The first edition of How to Brew is available
online, if you want to have a look through. They're up to third edition in print and some of the info from first is a bit outdated, but it's still a great resource. It can be a little overwhelming if you try to take it all in at once, though. It took me a few batches to get my feet under me before I could appreciate a lot of what it has to offer.
That turkey fryer Seth linked to is a fantastic deal. I still boil in a 30-quart turkey kettle, myself. That plus a couple of six-gallon buckets and you'd be off to pretty good start.
My advice in general would be to not get too crazy too fast. If you're like most people, you'll get a batch or two under your belt and want to start doing a bunch of stuff with fruit or spices or whatever. And chances are that chocolate-chili-vanilla pilsner is going to be terrible. Don't feel bad about just following a simple recipe the first few batches. It takes some time to get a feel for the fundamentals and it's much harder to develop that sense when your recipes are overly complicated.
Holy crap. That kettle is enormous. You must have way more people helping you drink your homebrew than I do.