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Beer |OT|

Took a little day trip up north to check out the tulip fields, and stopped in at Boundary Bay in Bellingham for lunch, a glass of Old Bounder Barleywine and a bottle of their brewery-only Imperial IPA.




Took a little day trip up north to check out the tulip fields, and stopped in at Boundary Bay in Bellingham for lunch, a glass of Old Bounder Barleywine and a bottle of their brewery-only Imperial IPA.

Boundary Bay is awesome! How are the tulip fields looking? I have family coming to visit in about week and we want to venture up there if the flowers are blooming.


Neo Member
I have a double dead guy in the fridge... and what did I do?

Went and bought some Miller 64 to try it since i'm on a diet. Oy-Vey.

What was I thinking. I won't even bother killing the Rogue's heavenly taste after drinking this swill.


Tonight is a Farmhouse Black Metal Stout night. Jester King's normal heavenly stout, "Black metal" done with wild yeast from their farm. Fantastic range of textures & tastes - a stout with a touch of a sour belgian ale...


Gaf, recommend me some beers that I might like. I'm the only person that I know that doesn't like the taste of beers. I have only tried a limited range of beers which includes Heineken, Corona, Budlight, Budweiser and Fat Tires. Corona with lime is manageable, but I CAN'T stand the taste of Heineken. I was halfway through watching a documentary about beer by the Discovery Channel on Netflix when I stopped and decided to give it another shot and so I came here for some recommendations. I'm leaning toward wheat beer since I heard it has a sweet taste to it.

I'll recommend something fairly simple that someone else just recently mentioned. Magic Hat # 9. It has a little frutiy taste that you may enjoy a little more.
Boundary Bay is awesome! How are the tulip fields looking? I have family coming to visit in about week and we want to venture up there if the flowers are blooming.

Tulips were non-existent, but the daffodils were out in full force. Tulips should be out in a week or two. I work for a local school district and had this week off for spring break.

Enjoying a bottle of Pliny the Elder with Greek takeout tonight at home. Ah, the life of a new parent.


Just spent $53 on groceries and $38 on a Wolaver's variety pack, including the Indian pale ale, brown ale, oatmeal stout, and Alta Gracia coffee porter. Wait, I'm getting a message from my future self... he's saying, "Best weekend ever."


I'm going to be in the San Jose area next week. Any taps to look out for? Preferably stuff not easily available in the Midwest.


Super Sleuth
I'm going to be in the San Jose area next week. Any taps to look out for? Preferably stuff not easily available in the Midwest.

Drake's 1500 is my current local favorite (bay area), I assume they are in San Jose. It is a 5.5% IPA. Russian River is an obvious choice, I assume that one goes without saying.


I've come to peace with the realization that I will never have chiseled abs because I like beer too much. Won't have a beer belly, but yeah.
I've come to peace with the realization that I will never have chiseled abs because I like beer too much. Won't have a beer belly, but yeah.

My investment in brewing and craft beer coincided with a thirty pound weight gain. Been trying to get it off, but I really think I'm going to have to switch to diet soda and liquor exclusively for awhile. Breaks my heart


I like Strawberry Harvest.

Thought it captured the true flavor of strawberry without being overpowering.

Very refreshing, although I prefer Abita's other beers.


drank Maudite, Trois Pistoles and Grande Reserve 17 from Unibroue tonight. Best owned by a giant company craft brewery out there.


Fellow beer enthusiast, drunk reporting in...



Monk's Blood is fantastic if you haven't tried it - A complex blend of malts, cinnamon, maybe some molasses, and a very distant yet delectable sense of hops...Brilliant finish, though the mouthfeel could be a bit more fleshy.
Nevermind, they're not making it AFTER this year.

After nearly a year in seclusion, 21st Amendment Brewery‘s acclaimed beer Monk’s Blood is now available for a limited time. Monk’s Blood’s most ardent worshippers may want to drink one now and cellar one for later, as whispers around the monastery have indicated that the beer will go into extended seclusion after 2012. Brother Shaun (Brewmaster and co-founder Shaun O’Sullivan) said, “We have so many things happening in the brewery right now, it’s time to let Monk’s Blood take a break so we can play a little more with some other really special brews.”

So yeah, stock up.
I just bought a 4 pack of monk's blood because of this thread. Pretty good. I mean I'm not going to go out and buy a bunch. I'm glad I tried it but nothing I'm terribly sad about not having again.


I just bought a 4 pack of monk's blood because of this thread. Pretty good. I mean I'm not going to go out and buy a bunch. I'm glad I tried it but nothing I'm terribly sad about not having again.

I like odd stuff, what can I say. I've had the absolute best, and I must say there are plenty of brews that are considered B-tier that I love much more.
I like odd stuff, what can I say. I've had the absolute best, and I must say there are plenty of brews that are considered B-tier that I love much more.

I wouldn't call Monk's Blood odd, it's a pretty standard Dark Strong Belgian Ale (same type as Chimay Blue and Maudite).
Has anyone ever tried Trader Joe's beer? Most of their stuff is pretty decent generally. I just picked up two packs of Trader Jose, their Mexican beer. I'm kind of iffy on it because it's really cheap ($5.49/pack) but like I said, generally they make good stuff so I'm cautiously optimistic.
Firestone Walker contract brews a lot of Trader Joes' stuff (Pale Ale, Porter, IPA, etc.). Not sure who does the Trader Jose stuff, though.

For some reason I feel that it is either Dos Equis or Negra Modelo that do the Trader Jose.

edit: Apparently is it Gordon Biersch, which is hard to believe as it is labeled as made in Mexico.

Has anyone ever tried Trader Joe's beer? Most of their stuff is pretty decent generally. I just picked up two packs of Trader Jose, their Mexican beer. I'm kind of iffy on it because it's really cheap ($5.49/pack) but like I said, generally they make good stuff so I'm cautiously optimistic.

Their light Mexican Lager is no worse than Corona and cheaper so there's that.

Here's a supposed list of who brews what:
Gordon Biersch (San Francisco, CA) makes:
Joesphs Brau Label:

Hopfest German Style Pilsner
Summer Brew

Trader Joe’s Label:

Bavarian Style Hefewietzen
Bohemian Lager
Hofbrau Bock
Vienna Style Lager
Winterfest Dark Doublebock Lager

Trader José Label:

Premium Lager
Light Lager
Dark Lager

Goose Island (Chicago, IL) makes:
Black Toad Dark Ale
Stockyard Oatmeal Stout

Firestone-Walker (Paso Robles, CA) makes:
Mission St. Pale Ale
Mission St. IPA
Mission St. Hefeweizen
Mission St. Brown Ale
Mission St. Blonde Ale
Fat Weasel Ale
Jumping Cow Amber Ale
Frugal Joe’s Ordinary Beer
Gila Monster Amber Lager

Minhas Craft Brewery (Monroe, WI) makes:
Simpler Times Lager
Simpler Times Pilsner
Red Oval

Shipyard Brewing Company (Portland, ME) makes:

Kennebunkport Apricot Wheat
Kennebunkport Blueberry Wheat
Kennebunkport Pumpkin Ale

Unibroue (Chambly, QC) makes:

Trader Joe’s Vintage Ale


I haven't really explored that many different beers, though my favorite is Yuengling (which is pretty much the only beer I drink).

I find that I generally like smoother beers, and I gravitate away from heavy and darker beers.

Any awesome suggestions for someone who doesn't generally venture out into uncharted territory?
My pickup from the other day included the following:


Dogfish Head 75 Minute IPA


Dogfish Head Saison du Buff


Samuel Adams Cinder Bock

Also picked up, for the girlfriend, a bottle of Delirium Tremens and Samuel Smith's Strawberry Lager.

Of those, we've only opened the Delirium Tremens, Strawberry Lager, and the Saison du Buff. Brief thoughts

Delirium Tremens - I thought this did not live up to the hype in the least. It's a highly lauded Belgian but I just didn't think it was any better than all of the other good Belgians I've had in the past. I'd rather have Chimay. But to be fair I am growing tired of this style right now, as it was the first style I really fell in love with.

Samuel Smith's Strawberry Lager - Brilliant strawberry flavor. Drank this out of a snifter for maximum nose and it felt like I was drinking a damn field of berries. Really surprising since I find most of Sam Smith's beers average at best.

Saison du Buff - This is a collab brew from Dogfish, Victory, and Stone. It's brewed with parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Up front that sounds like a complete gimmick, and I bet it was when they thought it up. But fuck did they ever deliver on this beer. It's about $3.50 for a 12oz bottle and it's worth it. One of the best beers I've ever had. The flavor of the herbs is super intense but never gross or cloying in any way. I wish I was eating poultry with this because it would pair amazingly well.

Also, I picked up a 4-pack of Terrapin's Moo Hoo Chocolate Milk Stout a week or so ago. Along with Terrapin's Wake n Bake Coffee Oatmeal Stout, it is one of my favorite in the style. Also after drinking this and a decent number of Terrapin's other beers, I think they just might be my favorite brewery right now. Such insane quality. They're only about 5 and a half hours away from here, so I should probably visit some time.
I haven't really explored that many different beers, though my favorite is Yuengling (which is pretty much the only beer I drink).

I find that I generally like smoother beers, and I gravitate away from heavy and darker beers.

Any awesome suggestions for someone who doesn't generally venture out into uncharted territory?

The best advice I can give is to find a local brewpub, even something like a BJ's or Rock Bottom and go get a line of tasters. They will give you 6-12 3-5oz tasters of most of their beers and if you have a decent bartender, they will give you a quick description of each beer. That is the best way to find styles you enjoy.
The best advice I can give is to find a local brewpub, even something like a BJ's or Rock Bottom and go get a line of tasters. They will give you 6-12 3-5oz tasters of most of their beers and if you have a decent bartender, they will give you a quick description of each beer. That is the best way to find styles you enjoy.

Check Beer Advocate or Rate Beer (I prefer RB) for a list of places in your area. Go to the best one, the bartenders there should know their beer and be able to help you out. Getting a flight is definitely the best option. That way you can try a whole host of beers without killing youself, and if you don't like one it's no big deal since it's just a few ounces.
Sharkmuncher was completely correct, the light Trader Jose's lager is a near copy of Corona, so if you like Corona and have access to a TJ's there's no reason to pay the ~$2.50 premium. It'll probably be my new go-to party beer, it's not great by any stretch but it's damn good for the price. Basically the beer version of their Two Buck Chuck I guess.

The dark lager wasn't so great though, I was expecting a Dos Equis Amber or Negra Modelo kind of taste but it's pretty gross, basically imagine if Corona tried to make a dark beer and you're probably pretty close.

I hadn't realized before today that Trader Joe's sells these for $2.50


I almost picked up a few but I'm supposed to be on a diet right now and I want to hold off on having beer in the fridge until I lose a few pounds. I don't know what the consensus here is but I tried a bit of one awhile back when a friend bought one at BevMo and thought it was pretty good.


We did a special brew recently for a beer festival that is coming up in Melbourne - The Great Australasian Beer Spectapular, or GABS.

Double Day of the Dead - it's a strong black lager brewed with Manuka smoked Chipotle Chili, Cocoa Powder. It's then given a secondary ferment with organic Agave Syrup and conditioned on raw Cocoa Nibs. Clocks in at 8.2%

We just posted a video shot on the brew day.

Tap badge looks something like this:



My pickup from the other day included the following:


Dogfish Head 75 Minute IPA

I'm a real big fan of this one. Dogfish was losing me lately with some of their offerings and the Pearl Jam 20 had me close to swearing them off for a while. However, the Palo Santo Marron, Burton Baton and 75 min have all been big winners. I'm still going to be hesitant to try some of their more adventurous brews, but they have redeemed themselves in my eyes.
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