the breathing issue on the dirt path I take with some up and down portions.

I have a bout a solid inch of belly fat under my bell button that has now made itself hang over my pants line. This needs to go. I don't need 6 pack abs. I'd just like it to be flat and lean. That's all.

Lastly, I need to get some chest/pecs. I have no fat there really, so it just needs to be muscle built up so I have some pecs.


That's about it. I'm in no rush either. I figure if I work at it hard, diet calmly like I am now where I'm taking out about 1K calories from my current eating routine(per day 1k), then I will lose about 1-2 lbs a week.

So, is P90 regular worth it? Will it get my the results I want?


Out of curiosity, what's your height and weight? Because 1000 calories a day seems extremely low, and it may be counterproductive if you plan to do P90 or P90x.

But to answer you question, yes, if you do the workouts and eat better, you'll get the results you want.


Out of curiosity, what's your height and weight? Because 1000 calories a day seems extremely low, and it may be counterproductive if you plan to do P90 or P90x.

But to answer you question, yes, if you do the workouts and eat better, you'll get the results you want.

I'm 6 foot and 180 pounds.


I'm 6 foot and 180 pounds.

If you want to lose fat, then you'll have to do fat shredder and eat 2400 calories a day. Fat shredder is basically 7 portions of protein, 3 dairy, 4 vegetables, 1 fruit, 2 snacks (like protein bars or protein shakes) and only one carb.

If you do that, then you'll decrease the belly fat.


If you want to lose fat, then you'll have to do fat shredder and eat 2400 calories a day. Fat shredder is basically 7 portions of protein, 3 dairy, 4 vegetables, 1 fruit, 2 snacks (like protein bars or protein shakes) and only one carb.

If you do that, then you'll decrease the belly fat.

I read online that a guy my height/weight should intake about 3500 cals a day?

So if I wanted to lose 1-2 a week I have to reduce 1000 calories. At least that's what my google fu lead me to the other day.


I read online that a guy my height/weight should intake about 3500 cals a day?

So if I wanted to lose 1-2 a week I have to reduce 1000 calories. At least that's what my google fu lead me to the other day.

That's a bunch of calories. I would just do P90X to tell you the truth. You'll be super shitty at first, but get over it and just keep going.


That's a bunch of calories. I would just do P90X to tell you the truth. You'll be super shitty at first, but get over it and just keep going.

Well to be fair idk if that's how much I'm taking in. I've never been a calorie counter.

Today though, my breakfast was orange juice, life cereal with milk, a chicken alfrado ready dinner/lunch, a green apple, some carrot sticks, and some chicken and noodle quick dinner that had green peas, carrots, potatos, and noddles in it.

I think the noddle and alfredo was 330 a piece on calories and the cereal/milk was about 160.


Well to be fair idk if that's how much I'm taking in. I've never been a calorie counter.

Today though, my breakfast was orange juice, life cereal with milk, a chicken alfrado ready dinner/lunch, a green apple, some carrot sticks, and some chicken and noodle quick dinner that had green peas, carrots, potatos, and noddles in it.

I think the noddle and alfredo was 330 a piece on calories and the cereal/milk was about 160.

I'm not really good at the nutrition stuff either, my point still stands that you should do normal P90X though!


I read online that a guy my height/weight should intake about 3500 cals a day?

So if I wanted to lose 1-2 a week I have to reduce 1000 calories. At least that's what my google fu lead me to the other day.

3500 calories a day would be for someone who wants to put some weight and/or maintain weight. If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, then the P90X guide recommends 2400 for someone of your height.


I'm not really good at the nutrition stuff either, my point still stands that you should do normal P90X though!

My reasoning for leaning towards P90 over P90X is price and the things you need to do the routines. I'm by no means ready to drop hundreds of dollars for workout equipment I'm afraid lol.

:( Broke man life.


My reasoning for leaning towards P90 over P90X is price and the things you need to do the routines. I'm by no means ready to drop hundreds of dollars for workout equipment I'm afraid lol.

:( Broke man life.

Maaannnng, all you need are bands and a pullup bar. It's easily worth it. You get all fit and shit.

Here is one for $90 Then like $50 more for bands and pull up bar.

edit: Shit's even cheaper on craigslist.


Maaannnng, all you need are bands and a pullup bar. It's easily worth it. You get all fit and shit.

Here is one for $90 Then like $50 more for bands and pull up bar.

edit: Shit's even cheaper on craigslist.

Ah okay. I have a pull up bar or I should say I have access to one at home. It's my bro in laws. It's in the garage and is hooked up so you can't bring it down. Will it only be necessary for pull ups?

So I'm missing what, just bands and the videos?


Bands and videos, yeah.

Personally, I like the bands a lot for the pull-up exercises, but I don't like them as a replacement for dumbells.

So, if you are like me, then you'd want to get a pair of dumbells too. If you can't curl a lot, a 20 pounds pair and maybe a 25 or 30 for shoulder exercises.


Ah okay. I have a pull up bar or I should say I have access to one at home. It's my bro in laws. It's in the garage and is hooked up so you can't bring it down. Will it only be necessary for pull ups?

So I'm missing what, just bands and the videos?

I only use it for pullups. So yeah, just bands and videos. Some people like a yoga mat, but you don't really need one if you use carpet. I use these bands. So yeah, make sure you can borrow the pullup bar.


I only use it for pullups. So yeah, just bands and videos. Some people like a yoga mat, but you don't really need one if you use carpet. I use these bands. So yeah, make sure you can borrow the pullup bar.

I can use it as much as I want since it's stuck in the garage. It's drilled in etc so it's not going anywhere.

Bands are only 30 bucks? That's a solid amount.

What am I looking at for the videos in price?


Regarding calorie counting, get MyFitnessPal; there is a convenient mobile app that lets you scan the UPCs of foods you eat. It can be eye-opening how many calories you're actually getting. I'd also maybe suggest dropping the orange juice depending on the sugar contents.


I can use it as much as I want since it's stuck in the garage. It's drilled in etc so it's not going anywhere.

Bands are only 30 bucks? That's a solid amount.

What am I looking at for the videos in price?

Found a couple for $70 on craigslist. Will you be able to do the pullups while watching the video though?
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