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Beer |OT|

I really really like BORIS by Hoppin Frog, Rogue's Shakespeare is also good but has a much thinner mouthfeel. BORIS might seriously be my favorite Oatmeal Stout.
Doris is better. :)

And enjoying an Apocalypse Cow right now. Very interesting. It tastes like an IPA but has the mouthfeel of a stout.


DES!!! Where you at with beer moods right now? What's the summer prospects? I keep falling back on my winter favorites.

Been enjoying the founders session ipa though.


Founders Double Trouble just hit the shelves recently to keep it in the Founders IPA camp.

Didn't see that at my store today. They had a bunch of Rübæus though. It is raspberry season. My dad's garden is overflowing with raspberries now so I'll probably pick one of those packs up next time I go. Looks like I'll keep in this founders groove for the next week.
Didn't see that at my store today. They had a bunch of Rübæus though. It is raspberry season. My dad's garden is overflowing with raspberries now so I'll probably pick one of those packs up next time I go. Looks like I'll keep in this founders groove for the next week.

Ain't nothing wrong with that. But do snag Double Trouble when you see it. A great double IPA from them. But that shouldn't be a shock.


WSJ said:
Brewers have wrestled for years with how to get around the American fascination with import and still provide them with fresh beer. Some like Australian-born Foster’s for a while shifted production to Canada, allowing it to reduce shipping costs and still describe the beer as an import.

Sapporo, which is owned by a Japanese brewer, is one of the beers that still exports from Canada. It is brewed at Sleeman Breweries Ltd. in Guelph, Canada. Thus Sapporo cans and bottles in the U.S. can be labeled “Imported.”

What beers do your dads drink? I drink a lot of craft beer, but my dad still drinks mostly Budweiser and O'Douls. He recognizes that they're not great beers, but says he is nostalgic for them. I think this is very indicative of the age difference in beer purchasing. How say you?

My 61-year old dad drinks craft and often goes to beer events with me. Probably helps that one of his best friends was the former Brewmaster at Deschutes and now owns Crux in Bend, OR.

My mom loves craft beer as well. Big fan of sours.


What beers do your dads drink? I drink a lot of craft beer, but my dad still drinks mostly Budweiser and O'Douls. He recognizes that they're not great beers, but says he is nostalgic for them. I think this is very indicative of the age difference in beer purchasing. How say you?

Mom's from Franconia and very open-minded when it comes to beer.

Dad's less discerning and drinks whatever's around.


my dad's beer history over the last 30 odd years

90s he drank Pete's Wicked Ale

2000s he drank Sam Adams BL

10's he drinks Brooklyn Lager

2020 he will be due for a new choice

he says anything with "hop" in the title he avoids.

also drinks the occasional Guinness on nitro

my mom describes sours as "terrible" and makes faces when trying them.


My father loved IPAs but I dont think he ever rejected any specific styles. Pretty much enjoyed everything I gave him (including stuff like Double DBA). He was a pretty in to wine though, which probably helped.


So apparently there aren't many reviews of this Quintacerarops and the ones that are available are all over the place so I'm really curious what I'm gonna make of this beer.
So apparently there aren't many reviews of this Quintacerarops and the ones that are available are all over the place so I'm really curious what I'm gonna make of this beer.

I enjoy Brooklyn but I grabbed a Deschutes The Stoic and Weyerbacher Blasphemy for the price of the that one. Blasphemy is a steal for $8/750mL.


DES!!! Where you at with beer moods right now? What's the summer prospects? I keep falling back on my winter favorites.

Been enjoying the founders session ipa though.

I've been in my typical Saison, Gose, and Tripel mood...Basically anything made with wild yeasts right now I'm all about.


Currently in London

I know this is largely an American community, but any suggestions for great beer? Might just find a good Belgian pub if all else fails.


So the alcohol store will be releasing a bunch of new beers this Friday and they have a few really expensive ones and I'm thinking of getting a bottle of one of them.

Stone Imperial Russian Stout
Stone Imperial Russian Stout Chai Spiced
Stone Old Guardian
Stone Old Guardian Extra Hoppy

Recommendations? I read that the Chai Spiced one is one-time-only so I was thinking of getting that one but since I kind of don't know what Chai is I'm not so sure.
So the alcohol store will be releasing a bunch of new beers this Friday and they have a few really expensive ones and I'm thinking of getting a bottle of one of them.

Stone Imperial Russian Stout
Stone Imperial Russian Stout Chai Spiced
Stone Old Guardian
Stone Old Guardian Extra Hoppy

Recommendations? I read that the Chai Spiced one is one-time-only so I was thinking of getting that one but since I kind of don't know what Chai is I'm not so sure.
Chai is spiced tea. So it's a stout that's spiced with things like cinnamon, cardamom, clove, and ginger. Stone releases a regular imperial stout and an alternate variant each year. This year it's cai.

Where you from? It's usually a winter release. Been on the shelf for months, here. And usually not too pricey; like eight or nine dollars for a bomber.
So the alcohol store will be releasing a bunch of new beers this Friday and they have a few really expensive ones and I'm thinking of getting a bottle of one of them.

Stone Imperial Russian Stout
Stone Imperial Russian Stout Chai Spiced
Stone Old Guardian
Stone Old Guardian Extra Hoppy

Recommendations? I read that the Chai Spiced one is one-time-only so I was thinking of getting that one but since I kind of don't know what Chai is I'm not so sure.
The chai stout tastes like chai. Take that as you will. I still haven't tried the 2015 regular stout, but Stone is always good on stouts.

As for Old Guardian, I prefer the regular one. Extra Hoppy just tasted like an IPA to me and not a barley wine.

All four things listed are great and definitely worth trying though.


Chai is spiced tea. So it's a stout that's spiced with things like cinnamon, cardamom, clove, and ginger. Stone releases a regular imperial stout and an alternate variant each year. This year it's cai.

Where you from? It's usually a winter release. Been on the shelf for months, here. And usually not too pricey; like eight or nine dollars for a bomber.
That sounds pretty cool. Maybe I'll get that one then.

I live in Sweden, and I remember reading not too long ago that they switched importers recently and have started to show up in bars. I don't remember seeing any Stone beers in the store before so I guess they thought this was a good way to debut.
Currently in London

I know this is largely an American community, but any suggestions for great beer? Might just find a good Belgian pub if all else fails.

There's a ton of great beer! I was there last year but don't remember a lot of the places I went but check out Southampton Arms and The Harp (the latter's a bit touristy/expensive but still has a good selection) for cask ales and if you're there on a Saturday definitely check out The Kernel. CASK Pub and Kitchen is kinda an annoying gastropub but has a good selection too. I can't think of more specific places off the top of my head but you can't go wrong with a good cask ale at a small pub somewhere (try to avoid the chains though, you can get Sam Smith/Youngs/Fullers anywhere).

Like codhand said, Buxton and Siren are making great stuff. The Kernel and Weird Beard were also delicious, I'll try to remember more. Hopefully someone with a better grasp on the beer scene can chime in.


Man I've had some hard times as of late, been struggling financially and existentially, so coming home to such a phenomenal gift is tear inducingly awesome. Man I'm so hyped to check these out never had any of them before and a dope album to check out on top of it. I'm blown away, you did too much man! Bless up!

So the alcohol store will be releasing a bunch of new beers this Friday and they have a few really expensive ones and I'm thinking of getting a bottle of one of them.

Stone Imperial Russian Stout
Stone Imperial Russian Stout Chai Spiced
Stone Old Guardian
Stone Old Guardian Extra Hoppy

Recommendations? I read that the Chai Spiced one is one-time-only so I was thinking of getting that one but since I kind of don't know what Chai is I'm not so sure.

The Stone Chai is a pretty solid beer, as is the IRS. One thing about the Chai beer is that the 2015 is good to drink now. Yeah, it will change over time, but I've found that aged chai beers get really heavy on the cinnamon and clove leaving more of a holiday spice beer. I'd get the Chai to drink now, if you want to age one, grab the IRS or the Old Guardian.


I've been in my typical Saison, Gose, and Tripel mood...Basically anything made with wild yeasts right now I'm all about.

Went to a bar tonight. Got a Warped Wing Pirogue Black Tripel and a Joemmegang Belgian Dark. I definitely think I shopped the best tonight, but different kick right. I was the only one though served with snifters and for both drinks, so I was doing something right.

Tasted this really strange beer (but it was good) called Abita Purple Haze. It has a light fruity raspberry head. But leads into this super cereal grain tail. The tail is really pleasing though, and it's sits on your mouth like no other.


That shit is a mainstay here in Cincy, the Abita I mean. I think it has a decent abv too IIRC, but just a bit too fruity for me. I'm not sure how I feel about Abita yet. Haven't has anything of theirs that I would immediately go back to. Lots of fruit varieties though.


That shit is a mainstay here in Cincy, the Abita I mean. I think it has a decent abv too IIRC, but just a bit too fruity for me. I'm not sure how I feel about Abita yet. Haven't has anything of theirs that I would immediately go back to. Lots of fruit varieties though.

Guess I just hadn't noticed them, I'll probably order one for myself next time. I think it was only around 5abv. Warped Wing is Dayton based so try to keep an eye out for it in your bars. I got mine off of tap which was pretty awesome. I think that was my favorite drink of the night.
Not Your Father's Root Beer has started springing up around Alabama.

I really like it. Even if it wasn't alcoholic, it's some of the better root beer I've tasted. Far better than Sprecher's hard root beer and it's weird aftertaste.


I was lead to believe NYFRB was decently hard to come by. Maybe it's just still in season buy one of my local stores can't sell out of it. It certainly is good, but It actually kind of upsets my stomach. As far as sugar and alcohol my mouth handles it pretty well. But it does my stomach in to be honest.
I was lead to believe NYFRB was decently hard to come by. Maybe it's just still in season buy one of my local stores can't sell out of it. It certainly is good, but It actually kind of upsets my stomach. As far as sugar and alcohol my mouth handles it pretty well. But it does my stomach in to be honest.

I haven't drank more than two bottles in a sitting, but I was fine. I occasionally get a little queasy after a few sweeter ciders.

However one time I drank three of these at a trashy party and my life was a waking nightmare for what seemed like the rest of eternity.


Oh god... pre-mixed drinks are the worst. I can only imagine a canned margarita that looks like an energy drink aimed at freshmen boys. That demographic pretty much just wants to throw up to show off their cohones.


So I work at an ever growing, and now world renowned brewery and a guy came in and brought me 2 cans of Heady Topper.

Needless to say I'm pretty pumped to try it this weekend for the 4th of July


So I work at an ever growing, and now world renowned brewery and a guy came in and brought me 2 cans of Heady Topper.

Needless to say I'm pretty pumped to try it this weekend for the 4th of July

hook me up with a job ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Kentucky only again? Or do I actually have a slim chance of finding this?

I saw on BeerAdvocate that it has shown up in the Boston area, so I guess they learned their lesson last year and are going nationwide again. But I live in KY now, so I should be golden. Hopefully some places around here get it on tap like they did last summer. I moved to KY in September and missed the train on bottles of 2.0, but one of my first nights out here a place had it on tap. You can bet I had it then.

Funny enough, there isn't really anything about it on Stone's main page. Just the old W00tstout.
Had my first bottle of the 2015 Stickee Monkee last night, and it was glorious. Possibly even better than I remember the 2014 being. Now to stash the rest of the case away.
I was lead to believe NYFRB was decently hard to come by. Maybe it's just still in season buy one of my local stores can't sell out of it. It certainly is good, but It actually kind of upsets my stomach. As far as sugar and alcohol my mouth handles it pretty well. But it does my stomach in to be honest.

It's absolutely everywhere. Pabst distribution deal sure helped with market saturation.

I still think it's terrible.


It's absolutely everywhere. Pabst distribution deal sure helped with market saturation.

I still think it's terrible.

Stopped at a gas station this morning to fill air in my tires, and I saw a mountain of it sitting dusty in the corner. It most definitely has reached market saturation.



Want to give a big thanks to Cod again for this brew, which ended up being tailor made to my tastes.

Omnipollo Mazarin - Pours a very cloudy, opaque pale orange. Smells of a very sticky floral citrus. The flavor is exceptionally balanced. I read a review complaining of a lack of hops and flavor and I think anyone that thinks that must have a destroyed palette. The flavor for me is a harmonious victory of hops, malt, and citrus notes. The carbonation is just perfect creating for a mouthfeel with just a slight bite on the backend. I think this might be the best American Pale Ale I've had.


hook me up with a job ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'll be honest, I was pretty damn lucky to get a job there. Luckily knew a few people from growing up in the town the brewery is in. Job definitely has its perks as well as its terribleness but I'm spoiled with incredible beer
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