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Beer |OT|

Think I'll go on a run for some Boulevard tomorrow. I did see some Lips of Faith the other day, but they were bombers at $7 apiece so I was quite reluctant. The Cocoa Mole sounded really interesting, not sure if it'd be my thing, but the variety of peppers and mole sounded intriguing and I do like a spicy beer
Think I'll go on a run for some Boulevard tomorrow. I did see some Lips of Faith the other day, but they were bombers at $7 apiece so I was quite reluctant. The Cocoa Mole sounded really interesting, not sure if it'd be my thing, but the variety of peppers and mole sounded intriguing and I do like a spicy beer

Cocoa Mole is really tasty. Pick it up while you can, I think they are done making it for the year. Were out here at least


So Deschutes Brewery recently started distributing in my area.

Tasted samples of Black Butte, Mirror Pond, and Chainbreaker.

Black Butte has great flavor, I don't drink many porters but this one was very good.

Mirror Pond Pale Ale: Was not too impressed actually, but I'll give it another try since many seem to like it.

Chainbreaker White IPA: Surprisingly light and easy to drink for an IPA. Hop taste is subtle.

Bought a Six Pack of Red Chair NWPA and I am quite enjoying it. Great flavor and easy to drink. This may become one of my go to Pale Ales.


not my image
Red Chair is great, but a damn shame that it's only a seasonal. The owner refuses to make it year round out of fear that it will cut into the sales of Mirror Pond.

Deschutes' standard stuff is nice, but their limited release stuff is where it's at. Good family friend used to be the head brewmaster there, he created all the Abyss, BB Anniversary, Stoic, Dissident, etc.

They still got a bunch of that around here too



Red Chair is great, but a damn shame that it's only a seasonal. The owner refuses to make it year round out of fear that it will cut into the sales of Mirror Pond.

Deschutes' standard stuff is nice, but their limited release stuff is where it's at. Good family friend used to be the head brewmaster there, he created all the Abyss, BB Anniversary, Stoic, Dissident, etc.

Yeah I hope some of the limited stuff becomes available here. Would really like to try Abyss.
Yeah I hope some of the limited stuff becomes available here. Would really like to try Abyss.

Abyss 2012 is long gone, so you'll have to wait until next October/November. Black Butte XXV will be out in June, and I've heard that Mirror Mirror MIGHT come out this year.


Call around for Abyss on tap, A few places near me still had it as of a few weeks ago. I absolutely loved it. I have one bottle left aging for another year or so. I cant wait to try out the dissident, I was only able to get one bottle of it this year :(.


Damn, I want one of those so bad. RPM is awesome, once I smelled the aroma when I opened the growler I was in love with it. The flavor is spot on too. Just got to put it a notch below Cigar City's Humidor IPA.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Anybody try this? Bought it out of curiosity and was pleasantly surprised how much I liked it.

Not a huge fan, although to be fair I always drink it out of the bottle. It even says on the bottle you're supposed to pour it. I think if you want something fruity I might suggest Fruli, although for some people it's too sweet.

Anyways, guys, I'm trying a Mephistopheles for the first time ever tonight. Had maybe 1500 calories in food today and it's been over a month since I really drank. I weigh 150 pounds, and I barely have any Irish in me. Wish me luck.


So disappointed with Killer Penguin. I remember it being pretty highly regarded a couple of years ago and I noted that I wanted to try it. I picked up 2 bottles the other day and it is just muted. It is just very flat, no punch at all.
So disappointed with Killer Penguin. I remember it being pretty highly regarded a couple of years ago and I noted that I wanted to try it. I picked up 2 bottles the other day and it is just muted. It is just very flat, no punch at all.

Is it bottle conditioned? Might need more time to age.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
god damn fuckin' Mephistopheles did me in. To be fair I barely today and I weight 150 but I've never had a single beer do that.

And it tastes like it has that much alcohol too, the hint of coffee be damned. I guess it's drinkable if you're comparing it to liquor lol. It's good and I recommend it...but just be ready. Even if you're a super pro German Irish 300 pound drinking machine you're gonna feel somethin'.
god damn fuckin' Mephistopheles did me in. To be fair I barely today and I weight 150 but I've never had a single beer do that.

And it tastes like it has that much alcohol too, the hint of coffee be damned. I guess it's drinkable if you're comparing it to liquor lol. It's good and I recommend it...but just be ready. Even if you're a super pro German Irish 300 pound drinking machine you're gonna feel somethin'.

150lbs!? Drink more beer and get a belly!


Is it bottle conditioned? Might need more time to age.

Yeah it is bottle conditioned. Not sure if I will sit on the other bottle. Found of vertical tasting notes and it sounds like it gets worse as it ages. Bummer. Now that Doggie Claws, whole different story. Delicious! I can never sit on any bottles of it when I have picked them up. Same with Adam and Fred, but Adam is one of my top 5 beers.
Yeah it is bottle conditioned. Not sure if I will sit on the other bottle.

Some bottle conditioned beers need time to properly carbonate. Some HotD are like this, and Killer Penguin may be the same. I've got a bottle, but haven't even thought about drinking it yet.

u mad

Neo Member
Glad to see some Russian River appreciation in this thread. I live a short drive from the brewery. Probably my current favorite brewery.

Currently I'm drinking some Lagunitas Sucks Brown Shugga Substitute Ale.


(picture courtesy of images.google.com)

Pretty good, although I think I prefer regular ol' Brown Shugga.
Uh oh guys a new beer topic has popped up: http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=508198

Stay away! All the casual beer drinkers are offering terrible opinions

We know where it's at. :)

Opened up a Life and Limb for some light drinking this afternoon. *chuckles* Was pretty nice. My Highlight of the week though was a Cascade Apricot from 2008 couple of nights ago. No real reason besides I felt it was time. Soooooooo damn good.


Thought about getting a 6 pack of Lagunitas Sucks. It definitely sounds good and I have been satisfied by their other offerings.
Yup, which is why I don't get why they called it a substitute ale. Nothing like Brown Shugga, but delicious in its own right.

Lagunitas wasn't able to make Brown Shugga in 2011, so they released a Imperial IPA as an apology/replacement. Naming it as they did was a jab at themselves. You know, "Man, Lagunitas sucks!!"

Sucks was such a hit in 2011 that they brought it back for 2012. It's even becoming a regular part of their bomber lineup.
I've tried their dogtown and lil' sumpin' and both were great. Happened to get them on account of a pricing mistake at the time. Next time I was in, they were both marked up to $12 for a 6 pack :( Brown Shugga sounds delicious though. I'm currently dry save for that bottle of Firestone Double Jack. Probably help myself to it on Tuesday when I'm off

u mad

Neo Member
Lagunitas wasn't able to make Brown Shugga in 2011, so they released a Imperial IPA as an apology/replacement. Naming it as they did was a jab at themselves. You know, "Man, Lagunitas sucks!!"

I figured the Sucks part was a jab, but didn't know the story behind it. Just grabbed the 6 pack and read the story written about it. They explain it all in detail, pretty neat. Glad a wonderful beer came out of an unfortunate turn of events.

u mad

Neo Member
Crazy thing is that Sucks was really easy to find in 2011, but the 2012 version sold out immediately in Seattle.

Pretty easy to find in these parts (Northern California).

Then again I can find brews like Pliny the Elder at most local tiny hole in the wall liquor stores.

Lots of good beer around these parts.
Pretty easy to find in these parts (Northern California).

Then again I can find brews like Pliny the Elder at most local tiny hole in the wall liquor stores.

Lots of good beer around these parts.

Just like we get awesome stuff you can't. All about distribution.
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