It is sad but true. Thankfully, I don't think I fit into any of those 19.
Seems sort of absurd for a company buying up the kind of breweries that'd make a pumpkin peach ale. But I guess they just want to get every demographic they can, and which one's more inclined to watch the Super Bowl rather than turn their nose up to it?BeerAge...where is your rage, yo.
Shown during the Super Bowl:
Blue Moon is Coors's. But last I checked they created Shock Top and that has equally "odd" flavors! They also bought Goose Island awhile back.It's expected. Funny they spent the money to make the statement.
Besides like Blue Moon, what else do they own?
Also, recently, 10 Barrel and Elysian. The latter of which actually does make a pumpkin peach beer, as it turns out.Blue Moon is Coors's. But last I checked they created Shock Top and that has equally "odd" flavors! They also bought Goose Island awhile back.
Which year is it? The date should be on the neck label of the bottle. I grabbed the three pack of 2011, 2012, and 2013 bottles and that was a fun comparison. The sweetness definitely mellows out as it ages. I still haven't gotten a 2014 bottle of it though, but I need to. Love that beer, and it is what turned me onto Belgian quads.
I don't know of any brewery in the US doing lambics in the traditional fashion. There are a few doing takes on blended gueze, though. And plenty putting out some really good sours of other kinds.I don't usually look at years, maybe I should? I've had it twice, the first on tap then the second just this weekend. I've only ever seen it in those large bottles, so you either have to plan to do yourself in like I did, or crack it open for others.
I really need to try more Quads. For whatever reason there are a bunch of ale styles that don't seem all that popular in the states. I'm not really a PA/IPA guy which seems to be all the rage right now. Does anyone even make a Lambic state side?
I don't usually look at years, maybe I should? I've had it twice, the first on tap then the second just this weekend. I've only ever seen it in those large bottles, so you either have to plan to do yourself in like I did, or crack it open for others.
I really need to try more Quads. For whatever reason there are a bunch of ale styles that don't seem all that popular in the states. I'm not really a PA/IPA guy which seems to be all the rage right now. Does anyone even make a Lambic state side?
The Evangelist
Brings a few choice selections and a hefty supply of tasting glasses to any social gathering, just hoping to win a couple of converts. What, you werent planning on drinking a 15% ABV Russian imperial stout at your nephews Christening?
damn those look intimidating! what's the order gonna be?
please save some of each and blend them together
There are a handful of breweries that are making spontaneously fermented beer in the US. Jester King and Allagash are two that I can think of off hand, though there are others.
Hair of the Dog releases bottles of Cherry Adam next Friday at the brewery.
And yet again. It's flat. Ugh.
For $20, a fantastic deal. Enjoy.My friend found this at Total Wine for 19.99. We're splitting the cost and we'll have a game of rock/paper/scissors for the glass.
He's getting the Rare Vos, I'm getting Three Philosophers and we're splitting that other one. Great deal, no?
My friend found this at Total Wine for 19.99. We're splitting the cost and we'll have a game of rock/paper/scissors for the glass.
He's getting the Rare Vos, I'm getting Three Philosophers and we're splitting that other one. Great deal, no?
Yeah man, my friend sent me a picture of it from Total Wine and I told him we need to split the cost. I think I'll let him keep the glass ultimately (despite me wanting it).My eyes just got wide.
I want that glass.
Basically my thoughts on it as well.Finally got my hands on the Green Tea IPA. It was... an interesting combination and I think the flavors worked together, but i don't think it's for me. It is something that I think people should try out for themselves though, it's pretty much unlike any other beer I've ever tried before.
Anybody pick up Hopslam this year? Last year I bought a single, but $25 for a six-pack is bullshit. I ended up just getting a mix-and-match sixer tonight, plus a Rochefort 8 and some coffee beans, for less than that.
It falls into a the category of "I really liked it, but don't feel compelled to have it again."Finally got my hands on the Green Tea IPA. It was... an interesting combination and I think the flavors worked together, but i don't think it's for me. It is something that I think people should try out for themselves though, it's pretty much unlike any other beer I've ever tried before.
It falls into a the category of "I really liked it, but don't feel compelled to have it again."
There are quite a few like that. It is a category I kinda like because I don't feel bad when they go away, but feel good that I got to try them.Exactly how I feel about it. Well put.
Had a release for it at my local spot this afternoon. I'll get a draft or two of it when it comes around, but I've never had any inclination to pay the rates they want for it bottled.Anybody pick up Hopslam this year? Last year I bought a single, but $25 for a six-pack is bullshit. I ended up just getting a mix-and-match sixer tonight, plus a Rochefort 8 and some coffee beans, for less than that.
Stone Punishment.The worst category is the "I spent how much on this mediocre (or worse, terrible) beer?"
Stone Punishment.
I can still vividly remember the horribleness.
I was at a restaurant a couple months ago that had either Crime or Punishment (can't remember which) on their bottle menu for $10. I thought it was amusing that it was still around, and at a nearly 50% discount to boot.Stone Punishment.
I can still vividly remember the horribleness.
See, I grabbed it again cause it tasted so good to me. Really refreshing.It falls into a the category of "I really liked it, but don't feel compelled to have it again."
I thought it was phenomenal. But ask yourself this: is one 500ml bottle of it worth the price of 9 12oz bottles of the regular one?See, I grabbed it again cause it tasted so good to me. Really refreshing.
How much better is that Old Rasputin aged version? I love Rasputin normally.
I agree to a point.I hold the belief that most things are worth it to have once. Maybe not all the time, but the experience and exploration of something new and different is often worth it.
I agree to a point. I love experimenting. Cap has to be set somewhere for me with the money I have though.
Im on my Waterloo Iowa hustle right now
Had this at a bar last night where it was on draft. Very smooth, sort of nutty, a hint of sweetness, and just the smallest alcoholic bite at the end. As the DD I was entirely pleased with my choice of the nights one beer.
Had this at a bar last night where it was on draft. Very smooth, sort of nutty, a hint of sweetness, and just the smallest alcoholic bite at the end. As the DD I was entirely pleased with my choice of the nights one beer.
Are you gonna try the Moerlein Double Stout, I might have to take one for the team and cop recent haul
Elevator Three Frogs IPA
Young's Double Chocolate Stout (which I still think is the most refreshing beer on the planet)
Founder's Russian Imperial
Are you gonna try the Moerlein Double Stout, I might have to take one for the team and cop it.
Get dat Toppling Goliath
Also since you're around help me settle this debate. What's the best brewery out of Founder's, Bells, and Great Lakes? Who are you picking?