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Beer |OT|


Anyone looking for a good deal I picked up a 4-pack of Ommegang 3-Philosophers at Target today for $6.99. I usually see it for double that, not sure about availability, I'm in upstate NY.

Jeez man, I'm jealous. Targets (and grocery stores in general) here in MN don't sell anything but 3.2 swill due to our outdated liquor laws and that's a phenomenal price for that beer anyway, especially for the quality and how strong it is. If I lived there, I'd be buying by the cart load :)
Can you get degarde easily out your way?

People flip for it out here.

de Garde distributes to the Seattle area, but most bottles are brewery only. We've had Saison Premiere, Grand Rouge and Anian bottles hit in the last couple months.

There's a still a ton of Anian floating around town.

Ron Mexico

I know this is a highly regional thing but Northeast BeerGaf, am I the only one who thinks Carton is pure garbage?? Just left their taproom (and to be fair, the people there are friendly etc etc). Tried all their staples again (Boat, 077xx, BDG) as well as a couple variants like Irish Coffee. Feels like they're trying way too hard to be the anti-macro brew that they swung so hard in the opposite direction.

Irish Coffee tasted like drinking a candy bar and not in a good way.

S.S. Cream tastes like carbonated pineapple juice.

If they're going for the people who want to be cool because they drink craft beer, more power to them. I don't have a neckbeard. I don't wear a manbun. I don't wear skinny jeans. I don't want a beer because it's rare and I want the Untappd check-in. What I want is good beer and that was frankly a travesty.

End rant.
I know this is a highly regional thing but Northeast BeerGaf, am I the only one who thinks Carton is pure garbage?? Just left their taproom (and to be fair, the people there are friendly etc etc). Tried all their staples again (Boat, 077xx, BDG) as well as a couple variants like Irish Coffee. Feels like they're trying way too hard to be the anti-macro brew that they swung so hard in the opposite direction.

Irish Coffee tasted like drinking a candy bar and not in a good way.

S.S. Cream tastes like carbonated pineapple juice.

If they're going for the people who want to be cool because they drink craft beer, more power to them. I don't have a neckbeard. I don't wear a manbun. I don't wear skinny jeans. I don't want a beer because it's rare and I want the Untappd check-in. What I want is good beer and that was frankly a travesty.

End rant.

I've had 077XX and Dune Fruit. They were fine, but there seems to be a huge hype arms race on the east coast right now in regard to craft beer.

Ron Mexico

Works to my advantage about to try and amass some stouts and barleywine for Hoof Hearted. Need cellar fodder

And this is what has me wanting to get involved. I'd happily offload some 077xx, Head High, etc for more cellar-able (is that a word?) beers. I'd still feel like they were the ones getting ripped off, but whatever if that's what they want.

Even seeing what people here want for Heady Topper is a joke. HT is a good beer but compared to the hype and associated cost? No thanks.

About the only beer that has ever lived up to that kind of hype for me was Zombie Dust and that was a) fresh off the line and b) while I was on vacation and everything is better on vacation.


we don't have great IPAs in South FL (at least until Civil Society came along) but we get a lot of highly desired stouts and sours, I trade those for IPAs when I get the chance. Civil Society are doing some killer IPAs, unfortunately their first canning release did not go well.
Thanks to the suggestions in my "I'm new to beer, help" thread, I have discovered I really like gose, so that means I probably like sour beers in general. What do I try next? Someone told me Dogfish Head Festina Peche.
Thanks to the suggestions in my "I'm new to beer, help" thread, I have discovered I really like gose, so that means I probably like sour beers in general. What do I try next? Someone told me Dogfish Head Festina Peche.

Festina Peche is fine, but it's not very sour if that's what you're looking for. Where do you live? Distribution in beer is key before we start giving you recommendations.
Northern California!

Modern Times does a bunch of Goses under the Fruitlands name. If you want to branch into more "mature" sour beers (i.e. less fruity and more traditional), Russian River's -tion (Consecration, Temptation, Sanctification, etc.) beers are from your area.

And you get Cascade, but they're way overpriced.

Ron Mexico

Modern Times does a bunch of Goses under the Fruitlands name. If you want to branch into more "mature" sour beers (i.e. less fruity and more traditional), Russian River's -tion (Consecration, Temptation, Sanctification, etc.) beers are from your area.

And you get Cascade, but they're way overpriced.

Second the suggestion of Russian River. Greater Philly is one of the few places outside of your area that gets RR and their sours are very very solid. Temptation is probably my favorite but will go for north of $11/bottle out here.

Still some of the best sours I've found have been in micro breweries. I'd scout around to the small guys as well, you might be surprised at what you find.


Hell of a porch bomb today. Should have a couple more boxes coming this weekend.



I LOVE Wicked Weed. We used to go to their brewery when we lived in North Carolina.

I still think about their Ginger Bread Cookie Stout they had when I went there for Christmas of 2014... or 2013. I can't remember which.

I picked up a few beers this week. I haven't had a chance to try any yet.




Ended up getting VIP tickets to LA Beer Fest tomorrow. Here's the beer list. What should I be sure to hit up. I usually kind of just wander where there's no lines at beer fests, but it never hurts to start with a plan.

LA Beer Fest List
Ended up getting VIP tickets to LA Beer Fest tomorrow. Here's the beer list. What should I be sure to hit up. I usually kind of just wander where there's no lines at beer fests, but it never hurts to start with a plan.

LA Beer Fest List

Beachwood, Cellarmaker, Highland Park, Modern Times, SARA, Phantom Carriage, Smog City, Societe and Brouwerij West.

If you like cider, check out Rev Nats. They do a lot of wild fermentation stuff. Their Sacrilege Sour Cherry cider is amazing.


I know it's not anything super rare or exotic but my corner store had in a case of Dogfish Head 90-minute Imperial IPA.


(not my photo)

Damn this shit is INTENSE. Amazing beer. So damn rich and malty... I have to say, drinking more than one bottle in an evening is kind of unthinkable.


Ended up getting VIP tickets to LA Beer Fest tomorrow. Here's the beer list. What should I be sure to hit up. I usually kind of just wander where there's no lines at beer fests, but it never hurts to start with a plan.

LA Beer Fest List

in addition to what distantmantra already listed, try out bottle logic, lost abbey, and drake's. lost abbey's framboise de amorosa is a fantastic wild ale and will mostly likely tap out quick.


Bring some back! You know I can hook you up w/ something.
I didn't score that much as I spent a bunch in the bar on stuff that wasn't bottled but I have extras of the apricot jelly king, jutsu, and Roman candle you can have... No trade necessary man as you hooked me up when I was in need and have been super helpful overall. I can meet you somewhere to hand them off.
Went to the Stone Brewery today and picked up some goodies.

That bottle opener weighs and ungodly amount for its size. It will be my weapon of choice if anyone were to break into my domicile.
Sadly, it seems the buyer for our town has some hate on for Stone. We don't get shit anymore. Americano never showed up, and we seem to be lucky to get much from them. Hoping that someone actually gets the Bastard Midnight Breakfast.
Okay, so I've tried one stout, one porter, I'm familiar with pale ales, I've had my first and last IPA, and I've had a few sour beers. What am I missing?


Brown Ales, Barleywine, Belgian Stuff, Red Ales, also sours apply to such a wide variance of styles that you should probably be more specific.
Well, I had a few goses. Would love to try a berliner weisse. :)
A berliner will mostly be like a gose but without the salt or coriander.

There are a bunch of classic sours you could still check out, too. Lambic, oud bruin, Flanders, kriek, etc. If you want a really solid Belgian sour, look for Petrus Aged Pale. It's a great beer in general, but also a nice educational beer. Hits all the highlights for a good old world sour. Nice and tart, a little funky, and notable flavors of oak


A berliner will mostly be like a gose but without the salt or coriander.

There are a bunch of classic sours you could still check out, too. Lambic, oud bruin, Flanders, kriek, etc. If you want a really solid Belgian sour, look for Petrus Aged Pale. It's a great beer in general, but also a nice educational beer. Hits all the highlights for a good old world sour. Nice and tart, a little funky, and notable flavors of oak
Yeah those two are also just on the brink of sourness, he should go deeper


we don't have great IPAs in South FL (at least until Civil Society came along) but we get a lot of highly desired stouts and sours, I trade those for IPAs when I get the chance. Civil Society are doing some killer IPAs, unfortunately their first canning release did not go well.

I can second this. Haven't ever had an IPA I've loved all that much down here, other than maybe Jai-alai, but even that's not all that hot. Civil Society is a godsend.
Cheers to distantmantra and the guy in another thread who told me about Sierra Nevada's "otra vez". Gose is so perfect. That salt is a wonderful touch! Shame to think it almost went extinct.


Headed back to my alma matter- Madison WI. this weekend from So Cal. Been about 10 years.

Gonna finally try some Spotted Cow. Any other suggestions?

Imperial Stout fan- preferably barrel aged. And yup- I know SC is a farmhouse ale.


Headed back to my alma matter- Madison WI. this weekend from So Cal. Been about 10 years.

Gonna finally try some Spotted Cow. Any other suggestions?

Imperial Stout fan- preferably barrel aged. And yup- I know SC is a farmhouse ale.

I would check out 3 Sheep, O'so, and Lucette while you're out there. Oh and you can also probably find stuff by Surly, Three Floyds, Brau Brothers and Green Man in stores that's worth checking out.


I think Toppling Goliath has a few distributors near Madison. They make some killer IPAs, particularly Pompeii and PsuedoSue.


Damn des. You've had a lot of different beers man. Nice Bellwood's haul btw. Shame they didn't have any grandma's boy left.
Had one of my bottles of Stone Mocha IPA tonight. That was interesting. You get the taste of chocolate and coffee as you sip it, but get the bitter hop aftertaste of an IPA. Definitely one of the stranger things that Stone has put out, but worth trying just for the dichotomy of flavors with none overriding the others.


Definitely try Beer III by Maine Beer Co, I think it's phenomenally balanced and has a similar flavor profile without much bitterness.
Definitely try Beer III by Maine Beer Co, I think it's phenomenally balanced and has a similar flavor profile without much bitterness.

If I had known that when I still lived in CT, I woulda gotten it. Nowadays, I feel lucky if we even get Stone in town here in KY. The local buyer seems to have a hate on for them for some reason. Thankfully, the local Dogfish Head rep has been going hard on local restaurants getting their stuff in there and into bottle shops. There has been more Dogfish Head stuff in the last few months than the last year.


Had one of my bottles of Stone Mocha IPA tonight. That was interesting. You get the taste of chocolate and coffee as you sip it, but get the bitter hop aftertaste of an IPA. Definitely one of the stranger things that Stone has put out, but worth trying just for the dichotomy of flavors with none overriding the others.

I couldn't really taste the bitterness but I also have three more bottles to figure it out. It really reminds me of Calm Before the Storm from Ballast Point for some reason but that's a cream ale. Really like both though, would like to do a side by side comparison.
There's such little difference between porters and stouts anyway.

Stout porter is where the name came from for stouts. Fuller's London Porter and Sam Smith Taddy Porter are a couple of nice examples of where they came from. American porters tend to amp up everything about them (just like every other style). They used to be more subtle, but "EXTREME" has taken over pretty much every style anymore. Deschutes is very good though. Odell has a good one too.
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