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Beer |OT|


Dynamite Ringo Matsuri said:
Okay, just cracked open the now ice-cold La Fin du Monde and... Wow. This is the best beer I've had since Dogfish Head's Raison d'etre. Really delicious beer, with a wonderful fruity aroma that has hints of honey and banana to it. The mouth feel is almost like drinking sparkling wine, and it's very sweet and drinkable, and hides its relatively high ABV. It's a very tasty beer, and gets the highest recommendation from me. If you can find this, do not hesitate to pick it up!

Damn, now I'm trying to remember what it tasted like. I know the package store near my campus sells it, with a lot of other quality beer.

My new plan for spring break (since I will be headed back to my dorm tomorrow already to start working on a research paper) is to buy a nice large bottle of beer (preferably this), order a vast amount of wings and stay up all night playing Xenogears.


gcubed said:
Heaven and hell? Its a self mix though, 120 minute and worldwide stout. Both ass kicking beers

Don't think so, if I recall correctly we mixed the Palo with the 90 minute IPA, shit was banging.
InsertNameHere said:
Damn, now I'm trying to remember what it tasted like. I know the package store near my campus sells it, with a lot of other quality beer.

My new plan for spring break (since I will be headed back to my dorm tomorrow already to start working on a research paper) is to buy a nice large bottle of beer (preferably this), order a vast amount of wings and stay up all night playing Xenogears.
Sounds like a good use of an evening. I'm going to commit heresy here by stating that I've never played Xenogears. That aside, I can't wait to try out the Trois Pistoles.
Ilúvatar said:
Don't think so, if I recall correctly we mixed the Palo with the 90 minute IPA, shit was banging.

Despite World Wide Stout being one of my favorite beers, that sounds way better than a Heaven and Hell. never had the 120 minute, though.


HiResDes said:
hey other guy that has the Smuttynose Porter, what did you think? I think it's amazing, so smooth, so chocolatey, so drinkable....Pretty much a perfect Porter, only second to that Rogue Double Mocha Porter IMO.

Had it in the past and I really liked it also.


HappyBivouac said:
Despite World Wide Stout being one of my favorite beers, that sounds way better than a Heaven and Hell. never had the 120 minute, though.

never had it, would be "lighter", need to give it a try... heaven and hell is magical... as in, you drink one and you are seeing shit

bob page

thespot84 said:
Breckenridge Brewery has a great vanilla porter too if you can find it.

(PS I hate you for having trader joes :p)
Yeah Trader Joes is awesome. They have so many local microbrews and their prices are so much lower than anywhere else. Plus, they let you mix and match and buy singles!
bob page said:
Yeah Trader Joes is awesome. They have so many local microbrews and their prices are so much lower than anywhere else. Plus, they let you mix and match and buy singles!
Man, I miss Trader Joe's. Closest thing we've got around here is Aldi's... Which isn't close at all :l Finishing off the last of La Fin du Monde. The bottle smelled so good haha Gonna pick up the Trois Pistoles in a bit.


Alright, going beer hunting tomorrow at the big package store near me. Going to treat myself with a few bottles of good beer while I'm essentially alone on campus working on research during spring break.

Any suggestions of what to look for? A list of more rather than less would be good as the selection is alright but probably is somewhat lacking.

750ml single bottles are good, also the place does make your own 6 pack but charges you for the price of a six pack of the most expensive beer you have, so were I to do such a thing I'd likely want all expensive beers.

I don't care what you get so long as La Fin du Monde is in there. I can't get enough of that damned stuff!


Picked up some Trois Pistoles earlier today. It was very good, surprisingly smooth and mellow for a Belgian dark, it had a some spice to it, and some sweet caramel undertones that linger after swallowing. Overall, I prefer the taste of La Fin du Monde as it just jumps out at you and it had such a sweet honey/floral fragrant nose to it I almost didn't want to drink it. With that said, Unibroue has got a lifelong fan in me, and it's just too bad this stuff is so expensive, otherwise, I'd be drinking it weekly.
InsertNameHere said:
Haha, it's certainly on my list. Supposedly this place carries it.
Man, if you got six of them, that'd be like 45 bucks after tax! My cousin was telling me I should move to Montreal since this stuff is brewed there haha. I should ask her how much it's sold up north.


Living in China temporarily has really hurt me beer wise. Going out to bars you can find decent things but all the stores carry junk. I have been drinking PBR for awhile now as that is the best thing my market has. :( This thread is hurting me deep.


Dynamite Ringo Matsuri said:
Man, if you got six of them, that'd be like 45 bucks after tax! My cousin was telling me I should move to Montreal since this stuff is brewed there haha. I should ask her how much it's sold up north.

I was only planning on getting a bottle of it, maybe another 750ml bottle of something and a 6 pack of assorted stuff. Trying not to spend over 25 dollars.
Dynamite Ringo Matsuri said:
Picked up some Trois Pistoles earlier today. It was very good, surprisingly smooth and mellow for a Belgian dark, it had a some spice to it, and some sweet caramel undertones that linger after swallowing. Overall, I prefer the taste of La Fin du Monde as it just jumps out at you and it had such a sweet honey/floral fragrant nose to it I almost didn't want to drink it. With that said, Unibroue has got a lifelong fan in me, and it's just too bad this stuff is so expensive, otherwise, I'd be drinking it weekly.

Don't they have the 12oz 4-packs where you buy beer? 8.99 where I am, which isn't terrible. Small bottles are nearly always way more economical.

Big-E said:
Living in China temporarily has really hurt me beer wise. Going out to bars you can find decent things but all the stores carry junk. I have been drinking PBR for awhile now as that is the best thing my market has. :( This thread is hurting me deep.

This is the worst thing ever for me, and I know how true it's going to be. I'm deeply interested in China, its geography, cuisine, culture, etc. I'm gonna be finishing school spring 2012 and I have my mind absolutely set on working in China for a few years, probably teaching. As a huge fan of craft beer there is a very serious conflict there. :(

Might have to fill a large suitcase with homebrew ingredients every time I go back.
HappyBivouac said:
Don't they have the 12oz 4-packs where you buy beer? 8.99 where I am, which isn't terrible. Small bottles are nearly always way more economical.
Seriously? God I envy you. The store I get them from sell 750 ml singles for 7 bucks each :\
If you get Unibroue in your area I'd be really surprised if there's no 12oz bottles anywhere. I'd have a look around at other stores and double check your usual place in case you're just not seeing them.
HappyBivouac said:
If you get Unibroue in your area I'd be really surprised if there's no 12oz bottles anywhere. I'd have a look around at other stores and double check your usual place in case you're just not seeing them.
Yeah, I'm definitely gonna be on the prowl. I'm gonna probably gonna poke into Dierberg's and check out their liquor section in hopes of a score. Ive honestly never even seen Unibroue before setting foot in Shop N' Save. Their shelves have some foreign and craft beers, but they are of the 750 ml single bottle variety. Other micros on hand are mostly locally brewed stuff unfortunately.


I remember how amazed I was that you could get good beer, wine and hard liquor from supermarkets when I was in the mid-west. Crazy.

Connecticut has pretty crappy alcohol laws. Can't get anything after 9 or on a Sunday.


Came back with:
A bottle of La Fin Du Monde
A bottle of Rouge Soba Ale
A 6 pack of Dogfish Head Raison d'etre

The only thing that sucks is that everything around campus is about a dollar or so more expensive than elsewhere, so I ended up paying around 26 dollars, but I doubt I would have found most of this stuff anywhere near where I live without driving quite some distance.
I heading to Belgium (Bruges and Brussels) and the Netherlands (Amsterdam and Friesland) next month for vacation. Any suggestions of places to check out that aren't Delirium? That place looks like the biggest tourist trap known to man.

InsertNameHere said:
Came back with:
A bottle of Rouge Soba Ale

This is a fantastic beer.
InsertNameHere said:
Came back with:
A bottle of La Fin Du Monde
A bottle of Rouge Soba Ale
A 6 pack of Dogfish Head Raison d'etre

The only thing that sucks is that everything around campus is about a dollar or so more expensive than elsewhere, so I ended up paying around 26 dollars, but I doubt I would have found most of this stuff anywhere near where I live without driving quite some distance.
Awesome pickups man! Hope you got a decent glass to pour the Dogfish Head into. It tastes pretty blah from the bottle. Anywho, now it comes down to what to drink first...
InsertNameHere said:
This could be the beer talking, but this La Fin du Monde is the most delicious beer I've ever had.
It is most definitely not the beer talking, as it is just ridiculously good. I've still got a third of the Trois Pistoles, but all I can think of is La Fin du Monde every time I drink it :l


Dynamite Ringo Matsuri said:
It is most definitely not the beer talking, as it is just ridiculously good. I've still got a third of the Trois Pistoles, but all I can think of is La Fin du Monde every time I drink it :l

I could only finish half or so because I'm on medication (and took some this morning) and haven't had much to drink in a while. Also I'm a lightweight.
distantmantra said:
I heading to Belgium (Bruges and Brussels) and the Netherlands (Amsterdam and Friesland) next month for vacation. Any suggestions of places to check out that aren't Delirium? That place looks like the biggest tourist trap known to man.

This is a fantastic beer.

Apparently some of the beers Cantillon does can ruin all other beers for you. Looks like a pretty interesting really old brewery. Mostly I have been dying to try one of their sours.
InsertNameHere said:
I could only finish half or so because I'm on medication (and took some this morning) and haven't had much to drink in a while. Also I'm a lightweight.
Lulz. Well half of it is equivalent to about three beers due to the higher ABV, and so am I, but I'm Asian and we're supposedly missing some fuckin enzyme or another to help metabolize alcohol. I just drink for the pleasure of it, not to get shitfaced or anything. I'm probably gonna pick up another bottle of La Fin tomorrow.
For all you "La Fin du Monde" fans. Might I recommend giving New Belgium's Trippel. I do think "La Fin du Monde" is a better beer, however, NB's Trippel is a very well done Belgian Style Trippel that is nice and light and easy to drink, ~8% ABV and comes in a 6 pack that can be had for the same price as their other beers such as Fat Tire (~$7.50 here in NE, have seen it for as little as $5.99)
Yeah, I like the Unibroue labels myself. They look like something out of fantasy art or a Rhapsody of Fire album cover.

sharkmuncher said:
For all you "La Fin du Monde" fans. Might I recommend giving New Belgium's Trippel. I do think "La Fin du Monde" is a better beer, however, NB's Trippel is a very well done Belgian Style Trippel that is nice and light and easy to drink, ~8% ABV and comes in a 6 pack that can be had for the same price as their other beers such as Fat Tire (~$7.50 here in NE, have seen it for as little as $5.99)
Thanks for the tip. The only NB brew I've tried is Fat Tire, so this will come in handy.


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
I'm not sure if these beers have been mentioned before, but has anyone else here tried the beers from Brewery Ommegang in Cooperstown? They are belgian style.
I've tried Hennepin and Three Philosophers and recommend them highly.

I've tried their flagship Abbey Dubbel and Three Philosophers.

The Dubbel - although pretty highly regarded - was not to my taste. I found it to have a metallic taste that killed whatever enjoyment I had for the rest of the flavors. I will stick to New Belgium's Abbey and Chimay Blue.

As for Three Philosophers, I found it enjoyable, but I haven't sampled many other Quads to judge it against.

sharkmuncher said:
For all you "La Fin du Monde" fans. Might I recommend giving New Belgium's Trippel. I do think "La Fin du Monde" is a better beer, however, NB's Trippel is a very well done Belgian Style Trippel that is nice and light and easy to drink, ~8% ABV and comes in a 6 pack that can be had for the same price as their other beers such as Fat Tire (~$7.50 here in NE, have seen it for as little as $5.99)

It's definitely a decent beer at the price. They make a big deal about how it is brewed with coriander, and it does give it a spicier taste than other Trippels. It's not really a contender to topple La Fin as my favorite Trippel, but then again, it does cost about half as much.


You guys have got me pumped to try a La Fin du Monde. I've gotta hunt one down in the near future.

In my frigde right now I've got a:

Young's Double Chocolate Stout
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Stone Pale Ale
Cabos and Honey (made by Brewmasters Brewery in Fukuoka, Japan)


I went to a place in Nashville the other night called The Flying Saucer. They had some rather expensive beers that ranged upwards $60 for one pint. I'm sure that's small time compared to what some of you pay, but for a bar I thought it was high.

Most of the expensive ones were on the Belgian. You guys try anything like that? Is it worth the price? I tried one of the cheaper ones ($12 for a pint), and it was amazing.

I honestly don't remember any of the names since it was a few weeks ago, and I tried a lot of things with foreign names. I'd like to go back and try something a bit more expensive though.


tearsofash said:
I went to a place in Nashville the other night called The Flying Saucer. They had some rather expensive beers that ranged upwards $60 for one pint. I'm sure that's small time compared to what some of you pay, but for a bar I thought it was high.

Most of the expensive ones were on the Belgian. You guys try anything like that? Is it worth the price? I tried one of the cheaper ones ($12 for a pint), and it was amazing.

I honestly don't remember any of the names since it was a few weeks ago, and I tried a lot of things with foreign names. I'd like to go back and try something a bit more expensive though.

The only one that comes to mind is the stuff produced by the Westvleteren monastery. It is a trappist beer, and it is expensive because they only sell it at the monastery and won't sell you more than a case. They also keep the total production low. This makes it a lot more expensive than the other trappist ales, which are already relatively expensive.

Is it worth the premium? No. I found it to be pretty similar to other trappist beers, just significantly more expensive.
Just picked up a 6 pack of the New Belgium Trippel at Dierberg's. I was happy to find it since Schnuck's didn't carry it, and I left with deflated hopes. Dierberg's beer section is pretty great, so that was surprising. They had the 750 ml bottles of La Fin for only 6.50 too. I was so tempted but decided to go with quantity over quality this round. First impressions of the Trippel... Nowhere near as good as La Fin. I'm gonna try another bottle in a bit since my palate was likely tainted by the chips and salsa I had beforehand.

Anyway, I did enjoy the spiciness of the beer, but La Fin's sweetness, complexity and pleasant mouthfeel blew it away. I also had a sip of the remaining Trois Pistoles a second ago and it's really growing on me. I love the sweet caramel taste that lingers after it slips down your throat. Dierberg's even carried more Unibroue offerings than Shop N Save, although I still didn't notice any 4 or 6 packs :(
matt360 said:
You guys have got me pumped to try a La Fin du Monde. I've gotta hunt one down in the near future.

In my frigde right now I've got a:

Young's Double Chocolate Stout
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Stone Pale Ale
Cabos and Honey (made by Brewmasters Brewery in Fukuoka, Japan)
I just had one of these for the first time over the weekend and oh man was it good.


Everything around here has the college campus inflation on it though, I wonder if I could find it cheaper anywhere closer to my house.


Just had the Rogue Morimoto Soba Ale tonight. It was interesting, different than most other beers but not in an entirely un-beerlike way. Hard to describe it. I'm not quite sure I liked the taste that hung around in my mouth a little while after drinking it, but it tasted good while I was having it. I'd drink it again, but it's not big on my list of favorites. I'd probably have some when I'm looking for something a little different.


matt360 said:
You guys have got me pumped to try a La Fin du Monde. I've gotta hunt one down in the near future.

In my frigde right now I've got a:

Young's Double Chocolate Stout
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Stone Pale Ale
Cabos and Honey (made by Brewmasters Brewery in Fukuoka, Japan)

Young's is one of my favorite chocolate stouts, sooo dark.

tokkun said:
The only one that comes to mind is the stuff produced by the Westvleteren monastery. It is a trappist beer, and it is expensive because they only sell it at the monastery and won't sell you more than a case. They also keep the total production low. This makes it a lot more expensive than the other trappist ales, which are already relatively expensive.

Is it worth the premium? No. I found it to be pretty similar to other trappist beers, just significantly more expensive.

St. Bernard's or something right? I've only ever seen it in a six pack, usually the bottles are sold individually (at least around me they are). Also most of them have 10%+ ABV. Worth it :D
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