Has anyone ever tried a milk stout? It sounds interesting and I'm curious as to how they taste.
A bit thinner and sweeter than a standard stout.
Has anyone ever tried a milk stout? It sounds interesting and I'm curious as to how they taste.
A bit thinner and sweeter than a standard stout.
Would you recommend it? I need to figure out where I can get my hands on one.
It is definitely worth seeking out. Left Hand has a really good one. It tastes like a slightly thicker and sweeter Guinness to me. The other nice thing about the milk stouts I have tried is the ABV is usually around 5-6%, so it is a good dinner beer if you are out and don't want to get too drunk.
They've made it to Europe, so I'd assume they should be easy to find.Is Left Hand regional or would I be able to find it easily?
A bit thinner and sweeter than a standard stout.
Does not compute.
Craft beer people can be the biggest sticks in the mud when it comes to green beer on St. Patty's Day. Don't worry, a little green food coloring in your precious IPA is not going to cause the sky open up and rain kegs of Bud Light to wash away the entire industry. You can have fun, and drink good beer, like every other day of the year.
Sorry, local stores and homebrewers have been big on their NO GREEN BEER thing for a few days now.
How much are Firestone Walker Double Jack and Brooklyn Sorachi Ace (big bottles) in the US?
I assume they aren't totally cheap either, but the prices over here (12€/20€still seem a bit steep...
Maybe he meant thinner and sweeter than a Russian Imperial Stout. Milk Stouts have lactose added, which gives it that smooth"milky" character, and helps hide the roasted character in a typical stout. Often they are sweeter as well, but not always. I think the main thing is that it covers some of the roast, which makes it a good gateway stout. As a strong roasty stout can be off putting to a new beer drinker.
Heh. Grabbed a four pack of Ten Fidy that was canned in Nov 2013. Love finding stuff already aged for me.
So, Spanish-Danish collaboration (Naparbier and To Øl) Persimmon-infused Saison with shitload of Japanese text (no idea what it says) - this beer has cosmopolitan written all over it
Having the 2013 Ten Fidy now. Damn, it has been too long since I had this stout. It is probably for the best that I don't get it often, because I would get spoiled. Gonna have to get some 2014 cans and compare.
The place I found this still has a ton of four packs of the Jan 2014 release of Narwhal sitting around. Might grab some of those too.
What Spanish breweries should I be on the lookout for while over there?
hmmmm, to be honest there's not much. Naparbier, some people like it and it's the most popular one, but i'm not a fan. There's some other stuff that is interesting but nothing that I would recommend. The good thing is that in the bars and stores here, especially in Barcelona you can find a lot of good European stuff, a lot of belgians, mikkeller, to ol, amager is pretty good, and look out for some things from Italy, they come out with some pretty good stuff from time to time. UK breweries also have interesting things, beavertown, magic rock, the kernel is great with their IPAs.
But yeah, sadly i can't tell you something special from Spain, we are still in the early stages here with "craft beer", maybe try some randoms and see if you like them? But don't expect much. If you like wine there's some fabolous stuff here, like, really really good, and some other liquors that are great, and the food...you will have a great time with that.
Tempted to see if Deal With the Devil is still left at my local store. I really want to try it, but $32 a bottle is just insane. I could get a ton of other beers for that price.
Tempted to see if Deal With the Devil is still left at my local store. I really want to try it, but $32 a bottle is just insane. I could get a ton of other beers for that price.
It's also really boozy and flat out dumb to drink on your own. Use that $32 on something else unless you've got some people to share it with.
It's also really boozy and flat out dumb to drink on your own. Use that $32 on something else unless you've got some people to share it with.
It is boozy, but it hides it oh so well.
I wouldn't call it dumb to solo, twas rather fun, made for a great Saturday.
I'm not looking for anything special, really. Just local craft breweries trying to make a go of it. I'm not a wine guy, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it. My wife will be so happy, though.
The guys at de Garde have told me to visit Edge Brewing in Barcelona, and I've found some places in Malaga, Toledo and Granada. Just wondering if there is anything I've missed.
The only true craft beer wasteland that I'll be visiting in Spain is La Manga del Mar Menor (cousin's wedding). Good thing we're renting a car so I can stock up in Malaga and enjoy some good beer on the beach.
I've been to La Manga, that place is sooooo beautiful but yeah, the town that is nearby is really small and has nothing craft beer related. I stayed at La Manga Club and it was awesome, very relaxing.
And yes, good thinking about stocking up at Malaga, go to Central Beers, Arte & Sana and Hop Scotch, those are good places to go there.
And regarding the beers, maybe try Dougalls, La Quince Brewery, Zuloogarden and Bidassoa Basque Brewery.
Edge Brewing is good! I think an American is the guy running the brewery.
My cousin's wife is from Malaga (sounds like there is a new craft brewery called Malaqa there), so we'll be stopping there for a couple days before heading out to the wedding reception site somewhere in La Manga. Then flying from Malaga to Brussels for two days.
Yep, Edge is American-run.
nice! i'm sure you will have a great time. oh and btw, you probably know this already, but you are coming to Europe at the perfect moment, the Euro plummeted recently and apparently is going to keep going down, so your US Dollars are worth much more than like a year ago.
22 ounces of 17.5% ABV barleywine doesn't sound like my idea of fun anymore. ;-)
Do bottle stops work well with keeping a beer for a few days? I've never tried it. But there are a few large bottles I would get if only I could drink it over a two day period.