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Beer |OT|


I thought Evil Twin's Hipster Ale had a bit of a dry, bitter, citrusy flavor that reminded me faintly of Gin Tonic.

Not too many agree though :D


Ok, what beer is closest to Gin and tonic?


just saw this on my feed

what are some of the best IPA's for someone that can be fickle towards hops? I prefer malty beers in general.
What do you like in hops and what are your major objections?

These days, with all of the fancy new hops and various inclusion techniques, the hop character of a beer can vary pretty wildly. Flavor profile and bitterness are both also highly variable.

So what do you want? Fruity, piney, earthy, floral? Dry or sweet? Strongly bittered or mostly aromatic?


Why would you want an IPA then?

I get passed the hops after a while, and end up really liking some IPAs.

What do you like in hops and what are your major objections?

These days, with all of the fancy new hops and various inclusion techniques, the hop character of a beer can vary pretty wildly. Flavor profile and bitterness are both also highly variable.

So what do you want? Fruity, piney, earthy, floral? Dry or sweet? Strongly bittered or mostly aromatic?

I think the bitter is what I'm trying to avoid. I must have one of those tongues that tastes certain chemicals or what have you.

Two-Hearted Ale breh. Great Lakes Burning River, and Founder's Centennial IPA are pretty easy to drink too for the hop sensitive.

All right I'll check those out. I enjoy Sculpin quite a bit but that first bottle is always makes me question why I'm drinking an IPA. It has all the floral, but too much of a taste curve to get there.
Picked up the Stone Arrogant Bastard Box. Not a bad deal for $20. Really looking forward to the Bourbon Barrel-Aged AB.

Arrogant Bastard Ale
2014 Double Bastard Ale
2014 Lukcy Basartd Ale
2014 Bourbon Barrel-Aged Arrogant Bastard Ale
I get passed the hops after a while, and end up really liking some IPAs.

I think the bitter is what I'm trying to avoid. I must have one of those tongues that tastes certain chemicals or what have you.

All right I'll check those out. I enjoy Sculpin quite a bit but that first bottle is always makes me question why I'm drinking an IPA. It has all the floral, but too much of a taste curve to get there.

I'd avoid West Coast style IPAs then and try the Midwest ones. They tend to be maltier and not as intense.
I think the bitter is what I'm trying to avoid. I must have one of those tongues that tastes certain chemicals or what have you.
Distantmantra is on the right track with suggesting Midwest IPAs and Des listed a few good ones.

Founders Centennial is fairly mild for an IPA with a nice medium body. Pretty good example of Midwest style.

Two-Hearted uses the same hops but goes heavy on the late additions, so it has a big, fruity hop profile. Their yeast also probably does some work in bringing out the fruity flavors.

One other one to try that might not be up your alley, is Two Brother's SideKick. It's got a very juicy hop character to it and it is reasonably bitter. But it's got a sharp, crisp bitterness rather than a lingering, pithy, grapefruit bitterness. It might be worth trying to see if that's the particular flavor you're not into.
I get passed the hops after a while, and end up really liking some IPAs.

I think the bitter is what I'm trying to avoid. I must have one of those tongues that tastes certain chemicals or what have you.

All right I'll check those out. I enjoy Sculpin quite a bit but that first bottle is always makes me question why I'm drinking an IPA. It has all the floral, but too much of a taste curve to get there.

The last couple posts are good advice with the Midwest IPAs. I'd also recommend hoppy wheat beers. Gumballhead (which you won't find if you're not around Chicago) and 80 Acre from Boulevard, which shouldn't be too hard to find and the 2 major examples I can think of. Lagunitas Little Sumpin' Sumpin' might work, but might be on the bitter side.

Look into the new "Session IPA" beers as well, or really hoppy American pale ales. They tend to be low on the bitterness and low on alcohol with a huge hop flavor...usually.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Yesterday I had a beer from Ilkley, Rooie Dop & Oersoep called 'De Passie' ('the passion') which is labeled as an 'Imperial Passionfruit White IPA'. I was sorta expecting something dissapointing (usually these descriptions make no sense whatsoever) but this was a pleasant surprise. The beer smelled amazing, really fruity/floral in a good way. Tastewise it had a bit of the bitterness of an IPA (though no way near the bitterness imperial/double IPA's from the US have) but also the tartiness of the added fruits. Very pleasant beer and tastewise somewhat unique.
Got Lucky Bastard and Double Bastard today. The guy at the store was the Stone buyer for the area and he said Levitation and Sublimely Self Righteous are going away. Wtf?


Tap list for one of the pre-Festival events at a local bar.

Cantillon Fou' Foune
Cantillon Rosé De Gambrinus
Cantillon Cuvée Saint-Gilloise
Drie Fonteinen Beersel Lager
Drie Fonteinen Zwet.Be
Drie Fonteinen Oude Geuze
Drie Fonteinen Oude Kriek
Drie Fonteinen Doesjel
Drie Fonteinen Oude Geuze Golden Blend
Hill Farmstead Edward Pale Ale
Hill Farmstead Abner Imperial IPA
Hill Farmstead Nelson Single Hop Pale Ale
Hill Farmstead / Grassroots Legitimacy IPA
Hill Farmstead George Brown Ale
Hill Farmstead Double Citra DIPA
Hill Farmstead / Grassroots Brother Soigné Saison
Hill Farmstead Arthur Saison
Hill Farmstead Florence Saison
Hill Farmstead Anna Saison

Some other great beers we want to share...

Prairie Artisan Ales Bomb! Imperial Stout
Tahoe Mountain Brewing Recolte Du Bois - Sherry Cask Saison
De Molen Lief & Leed
De Molen / Närke Goths & Vandals
Kaapse Brouwers Bea
De Molen Hel & Verdoemenis

Thank god its my off day, I know where I'll be at lunch


Well, I think I have a problem with beer. I've recently ran into a lot of things I have always wanted and being armed with a 0% interest credit card for 5 more months and no self control I have gone on a rampage.

I recently went to Green Flash with a friend to just check out the brewery after not having been in a long time, and saw they had Road Warrior for 50% off. I couldn't just say no, it's my go to beer right now. So I bought 2 Cases.

Then while at a local liquor store I ran across some Velvet Merkin, and my friend and I purchased 3 cases worth.

Then while at the anniversary party for Ironfire which was held at a local pub, probably because the brewery was too small, I saw the pub had several bottles of Parabola in the mini fridge. So I bought 2 bottles.

I have so much beer right now that my fridge can barely contain it. And I love every bit of it. Giving out a few of those bottles to a friend to celebrate him getting married, saving a bunch for a special occasion. I don't even know what I should do with the Parabola I got, I am really excited to drink it, but I'm nervous because I only have 2 bottles.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Tap list for one of the pre-Festival events at a local bar.

Cantillon Fou' Foune
Cantillon Rosé De Gambrinus
Cantillon Cuvée Saint-Gilloise
Drie Fonteinen Beersel Lager
Drie Fonteinen Zwet.Be
Drie Fonteinen Oude Geuze
Drie Fonteinen Oude Kriek
Drie Fonteinen Doesjel
Drie Fonteinen Oude Geuze Golden Blend
Hill Farmstead Edward Pale Ale
Hill Farmstead Abner Imperial IPA
Hill Farmstead Nelson Single Hop Pale Ale
Hill Farmstead / Grassroots Legitimacy IPA
Hill Farmstead George Brown Ale
Hill Farmstead Double Citra DIPA
Hill Farmstead / Grassroots Brother Soigné Saison
Hill Farmstead Arthur Saison
Hill Farmstead Florence Saison
Hill Farmstead Anna Saison

Some other great beers we want to share...

Prairie Artisan Ales Bomb! Imperial Stout
Tahoe Mountain Brewing Recolte Du Bois - Sherry Cask Saison
De Molen Lief & Leed
De Molen / Närke Goths & Vandals
Kaapse Brouwers Bea
De Molen Hel & Verdoemenis

Thank god its my off day, I know where I'll be at lunch

Dutchies <3. Hel & Verdoemenis has like 30 varieties, but the two I've had this year (Misto and Wild Turkey) were great stuff. I'm not really into sours/wild ales so can't say much about the Lief & Leed. The dudes from Kaapse Brouwers are from Rotterdam and have some good stuff, I really liked their strong ambel, Jaapie. Haven't had the Bea yet.
Went to a restaurant, and I was excited to hear they had Southern Tier Mokha on tap. Well, the waiter comes back saying the keg kicked partway into the pour. Once my disappointment subsideded and I ordered a Bell's Two Hearted, the waiter came back with the Bell's and half a glass of the Mokha. And the Mokha was free of charge. Free beer!

Ending the night with a Rochefort 10. Each time I get it, I chill it less. Someone on here suggested having it at room temp. I will try that next time, since each time I have it it tastes better as it is warmer.

Seth C

Going to birthday parties at breweries is such a bad idea. I mean, I like the free high quality beer, but I regret it this morning.
Had a five-year Bourbon County vertical with some buddies last night. The 2011 seems like the sweet spot between the sweet, mellow style of the 2009 and the chocolate, boozy heat of the 2013. I haven't opened a 2013 January and even then, it's surprising how much it's softened in the year since bottling.

Also got a little taste off a bottle of 10th Anniversary Utopias. Oh man, that's a fantastic sip. No way I'd pay the $180+ for it. But I'm real glad to have had a little.
A friend of mine is driving across the country this week helping someone move and wanted to know some good beer he should be looking out for that are really regional. Is around Rapid City, South Dakota and is heading to the northern VA/DC area. So basically going though SD, MN, WI, IL, IN, and OH. Have him looking out for some New Glarus stuff while going though WI and something from Three Floyds while in IN, as we don't get anything from either over in VA. Any other suggestions/recommendations?


A friend of mine is driving across the country this week helping someone move and wanted to know some good beer he should be looking out for that are really regional. Is around Rapid City, South Dakota and is heading to the northern VA/DC area. So basically going though SD, MN, WI, IL, IN, and OH. Have him looking out for some New Glarus stuff while going though WI and something from Three Floyds while in IN, as we don't get anything from either over in VA. Any other suggestions/recommendations?

You made a great choice with the new glarus. Be sure to have him pick up some Surly while in MN.
Happy Backwoods Bastard day.


Maybe it will show up here in KY on Wednesday. All the stores in my town seem to get stock of stuff on Wednesday. Looking forward to trying this year's.

At the moment, enjoying a Founder's Imperial Stout. While I think Breakfast Stout is better, I love how thick and opaque the Imperial Stout is.

And only about five months or so until KBS time.


Just picked up a growler fill of Stone's Xocoveza Stout for 12 dollars at my local mini-mart.


Living in a beer friendly town rules.
Anyone in the UK know where to buy a decent Growler that doesn't cost a fortune? Brewdog only sell tiny 1.5 pint ones in their bars and the only other ones I've seen are 3 pint ones from Fourpure that cost like £40.

The Portland Growler Co ones look amazing but I'll be damned if I'm paying $90 for UK shipping.
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