Aw man. I try to check in something distinctive for the top level badges. Now the next American beer I drink is going to cap me out. I was not anticipating this. I'll have to dig up something interesting.
Always happy to see another brewer. I brew in a smallish apartment and I'm slowly accumulating way too much gear. Right now I'm on a 5-gallon RIMS setup. Boil on the stovetop with some help from a 1500W heatstick. I use a soft-sided collapsible cooler for managing my fermentation temperatures and package in a two-keg mini-fridge setup.
Like a lot of homebrewers, I'm always wanting to try new things, but I do have a couple of recipes that I fall back on. I do a really simple pale with 92% 2-row and 8% crystal 40 at about 1.045 (or if I'm feeling extra lazy, just use plain pilsner liquid extract). Hop it to about 40 IBU with some generous late additions using whatever I've got around (Apollo and Simcoe are a nice combo).
Late this summer, I did land on a really excellent two-week
Berliner Weisse that's gone over phenomenally well with my friends. I've brewed it three times in as many months. It just goes that fast. Super simple. Half pilsner malt, half white wheat malt at ~1.035. Sour it hot in a carboy for a few days, then boil with a touch of hops and pitch in a bunch of White Labs Brett Brux Trois. I also put in a gallon of watermelon juice the first two times, but it's good all on its own.