Still surprised to see at least four cases of Hop Slam on the shelf.
Can anyone who's been to de Garde confirm that they welcome bringing other breweries' beer (mostly sours) to share there?
Anyone in SoCal want Fremont CCBbomb and/or de Garde shelf beer or something (maybe Holy Mountain if I can find it) for a Modern Times variety 10-pack? Struck out everywhere I looked for one. Should be like $25.
Anyone take you up on this yet?
Pliny the Younger confirmed to be on tap this weekend at Twist Wine this weekend! Between that and visiting de Garde, it's going to be an incredible extended weekend.
Had it on draft over Valentine's weekend. It was very good. Wish I could get some down here in Houston.Still surprised to see at least four cases of Hop Slam on the shelf.
Anyone from the Boston area have recommendations for local brews?
My wife goes there regularly for work and brings me stuff. Night Shift, Trillium, Jacks Abby.
And Tree House if you're willing to drive and wait in line at the brewery.
Cheers. I'll keep an eye out.
Nope! PM me if you're interested.
I was gonna recommend those for sure and Idle Hands is right in the city.Cheers. I'll keep an eye out.
Where will you be staying? My wife stays in Back Bay so she hits up Urban Grape and Bauer Wine & Spirits. Urban sells singles and has Trillium weekly now.
I'll go see if I can find a 10 pack for you. The can variety pack, right?
Whoops meant to PM this.
Do you only drink stouts?
Stouts, barley wines, porters, various styles of ales, quads are my favorites (and while mostly stouts there are a few other styles in that picture.)
I also drink just about every other style and enjoy them; IPAs/DIPAS/TIPAS, sours.
But yeah heavy / high ABV beers are my favorite.
There are a couple ales in there.
Stouts are ales.
That look like stoutsWell non stout ales lol.
Well I guess I'm guilty of drinking mostly dark beers; dark ales, blended ales and porters are my most consumed non-stouts and they are all fairly similar.
But I have some sours and IPAs in my fridge. I tend to take pictures of my barrel aged beers more often than other beers I drink and they are mostly dark.
I used to be all about the higher the ABV the better. While I still enjoy them from time to time, I'd much rather have a nice sub-7% saison, IPA, pale or pilsner now.
Gettin' old.
I like to be awake after 3 beers.I used to be all about the higher the ABV the better. While I still enjoy them from time to time, I'd much rather have a nice sub-7% saison, IPA, pale or pilsner now.
Gettin' old.
For me, a really strong beer wipes all the taste right out. I like to enjoy the taste of my beer most of the time.
Adios taste budsTonight is my exception. I've got the following that I'm splitting with friends who are coming over while our kids play.
32 oz crowler of Boneyard's Notorious (11.8% TIPA)
32 oz crowler of Barley Brown's Forklift (9% DIPA)
Bomber of El Segundo's Power Plant (11.1% TIPA)
+whatever they bring. Probably one of our de Garde Keeper bottles.
Adios taste buds
At Twist Wine right now, and this Younger is glorious. Thanks for the recommendation!
Most "big" beers have are just too boozy for their own good and wreck my palate. I'm good with 6-8 oz.
Give me a kick ass 4% grisette or saison and I'm a happy man.
Locals are rowdy, yo! Even at noon on Friday.Yep! Have fun drinking Russian River with the locals.
Seriously, it's a glorious train wreck.
Locals are rowdy, yo! Even at noon on Friday.
@riot - Standouts from your picture collage? I think the BBA Biscotti is pretty amazing when I can find it. I have a Double Barrel Jesus I've been itching to open.