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Beer |OT|



I bought this for reasons.


I want that GoT beer. I would buy it just to display in my living room probably, looks cool.

Enjoying some Jopen Hoppenbier at the moment. Really enjoying the fact that local supermarket is stocking so much more beer now. It's almost sad that I'm moving out in a few weeks with no such supermarket near me
It seems that Stone did a 2015 regular imperial stout release. Liquor Barn nearby has a few bottles of the 2014 left and a bunch of the new 2015. I see a very brutal night ahead when I get both of those.


It seems that Stone did a 2015 regular imperial stout release. Liquor Barn nearby has a few bottles of the 2014 left and a bunch of the new 2015. I see a very brutal night ahead when I get both of those.
Yeah, I picked up a bottle of the regular 2015 IRS a couple weeks ago, but haven't drank it yet. Passed on the chai-spiced version, as a few reviews I saw weren't very reassuring.

In other news, I didn't like Clown Shoes Royal Standard that much. Maybe I'm just not a wee heavy/scotch ale fan, since I didn't like Founders' Dirty Bastard either. However, I seem to recall enjoying Sam Adams' Wee Heavy though, as well as Claymore by Great Divide, so who knows.
Ooh nice man. Sounds like quality hunting.

It ain't hunting if the bottles are sitting right there.

But, I did grab the last bottle of Mirror, Mirror 2014 reserve from the store. The worker there pointed out that it just passed the "best after" date, which was all I needed. The bottles of Not the Stoic are going to pass the "best after" date next week, so might snag one of those too.
Yeah, I picked up a bottle of the regular 2015 IRS a couple weeks ago, but haven't drank it yet. Passed on the chai-spiced version, as a few reviews I saw weren't very reassuring.

I am both curious and scared of the chai one. I am not a big fan of chai, but I refuse to believe Stone could mess up their IRS that badly.

Sigh. I am still bummed they didn't do the espresso variant again. That was godly.
Did some grilling earlier and went through two bottles of Lagunitas Nighttime Ale. Now relaxing at the end of the night with a bottle of KBS. I will probably regret it tomorrow, but oh, well.


Sweet. My wife brought me back a regular Framinghammer from Boston. Would love to try the variants, but she's never seen them at the stores she visits.

honestly if you like Baltic Porters, the regular is just as good. the vanilla BA i kinda 180'd on and didnt care for much. coffee and regular BA were legit though. nice to have baltic porters aged in barrels. great style, wish i could try more.
Yeah I'm actually gonna be in Boston for a few days early next month, any recommendations? Thanks for the link to Julio's, definitely checking out Trillium too but not sure what else yet.
Looks like Ohio will be getting Alpine distribution soon. Draft only for a while, bottles later. Hopefully it's more than the Three Floyds that comes in (which isn't much).
Looks like Ohio will be getting Alpine distribution soon. Draft only for a while, bottles later. Hopefully it's more than the Three Floyds that comes in (which isn't much).

I'm assuming it's gonna be from Green Flash (do you get Green Flash already or are they coming together?). I'm sure you've heard enough grumbling so I'm sorry to add to it but it's still kind of a shame how they've handled Alpine. The model here seems to be pushing the lackluster-at-best Alpine Ale, Irish Red, and Captain Stout as "core" offerings and rotating Hoppy Birthday, Duet, and Nelson. I haven't tried a lot from Alpine directly but as far as the GF contract brewed stuff it's really not tasting as great especially as they expand. I'm not sure what happened, I remember the Nelson/Duet I had on tap from them last year was fantastic and being pretty optimistic about the situation but recent batches have been pretty off/dull and far outshined by other options. Not that you shouldn't give the hoppy beers a shot if you see them on tap somewhere but I wouldn't get my hopes up too much or like stand in line for it.
I'm assuming it's gonna be from Green Flash (do you get Green Flash already or are they coming together?). I'm sure you've heard enough grumbling so I'm sorry to add to it but it's still kind of a shame how they've handled Alpine. The model here seems to be pushing the lackluster-at-best Alpine Ale, Irish Red, and Captain Stout as "core" offerings and rotating Hoppy Birthday, Duet, and Nelson. I haven't tried a lot from Alpine directly but as far as the GF contract brewed stuff it's really not tasting as great especially as they expand. I'm not sure what happened, I remember the Nelson/Duet I had on tap from them last year was fantastic and being pretty optimistic about the situation but recent batches have been pretty off/dull and far outshined by other options. Not that you shouldn't give the hoppy beers a shot if you see them on tap somewhere but I wouldn't get my hopes up too much or like stand in line for it.

Yep, it'll be from GF (they've been here for a while). Sucks that the GF brewed batches aren't up to par. And no, I won't be waiting in line for any. ;-)


Tonights pickups.

Belgian Strong Dark Ale with cinnamon, vanilla, oak chips and dried fig

The Dark Saison

Looks like Ohio will be getting Alpine distribution soon. Draft only for a while, bottles later. Hopefully it's more than the Three Floyds that comes in (which isn't much).

Good news.
Every state that gets Green Flash will ultimately get the Alpine brewed at GF. I thought Hoppy Birthday was really solid.

not sure where in boston your wife goes, but she should really try hit up Julio's. it's the absolute best package store on the east coast

She stays in Back Bay for work, so she shops at Urban Grape and Bauer Wine. Urban Grape just got BA Framinghammer and Coffee Framinghammer, but I doubt they'll last until she goes out there next Tuesday.


If it's around for the rest of the season I'll go full loss of dignity and buy it on a Sunday.

That being said, I'm drinking beer at a slow ass pace lately. I have a few real interesting ones waiting too.


I've still not found an IPA I like yet.

Maybe they'll someday grow on me, but I can't quite appreciate the overly hoppy taste yet.


Yeah, I think I've really come around to IPA's just recently. You reach a point where you get past the bitterness and all the other flavors begin coming out. Or maybe I'm just buying better IPAs. I know for the longest time Sculpin was the only bitter IPA that I liked, with a few less bitter ones being passable but not interesting.

Ha. Nice one Bell's.


Oooh, I want to try this.


I've still not found an IPA I like yet.

Maybe they'll someday grow on me, but I can't quite appreciate the overly hoppy taste yet.

It helps if you have buddies that do love them. That way they can give you a taste of something and you're not potentially wasting a 6 pack/bomber. Beer is slowly growing on a friend of mine because we pour her a little bit of ours each time.
Every state that gets Green Flash will ultimately get the Alpine brewed at GF. I thought Hoppy Birthday was really solid.

Yeah the Hoppy Birthday I had recently was okay, the Duet was terrible though, just a malty mess. It's just that the GF-brewed Alpine beers I had last year were much better than the ones I had recently, even taking into account potential bias from all the negativity they've received and my palate. Their Nelson and Duet I had last year were some of the best IPAs I'd ever tasted but this year (even at multiple venues) I just haven't liked the stuff they've brewed as they've expanded the distribution.

Enough negativity, had some fantastic beers over the last couple days. Got a sixer of cans of FW Easy Jack brewed early April, delicious stuff. Glad Firestone is canning now, sixers of Easy Jack/Union Jack/Pivo Pils are gonna be mainstays in my life from now on. Also got to try Almanac Strawberry and 2012 Bruery Sour in the Rye on tap. The Almanac was good, better in terms of fruit profile than their past couple efforts but still mostly tasted the same as their normal output. Sour in the Rye was incredible, though, super tart and delicious. I'm dying to try the version with Peaches, is that gonna be a Terreux exclusive for the societies, PG2G? Can you hook it up hahah?


There is nothing about this I don't like. Sounds tasty.

Just broke into the first Monk's Blood. It taste very similar to Mad Tree Thunder Snow if you've had that. Which is a Spiced Scottish Ale.

This is a Belgian Dark Ale, also spiced.

Des you'd probably like this.


My pops copped a 4 pack of 120 minute when he was at Dogfish Head for me. Drank one tonight going to age the rest. Even just drinking one has got me feeling good!


Just broke into the first Monk's Blood. It taste very similar to Mad Tree Thunder Snow if you've had that. Which is a Spiced Scottish Ale.

This is a Belgian Dark Ale, also spiced.

Des you'd probably like this.
It used to be my go to, but then they acted like they were going to stop making it. It tastes really similar to Maudite, I like it almost as much, but it's cheaper so I'd get it more.
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