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Beer |OT|


Unconfirmed Member
Local Bar just announced they will have Founder's CBS on tap on Jan 10th. Looks like they are doing a draft only re-release of it.


Trader Joes has some really cheap adjunct lagers.


Uber mini vertical. Goose Island had stopped distributing to WA in 09 or 10 until they came back in 2013, so unless you traded you weren't getting any here.

Chris R

Couldn't find BCBS or Narwhal when I looked yesterday :(

Finally cracking open one of the bottles of Deal With the Devil I bought a few weeks ago though!
Couldn't find BCBS or Narwhal when I looked yesterday :(

Finally cracking open one of the bottles of Deal With the Devil I bought a few weeks ago though!

The Alaskan distributor for Goose Island for some reason didn't order any BCBS for the entire state. I'm serious.


The Black Chocolate was very good. But I was hoping it would be another Young's Double Chocolate. Which was possibly the most refreshing beer stout I've ever come across. It might be one the few beers I crave in the same instance when wanting to hydrate with water. I've only ever bought the young's double in 16oz cans, not sure if it makes a difference.

I've been having a really hard time finding roasty russian imperials like old rasputin or siberian night. I keep landing on sweeter and smooth stouts. Which I admittedly really love as well. I need to keep the balance though.


Local Bar just announced they will have Founder's CBS on tap on Jan 10th. Looks like they are doing a draft only re-release of it.

How did everyone ignore this post? Mega whalez bro.

This is really awesome that they are bringing it back, hoping to find a place with it on tap in my area in January. A few places in Michigan had it on tap already and people say it tastes just as good as the original batch. I never had CBS fresh before, when I had it most of the coffee and maple syrup had faded, it was a still a great BA stout, but not what it once was I am sure.
How did everyone ignore this post? Mega whalez bro.

This is really awesome that they are bringing it back, hoping to find a place with it on tap in my area in January. A few places in Michigan had it on tap already and people say it tastes just as good as the original batch. I never had CBS fresh before, when I had it most of the coffee and maple syrup had faded, it was a still a great BA stout, but not what it once was I am sure.
I wasn't ignoring it. I was just hoping to not draw that much attention to it. More CBS for me, yo.

I am interested where this info is coming from. I'm not turning anything up with a cursory search.
Lame. A few of the managers at the liquor stores here in KY said that our town wasnt getting BCBS at all this year. The allocation for the state was so tight they decided not to serve the third biggest market because it wouldnt be enough to meet demand, so they didn't send any. Fuckers.

Weird. I know WA got a ton more of regular BCBS than we did last year, but no variant bottles and only a few Coffee kegs.
Picked up a Stone Master of Disguise tonight, it's pretty good, hides the alcohol well. As a "golden stout" it's nowhere near as delicious as Noble's Naughty Sauce (seriously, stick to Citra/Nelson Showers from now on and put Naughty Sauce in nitro bottles please) but it's tasty.


The only seasonal/winter beer I've had so far is Deschutes "Jubelale". Super tasty and easy to drink.

I've liked a few of their other beers so took a shot. I feel like it did well as an intro to winter beers.


Unconfirmed Member
How did everyone ignore this post? Mega whalez bro.

This is really awesome that they are bringing it back, hoping to find a place with it on tap in my area in January. A few places in Michigan had it on tap already and people say it tastes just as good as the original batch. I never had CBS fresh before, when I had it most of the coffee and maple syrup had faded, it was a still a great BA stout, but not what it once was I am sure.


I must see if anyone here in KY gets it. I REALLY want to try that.

I wasn't ignoring it. I was just hoping to not draw that much attention to it. More CBS for me, yo.

I am interested where this info is coming from. I'm not turning anything up with a cursory search.


The event near me is in Buffalo, NY, but the owner of the bar manages to get his hands on stuff that shouldnt make it's way over here all the time, so I'm not surprised. Not sure how wide-spread it will be outside of Michigan.


South Florida Beer Gaf (soon to be more of Florida Beer Gaf too), Funky Buddha has their first two beers in South Florida stores today December 10th. Their Florida Hefeweizen and Hop Gun IPA are supposed to be available at a bunch of places including Total Wine, ABC, and Whole Foods. They plan to expand into more of Florida early 2015, and Last Snow Porter is expected in January 2015.

I'll be getting a 6 pack of their Hop Gun on Friday. Their flagship/year round stuff is good but their seasonals and special releases are on another level. Hoping they do very well so we can see them put some of their really special brews in stores.


I wasn't ignoring it. I was just hoping to not draw that much attention to it. More CBS for me, yo.

I am interested where this info is coming from. I'm not turning anything up with a cursory search.

I have just seen some bars posting that they have it on Facebook, and I have noticed a thread on Beer Advocate with some info on places that have it. Founders should have it on tap at the brewpub soon as well.

Seth C

Looks like the BCBS night will be bottle pours. Anyway, the evening of December 22 if anyone is around Lexington you can try BCBS, the coffee variant, and the barleywine. It's at Beer Trappe.
Toppling Goliath posted this today:

Hello, Friends.

Yesterday, we had the misfortune of experiencing one of the most dishonest acts that we’ve ever had to face. A certain individual had been taking our beers, refilling them with other beers, and then trading the forgeries. To prove a trust-of-trade, the individual had been citing close relations to several of our employees, including our owner. These claims are exaggerated and are definitely not the kinds of actions Toppling Goliath does, or would condone.

While we will not share the person’s identity, we do know who the perpetrator was and have taken actions to prohibit their access to our beers. No longer will they be welcome in our tap room. Should it be found that others are exercising the same dishonesty with our beers, similar actions will be taken.
On a lighter side, we are thankful for the craft beer community and their continual support for Toppling Goliath in all that we do. We enjoy making great beers, and sharing great beers. It is our hope, with your support, that we can continue along a positive path and prevent instances like we experienced yesterday.


I guess I just don't understand the beer-trading culture. I like trying new and interesting beers as much as the next guy, but this kind of thing just seems like insanity to me.

I'm with you, trading is too expensive and time-intensive to personally justify it.

Did you read the third link? Apparently the guy had four alias accounts and had been refilling and rewaxing bottles.
Sociopathic tendancies (lack of remorse, concern for others), super hoarder/ticker/collector mentality, etc.
But at the same time, I don't really get the people who are sending off hundreds of dollars worth of beers to secure those trades, either. Dude wouldn't have any incentive to counterfeit if this ridiculous trading culture didn't exist in the first place.
But at the same time, I don't really get the people who are sending off hundreds of dollars worth of beers to secure those trades, either. Dude wouldn't have any incentive to counterfeit if this ridiculous trading culture didn't exist in the first place.

I'm totally with you. I have access to good beer locally and there is no way I could justify spending money on all that beer and then paying for shipping to get other beer. I don't need something just because it's hyped.
I'm totally with you. I have access to good beer locally and there is no way I could justify spending money on all that beer and then paying for shipping to get other beer. I don't need something just because it's hyped.

Plenty of awesome stuff everywhere to try. No need to bust your ass trying to get something rare. There will always be something new.
Yes, I tell myself the same thing...every time I miss out on some limited stuff.

For the most part, we are very fortunate in Seattle/the PNW to not fall prey to hype where people camp out for beers or chase trucks. 99% of releases do not sell out on day one and you don't need to get there early (Reuben's last two BA RIS release are the exception for some reason). Beer is engrained in our local culture so strongly that the stuff you see in Florida, Chicago, etc. doesn't really happen.


I guess I just don't understand the beer-trading culture. I like trying new and interesting beers as much as the next guy, but this kind of thing just seems like insanity to me.

You can sell those bottles for $200-300. And can trade for lots of rare beer. This guy was probably rolling in rare beers from all over the county. I see why people do it, this has happened in the wine world for a long time now. Beer is finally reaching values where it is worth it for people to attempt fraud.
I'm just still bitter that I even went out on black Friday morning this year to try to get some BCBS only to find out that it was gone already to people that waited in line for the places to open. I just don't have that kind of effort in me.

You can sell those bottles for $200-300. And can trade for lots of rare beer. This guy was probably rolling in rare beers from all over the county. I see why people do it, this has happened in the wine world for a long time now. Beer is finally reaching values where it is worth it for people to attempt fraud.

Think at least 3 people in one of the linked threads said they sent him some Vanilla Rye for his fake stuff. That is just for this one that he got caught on so who knows how much he has gotten.

Seth C

I'm with you, trading is too expensive and time-intensive to personally justify it.

Agreed. If I have a friend elsewhere and they want something I can get, I'm happy to trade with them to help each other out, but that's about as far as I'm willing to take it. And even then only occasionally.

I was initially annoyed at no BCBS coming here. But I know there will be plenty of other awesome things that many others may never get to try. So the annoyance was extremely fleeting.

Meanwhile I didn't even go out looking for it at all. Haha. And I've already managed to have it on tap once without even trying to find it, so I'm really, really not concerned. There are no beers I've had that are so many orders of magnitude better than a local equivalent that I'd go out of my way or pay ridiculous amounts of money. 95% as good as BCBS will do just fine for me if it means I can just walk into a brewery and order it whenever I want.
My wife goes to Boston every 6-8 weeks and she normally brings me a couple bottles. We go to Nebraska once or twice a year so I can try midwest stuff there. My grandma spends half the year in Arizona and brings me Bells and Funkwerks and whatever else I ask for that she can find. I've got one friend with family in Wisconsin, another Vermont and another Michigan that will bring a bottle or can back to share. We go on vacations. I'm not hurting for out of market stuff. Maybe not whales, but it's still fun.

Plenty of awesome stuff everywhere to try. No need to bust your ass trying to get something rare. There will always be something new.

I know guys who are huge traders. So much so that they develop an aversion to anything local or that can be purchased locally. Grass is greener mentality. Shit, I brought a Cantillon Kriek to a bottle share once and they treated it like it was swill. We had a beer from one of the more prominent Seattle breweries together and his response was "Wow, I totally forgot how good their beer is, I can't remember the last time I had one." They're nice guys, but we clearly have different priorities.
You can sell those bottles for $200-300. And can trade for lots of rare beer. This guy was probably rolling in rare beers from all over the county. I see why people do it, this has happened in the wine world for a long time now. Beer is finally reaching values where it is worth it for people to attempt fraud.
Sure in that kind of environment, it's easy to see why someone would conduct that kind of fraud. But it's that whole environment that I don't really understand. What invisible forces are at work to create that kind of value?

That it happens with wine is even more ridiculous to me. There's good research that indicates that people pretty much can't tell the difference between high-end wine and medium-quality wine. Beer seems to have a bit more variety, but I'd be interested to see some similar research.
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