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Beer |OT|


Got myself two bottles of 't IJ Columbus for tonight :D



I was at a Beer & Whiskey Festival yesterday. It was very enjoyable! Lots of local swedish micro brewers and fine international brands as well.
Our favorite was the russian meed:

Oh, almost forgot, I got to meet Ron Jeremy as well!

Russian mead, whiskey, and ron jeremy...That must have been an interesting night.

Victory at sea is one of my favorite beers.

They had a few other ballast point beers but not that one.


I've only heard good things about it. We just got bombers of their table beer ($10 lol), so hopefully their gose and other stuff shows up at some point.
Is there a shortage on La Folie this year? It's always really easy to find in Seattle.

Not really sure. There have been kegs popping up at bars around town for the last couple of months, but they all seem to be gone in hours. These are the first bombers I've seen since the 2013. Hopefully it just got here and will available for a while, but I'm excited to grab a few regardless.



Enjoying a 2009 Rose de Gambrinus tonight. This has gotten super tart over the last five years. Damn.

Jealous! The more tart the better IMO! We get Cantillon here every so often, the last time one guy seriously tailgated the delivery truck and bought every single bottle.
Jealous! The more tart the better IMO! We get Cantillon here every so often, the last time one guy seriously tailgated the delivery truck and bought every single bottle.

That guy should be punched in the face repeatedly.

I've got two Loons left in the garage. A 750 ml Lou Pepe Framboise from 2010 and a plain ol' 375 ml Kriek. Not sure when we'll see more in Seattle.
Pretty good day today, started out with Alpine Duet and Nelson on tap. Never had Duet before, incredible stuff. I'm glad more kegs of Alpine are making it out here since I never find any bottles.

Finishing off the night with a fresh bottle of this:



Anyone like that Sierra Nevada Kellerweis?
It's pretty much all I drink these days.
I bought a six-pack of it once, but I don't think I'd had a hefeweizen before that and didn't know what to expect. It was different from anything I'd had before then, and I don't know if I actually liked it. I should pick up another pack one of these days to try it again...



Enjoying a 2009 Rose de Gambrinus tonight. This has gotten super tart over the last five years. Damn.
And what presentation...

Probably gonna crack my 2011 Lou Pepe Kriek at a friend's shindig tomorrow. Will probably end up drinking it out of a coffee mug.

ALSO. California trip confirmed! Expect me to abuse you guys even more with (beer-related) questions in the next two months.


I've sort of been waiting for Rubaeus to show up, and decided I'd grab that version of Stone's smoked porter too. Anybody had it?
Grabbed a bottle of the Smoked Porter last night from Stone's brewery. I like it, but the spiciness is a bit much on its own. I don't think I really noticed it with the GoT tie in Fire & Blood but it's definitely there for Chipotle Smoked Porter, so I think if I have it again I'll make sure to pair it with some matching food.


Had the Lagunitas Hop Stoopid last night. Very nice. Surprisingly well balanced despite the 102 IBUs.

And the Cantillon Lou Pepe Kriek.... what the hell? Pretty disappointing. I have very little experience with lambics, however, so there's no way for me to know if it just isn't my thing or if there was something wrong with it. Gave a shot to four other people who agreed. Might just be the deliberate tart/vinegary taste, but it tasted off to us.


Hey guys. A friend of mine is going to be in Munich Germany at the end of May. Is there a beer she can get me that's only available in Munich that isn't available in North America?
Local store finally got The Bruery's Hottenroth in, damn I missed this beer. 3%, nicely tart, perfect with some berries muddled in. I really wish this came in cans. God I wish somebody would offer a decent berliner weisse or gose in six packs or four packs around here.


Local store finally got The Bruery's Hottenroth in, damn I missed this beer. 3%, nicely tart, perfect with some berries muddled in. I really wish this came in cans. God I wish somebody would offer a decent berliner weisse or gose in six packs or four packs around here.

Gose seems like the new trend out there so maybe someone will do it. Would be nice to see FW tackle something like that


Local store finally got The Bruery's Hottenroth in, damn I missed this beer. 3%, nicely tart, perfect with some berries muddled in. I really wish this came in cans. God I wish somebody would offer a decent berliner weisse or gose in six packs or four packs around here.

Anderson Valley has a Gose now in 6 packs, can you get their stuff? Not as good as Westbrook Gose, but still pretty good.

New Belgium Snapshot Wheat is also similar to a Berliner Weisse, nicely tart, easy drinking.


I picked up a sixer of Bell's Oarsman earlier, partly due to the discussion of goses and such. I've only had it once and didn't particularly like it then, but at least I know what to expect now.
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