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Beer |OT|

InVinoVeritas said:
Homebrew GAF, help me with my dilemma! I purchased 5 gallons of unfiltered apple cider from a local farmers market in the hopes of making some fantastic hard cider. My plan was to use Nottingham ale yeast and after fermentation, I was going to bottle it with some maple syrup instead of priming sugar for carbonation and a touch of sweetness.

The problem I ran into is that the orchard uses potassium sorbate as a preservative in the cider, which basically stops yeast growth dead in its tracks. As far as I know it doesn't kill the yeast, just stops them from multiplying. Any suggestions on how to overcome this? I was thinking I could get a bottle of preservative free apple juice, start the yeast in there and let it grow like crazy, then dump the whole thing in the cider. Basically I would be making a juice based yeast starter.

Thoughts? This stuff was expensive and I would hate to have to throw it out...

In your situation, I'd try just as you are thinking and making an aggressive starter to try and over compensate or perhaps blend it with another batch to adjust sweetness. You could also just cheat and start mixing it with vodka.

In the future, you definitely want to start with unpasteurized/raw cider.

It's good. Really good. Too bad they're hard to find around these parts. I'm knocking back some Sierra Nevada Celebration Ales with it. One of my favorite Holiday Brews.
Veritas_ said:
Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar My current favorite, although not carried locally. Smooth and rich with a delicious hazelnut taste. It was like drinking an alcoholic hazelnut latte, or something.

Good choice! The rogue pub in town serves their oaked hazelnut called john john. It's as good as it sounds. Had it with a bowl of their chili recently and it was a perfect compliment.

Also, they pour a dessert beer where they mix their chocolate stout with the hazelnut ale. It's really good.
SaggyMonkey said:
In your situation, I'd try just as you are thinking and making an aggressive starter to try and over compensate or perhaps blend it with another batch to adjust sweetness. You could also just cheat and start mixing it with vodka.

In the future, you definitely want to start with unpasteurized/raw cider.
Thanks, I got a starter going yesterday so I'll give it some time and then dump it in. We went out and bought a bunch of preservative free cider right after we figured out the other stuff wouldn't ferment, but I didn't want to waste the first batch if I didn't have to!
InVinoVeritas said:
Thanks, I got a starter going yesterday so I'll give it some time and then dump it in. We went out and bought a bunch of preservative free cider right after we figured out the other stuff wouldn't ferment, but I didn't want to waste the first batch if I didn't have to!

You might also have a much longer sulfur smelling stage in your fermenter as well. In cider making, those are normal during fermentation and people call them rhino farts... but I've read that if you're trying with potassium sorbate present, they could last a lot longer and you may be waiting a couple of months to let it pass.


Had a fun night out drinking and eating pizza with a friend. Then when we went home we picked up more beer and more pizza.

Sorry for the terrible quality.


I think I liked the Kona more. I don't drink porters or stouts that often, but it was nice. Nice change of pace.


Enjoying a nice Pyramid Snow Cap right now. I'm usually pretty fond of it. I think this batch heat cycled a couple times though. :(
Had a fun night out drinking and eating pizza with a friend. Then when we went home we picked up more beer and more pizza.

Sorry for the terrible quality.


I think I liked the Kona more. I don't drink porters or stouts that often, but it was nice. Nice change of pace.

Oh wow, I just came to post about that same exact Kona beer.

First porter I've ever had, so I'm really curious to try more, but this is like the best drink I've had up to this point, beer or otherwise. I like dark beers and I love coffee, and the two flavors together are just soooo good.

I grabbed it because I was looking around at a BevMo type store and saw it was a porter, which I've never tried. I was actually really disappointed when I noticed it had coffee in it, the combination just sounded really gross, but man was I wrong, this is going to be my go-to brew for the foreseeable future.

Enjoying a nice Pyramid Snow Cap right now. I'm usually pretty fond of it. I think this batch heat cycled a couple times though. :(
I bought a variety pack of Pyramid at Costco a while back and while I wasn't really impressed by any of it, the Snow Cap was definitely my favorite, it has a very hint sort of chocolaty taste that I really liked. For some reason the flavor kind of wore on me, if I drank even a single one too fast the flavor got to be a little strong, and it's definitely something I'd never drink a couple of while hanging out or whatever. A few friends who typically don't like beer really enjoyed Pyramid's Apricot Ale which was kind of interesting, but Snow Cap is the only one I'd ever buy again for myself.

Next Costco trip I'm going to grab their Sam Adams holiday variety pack they're offering right now, I'm excited to try that.

I've also been wanting to grab a 6-pack of Shock Top's pumpkin brew. I don't know how well respected Shock Top is but I had one (just a plain wheat ale) at a party a couple weeks ago and while I was already pretty far gone at the time, I remember really enjoying it, and I really like pumpkin flavor in general. I grabbed a 6-pack of a pumpkin beer from a brewery I'd never heard of, Buffalo Bill's, awhile ago and it was pretty good, tasted a little too much like a raw hit of pumpkin to me but still good, and I had a Dogfish Head Punkin Ale sample awhile ago and it was amazing. Stupidly the store didn't actually have it in stock.


Oh wow, I just came to post about that same exact Kona beer.

First porter I've ever had, so I'm really curious to try more, but this is like the best drink I've had up to this point, beer or otherwise. I like dark beers and I love coffee, and the two flavors together are just soooo good.

I grabbed it because I was looking around at a BevMo type store and saw it was a porter, which I've never tried. I was actually really disappointed when I noticed it had coffee in it, the combination just sounded really gross, but man was I wrong, this is going to be my go-to brew for the foreseeable future.
Funny, we grabbed it because it was on sale at BevMo. Definitely an enjoyable flavor.

Tonight it's some Peroni.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
They're not. At all.

InBev is actually working on a Shock Top Wheat IPA.



It never ceases to amaze me how much people underestimate the reach of InBev and how much they actually own, i.e. Goose Island, etc.

Recent tastings that come to mind:

Deschutes Fresh Hop Mirror Pond
Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale
Another St. Bernardus Abt. 12
Victory Golden Monkey
Ballast Point Victory at Sea (I love this stuff, I'm aging a couple of cases right now)
Pliny on draught, which can be a bit hard to come by at times, since my local Pliny supply has run dry so to speak
More that I've forgetten since they were either forgettable or just because I tend to buy single bottles to get more beers to try.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Firestone Walker week?

New sixer of Pale 31 plus a nice (22 dollar nice) bottle of Firestone XV. I might buy a second bottle of the XV for aging, but fuck if that might be too expensive for me. I'm scared to even open the first bottle. Still loaded up on Ballast Point Victory at Sea, too.

Thinking of doing a taste off with Belgian and Belgo-wannabe strong pales soon; of course, you'll notice all those beers have "evil" or devil sounding names for a good reason.
I'm trying Dogfish Head's 90 Minute IPA for the first time tonight, I'm pretty excited.

I really want to try their Punkin Ale but the local BevMo doesn't carry it. It might already be out of season I guess, hopefully I didn't miss it. The 90 Minute IPA was actually the only DFH brew there though, which was disappointing.

Grabbed a six-pack of that Kona coffee porter too, felt boring picking up another so soon after the last one but that stuff is delicious.
I really want to try their Punkin Ale but the local BevMo doesn't carry it. It might already be out of season I guess, hopefully I didn't miss it. The 90 Minute IPA was actually the only DFH brew there though, which was disappointing.

Punkin is done for the year. You might be able to find it at a dedicated bottle shop.

Picked up a 6 pack of this the other day on a whim. Really really really enjoyed it. It was among the best bottled beer I have ever had
You can do much better. But it's a good start!

Red Hook is a local Seattle craft pioneer, but they've fallen off in the last 5-10 years.

I knew it was Seattle based and surprised it was in Michigan. I try alot of locally brewed beers and whatever catches my eye. I really enjoyed this as an IPA. If you think I can do better, what would you recommend? I love trying new beers!
I knew it was Seattle based and surprised it was in Michigan. I try alot of locally brewed beers and whatever catches my eye. I really enjoyed this as an IPA. If you think I can do better, what would you recommend? I love trying new beers!

Red Hook has national distribution, they're eveywhere.

I'm not sure what is available there, but a few of my favorite IPAs that get bottled are Hair of the Dog's Blue Dot, Dogfish Head's Burton Baton, Port's Wipeout IPA, Fremont Brewing's Interurban IPA, Avery's DuganA, and Deschutes' Hop Henge.
Punkin is done for the year. You might be able to find it at a dedicated bottle shop.

Ah, man.

Trying one of the 90 Minute IPAs and it doesn't disappoint. IPAs are probably my least favorite type of beer (though I do still enjoy them) but this is really good. I'm kind of iffy on the flavor of hops, it's a weird kind of thing where I almost like it. I mean, I like it enough to have bought and tried a few different IPAs, but it's more of an "interesting" flavor to me then something I ever crave.

I haven't tried enough beers to be knowledgeable enough with descriptors to say why exactly I like the DFH head more, but it's pretty good. Definitely not my favorite, but like I said definitely the best IPA I've had. The hoppy flavor is still pretty strong, but somehow it doesn't wear on me the way other IPAs have. For example I had some of Pyramid's IPA awhile back and while the first few mouthfuls would taste fine, very quickly the hops flavor would just be overwhelming and it would be the only part of the beer I could taste. This is very different in that respect, I've nearly finished it now and it's retaining a full flavor.

Anyway, it's really good, but at $2.50 per bottle it's a little more expensive than I can really afford on my budget. Nice treat for the last time I'll be getting drunk before the end of the semester the week after next, and I'm glad I enjoy it, but back to the relatively cheap stuff for me.
Red Hook has national distribution, they're eveywhere.

I'm not sure what is available there, but a few of my favorite IPAs that get bottled are Hair of the Dog's Blue Dot, Dogfish Head's Burton Baton, Port's Wipeout IPA, Fremont Brewing's Interurban IPA, Avery's DuganA, and Deschutes' Hop Henge.

Thanks man. I'll take a look around and see what I can find!
Nice treat for the last time I'll be getting drunk before the end of the semester the week after next, and I'm glad I enjoy it, but back to the relatively cheap stuff for me.

Don't drink beer to get drunk. Just enjoy it. I typically only have one or two at any time so my palette isn't completely shot.
Don't drink beer to get drunk. Just enjoy it. I typically only have one or two at any time so my palette isn't completely shot.

Oh yeah, I definitely do the same. I'm broke and extremely busy from now until the end of the semester though, and I wanted to get something special for the last party with my school friends for the year (I go to school in a city 90 miles away from my home town).

I'll have a couple of the IPA's as a warm up for the night, and maybe one or two of the Kona beers, and the rest will be shared or saved for later if no one wants them. After that it's cheap vodka and Jager for the remainder of the evening.

I'm excited to hand out some of them around tonight, I have one friend coming who drinks almost exclusively "girly" drinks (cosmos, lemon drops, sex on the beach, etc) and I want to see how he'll react to the DFH, and then I have a couple of friends who either don't like beer or just tolerate it but love coffee, and I want to see if they like the Kona.

Currently working my way through a few glasses of the Hefe I kegged last weekend. Nice light head, subtle hints of banana/clove, but not overpowering.

On another note, I recently discovered the wonderful, cheap beer that is Trader Joe's JosefBrau (Gordon Biersch for Trader Joe's) Bock, Vienna Lager and their winter Dopplebock. It may be that German beer styles, especially lagers, are not particularly common among craft brewers in the US, but they are all very solid beers. I am personally partial to the Bock which is light, but still has that full body and bready flavor that makes a bock what it is.


Holy shit I forgot how good Racer 5 is.

edit: By the way, look what I found at my grocery store (where I picked up the Racer 5)

Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA. Was $10, I blocked the sale tag, which is the same price as Bevmo.
Thought I would ask again: In a week, I will be in Brussels and Bruges, I won't have a car, but I would like to visit some authentic local taverns in those two cities for some great beer that I won't be able to find in the U.S. Other than the Delirium Cafe, does anyone else have a suggestion?
I've been enjoying two pints of Hair of the Dog's Adam (Old World Ale) tonight at home. Feeling nice and warm on the couch with the wife.

Thought I would ask again: In a week, I will be in Brussels and Bruges, I won't have a car, but I would like to visit some authentic local taverns in those two cities for some great beer that I won't be able to find in the U.S. Other than the Delirium Cafe, does anyone else have a suggestion?


My wife and I were in Brussels and Bruges back in April.

As for Bruges, there is the Bruges Zsot Brewery. I didn't do a whole lot of beer drinking there, it's not really a beer town like Brussels. We had a fantastic meal at Bar Salon, though.

Brussels: Ignore Delirium. It's a shitty tourist trap.

Definitely visit:

1. Au Bon Vieux Temps
Impasse St.Nicholas 4,off Rue Marché Aux Herbes 12

In a back alley right near the Grand Place, this old world Belgian pub is fantastic. They regularly have Westy 12 available to drink. It was available when I was there.

2. A La Mort Subite
7, rue Montagne aux Herbes Potagères

On the other side of the Grand Place. Great atmopshere with a nice selection of Trappist ales and lambics.

3. Les Brassins
36, Rue Keyenveld

A great little restaurant in the Ixelles neighborhood. Nice beer list and killer food. Like every single restaurant in Belgium, you need to make a reservation (just stop by earlier in the day and get your name on the list) but it's worth it.

4. Beer Mania
Chaussee De Wavre 174-176

In the Little Congo neighborhood close to the EU Headquaters, this is THE BEST beer store in Brussels. They always have Westvleteren 12.

5. Cantillon Brewery
Rue Gheude 56

The only brewery in Brussels proper. They are the gods of lambics and geuze. You will not be dissappointed.
I've been enjoying two pints of Hair of the Dog's Adam (Old World Ale) tonight at home. Feeling nice and warm on the couch with the wife.


My wife and I were in Brussels and Bruges back in April.

As for Bruges, there is the Bruges Zsot Brewery. I didn't do a whole lot of beer drinking there, it's not really a beer town like Brussels. We had a fantastic meal at Bar Salon, though.

Brussels: Ignore Delirium. It's a shitty tourist trap.

Definitely visit:

1. Au Bon Vieux Temps
Impasse St.Nicholas 4,off Rue Marché Aux Herbes 12

In a back alley right near the Grand Place, this old world Belgian pub is fantastic. They regularly have Westy 12 available to drink. It was available when I was there.

2. A La Mort Subite
7, rue Montagne aux Herbes Potagères

On the other side of the Grand Place. Great atmopshere with a nice selection of Trappist ales and lambics.

3. Les Brassins
36, Rue Keyenveld

A great little restaurant in the Ixelles neighborhood. Nice beer list and killer food. Like every single restaurant in Belgium, you need to make a reservation (just stop by earlier in the day and get your name on the list) but it's worth it.

4. Beer Mania
Chaussee De Wavre 174-176

In the Little Congo neighborhood close to the EU Headquaters, this is THE BEST beer store in Brussels. They always have Westvleteren 12.

5. Cantillon Brewery
Rue Gheude 56

The only brewery in Brussels proper. They are the gods of lambics and geuze. You will not be dissappointed.

Thank you so much for the post! The only suggestion I got from this thread was the delirium cafe, which looking at its website and having the beer in the states did seem a bit too... I don't know, homogenized? Your post is exactly what I was looking for, and I will post back with commentary on it. Thanks again!
Holy shit I forgot how good Racer 5 is.

edit: By the way, look what I found at my grocery store (where I picked up the Racer 5)

Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA. Was $10, I blocked the sale tag, which is the same price as Bevmo.

DFH 90 Minute IPA is readily available pretty much everywhere in Seattle. The Safeway near my house tends to have it for $9 a 4-pack all the time.



Been looking for this beer for ages since moving away from Boston. Found it at a drive through liquor store this afternoon.

So good.

It's cool to see Yuengling make such a big push into the OH/IN/KY market as well. They've taken up a ton of shelf space in local grocery stores. Gotta be a super expensive roll out for them.


DFH 90 Minute IPA is readily available pretty much everywhere in Seattle. The Safeway near my house tends to have it for $9 a 4-pack all the time.

It was only in the last 6 months or so I've seen a surge in distribution around the bay area. I knew it wasn't hard to find, but now that it's in my local grocery store, it certainly caught my attention! Still think Racer 5 is the better deal.


I have not had many Winter/Christmas ales in the past. Do you guys have any recommendations for someone located in the Midwest?


Super Sleuth
Honestly this is a first for me. I really do look forward to it every year and it's not something I've looked into, but I can't imagine they change their recipe?

Eh, they may tweak it but nothing drastic. There are two main possibilities with a brewery like Sierra Nevada. Your palate has changed (most likely) or the hop crop is different resulting in a different beer.

Have you had it more than once this year?
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