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Beer |OT|


currently I'm in dangerous land...

wow that's big..


ZealousD said:
So I'm pretty new to drinking beer. I've had a few different lagers thus far, and honestly I really can't taste too much of a difference between the ones that I've had. How long would you guys say that I took for you to taste the differences between the different lagers?
Why stick to one style? Get some balls and try a good porter or stout.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
HiResDes said:
Why stick to one style? Get some balls and try a good porter or stout.

Well I'm only a social drinker and even then I usually don't go too crazy. Spreading myself kinda thin too, trying all sorts of drinks. I just haven't tried too many different kinds of beer yet.

It's certainly not due to a lack of balls. I can handle a straight shots of Vodka without breaking a sweat.


Hey fusebox, if you're hitting the theme parks in Florida then I assume you're in Orlando. There's a liquor store/warehouse in O-town called Total Wine where you can pick up all sorts of stuff from Brooklyn, Rogue, Dogfish Head, Three Floyds, etc. It's a place far more magical than Disney World.

If you can make it, try a bar called Redlight Redlight. It's supposedly one of the best beer bars in America.


Nice one Matt, thats exactly where I am, and that bottle shop has just become part of my itinerary for today! Thx for the heads-up.
ZealousD said:
So I'm pretty new to drinking beer. I've had a few different lagers thus far, and honestly I really can't taste too much of a difference between the ones that I've had. How long would you guys say that I took for you to taste the differences between the different lagers?

About the same amount of time it takes a person to differentiate between Mcdonalds and Burger King. Seriously man go crazy with your selections, its the fastest way to develop your palate. Why eat fast food when you can get steak for the same price?


Zeke said:
anyone can do that with vodka. Take a shot of Everclear :p

I wouldn't be so sure anyone could take shots of this vodka for example: http://www.thewhiskyexchange.com/P-9042.aspx

95% stuff, will kill you fast if you're not very careful.

Anyway, as for the topic. Lately I've changed my drinking habits back to beer from long drinks. I mean, when I'm starting a good evening with drinks, I now start with beer again due to it being cheaper than long drinks. Basic 4,7% stuff in six pack is enough now a days to get things going. I've reduced my drinking a lot, as even that six pack is enough to make me somewhat drunk, when only last year I could drink twelve of them with no problem, and continue drinking in bars. Well it's only good I can't drink that much anymore :D


Fusebox said:
Nice one Matt, thats exactly where I am, and that bottle shop has just become part of my itinerary for today! Thx for the heads-up.

Excellent. Let me know what you think if you go there.

Also, I've seen a lot of well-deserved dogging on Japanese beers, but I'm here to say that Japanese micros can be excellent. As far as stuff you can find in the states (including the above-mentioned Total Wine), I wholeheartedly recommend Hitachino Nest beers from the Kiuchi Brewery in Ibaraki Prefecture. There's an owl on the bottle that looks similar to the Hooters logo. The Amber Ale, Espresso Stout, Red Rice Ale, and Nipponia are my favorites, but their Pale Ale, Weizen, and White are also pretty damn good.

Other excellent beers from Japan include Yona Yona Ale (best canned beer I've ever tasted), Cabos and Honey from Brewmaster in Fukuoka, Echigo Amber Ale, and the Stout and W-IPA from Minoh in Osaka. The Minoh Stout is, no exaggeration, world class.


Bah, I was hoping to finish up at Universal around 2 and then head into town to check ot the beer bar but we didn't finish until about 5 so I just ended up doing free beers back at the hotel instead. I'm currently at the airport waiting for a flight to Vegas though, can you recalibrate the Good Beer GPS for Vegas for me by any chance? Im there for the next few days with minimal distractions planned so I should have plenty of time to go tasting.

Seth C

Went out eating and drinking last night. I had a bottle of Left Hand's Milk Stout and I enjoyed the following on tap:

Magic Hat's Howl
Bell's Hopslam
Three Floyd's Robert the Bruce

Was a good evening.


Hari Seldon said:
I'm on the hunt to find some Nugget Nectar. God damn local white trash distributor never carries the good shit.


is this what you are looking for?

i'm so excited, i've heard good things


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
my latest homebrew batch turned out seriously AWESOME. by far my best yet! Its an IPA brewed with 7lbs of ale malt extract, california pale yeast, and 6 ounces of chinook, centennial and (dry hopped with) cascade hops. so tasty. so hoppy.



So far I have had every drink on this page :)

I had a bunch of good beer over the weekend...can't remember all the names but I do remember Serum which was pretty good.
op_ivy said:
my latest homebrew batch turned out seriously AWESOME. by far my best yet! Its an IPA brewed with 7lbs of ale malt extract, california pale yeast, and 6 ounces of chinook, centennial and (dry hopped with) cascade hops. so tasty. so hoppy.


Looks great! Congrats!


Been drinking Dortmunder Gold all night, I only have two beers left out of sixpack...And I have to say this beer is such a grower. It gets tremendously better with each and every beer, and although I usually prefer beers ice cold...These beers taste delicious after sitting for a little. I'm now picking up flavors on this 4th beer that I couldn't before. I taste a hint of berry, like a mix of cherry/blueberry to go along with this near flawless criminally smooth lager.
don't know if any of your are familiar with Kuhnhenn in MI, but i live about a mile from the place and their brews are amazing.

just picked up a couple kegs of their export stout and pilsner. really fantastic stuff.
matt360 said:
Excellent. Let me know what you think if you go there.

Also, I've seen a lot of well-deserved dogging on Japanese beers, but I'm here to say that Japanese micros can be excellent. As far as stuff you can find in the states (including the above-mentioned Total Wine), I wholeheartedly recommend Hitachino Nest beers from the Kiuchi Brewery in Ibaraki Prefecture. There's an owl on the bottle that looks similar to the Hooters logo. The Amber Ale, Espresso Stout, Red Rice Ale, and Nipponia are my favorites, but their Pale Ale, Weizen, and White are also pretty damn good.

Hitachino's Celebration Ale is my favorite. You should still be able to find it around for another month or so at Whole Foods and beer speciality shops.

Other excellent beers from Japan include Yona Yona Ale (best canned beer I've ever tasted), Cabos and Honey from Brewmaster in Fukuoka, Echigo Amber Ale, and the Stout and W-IPA from Minoh in Osaka. The Minoh Stout is, no exaggeration, world class.

If you ever make it over to Japan, check out Baird. They're based in Numazu, Shizuoka, but my wife and I went to their taproom in Harajuku this past April with some locals. I had their Suruga Bay Imperial IPA, which was fantastic. Also picked up a pint glass.


Super Sleuth
I just got back from the Bay Area and visited Russian River. Luckily when we went it was just after all of the Younger hullabaloo. Their sampler is ridiculously amazing. I had a glass of Temptation and Sanctification along with sharing the sampler. I also got a bottle of Temptation and Sanctification to go.

That is by far the best brewpub I have ever been to. It is also awesome that the man brewing what I think is some of the best beer in the world is so open with his processes, even to fellow pro brewers.
Yaboosh said:
I just got back from the Bay Area and visited Russian River. Luckily when we went it was just after all of the Younger hullabaloo. Their sampler is ridiculously amazing. I had a glass of Temptation and Sanctification along with sharing the sampler. I also got a bottle of Temptation and Sanctification to go.

That is by far the best brewpub I have ever been to. It is also awesome that the man brewing what I think is some of the best beer in the world is so open with his processes, even to fellow pro brewers.

I really want to visit Russian River. I haven't tried any of their sours, just Elder/Younger, Damnation, and Salvation. Supplication interests me the most, wish it weren't so expensive, haha.

I did get the chance to try Pliny the Younger last week, though. I got to the bar early so I didn't have to stand in line or anything, thankfully. It was fucking incredible. Like an even hoppier but more balanced Elder. Never thought 11% could be hidden like that. Plus, my spit tasted delicious all day. Definitely worth trying. Not worth flying across the country or murdering babies for, but I can understand the hype.


Super Sleuth
Yeah, Pliny the Elder is my favorite hoppy beer (and one of my favorite beers period) but for whatever reason I have nearly zero motivation to really go out and seek it.

I am in Colorado, so it has some tappings coming up (the first one was on Saturday at Falling Rock), but I just don't really care if I miss it. I try not to get hyped about any one beer when there are so many good beers available.

If you like sours at all, then you really should seek them out. Consecration is year round, and Supplication and Temptation are often available. Sanctification, Beatification and the others are more periodic.

Temptation is one of my favorite beers, and probably my favorite sour. Consecration and Supplication are good, but I prefer the drier, more funk/sour driven beers than the fruit ones.


Finally begrudgingly got through the last of this.

At first I thought I was just not used to that particularly flavor from a beer, later I realized it just isn't good. I don't like it at all.

Luckily we still had some of this.

So good.


distantmantra said:
Hitachino's Celebration Ale is my favorite. You should still be able to find it around for another month or so at Whole Foods and beer speciality shops.

If you ever make it over to Japan, check out Baird. They're based in Numazu, Shizuoka, but my wife and I went to their taproom in Harajuku this past April with some locals. I had their Suruga Bay Imperial IPA, which was fantastic. Also picked up a pint glass.

I've had one or two from Baird. I think it was a Rose Amber or something like that and it was really good. I also had a mikan ale that I think was from them. I bought a few more, but I got completely smashed one night and left 4 bottles in a bag on the train platform. One of the saddest nights of my life. If I'm not mistaken I believe Baird's brewmaster is American, no?


So I do this beer podcast where I learn about new beers with my buddies, and we recently hit this milestone of having 50 different beers on the show. We live in different cities, so whenever we're in the same town, we make an effort to load up on episodes so that they're released consistently. Anyway, we did the last two over a couple days, and we had some really awesome brews. In addition to a homebrew that my friend made, we had the following:


Magic Hat - Demo


Southern Tier - Phin & Matt's Extraordinary Ale


Dogfish Head - Chateau Jiahu


Sierra Nevada - 30th Anniversary Grand Cru


Unibroue - La Fin Du Monde


Brooklyn Brewery - Brooklyn Local 1


Westmalle Abbey (Trappist) - Westmalle Dubbel


St. Bernardus - Abt 12


Boston Brewing Company + Wiehenstaphen - Infinium

Obviously some were better than others, with the standouts being La Fin Du Monde, Abt 12, and DFH's Jiahu. I gotta say, that Westmalle Dubbel was kind of awful. I've had a few different trappists on multiple occasions (including the holiest of holy, the Westvletern 12), and man, that Dubbel was just not in the same league.


AcridMeat said:
Finally begrudgingly got through the last of this.

Tough gig, wish I was there to help you with such a horrible job!

Btw Viewt, I really liked that Brooklyn Brewery. I'm surprised it wasn't more readily available in New York, especially considering how popular Sam Adams is.


Was walking around my local grocery store and came across this IPA. Surprisingly delicious! A milder IPA with nice hops - recommended for the price $8 for a six-pack



Fusebox said:
Tough gig, wish I was there to help you with such a horrible job!

Haha, I know it sounded whiny. Just glad to get it out of the fridge as it would have stayed there forever otherwise.

edit: @ViewT what podcast is it?


Fusebox said:
Tough gig, wish I was there to help you with such a horrible job!

Btw Viewt, I really liked that Brooklyn Brewery. I'm surprised it wasn't more readily available in New York, especially considering how popular Sam Adams is.
Yeah, I was a little down on the Local 1 at first, but it really grew on me. It's a totally dynamite beer that's actually really affordable at around $8 a bomber (depends on your area).

edit: @ViewT what podcast is it?

It's called Rough Draught. As I said, we're all learning about beer as we go, so there's usually some stuff we get wrong, but we try to pick beers that are a little off from the normal circulation. Every once in a while we do a themed show (the first episode was all Trappist beers, the second was IPAs, the sixth was a Christmas-themed ep, etc). It's a small show, but it's a lot of fun, and we usually get to a point where we're sauced as all hell and tell embarrassing drunk stories.

Rogue's brewmaster is going to be at my local pub tonight. They made a winter beer specifically for the place which they're tapping in a little while.

matt360 said:
If I'm not mistaken I believe Baird's brewmaster is American, no?

Yep. He is.
Yaboosh said:
Yeah, Pliny the Elder is my favorite hoppy beer (and one of my favorite beers period) but for whatever reason I have nearly zero motivation to really go out and seek it.

I am in Colorado, so it has some tappings coming up (the first one was on Saturday at Falling Rock), but I just don't really care if I miss it. I try not to get hyped about any one beer when there are so many good beers available.

If you like sours at all, then you really should seek them out. Consecration is year round, and Supplication and Temptation are often available. Sanctification, Beatification and the others are more periodic.

Temptation is one of my favorite beers, and probably my favorite sour. Consecration and Supplication are good, but I prefer the drier, more funk/sour driven beers than the fruit ones.

Yeah, I lucked out in that the bar a few blocks away from me got a keg and I was free that afternoon, so I figured I might as well.

And the only sour I've had is Monk's Cafe, which I loved. I'm currently cellaring a bottle of The Dissident, which just taunts me but I really want to give it the aging it deserves. I just love sour cherries in general, so Supplication sounds divine. But I'm down for any of their sours. Beatification sounds fascinating.

Have you tried their Blind Pig IPA? I've passed over it at the store for Pliny every time, but I've heard it's great.


justin.au said:
Does anyone have anything to say re: Tactical Nuclear Penguin?

I'd like to try it myself but the cost is a bit prohibitive.

Yeah it's like $50 US, pretty steep. Most of the high abv stuff I've had wasn't terribly pleasant to drink, it was for the alcohol more than anything else.

Isn't that higher than Boston Brewing's Utopias? At that point it's pretty much distilled, since normal yeast dies around 12% I think, and boston brewing genetically engineering yeast to get to 24%.


Super Sleuth
bumbillbee said:
Yeah, I lucked out in that the bar a few blocks away from me got a keg and I was free that afternoon, so I figured I might as well.

And the only sour I've had is Monk's Cafe, which I loved. I'm currently cellaring a bottle of The Dissident, which just taunts me but I really want to give it the aging it deserves. I just love sour cherries in general, so Supplication sounds divine. But I'm down for any of their sours. Beatification sounds fascinating.

Have you tried their Blind Pig IPA? I've passed over it at the store for Pliny every time, but I've heard it's great.

Monks Cafe is really kind of a different kind of sour. It is basically in a group of beers that include Duchesse DuBourgogne and the standard Rodenbach in that it has a pronounced acetic acid character along with being backsweetened.

Dissident is good, but if you have never had it fresh I see no point in aging it. Aging is best when you have some memories of the fresh version of the beer to compare the aged version to. They release it and it is ready to drink right away.

I can nearly guarantee you will like Supplication, but even more so I bet you would like Consecration. It is a 10% sour from Russian River with currants. It has a bit of the sweetness that you may have liked in the Monks Cafe without the vinegar qualities, and it has some more overt fruit flavors.

I would take Pliny over Blind Pig any day, but Blind Pig is a really damn good IPA. It is too expensive and hard to find though here in Colorado.

thespot84 said:
Isn't that higher than Boston Brewing's Utopias? At that point it's pretty much distilled, since normal yeast dies around 12% I think, and boston brewing genetically engineering yeast to get to 24%.

It is ice distilled. They freeze the beer, removing some of the water and leaving most of the flavor/sugar/alcohol behind.

Utopias has gotten up to around 27% ABV the good old fashioned way. I respect Utopias far more than the gimmicks that some of the European breweries have been coming out with in the last year or two.


Yaboosh said:
It is ice distilled. They freeze the beer, removing some of the water and leaving most of the flavor/sugar/alcohol behind.

Utopias has gotten up to around 27% ABV the good old fashioned way. I respect Utopias far more than the gimmicks that some of the European breweries have been coming out with in the last year or two.

Lol so it's basically beer from concentrate. I imagine there are easier ways to get fucked up if that's what you're looking for.

By the way, are you anywhere near Aurora? Have you made it out to dry-dock yet? I highly recommend it if you haven't been.


Super Sleuth
thespot84 said:
Lol so it's basically beer from concentrate. I imagine there are easier ways to get fucked up if that's what you're looking for.

By the way, are you anywhere near Aurora? Have you made it out to dry-dock yet? I highly recommend it if you haven't been.

I love Dry Dock. I am not as near to Aurora as I would like. I used to go there all the time back when I first moved out here.

The German beers made at that place are second to none in the US, including the German imports I have had. I am sure the fresh German examples in Germany could compete, but the old crap we get on the shelves can't.

And I wouldn't say it is beer from concentrate, I would say it IS beer concentrate.

Don't get me wrong, an iced beer can be very tasty. Eisbocks are often delicious. I just don't see the point in taking it all the way up that high in ABV except for just a gimmick.


Yaboosh said:
I love Dry Dock. I am not as near to Aurora as I would like. I used to go there all the time back when I first moved out here.

The German beers made at that place are second to none in the US, including the German imports I have had. I am sure the fresh German examples in Germany could compete, but the old crap we get on the shelves can't.

And I wouldn't say it is beer from concentrate, I would say it IS beer concentrate.

Don't get me wrong, an iced beer can be very tasty. Eisbocks are often delicious. I just don't see the point in taking it all the way up that high in ABV except for just a gimmick.

Well there's nothing wrong with not being near Aurora :). Anyways I agree, the high abv's are just gimmicky. Avery brews will get you plenty hammered and all taste good on the way, which I much prefer.
Natedeezy said:
Was walking around my local grocery store and came across this IPA. Surprisingly delicious! A milder IPA with nice hops - recommended for the price $8 for a six-pack


Everyone I talk to says it's shit, but I'll give it a try on your recommendation.

justin.au said:
Does anyone have anything to say re: Tactical Nuclear Penguin?

I'd like to try it myself but the cost is a bit prohibitive.

I wouldn't call it a beer, given all the water they remove from it.

racooon said:

I brew beer myself.

Beautiful! I want to know what style it is too!

In other news, in the St. Louis Metro Area we have: International Taphouse (iTap):


500 beers, 40 on tap. Mondays they have half off half the taps. So Last night I had Boulder Brewing's Flashback Indian Brown, Belhaven Wee Heavy, Schlafly Biere de Garde, and Second Shift Brewing's Weiss and Virtue and my tab ran me...........$10.50! Best deal for craft beer I've had outside of the supermarket!


I decided to try my hand at homebrewing recently, but wanted to take baby steps. I bought the Mr. Beer kit off of amazon (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00007G2IX/?tag=neogaf0e-20) and am currently 7 days into the fermentation process of an Irish Stout.

Has anyone had any experience with this company? They sell ingredients for a variety of styles, and everything is pretty cheap. I'm just hoping the first batch comes out tasting alright. I mixed in about a cup of brown sugar to increase the final ABV, but that wasn't really a well researched decision.
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