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Beer |OT|


Stone Brewing Co posted the following on their Facebook and Twitter accounts:

If u don’t have anyone to love today, this will fix that. It’s official: Stone IPA 12pk. Coming in March. We <3 u too. http://t.co/0Xm138rg

One of my favorite beers of all time. I usually pick up a 6pk here and there, definitely will pick up a 12pk once they get to my stores.


Drinking a glass of my 70 Shilling, first one that's semi-carbonated, out of my keg. "Heavy", as it's known back home in Scotland, means a lot to me as it was my beer of choice growing up and it's fiercely Scottish. It was also the first beer I brewed *badly* in 2011, so it felt right to make it my last brew too.

This one's turned out a lot better - better body, better colour, but still not quite right... I guess I really have learned a lot about basic homebrew in ten months or so. Definitely still have a lot to learn. I'm still on partial mashes, but the next brew is going to be a full wort boil for sure, and is going to have *much* better temperature control for the fermentation - excited for this part as TX sucks for fermentation temps.

Roll on some more homebrew.
You sonofabitch.

Can't go there for a while.

Have fun!

Spoke to soon! I'll be at Latona this Monday night for the February edition of the 25th Anniversary party. John Maier from Rogue will be there along with the 25th Anniversary Latona Pub beer. They made a Strong American Ale for the 20th Anniversary, curious what they'll do this time around...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Stone Brewing Co posted the following on their Facebook and Twitter accounts:

One of my favorite beers of all time. I usually pick up a 6pk here and there, definitely will pick up a 12pk once they get to my stores.

I guess I'm the only one that doesn't much care for Stone IPA. It's okay, nothing special. I've had some very weird batches of it too that tasted far too bitter and no malt at all.


Spoke to soon! I'll be at Latona this Monday night for the February edition of the 25th Anniversary party. John Maier from Rogue will be there along with the 25th Anniversary Latona Pub beer. They made a Strong American Ale for the 20th Anniversary, curious what they'll do this time around...
ha, how a day changes things. I saw that event when they tweeted it, enjoy!

I guess I'm the only one that doesn't much care for Stone IPA. It's okay, nothing special. I've had some very weird batches of it too that tasted far too bitter and no malt at all.
I used to love Stone. My brother lives in SD and I went to the brewery over holiday break. It's very nice. The regular Stone is now ok IMO, it's more of a run of the mill IPA. The Ruination on the other hand is delicious.


I guess I'm the only one that doesn't much care for Stone IPA. It's okay, nothing special. I've had some very weird batches of it too that tasted far too bitter and no malt at all.

So with you. It's never stood out for me. Is it bad? Hell no! Just not as good as can be had.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
ha, how a day changes things. I saw that event when they tweeted it, enjoy!

I used to love Stone. My brother lives in SD and I went to the brewery over holiday break. It's very nice. The regular Stone is now ok IMO, it's more of a run of the mill IPA. The Ruination on the other hand is delicious.

It's quite seriously a waste of time and money to go to Stone. Food kinda meh, but extremely expensive.


It's quite seriously a waste of time and money to go to Stone. Food kinda meh, but extremely expensive.
I went with my wife, bro, nephew (2yo), mom & stepdad. It was fun to visit and have a beer outside in December. I live 30min from Redhook and I rarely go there. If I lived in SD I doubt I would go there often but it was fun to visit.


Currently enjoying Trois Pistoles (355ml bottle), which is a real treat because it is only normally available at a local bar in 750ml size for ~$16.
I went with my wife, bro, nephew (2yo), mom & stepdad. It was fun to visit and have a beer outside in December. I live 30min from Redhook and I rarely go there. If I lived in SD I doubt I would go there often but it was fun to visit.

Yeah, but Red Hook doesn't make anything on the same level as Stone.


Is there a way on the internet to track where Pliny the Younger is available?

Also just tried the Hitachino Nest Red Rice Ale I was given as a gift. Wow, what an interesting beer! I'd love to have this with sushi or some other rice dish, but it went fine with pizza, haha. Sometimes I feel like I let down the nicer beers I try by matching them with terrible food. Then again beer matching isn't really as 'strict' or common as wine matching.
Is there a way on the internet to track where Pliny the Younger is available?

Check the Twitter and Facebook feeds of your local bars and bottle shops that have taps.

Younger was great, but honestly not very different from Elder. Maybe slightly more fruity. Had a nice time hanging out and talking with people. Also snagged a bottle of Elder and some Upright Five.

edit: You're in CT, right? Russian River only distributes to California, Colorado, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington.


Upscale liquor stores will sometimes carry beers that normally don't get distribution in a state. My local store in Wisconsin occasionally gets in some of the DFH limited run beers even though they stopped distribution in the state a couple years ago.
Had a good day!
Kegged my "failed" Russian Imperial Stout American Stout (OG was supposed to be 1.098, ended up at 1.084). Actually tastes pretty decent. A bit heavy on the bittering hops, but I'm hoping some time will mellow it out.

Brewed a Maibock today and nailed my numbers on this one. Currently waiting for the temp to drop to 42F to pitch my starter.
(The 18g of Magnum hops I added, looks legit haha)

And currently drinking a RR Supplication in celebration of being invited to interview for 2 PhD programs this week!


Check the Twitter and Facebook feeds of your local bars and bottle shops that have taps.

Younger was great, but honestly not very different from Elder. Maybe slightly more fruity. Had a nice time hanging out and talking with people. Also snagged a bottle of Elder and some Upright Five.

edit: You're in CT, right? Russian River only distributes to California, Colorado, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington.


Are you in CO? I went out for the youner too, was very impressed, though i havent had the elder.

Ended up also getting boulavard tank 7, green flash ipa, alaskan barkeywine (2011) and some copper kettle ipas, i would highly recommend all of them, especially the copper kettle ( CO micro, won gabf last year i think)

Are you in CO? I went out for the youner too, was very impressed, though i havent had the elder.

Ended up also getting boulavard tank 7, green flash ipa, alaskan barkeywine (2011) and some copper kettle ipas, i would highly recommend all of them, especially the copper kettle ( CO micro, won gabf last year i think)

I'm in Seattle.

Going on a beer tour this coming weekend for a bachelor party. http://breweryadventures.com/
We will be going to Bear Republic Brewing Company and Lagunitas Brewing.

Looks pretty cool. I'll report back with pictures and impressions next week.

You're down in the area but not going to Russian River? Brewery Adventures = FAIL. Get an awesome DD and do the tour on your own, man!


aka andydumi
Hmm, I opened up a couple of bottles of my latest and they are semi-flat. I guess I did not mix the sugar solution in very well. Time to open and recap some and see how it goes.


Hmm, I opened up a couple of bottles of my latest and they are semi-flat. I guess I did not mix the sugar solution in very well. Time to open and recap some and see how it goes.

Something I got wrong hte first time I bottled was I put the sugar solution in the bucket /after/ the beer... Put it in first, then move the beer ontop of it is the best way to go.

Or keg ;)

I moved over my American Amber Ale to its secondary & will likely do the same for my Belgian Golden Ale too... Brewing up a quick extract ESB tomorrow to use up some hops I've got kicking around.


aka andydumi
I think i will let it sit a couple more weeks and see. out of 4 bottles I opened, 2 were almost flat, 2 were weakly carbonated.


aka andydumi
Yep, give 'em time. Might want to stick a towel or something over the box they're in, just in case you've got uneven distribution of the priming sugar. Bottlebombs are nasty.

Yep. They are sitting in a cooler that is closed. I also have 3 gallon size jugs along with all the bottles. They should be OK. If in 2 weeks they are still flat, I may pour them into the bottler, let it get flat, reprime, rebottle and pray. Or just suck it up and drink flat beer.
They were out of tickets by the time I was able to swing by. I was there on Sunday and they said they had a good turn out.

That is cool. How was the event?

It was fun. My in-laws are here from Nebraska to see the baby, so my father-in-law went over with me. We had a couple pints of Latona Bob.

My parents got back from Bend last night. They were down helping our friend with his new brewery at Zwicklemania. They're bringing up growlers galore with them.


Currently enjoying Trois Pistoles (355ml bottle), which is a real treat because it is only normally available at a local bar in 750ml size for ~$16.

Love that stuff. I enjoy Unibroue's Maudite slightly more, but simply due to personal preference.


Enjoying a few beers tonight while watching movies and gaming:
The Alchemist/Ninkasi/Stone More Brown than Black IPA
Green Flash West Coast IPA
Diamond Knot Industrial IPA
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot

There's a nano brewery down in Bend, OR called Below Grade. Made out of a guy's basement and only sold at one store in town. Parents brought this back for me.
How Beer Saved the World is pretty fun. Beer Wars is just as interesting but less fun. Also on instant streaming:


Have you guys had New Belgium's Cocoa Mole?


Cacao Nibs and Chili Peppers. It's sooooooo good. It's either new or newly distributed to Saint Louis, too lazy to look it up
Cocoa Mole has been on tap and bottled in Seattle for a few weeks now. I think they bottled it before.

Deschutes' Black Butte XXIII does something similar. Pasilla Negra chillies with cocoa nibs from Theo Chocolate and orange peel. All lovingly aged in bourbon barrels.
BBXXIII is one of their limited wax capped releases. You'd know if you had it.

Yeah, Stone did. Didn't really care for it, too much emphasis on the pepper.

Oh man if you think that was too much pepper there are a couple beers here made by Weston Brewing company that you would hate. They makea crazy spicy Jalapeno beer as well as a Mango Habenero. A buddy of mine in my brew club made an amazing raspberry jalapeno, named it Razmanian Devil. Pretty great


You can judge whether it's worth the hype. Here are five places to try the Younger:

Bambino's Pizzeria in Belltown will tap it Feb. 25 at 6 p.m. for $6 a glass. 401 Cedar St., www.getbambinos.com

Quinn's Pub, on Capitol Hill, Feb. 25 at 4 p.m. 1001 East Pike St., www.quinnspubseattle.com

Whisky Bar, Feb. 29 at 6:30 p.m. This downtown bar will sell drink tickets ($5 for a glass) at 3 p.m. that day and then pour only to ticket holders at 6:30 p.m. 2000 Second Ave., whiskybarseattle.wordpress.com.

Red House Beer and Wine in Renton on Feb. 27 at 5 p.m. will offer a $20 tasting of three Russian River beers including Pliny the Younger. Includes bar food. First come, first served. 410 Burnett Ave. S., www.redhousebeerandwine.com

Super Deli Mart, 9051 35th Ave. S.W. on March 20 around 6 p.m. will offer a sampling of four Russian River beers including The Younger for $12 (servings will be 8 ounces). Tickets go on sale at this West Seattle store March 13 (206-937-1442).

I've given up red meat and "microbrews" (not by the technical term) for lent so I won't be enjoying any but thought I would post for those that would like to try it...or have more of it. :p
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