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Beer |OT|


I drink Two-Hearted Ale on such a regular basis, shit is cheap around here, like I guess I take it for granted...But I'd never rank it in my top ten.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'd like to try Pliny the Younger. I enjoyed Elder, but the Damnation is still my favorite beer from Russian River. I've had Pliny the Elder, Redemption, Supplication, and Damnation.

Had a beer called The Stoic the other weekend. Really enjoyed it. It pretty much changed the life of one of my "expensive beer" hating friends.

The Stoic is a Belgian Quad (a.k.a. Strong Belgian Dark Ale) from Deschutes. If you liked that, you might want to try Rochefort 10 and St. Bernardus Abt. 12.


The Stoic is a Belgian Quad (a.k.a. Strong Belgian Dark Ale) from Deschutes. If you liked that, you might want to try Rochefort 10 and St. Bernardus Abt. 12.

I've had the Bernardus Abt 12 and liked it. Will have to try Rochefort 10. I'll have to suggest them both to my friend, since he's had some of my favorites and didn't like them at all.


Edit: Picked up a Rochefort 10 on the way home, it's pretty good. A bit pricey at ~$7 for 330 ml though
Basically guys, a large part of the beer enthusiast population likes to drink hop bombs and barrel aged stouts and the like because it makes them feel cooler than the bud and coors drinkers. What angry Grimace is saying is that he's cooler than those boorish types who only like heavy-handed flavors because he appreciates the subtleties of a good helles, witbier or saison.

And I'm cooler than all of 'em because I just drink beer that is good and leave it at that.
Currently in the land of wheat beers... also known as Omaha, Nebraska.

Went to Library Pub and Krug Park the other night, and then had Odell's St. Lupulin and Tallgrass' 8-Bit Pale at Blatt after watching the US Olympic swim trials. Just picked up a six-pack of Ska's Modus Hoperandi at Trader Joes. Strange that Ska doesn't distribute to Washington state.


aka Cabbie
Was pining for an Erdinger glass lately, and it's a bitch to import them. Went to my LCBO today and what do you know.

5 beers + glass for $19.95. I love this one so much. Too bad they don't sell the Dunkel near where I live.
Contact made


Man I really wish beer wasn't so expensive.
I've started a new job and really could use a beer to destress right now (I've started grinding my teeth in my sleep again), but feeling guilty over spending the money for some good brews doesn't help with the stress much.
Probably got lost on the previous page, but if I'm looking for a good doppelbock, love Ayinger's Celebrator, and want to try something new, any suggestions?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Basically guys, a large part of the beer enthusiast population likes to drink hop bombs and barrel aged stouts and the like because it makes them feel cooler than the bud and coors drinkers. What angry Grimace is saying is that he's cooler than those boorish types who only like heavy-handed flavors because he appreciates the subtleties of a good helles, witbier or saison.

And I'm cooler than all of 'em because I just drink beer that is good and leave it at that.
That isn't what I said at all. its a rather dramatic exaggeration actually.
Currently in the land of wheat beers... also known as Omaha, Nebraska.

Went to Library Pub and Krug Park the other night, and then had Odell's St. Lupulin and Tallgrass' 8-Bit Pale at Blatt after watching the US Olympic swim trials. Just picked up a six-pack of Ska's Modus Hoperandi at Trader Joes. Strange that Ska doesn't distribute to Washington state.

I really like Krug, its just always been super busy every time I've been down there. Also, the trials have been awesome. Sitting behind the officials as a "volunteer" has been amazing. Wheat beer from here is also not so great (stupid Lucky Bucket), but Tallgrass Halcyon is one of the best straight up "American Style" wheat beers out there.


You know I really enjoy the limited stronger beers but came to the realization that my go to beer is Lagunitas IPA. I like Stone's Ruination more but double the price of the Lagunitas sixer isn't worth it.
You know I really enjoy the limited stronger beers but came to the realization that my go to beer is Lagunitas IPA. I like Stone's Ruination more but double the price of the Lagunitas sixer isn't worth it.

Lagunitas makes some really solid beers, especially considering their price and wide distribution.
I really like Krug, its just always been super busy every time I've been down there. Also, the trials have been awesome. Sitting behind the officials as a "volunteer" has been amazing. Wheat beer from here is also not so great (stupid Lucky Bucket), but Tallgrass Halcyon is one of the best straight up "American Style" wheat beers out there.

My father-in-law is in charge of PR for the trials, so we've got tickets to every night five rows from the floor. Last night we got invited to Myrtha Pools' VIP shindig at the Hilton after the trials. Great spread. At least they had Fat Tire.


Has anyone here ever had Éphémère from Unibroue?
I've got the apple variant, 750ml corked bottle. I've had a few beers before this, so my mouth is kind of coated and I can't discern taste right now very well, but when I uncorked this beer, the smell was amazing.

Just wondering if anyone else has had it and what they thought.
Has anyone here ever had Éphémère from Unibroue?
I've got the apple variant, 750ml corked bottle. I've had a few beers before this, so my mouth is kind of coated and I can't discern taste right now very well, but when I uncorked this beer, the smell was amazing.

Just wondering if anyone else has had it and what they thought.

It's my favorite 'fruit beer' along with Sweetwater Blue. It definitely has an incredible aroma like you mentioned. I ordered a glass from a local restaurant and almost everyone the waitress walked past looked up and commented on the smell when she walked over.
Capital Brewery's Autumnal Fire. Not sure about availability outside of the Midwest, though.

Couldn't find it at any of my usual craft beer locations. It's not surprising. In Tennessee, there are some fairly strict beer laws limiting any beer with an ABV above 6% to sale only in liquor stores. I think it scares a lot of craft brewers away from this state; for example, I know Dogfish Head recently pulled distribution to TN.

At any rate, I decided to try Fort Collins' Hellesbock. It wasn't bad! Will probably pick it up again.
I was flying home to Seattle last night through Minneapolis and noticed that there is a Minneapolis Beer! cart selling Surly shirts, glasses and (empty) growlers on the G Concourse. That wasn't there last time I came through on the way to Omaha... very cool.

Oh, Ike's at MSP has Bender on tap, and if you ask nicely, they'll sell you a can of Furious.


Couldn't find it at any of my usual craft beer locations. It's not surprising. In Tennessee, there are some fairly strict beer laws limiting any beer with an ABV above 6% to sale only in liquor stores. I think it scares a lot of craft brewers away from this state; for example, I know Dogfish Head recently pulled distribution to TN.

At any rate, I decided to try Fort Collins' Hellesbock. It wasn't bad! Will probably pick it up again.

That's not why DFH pulled out of TN, they were simply growing too quickly and had to scale back.


shitting in the alley outside your window
Couldn't find it at any of my usual craft beer locations. It's not surprising. In Tennessee, there are some fairly strict beer laws limiting any beer with an ABV above 6% to sale only in liquor stores. I think it scares a lot of craft brewers away from this state; for example, I know Dogfish Head recently pulled distribution to TN.

At any rate, I decided to try Fort Collins' Hellesbock. It wasn't bad! Will probably pick it up again.

I feel your pain w/ regards to TN distribution. So much of the beer talked about in this thread isn't available in TN, time to start our own black market transport service bringing beer down from surrounding states!


Anyone try Burton Baton from Dogfish Head? A co-worker gave me a 12oz. bottle for me to sample after he went on a road trip to some breweries (Lagunitas/Stone/etc).

The various descriptions on the label read as follows:

- "An ale flavored with oak staves."

- "This special ale is a two-thread blend of young & wood-aged Imperial i.p.a."

- "Please share with loved ones and hoard it from the non-believers."

- "Lush & enjoyable now, Burton Baton ages with the best of 'em."

Alc. by vol.

from the dogfish website said:
This oak-aged gentle giant has been gaining popularity over the past few years and is now available year-round.

For Burton Baton, we brew two "threads," or batches, of beer: an English-style old ale and an imperial IPA.

After fementating the beers separately in our stainless tanks, they're transferred and blended together in one of our large oak tanks. Burton Baton sits on the wood for about a month.

When enjoying the Burton Baton, you'll find an awesome blend of the citrus notes from Northwestern hops melding with woody, vanilla notes from the oak. The wood also tends to mellow the 10% ABV of Burton, so tread cautiously!

Speaking of Lagunitas Brewery (above). I finally tried their IPA at a local bar and preferred it over Stone's IPA. I started off with the Lagunitas and immediately loved it. It was really delicious. A few minutes later I ordered the Stone (which I was very familiar with already) and instantly knew that Stone had been bested (imho).


Every time I pop into this thread I think to myself "well, I GUESS I have time to go to the LCBO..."

I just wish the selection was better up where I am.
I feel your pain w/ regards to TN distribution. So much of the beer talked about in this thread isn't available in TN, time to start our own black market transport service bringing beer down from surrounding states!

I moved here from Georgia, so it's quite a change. I took a couple of friends to a concert in Atlanta, and they were amazed to see Stone and DFH (what they call "liquor store beer") sold at the local Kroger.
Speaking of Lagunitas Brewery (above). I finally tried their IPA at a local bar and preferred it over Stone's IPA. I started off with the Lagunitas and immediately loved it. It was really delicious. A few minutes later I ordered the Stone (which I was very familiar with already) and instantly knew that Stone had been bested (imho).

I've always liked Lagunitas IPA, but it's like a session IPA.
Had the chance to go to a very rare beer fest a couple weekends ago:


First time Westvleteran 12 was served legally in the states. I'm not really into sours and belgian beers, that much, but it was still great to be there.

Also got to try a few first taps of Sixpoints new beers.
Had the chance to go to a very rare beer fest a couple weekends ago:


First time Westvleteran 12 was served legally in the states. I'm not really into sours and belgian beers, that much, but it was still great to be there.

Also got to try a few first taps of Sixpoints new beers.

I've always wanted to try Westvleteren 12, only because I've heard so much about it and enjoy a good Belgian style quad. Cool that you got to sample it!
I've still got bottles (one each) of Westy 8 and 12 from my trip to Belgium that I need to drink. Neither sound all that awesome in the summer heat.
I've always wanted to try Westvleteren 12, only because I've heard so much about it and enjoy a good Belgian style quad. Cool that you got to sample it!

Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I preferred it... I'm an imperial stout & IPA guy, although I'm trying hard to broaden up to quads and sours... It's just hard. I think that Sixpoint's Appollo is a good entry beer for getting into good sours and belgian styles. There were some insane beers, like a Rauche (I forget how to spell it) from... I think... Against the Grain brewery in Louiseville that was basically disgusting, but really unique... the most ultra smokey beer I've ever had. It was weird.
Anyone try Burton Baton from Dogfish Head? A co-worker gave me a 12oz. bottle for me to sample after he went on a road trip to some breweries (Lagunitas/Stone/etc).

Alc. by vol.

I basically worship at the altar of Dogfish Head.

The 90-minute IPA, Burton Baton, Raison D'Etre, Midas Touch -- they're all amazing, in my opinion.

And if you think that alcohol content is serious, check out their 120-minute IPA (if you can find it) or World Wide Stout, both of which are rated between 15 and 20 percent.


DFH started to win be back over with the 75, Palo Santo and Burton. Unfortunately, I was under the impression that the Palo and Burton were going to become part of their regular distribution, but I have not seen the Burton back on the shelves in months. I've only got one left and it's killing me that I can't find more as of yet. Luckily the Palo seems to be plentiful around here and it is also delicious.

Big thumbs up on Lagunitas too. I've always been a big fan and was lucky enough to attend a tasting last week that was serving the Waldo DIPA. Was a bit annoyed though that the Lagunitas reps spent all night throwing swag at the table of hot chicks drinking martinis all night, but I did end up with a shirt after guilt tripping them into it.

fat pat


picked up a 4 pack today(ouch, my wallet)

Drinking one now. I havent had sone since the 2009 vintage. Its much clearer than it used to be. It just tastes boozy to me. Lots of malt, a lot of the hop bitterness doesnt even shine through the booze and the malt. They have reduced to it about 18%. I plan on cellaring 2 for as long as i can hold off, and then give one to a friend as a trade.

Still much prefer the 90 minute to this.

picked up a 4 pack today(ouch, my wallet)

Still much prefer the 90 minute to this.

Nice. At my Total Wine I had to put myself on a reserve list and then when they finally arrived about three months later, I was able to buy two of them. Gee, thanks.

About a month later I happened upon a Lee's Liquor and they somehow had a whole bunch in stock, so I bought 10 of them. The cashier thought it was a mistake when she first tried to ring them up ("Yeah, you're right, those can't possible cost that much. How about you ring them up for $3 each?").

I love the 90, but I still think this is better. But maybe that's the cognitive dissonance talking. When you wait for months and pay 8 or 9 bucks per bottle, just about anything will taste pretty damn special.
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