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Beer |OT|

LethaL ImpuLse said:
I'm turning 21 next month, what are some good beers you guys would recommend to a beginner? All I've tried are the shitty American beers they give out at college parties.

Most (definitely not all) people find their way into craft beer with a nice wheat (American Wheat or Hefeweizen) or a lighter beer such as a craft Lager or Pilsner, or Blonde, Cream or Pale Ale. There are some that jump right into something heavier like an IPA, Brown or Stout (Personally, Avery's Ellie's Brown Ale was what first got me drinking good beer). I would recommend going to a local brewpub and getting a 10-12 beer flight of tasters. It is an easy and inexpensive way to try a good example of numerous beers across variable styles and usually get a little bit of info about each style. Once you find a style/styles that you like, go from there.
BigFwoosh said:
Their 90 Minute IPA is my absolute favorite beer, you should try it if you find it. Black and Blue is also really good, though totally different (very fruity). Dogfish Head is my favorite brewery just on account of all the weird shit they make.

I'll try to track down the 90. Also want to try their 'King Midas' beer.


Could I get some intermediate recommendations in one or both of the following styles?

(Belgian) Red Ale: I love Fat Tire, but it's not the most exciting beer in the world. Is there something similar, but bolder?
American Pale Ale: I've enjoyed Summit and Sierra Nevada quite a bit, and I'm ready to try something that will challenge my palate a little more. I'm also up for an India Pale Ale, as it's generally a pretty similar style. Bring on the hops!

Thanks in advance, beer-GAF!


Orayn said:
Could I get some intermediate recommendations in one or both of the following styles?

(Belgian) Red Ale: I love Fat Tire, but it's not the most exciting beer in the world. Is there something similar, but bolder?
American Pale Ale: I've enjoyed Summit and Sierra Nevada quite a bit, and I'm ready to try something that will challenge my palate a little more. I'm also up for an India Pale Ale, as it's generally a pretty similar style. Bring on the hops!

Thanks in advance, beer-GAF!

Bold American Pale Ales:

Hop Wallop, Stone Ruination IPA, Great Lakes Lake Erie Monster, Bell's Hopslam Ale

American Amber:

Troegs Nugget Nectar, Cascazilla, Tröegs Hopback Amber Ale


BigFwoosh said:
Anything but what they give out at college parties. Broaden your horizons! So many people end up only knowing shitty beer that you owe it to yourself to try some real good ones. My personal fave (as mentioned like 5 posts ago) is Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA, but any Dogfish Head is worth a shot imo. I'm also a fan of Samuel Adams Summer Ale, Magic Hat #9, Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat, and Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse (which is some godly shit).

Great recommendations. I like your style.
I'll try to track down the 90. Also want to try their 'King Midas' beer.

This one?

I picked up a few 4 packs from the store when we found out Dogfish Head was stopping distribution to Wisconsin. Honestly, I don't care for it very much. It's somewhere in between beer, wine and mead. The honey and muscat grapes together were slightly cloying, and in combination with the saffron and other spices, the whole thing didn't mesh well to me. It's definitely worth a try, just don't go in expecting a beer and you might like it...


Orayn said:
Could I get some intermediate recommendations in one or both of the following styles?

(Belgian) Red Ale: I love Fat Tire, but it's not the most exciting beer in the world. Is there something similar, but bolder?
American Pale Ale: I've enjoyed Summit and Sierra Nevada quite a bit, and I'm ready to try something that will challenge my palate a little more. I'm also up for an India Pale Ale, as it's generally a pretty similar style. Bring on the hops!

Thanks in advance, beer-GAF!

If you run across Mirror Pond Pale (deschutes), Denver Pale (great divide) or 5 Barrel pale (odells) i'd definitely give them a try too
thespot84 said:
If you run across Mirror Pond Pale (deschutes), Denver Pale (great divide) or 5 Barrel pale (odells) i'd definitely give them a try too

Denver Pale Ale is an extremely English style beer, maybe not exactly he's looking for

Orayn said:
American Pale Ale: I've enjoyed Summit and Sierra Nevada quite a bit, and I'm ready to try something that will challenge my palate a little more. I'm also up for an India Pale Ale, as it's generally a pretty similar style. Bring on the hops!

Depending on where you are, you can get Great Lakes Pale Ale which is a stronger, hoppier pale ale than usual but with a serious malt backbone to it. More along the lines of a straight up APA is Victory Headwaters Pale Ale.


i had firestone union jack IPA on sunday - man is that a delicious beer

also loving everything i have had from Avery - they know how to make some delicious beers


InVinoVeritas said:
I picked up a few 4 packs from the store when we found out Dogfish Head was stopping distribution to Wisconsin. Honestly, I don't care for it very much. It's somewhere in between beer, wine and mead. The honey and muscat grapes together were slightly cloying, and in combination with the saffron and other spices, the whole thing didn't mesh well to me. It's definitely worth a try, just don't go in expecting a beer and you might like it...
I think my brother said it best. "It's an ancient beer and it tastes... well, ancient." I went Whole Foods to buy some after that, and all of their 6 packs were covered in dust. I mean covered. Like they came out of a damn tomb.
Since I just picked some of this yesterday, it's on my mind. Definitely not my overall favorite, but up there for me is Asahi Brewmaster Select.


It reminds of an Oktoberfest Brew, which really speaks to my tastes, but not as heavy, so it's still pretty enjoyable for this time of year.
BigFwoosh said:
I think my brother said it best. "It's an ancient beer and it tastes... well, ancient." I went Whole Foods to buy some after that, and all of their 6 packs were covered in dust. I mean covered. Like they came out of a damn tomb.
All that build up and you don't tell us what you think of it? Did you like it? Or did the dust coating scare you off the purchase? I'll agree with the "tasting ancient" sentiment without a doubt.


What do you guys like in terms of Scottish Ales and Scotch/Wee Heavies? I bought a 6-pack of Founders' Dirty Bastard last week and am interested in exploring the style a bit more.
tokkun said:
What do you guys like in terms of Scottish Ales and Scotch/Wee Heavies? I bought a 6-pack of Founders' Dirty Bastard last week and am interested in exploring the style a bit more.

Old Chub is a Heavy from Oscar Blues and one of my all time favorite beers. Great Divide also makes a wee heavy called Claymore that is pretty fantastic.

For Scottish ales, I'm a pretty big fan of Odell's 90/- and Empyrean's Burning Skye.

Sam Adams put out a wee heavy a few months ago and I thought it was awful. They filled it with peat smoked malt and the smokiness was overwhelming.


Super Sleuth
sharkmuncher said:
Old Chub is a Heavy from Oscar Blues and one of my all time favorite beers. Great Divide also makes a wee heavy called Claymore that is pretty fantastic.

For Scottish ales, I'm a pretty big fan of Odell's 90/- and Empyrean's Burning Skye.

Sam Adams put out a wee heavy a few months ago and I thought it was awful. They filled it with peat smoked malt and the smokiness was overwhelming.
The peat in Old Chub is borderline for me.


time to take my meds
Beers I really enjoy...

Red Stripe
Modelo (w/ lime)
Sam Adams Cherry wheat

I feel like a junior to the rest of you guys. I'm more of a liquor man.


sharkmuncher said:
Old Chub is a Heavy from Oscar Blues and one of my all time favorite beers. Great Divide also makes a wee heavy called Claymore that is pretty fantastic.

For Scottish ales, I'm a pretty big fan of Odell's 90/- and Empyrean's Burning Skye.

Sam Adams put out a wee heavy a few months ago and I thought it was awful. They filled it with peat smoked malt and the smokiness was overwhelming.

Old chub is also a favorite, and snuck up on me the first time since my friend and I had no idea it was 8%. He biked home blacked out that night after we split a 12 pack...


I slowly got all of my friends into Ales and IPA's. That was seriously a mission.

I had a buddy who would drink nothing but Coors Light, what the fuck right? Another would only drink wheat beers, but he's coming around.

I've been stuck on a Stone binge lately. Their seasonal Imperial Stout (with anise) is so tasty. Then of course Arrogant Bastard and Self-Righteous Ale is also amazing.

I need to make it out to their brewery soon.


ChanHuk said:
Any of you guys live in one of those select lucky states to get DFH 120min IPA?

I can still find it at some specialty stores here that carry rare beers, even though DFH officially pulled distribution from my state last year.
Going to dinner tonight with my wife for my 30th birthday. The place we're going for dinner has Hair of the Dog's Fred from the Wood (2007 vintage Barleywine)... so excited!

ChanHuk said:
Any of you guys live in one of those select lucky states to get DFH 120min IPA?

I have two bottles I picked up in June. It's been showing up on tap randomly in Seattle for the last couple weeks as well.


Pacifico is super cheap in LA, $8 a 12 pack sometimes. That's a great beer.

I've been trying all of the Dogfish Head beers, the Raison was really nice, and I kind of went off IPAs as they taste too much like tree sap or something, but their 60 Minute IPA is a really nice, much more subtle verision of the IPA. Great stuff.


I had a bottle of this yesterday, pretty nice.


Ignore this guy's terrible pour...but, you need to try this beer if you're in Quebec:


Totally a hidden gem.

edit: (wow, that's a big picture...can't find anything else)


Anyone who likes Dogfish Head 90 IPA should totally seek out Weyerbacher Double Simcoe IPA.


Would say it is better.

May only be able to find in and around PA, and on some random taps.
Went to Fremont Brewing in Seattle tonight for my birthday with friends. Had a cask IPA that was brewed with coriander, black lemon and pink peppercorns. Also had their Brother Imperial IPA. Yum.


Got these guys from friends as gifts.


My dad and I stopped by Surdyk's this afternoon and picked up a 4-pack of Lake Erie Monster, and I have to say I really like it. I wasn't expecting this much malty sweetness with the wonderful citrus hops, but I'm definitely not disappointed. Such a pretty, cloudy beer too!



Ugh. I'm trying to get my homebrew kegging gear set up & having a ton of trouble. Trying to get the lines hooked up & leak free, and I *cannot* get the gas disconnect plug on top of the keg leak free. *ugh*.

This is a pain in the arse. I've got a carboy of IPA waiting to be kegged!!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
PatMcAtee said:
Anyone who likes Dogfish Head 90 IPA should totally seek out Weyerbacher Double Simcoe IPA.


Would say it is better.

May only be able to find in and around PA, and on some random taps.[/QUOTE]
At the risk of drawing the ire of those around me, I'm going to go on record as saying that DFH 90 minute IPA is one of the most overrated beers around; in fact, I would go so far as to say I think it tastes bad. And this isn't based on a lack of comparison either; I've had dozens of double IPAs (Pliny is freely available at the liquor store down the street) that I thought were delicious, and 90M wasn't one of 'em.


Had Namaste on draft, as well as Left Hand Good Juju, and a Rogue with a picture of woman in yellow and white (can't remember the name).

...Namaste was excellent as usual, subtly complex, with an aftertaste of spice, wheat, and dare I say maybe nutmeg. It think it might be one of the five best beers to have during the summer.

...Good Juju's smell and color are both quite unique. It pours a yellowish-red and smells of spices and ginger. The smell was much more revealing than the tastes, as this was mostly a light refreshing yet not so flavorful offering. The use of ginger wasn't as apparent as I expected. It's there, but just barely.

...The Rogue was delectable, a highly balanced offering of malts, citrus, and hops. Again, quite refreshing, and I loved the way the beer danced around my palette, refusing to overpower and spectrum.


Super Sleuth
fenners said:
Ugh. I'm trying to get my homebrew kegging gear set up & having a ton of trouble. Trying to get the lines hooked up & leak free, and I *cannot* get the gas disconnect plug on top of the keg leak free. *ugh*.

This is a pain in the arse. I've got a carboy of IPA waiting to be kegged!!
What part of It is leaking? If it is where it actually connects to the post on the keg, you probably have a nick in the post gasket. Keg lube is your friend, also.


Really enjoyed these last night:


Only problem is I drank 5 of them and have one lone soldier sitting in my fridge. The only respectable thing to do would be go out and buy another 6 pack for tonight, right?

For any Toronto / Ontario drinkers on here.

This is a very smooth drinking dark ale. I don't normally love black & tan beers.. but this one just tastes excellent.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I used to despise beer but slowly drinking small amounts made me gradually like it. I can now tolerate beer finally.


The Elysian Night Owl is the best pumpkin beer. (Pumpking is pretty good, but it's awfully rich and gets tiresome quickly.) Dunno what their distribution is like outside of washington state, though. Elysian also makes Dark O The Moon, a pumpkin stout, which isn't super-pumpkiny but is great. Hard to find, though.


Picked up something new from the LCBO:


It's a very dark 8% beer, with little head. Lots of chocolate and coffee flavor, but the dominant flavor here is dark molasses. Extremely smooth for an 8%...can barely detect any alcohol.

Pretty delicious. I definitely recommend this one.


Takuhi said:
The Elysian Night Owl is the best pumpkin beer. (Pumpking is pretty good, but it's awfully rich and gets tiresome quickly.) Dunno what their distribution is like outside of washington state, though. Elysian also makes Dark O The Moon, a pumpkin stout, which isn't super-pumpkiny but is great. Hard to find, though.

agree, and I dislike most of their other beers. I don't think it is distributed very widely though.


distantmantra said:
Went to Fremont Brewing in Seattle tonight for my birthday with friends. Had a cask IPA that was brewed with coriander, black lemon and pink peppercorns. Also had their Brother Imperial IPA. Yum.


Got these guys from friends as gifts.

evil twin is having a brew night at a bar near me, how is their stuff? it's their beers + delicious ribs, so i'm going regardless
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