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Beer |OT|

Chris R

I am about to find out. They seem to work fine with the wine in my home, and a coworker at my old job used them all the time. But I just put the stopper in my Deal With the Devil bottle. Now to start drinking.

It's very low carbonation so I think it would fare will.

EDIT: Took my first sips. Damn. This is really smooth, and a lot sweeter than I anticipated. The alcohol is very well hidden.

It really is, like it, but again not $30 like.
It's very low carbonation so I think it would fare will.

It really is, like it, but again not $30 like.

Yeah, as awesome as this is thus far, I don't think I will get it again. I balk at paying over $15 for a bomber of anything usually. But this is really damn good. I am glad I splurged to try it, and now I never have to try it again.


Yeah, as awesome as this is thus far, I don't think I will get it again. I balk at paying over $15 for a bomber of anything usually. But this is really damn good. I am glad I splurged to try it, and now I never have to try it again.
If you want you could pick me up some and send it my way :)


That Lagunita's High West Coffee Stout is pretty good for the price, but it isn't anything too amazing. Worth it for the price, but you can't really compare it with stuff like BCBS Coffee, Avery Tweak, or even KBS.
Standard BBomb and KDS are $15 bombers. They easily stand up to the other big boys.

Hell, Pike's Entire Wood Aged Stout is the best deal ever at $10. Seriously under the radar BA beer.

Just bought four of these bad boys, Lagunitas my favorite brewery and I've enjoyed every single brew of theirs. Planning on drinking one tonight, and do my first attempt at aging the others. I don't have anywhere special to place them, so figured I ask you guys for some pointers and maybe some experiences with aging beers.

Edit:posted without reading, ha seems like some of you are already talking about them.



How, exactly, do you brew with whale testicles?
We get the testicles frozen from the whaling company, and we have a licensed butcher chop it up for us to use. The testicles are cured according to an old Icelandic tradition. The testicles are salted, and then smoked with sheep dung. A whole testicle is used in every brewing cycle, and then the beer is filtered and pasteurized. We put a lot of effort into this, and it’s a long process.
icelandic gaf, PM me
They moved out, brand new building (I think?) in South Anchorage.

It's also nice since they will be half a mile away from another of my favorite breweries now, shame I don't live within quick walking distance any longer, but it's only a two mile bike ride in the Summer.

Oh yeah, the guys at Holy Mountain were talking about the new space last time I was there. They're good friends with one of the brewers at Anchorage.
Had Old Rasputin on nitro tonight. I didn't like it as much as the bottled version. It has been a while since I had a bottle, but I remember liking it more.
Hello fellow beer fans. My first post here. I like stouts and porters, plus the occasional mainstream light beer. Not a big fan of IPAs but I still drink them now and then.

Anyone here have the Untappd phone app? I like the app but I have almost no one to follow. My username on there is Wingman, feel free to add me!
Hello fellow beer fans. My first post here. I like stouts and porters, plus the occasional mainstream light beer. Not a big fan of IPAs but I still drink them now and then.

Anyone here have the Untappd phone app? I like the app but I have almost no one to follow. My username on there is Wingman, feel free to add me!



Neo Member
Hello fellow beer fans. My first post here. I like stouts and porters, plus the occasional mainstream light beer. Not a big fan of IPAs but I still drink them now and then.

Anyone here have the Untappd phone app? I like the app but I have almost no one to follow. My username on there is Wingman, feel free to add me!

Hello fellow beer fans. My first post here. I like stouts and porters, plus the occasional mainstream light beer. Not a big fan of IPAs but I still drink them now and then.

Anyone here have the Untappd phone app? I like the app but I have almost no one to follow. My username on there is Wingman, feel free to add me!



Hello fellow beer fans. My first post here. I like stouts and porters, plus the occasional mainstream light beer. Not a big fan of IPAs but I still drink them now and then.

Anyone here have the Untappd phone app? I like the app but I have almost no one to follow. My username on there is Wingman, feel free to add me!
DavidKjellson. I added you!


My supermarket updated the beer section and all of a sudden I have easy access to probably at least 20 different beers I've never had before. For some reason a lot of IPA's. So I took home the 312 Urban Wheat Ale and the Endless IPA from Goose Island.

First time having this, damn it's good. Galaxy+citra+simcoe is a pretty ideal hop combo. I still think I Love It is the best IPA Noble has done but this is definitely up there.


Saint Nic
I drank the Blushing Monk last night...It was quite good. My wife liked it too, but she said it sometimes had a bit of a cough syrup taste to it. I could honestly see that. Good beer, but I won't be buying another even if given the opportunity.

As for my 120 minute IPA, I'll be drinking that week I think.


Neo Member
Added a whole bunch of you on Untappd. More the merrier I say...

In other news I had a De Molen x Anchorage collaboration the other day (Mud & Funk). It was an imperial stout mixed with a sour. One of the more interesting beers I've had in awhile.


Yeah, I was not a fan of Creme Brule. Of course, I don't like creme brule as an actual dessert, so that plays into it as well.

I love Creme Brule so I'm hoping I end up enjoying it. I like sweet dessert stouts if I'm in the mood. Just need to find time to drink all 22oz of that.


Had Keene Idea last night on tap...

Wow. I thought Nelson was already amazing, but this trumps it easily. Best double IPA I've ever had, probably the best beer in general I've ever had, had to have 2 pours at least. Hazy yellow/orange pour, nice fruity aroma (i get a huge guava fruit/orange citrus smell but it always seems to vary from person to person), tastes as good as it smells, bitterness is pretty subdued yet still retains strong citra and nelson hop presence, and that finish, ahhhhhhhh so good! I could drink this for the rest of my life.


Had Keene Idea last night on tap...

Wow. I thought Nelson was already amazing, but this trumps it easily. Best double IPA I've ever had, probably the best beer in general I've ever had, had to have 2 pours at least. Hazy yellow/orange pour, nice fruity aroma (i get a huge guava fruit/orange citrus smell but it always seems to vary from person to person), tastes as good as it smells, bitterness is pretty subdued yet still retains strong citra and nelson hop presence, and that finish, ahhhhhhhh so good! I could drink this for the rest of my life.

Haven't had the chance to try this or Bad Boy yet. Hopefully soon. They had it last year at FWIBF so hopefully they'll have it again this year.
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