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Beer |OT|

Yep. I won't be picking up my bottles until the anniversary party in May, but at least they'll hang on to them that long.

I, too, struggle with the distinction on when my tart wheat beers go from being a Berliner Weisse to becoming just some random, wacky, sour beer.

The Bu's do a good job of retaining the wheat base of a Berliner, but at the same time they're clearly labeled as "Berlinerweisse style ales." No matter what crazy fruits get dumped in, you can still detect the base Bu Weisse beer.
The Bu's do a good job of retaining the wheat base of a Berliner, but at the same time they're clearly labeled as "Berlinerweisse style ales." No matter what crazy fruits get dumped in, you can still detect the base Bu Weisse beer.
I can believe it. I'm more just poking fun at the general tendency of some breweries to push a subtle style into practical irrelevance with modifications that overwhelm the base style.
I can believe it. I'm more just poking fun at the general tendency of some breweries to push a subtle style into practical irrelevance with modifications that overwhelm the base style.

Oh yeah, I agree with that.

"MORE FRUIT FUCK IT JUST ADD MORE FRUIT WE NEED FRUIT." Sheesh. Some people should probably just drink pop. It's a lot cheaper.
Oh yeah, I agree with that.

"MORE FRUIT FUCK IT JUST ADD MORE FRUIT WE NEED FRUIT." Sheesh. Some people should probably just drink pop. It's a lot cheaper.
I mean, I'm not completely innocent of that. I recently brewed something that could be along the lines of a "pomegranate black Berliner weisse." It started as a Berliner before I added a bunch of black malt and fruit to it. Not really sure what style it'd be afterwards. Tasty, though.


Anyone ever had this? It has a kind of peculiar taste that I really can't place.

Less tart than a lot of farmhouse ales I've tried, really bitter but no real hoppy aroma, and some notes that make me wonder whether there's a dash of smoked malts in there.

Really nice, but unlike anything I've tried before, and I dunno how and why.

I mean, I'm not completely innocent of that. I recently brewed something that could be along the lines of a "pomegranate black Berliner weisse." It started as a Berliner before I added a bunch of black malt and fruit to it. Not really sure what style it'd be afterwards. Tasty, though.

I like a good fruit sour just as much as the next guy, but it seems like fruit variants are hyped to hell and back and the standard non-fruit stuff isn't nearly as popular. A good example of this is Ale Apothecary. It's world class, but they don't typically do fruit additions and not much desire for their stuff online.
I like a good fruit sour just as much as the next guy, but it seems like fruit variants are hyped to hell and back and the standard non-fruit stuff isn't nearly as popular. A good example of this is Ale Apothecary. It's world class, but they don't typically do fruit additions and not much desire for their stuff online.
Yeah, I hear that. Fruit and sour do go together really well, but there's something about a nice, crisp, bready Berliner that so few seem to appreciate and fewer still seem to get right.


Anyone ever had this? It has a kind of peculiar taste that I really can't place.

Less tart than a lot of farmhouse ales I've tried, really bitter but no real hoppy aroma, and some notes that make me wonder whether there's a dash of smoked malts in there.

Really nice, but unlike anything I've tried before, and I dunno how and why.


I tried to stomach one, but I dumped most of it out. Not a great introduction to the brand. Granted I bought it for the nice label.


Anyone ever had this? It has a kind of peculiar taste that I really can't place.

Less tart than a lot of farmhouse ales I've tried, really bitter but no real hoppy aroma, and some notes that make me wonder whether there's a dash of smoked malts in there.

Really nice, but unlike anything I've tried before, and I dunno how and why.

yes, it's a solid beer, but i havent had it in awhile, he makes a couple variants dependent on where it was brewed, this one i recall being pretty complex, with a lot of herbal qualities. it's not a funky farmhouse, more like an herbal sweet one.


yes, it's a solid beer, but i havent had it in awhile, he makes a couple variants dependent on where it was brewed, this one i recall being pretty complex, with a lot of herbal qualities. it's not a funky farmhouse, more like an herbal sweet one.

Yup, that's why I'm so confused by it. Wonder what he put in there.
i had it on tap a while ago and thought it was a pretty standard saison, crisp and spicy. Not sure of the exact recipe, though. I did try the Jolly Pumpkin yeast variation recently which was also tasty.


I'm reading about Ommegang's first IPA (brewed at Boulevard) and I can't help but wonder: Do you really need 8 different trendy hops in your beer?
I'm reading about Ommegang's first IPA (brewed at Boulevard) and I can't help but wonder: Do you really need 8 different trendy hops in your beer?
These days, yeah. The market for IPAs is so tight anymore that you've got to do something like that to differentiate yourself.


The Autumn Wind
I'm reading about Ommegang's first IPA (brewed at Boulevard) and I can't help but wonder: Do you really need 8 different trendy hops in your beer?
I feel Ommegang has earned the benefit of the doubt. They're far more hit than miss.



Mad Tree Sprye (Rye Pale Ale)

Not bad, but very middle of the road. Probably wouldn't get again.


Baltic Porter Lager with Pumpkin and Spice

now this is a special beer, really enjoying it
Yeah that He Said Baltic Porter was delicious, way better than the tripel.

Just had a post-run can of Oberon in the shower which was really refreshing. I know it gets a lot of shit but it's a tasty enough beer, I'd definitely stock up on it for all my friends who drink Blue Moon. When I was in Michigan I kept hearing it got worse after some recipe change, any truth to that?

Now I'm on a Modern Times Booming Rollers, which is a super fresh citra IPA they just put out. It's fucking amazing, definitely the best IPA/pale ale they've put out yet IMO. Saving the rest of the four-pack for the Parks and Rec finale so I can cry into something delicious at least.
Don't even know how to track this stuff.

A lot of liquor stores near me post what they get in stock on instagram/facebook which is a pretty invaluable resource. Not sure what near you posts on social media but I'm sure at least a few do and even if you don't have an instagram account (I don't) you can just check from time to time. As terrible as beeradvocate's community can be the regional Pacific forum is also a good resource for these things.
Cracked the growler of Head Hunter tonight and the opened a Color Field from Grimm and a buddy brought over a de Garde Beacoup Desay. Wow. That gives Peche n Brett some serious competition for amazing peach saison.
Was it this thread or some random one in Off Topic that was about drinking beer in the shower or bathtub? I think I remember someone mentioning letting the beers soak in the tub with them before opening them.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
This is really random but I just came back from a morning swim and the girl showering next to me had a shampoo that smelled exactly like a freshly opened Cantillon smells. Very weird fragrance experience so early in the morning :)


Shower beer isn't that crazy. They have koozies you can buy that will stick to your shower wall lol.

Never done it myself though


had a De Molen tasting with my friend last night, phew, big fan. moving slow this morning.

I'm always confused by why you seem to have much better access to quite a few European breweries than any place I've ever been in Europe. Maybe it's different in Scandinavia...


ha, im always confused by your love of the new england patriots :-/

as far as de molen, me and a friend are just huge geeks about their stuff


ha, im always confused by your love of the new england patriots :-/

as far as de molen, me and a friend are just huge geeks about their stuff

I only have good experiences with their darker beers. Unfortunately I haven't tried anything new by them in a while because prices + restrained labels + lack of brand awareness has lead to their beers being among the worst selling stuff in our store. We still have bottles that we started out with at our opening almost 2 years ago. Good thing half their stuff is supposed to keep for like 20 years.

(Nothing confusing about my Pats fandom. Fell in love with Maine/NE. Fell in love with football later. Choice of team was never in question!)


I only have good experiences with their darker beers. Unfortunately I haven't tried anything new by them in a while because prices + restrained labels + lack of brand awareness has lead to their beers being among the worst selling stuff in our store. We still have bottles that we started out with at our opening almost 2 years ago. Good thing half their stuff is supposed to keep for like 20 years.

(Nothing confusing about my Pats fandom. Fell in love with Maine/NE. Fell in love with football later. Choice of team was never in question!)

cool, so you lived in maine or just in love by proxy?

i agree about de molen ipa / lighter offerings, it's a tough sell as an import because it does it sit here too, and there is so much domestic competition for IPAs that are often fresher even if not better. de molen isnt really on most people's radar, but i gladly welcome all their stuff

what de molen stuff does your store have? i would be really curious

also a friend happened to have a couple Ryan and the Beaster Bunny bottles and gave me one, im gonna have it tonight, post impressions


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Happy to see some De Molen love :) I live not far from the brewery and visit them occasionally in the summer. Also some bottleshops here get well-stocked with their stuff and turn-over is usually pretty fast. I like their heavier/darker stuff but their double IPA colab with 't IJ, Bergamot IPA and Citra Single Hop pale ale were recent highlights too.


Happy to see some De Molen love :) I live not far from the brewery and visit them occasionally in the summer. Also some bottleshops here get well-stocked with their stuff and turn-over is usually pretty fast. I like their heavier/darker stuff but their double IPA colab with 't IJ, Bergamot IPA and Citra Single Hop pale ale were recent highlights too.

i am super excited for their Hof Ten Dormaal collab


cool, so you lived in maine or just in love by proxy?

Nah, I'm German through and through. Funnily enough, one of my two trips to the New England included a visit to Sam Adams which pretty much kickstarted my love for beer. Wasn't a big beer drinker before that.

Don't remember exactly what we have left. Rasputin for sure, I think Kopi Loewak, and some other dark beer. I think my favorite was Hemel & Aarde. I think their beers were among a select few that convinced me that smoked beer didn't have to be utterly overwhelming.


Don't remember exactly what we have left. Rasputin for sure, I think Kopi Loewak, and some other dark beer. I think my favorite was Hemel & Aarde. I think their beers were among a select few that convinced me that smoked beer didn't have to be utterly overwhelming.

nice those are all great imo! and yeah, de molen do well with smoked malts.

tonight i get to try my home brew ipa, preparing for shit, hoping for carbonation



appearance is golden hued, with sticky lacing that dissolves to a thin cap

smell is full huge fruity esters. mostly green apple, banana, dried apricot, and candi sugars. a nice funky farmhouse presence on the nose too.

taste follows the nose, with some nice herbal qualities, and earthy hop bitterness on finish. this is one of the more balanced Evil Twin beers i've had.

no flavors strike me as being peculiar. perhaps a bit bolder with the candi sugar than most farmhouse saisons would be. really dry and quite refreshing at 7% abv

cant help you, i think it's to style and really well balanced. enjoying it more than i remember mostly becaue i usually buy Evil Twin offerings to get kicked in the ass and this isnt that beer.


Hmm, dunno. Maybe it's really a lack of experience, I've only tried like 10-15 saisons so far. Really enjoyed it too, though.

Right around 2001?

Much later. 2008 was the first year I really started following football.
If all else fails, I'll always use the "it's the team closest to me" defense. It's basically my hometown team!
Grabbed a bottle each of Boris the Crusher and Doris the Destroyer today. The nice thing about cold weather is that leaving bottles in your trunk means they are just cold enough by the time your shift is over.

Enjoying the Doris tonight. Really yummy imperial stout. Definitely one worth trying if you get the chance, but nothing worth going crazy to try and secure.
This is really random but I just came back from a morning swim and the girl showering next to me had a shampoo that smelled exactly like a freshly opened Cantillon smells. Very weird fragrance experience so early in the morning :)
That's funny because I came home from spin class at 6 pm and my wife brought me a shower beer to enjoy as I took a long hot shower. It was a slow ride ipa. Shower beer needs to be in the can! Safety first people.

Switched over to an oyster stout brewed by the Wyoming Brewers Guild....nom nom.

OH SHIT!! Top of the page! I'm going to Belgium in June...any pro-tips from folks who have visited (or live in) that part of Europe? Please and thank you.
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