Enjoyed my first Zombie Dust tonight. Lived up to the hype. Just about as delightfully drinkable as you can imagine. I wish 3 Floyd's had distribution here!
Enjoyed my first Zombie Dust tonight. Lived up to the hype. Just about as delightfully drinkable as you can imagine. I wish 3 Floyd's had distribution here!
Yeah they are pretty consistently quality. Except for Dark Lord which sucks
I'd like to try dark lord, although I have a feeling that the hype behind that one comes entirely from the difficulty of obtaining it.
Don't like the Aecht Rauchbiers? So amazing.
I'm planning on hitting up a bunch of breweries in San Diego tomorrow and grabbing some growlers. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I'm planning on hitting up a bunch of breweries in San Diego tomorrow and grabbing some growlers. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Ballast Point
Green Flash
Tough to go wrong in San Diego!
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Also, this is my first time getting growlers. Are the breweries going to have bottles that I can buy, or should I come with my own?
Seriously though, please go to Intergalactic. I promise you won't regret it, it is right by Ballast Point (you must go) and they have free pretzels from CostCo! And also Star Trek on projector.
I'll check em out. What about the bottles tho?
They don't bottle anything so if you want to try it that is the only way. Ballast Point has a nice bottle section.
I was wondering about growler bottles. Will breweries have empty bottles I can buy and then get filled?
I was wondering about growler bottles. Will breweries have empty bottles I can buy and then get filled?
Almost all of them do, yes.
In CA most breweries actually have rules against filling anything but their own growled so they should all have them available. You won't be able to reuse them at different breweries as a result.
I ended up getting a 40oz of King Cobra as part of a white elephant gift exchange. Should I drink it? Lol
you should buy another 40oz, duck tape one to each of your hands and make a night of it. Friends recommended. If someone asks, it's called 'edward forty-hands'.
I ended up getting a 40oz of King Cobra as part of a white elephant gift exchange. Should I drink it? Lol
You should check it in on Untappd and watch beer nerds freak out.
It's like they've never heard of "having fun" before.
My man!Enjoyed my first Zombie Dust tonight. Lived up to the hype. Just about as delightfully drinkable as you can imagine. I wish 3 Floyd's had distribution here!
My man!
Part of the reason I go beer shopping at Hy-Vee is that they occasionally put excess stuff on great sales, generally as it nears the best by date. I got a 4-pack of the Plum Farmhouse Ale from Tallgrass for $2.99 today. Best by January 11th, so hopefully it will taste alright.
Yeah, I had one earlier. It wasn't very good. I would have liked it more tart, and the fruitiness didn't help anything. Still, for less than a dollar per pint, I can't complain too much.For $2.99 its not a bad deal, but set your expectations low. That beer was definitely not made with aging in mind and was not great the last time I had it in October...
A growler filled with Old Chub is the perfect end to a crummy day.
Jeez, I'm at 650 uniques/1150 checkins since February 2011 (I think).
You should make it a Bud or Miller Light or something equally awful just to piss everyone off.
Sounds like you're going to be drunk! Definitely a good way to end a bad day
Beer Bros, I am currently at 992 beers on Untapped since April. Obviously this means I will celebrate 1000 before the end of the year. Should I wait for the 1,000th unique beer for NYE? If so, what beer should be 1,000?
Beer Bros, I am currently at 992 beers on Untapped since April. Obviously this means I will celebrate 1000 before the end of the year. Should I wait for the 1,000th unique beer for NYE? If so, what beer should be 1,000?
Sad that untappd is the only option right now. Such a clunky and ugly app. I may have to just make one of my own.
Untappd is so bad, there is another app for iOS that my buddies have, it seems pretty cool. I think it's called beerhunt.
Gonna crack my 2012 BCS Coffee and BCS Backyard Rye tonight. This will be an excellent, excellent christmas.
I decided to get my family some beers in addition to other stuff.
Mom- Cuvee Des Jacobins Rouge - Kind of a gamble on if shes gonna like sours. Really could go either way.
Sister - Brookyln Sorachi Ace and Southern Tier Choklat
Bro in law - Hitachino Nest White and St Bernadus Wit
Dad - Pipeworks Citra Ninja and Great Divide Oak Aged Yeti
Merry Christmas, nerds!
Tomorrow night a local bar is tapping a keg of 2011 BCBS. They should also have some W00tstout on tap.