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Beer |OT|


Distant you ever get any of the Tree House releases always wanted to try Julius myself. They releasing something new tomorrow wonder if they'll ever widen their distribution.
Distant you ever get any of the Tree House releases always wanted to try Julius myself. They releasing something new tomorrow wonder if they'll ever widen their distribution.

Nope. Tree House doesn't distribute their beers and the brewery is outside Boston. My wife just stops at a couple bottle shops near where she says in Back Bay for business. She'd have to get a car or Uber out to Tree House, and she's too busy with work to do that.

I'll probably end up trying a Tree House beer at some point, but Night Shift and Trillium make really good hazy IPAs that are much easier to obtain. The hype and trade demands for Tree House right now is just flat out stupid.
Looks like we'll be getting Short's in OH in about a month. Chaos shall ensue...

Of all the Shorts beers I've had while in Michigan or those that friends bring back, the only one I was impressed by was Captain Fantasy. Everything else (Huma Lupa, Prolonged Enjoyment, Soft Parade, Nicie Spicie, Beach Wheat, Bellaire Brown) was just fine.


After having a BCBS yesterday I lost all restraint and drank my other two today... I'll never have beer to age unless I hide them from myself and I even have a sweet built in cellar in my basement to use now.


My garage has so much beer it's ridiculous...probably 150 different barrel aged beers of different vintages, 2-3 bottles of each.

BCBS I went a little crazy on, going to age a decent amout (12-15).
My garage is ridiculous. Boxes full of de Garde, Holy Mountain, Jester King, Cantillon, Four Winds, lambic, saisons, Russian River sours, verticals of Abyss, BB Anniversary, Fremont stuff, etc

I've got a problem.

Why did no one tell me this was a thing?


My garage is ridiculous. Boxes full of de Garde, Holy Mountain, Jester King, Cantillon, Four Winds, lambic, saisons, Russian River sours, verticals of Abyss, BB Anniversary, Fremont stuff, etc

I've got a problem.

Nice; I might head down to Oregon next Saturday; while I will probably only be going as far as Eugene I'm hoping to find more variety of de Garde down there.. seems like the Grand Blanc is the only thing I can find up here.

Might go to Oakshire brewery; they are having a barrel aged beer fest.. releasing their 2016 hellshire and apparently have 50 other barrel aged beers from various breweries there.
Nice; I might head down to Oregon next Saturday; while I will probably only be going as far as Eugene I'm hoping to find more variety of de Garde down there.. seems like the Grand Blanc is the only thing I can find up here.

Might go to Oakshire brewery; they are having a barrel aged beer fest.. releasing their 2016 hellshire and apparently have 50 other barrel aged beers from various breweries there.

Grand Blanc is the only de Garde beer to see legal distribution outside the brewery in Oregon and Washington since Saison Premiere.

Hellshire Day is fun.


My garage is ridiculous. Boxes full of de Garde, Holy Mountain, Jester King, Cantillon, Four Winds, lambic, saisons, Russian River sours, verticals of Abyss, BB Anniversary, Fremont stuff, etc

I've got a problem.
Man to be able get sours from both Jester King and De Garde must be awesome. We pretty much just have Upland and this local place called Urban Artifact that has made the worst sours I've ever had and a Gose with such little flavor it tastes like Coors.


I (re)brewed a Nelson Sauvin Saison from here at the weekend.


Decided to nerd it up a bit, by adding DS18B20 temperature sensors to the brew bucket to measure the fermentation temperature as it's brewing. Dumps data to the internet every 5 minutes! Using a raspberry pi to run it all.


Started with the bucket at 13C ambient in the basement and brought it up to the house the day after.

Currently sitting around 2C higher than ambient. The ambient temperature is measured in a small cup of water to give some thermal mass.

Looking forward to seeing at the end of fermentation how closely the beer temperature tracks ambient.
Man to be able get sours from both Jester King and De Garde must be awesome. We pretty much just have Upland and this local place called Urban Artifact that has made the worst sours I've ever had and a Gose with such little flavor it tastes like Coors.

My parents have good friends who live in Austin so they visit once or twice a year and stock up at Jester King. I've never been down there before, but the brewery looks beautiful from all my mom's pictures.


Just drank two eastern european beers. One was a czech "Platan" and one was a croatian "karlovacko" (sitting at a restaurant in Croatia eating way
too much food, this is a beer i could easily drink all night long, its truly refreshening)

Seriously, this is like the fifth czech beer i have had. Whats with the hype? its like the sleepiest most bland beers ever. I dont understand it. They all taste sort of the same. Some are stronger in flavour but in general. Its traditional pilsners, woopi. Luckily i had a Sculpin at hand to cheer me up.


Just drank two eastern european beers. One was a czech "Platan" and one was a croatian "karlovacko".

Seriously, this is like the fifth czech beer i have had. Whats with the hype? its like the sleepiest most bland beers ever. I dont understand it. They all taste sort of the same. Some are stronger in flavour but in general. Its traditional pilsners, woopi. Luckily i had a Sculpin at hand to cheer me up.

The only decent Euro beers come from UK and Belgium.


The only decent Euro beers come from UK and Belgium.

I mean, there are tons of small start ups breweries everywhere in europe doing great and creative beers. A lot of countries got micro-breweries doing the same shtick as most american breweries. But if your talking about established breweries, with at-least 30 years of experience, focused on one or two types of beers, i guess UK, Belgium and Germany is the best.


Germany brews some damn fine beer. Denmark has Mikkeller. A number of craft brews have popped up across Europe. It's not just the stalwarts anymore.

Indeed. But seriously, anyone with a smart brain, adequate financing and good taste for beer can startup a great micro-brewery.
"Traditional pilsners" aren't that easy to make. I used to hate them, but I've come to respect and enjoy the style.

The only decent Euro beers come from UK and Belgium.

That's crazy talk. There are amazing breweries in Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Italy, Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands, Portugal, Denmark, France, etc.

I spent ten days this Summer in Spain before heading to Brussels and Amsterdam. Naparbier and La Pirata made IPAs that rival stuff back in the US.


That's crazy talk. There are amazing breweries in Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Italy, Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands, Portugal, Denmark, France, etc.

I spent ten days this Summer in Spain before heading to Brussels and Amsterdam. Naparbier and La Pirata made IPAs that rival stuff back in the US.

distant coming with the truth. UK and Belgium do make the most popular beers but there's a lot of interesting stuff here in Europe. Omnipollo, Naparbier, Mikkeller, To Ol, Amager, La Pirata, and other cool stuff, the industry is still young here in Europe but there's some cool shit.
The only decent Euro beers come from UK and Belgium.
It's odd to live in a world where Americans are slagging off European countries for their beer.

There are gems to be found in every country, it's a bit odd to make such a sweeping statement about countries that, and I'm assuming here, you've probably never been to and know nothing about the brewing scene there.

Sorry if this post comes off as me being a dick, I was trying to word it so that it wasn't but couldn't find the line.


It's odd to live in a world where Americans are slagging off European countries for their beer.

There are gems to be found in every country, it's a bit odd to make such a sweeping statement about countries that, and I'm assuming here, you've probably never been to and know nothing about the brewing scene there.

Sorry if this post comes off as me being a dick, I was trying to word it so that it wasn't but couldn't find the line.

Shit on the world's oldest breweries brehs.

Shit on the world's oldest breweries brehs.

Which breweries or countries did I shit on? I agree with the poster than Belgium, the UK and Germany are the best European countries for beer but claiming their the 'only' places in Europe than can be decent is, in my opinion, a bit far.


Which breweries or countries did I shit on? I agree with the poster than Belgium, the UK and Germany are the best European countries for beer but claiming their the 'only' places in Europe than can be decent is, in my opinion, a bit far.

Sorry I could have worded that better. I'm I'm agreement that limiting euro to three countries is preposterous. There's good beer all over the world.

Especially coming from in here of all places. Some of the untapped lists I've seen are nothing but American beer, so they are talking out of their ass.

Clearly this is an American beer thread.
Belgium definitely has the largest US distribution of beer. The UK, Germany, Netherlands and Japan are probably next. Not a lot coming from the other countries in Europe (Sagra in Spain, Brewfist in Italy, Evil Twin, To Ol and Mikkeler from Denmark, Nogne O in Norway, Ominpollo in Sweden) so it's not surprising.

Hell, not much from Canada makes it to the US. Central City and Howe Sound are the only ones we get in WA. We used to get Driftwood but they pulled out a while back.


I had a Unibroue beer the other day; I think they hail from Montreal.

As diatantmantra pointed out its not really by choice that we mostly drink American beer.

And it was just one ignorant poster guys; just a few years ago American beer was shat on from high by just about every non-American on the Internet in any beer conversation lol. We all mostly get mass produced products from other countries; nobody should assume quality based on what is shipped internationally.
I had a Unibroue beer the other day; I think they hail from Montreal.

They are. I just never think about them. When I think about Canadian beer I think Four Winds, Bellwoods, Driftwood, Parallel 49, etc.

Heading to Montreal and Quebec City this summer for my 10th wedding anniversary. Totally psyched.

Oh yeah, we also get Dieu du Ciel! in the US.

As diatantmantra pointed out its not really by choice that we mostly drink American beer.

And it was just one ignorant poster guys; just a few years ago American beer was shat on from high by just about every non-American on the Internet in any beer conversation lol. We all mostly get mass produced products from other countries; nobody should assume quality based on what is shipped internationally.

I had a Unibroue beer the other day; I think they hail from Montreal.

As diatantmantra pointed out its not really by choice that we mostly drink American beer.

And it was just one ignorant poster guys; just a few years ago American beer was shat on from high by just about every non-American on the Internet in any beer conversation lol. We all mostly get mass produced products from other countries; nobody should assume quality based on what is shipped internationally.

They're owned by Sapporo. Might as well be drinking some of that AB-InBev Goose Island.

Am I doing that right?



"Keep supporting Sapporo" is all you need.

I did learn the strong arm tactics Goose Island uses to force companies to buy their mediocre expensive beer in order to receive Bourbon County the other day. Gave me pause a little bit; but I support smaller stores and bottle shops plenty to not worry too much about supporting GI.
If you guys ever find yourself in the Deep South, I recommend Truck Stop Honey by Back Forty Beer Company. I've had it a ton of times, but recently I think it's starting to become a favorite. It's smooth, delicious, and goes with pretty much any food. I'm currently having a few with a cigar.


Not sure how far out Back Forty's distribution goes. It might be Alabama only.
If you guys ever find yourself in the Deep South, I recommend Truck Stop Honey by Back Forty Beer Company. I've had it a ton of times, but recently I think it's starting to become a favorite. It's smooth, delicious, and goes with pretty much any food. I'm currently having a few with a cigar.


Not sure how far out Back Forty's distribution goes. It might be Alabama only.
Hmmm. My neighbor goes to AL each weekend to his lake house. Maybe he can snag me some stuff there.
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