Where do you live?
A can of that should not cost $10.
Not a bad beer but definitely not worth $10 a can.
Central Kentucky
I get Unibroue beers for $2.50 a bottle so...
Where do you live?
A can of that should not cost $10.
Not a bad beer but definitely not worth $10 a can.
I can't tell whether you are implying that it is a good thing or a bad thing.
There is no way a can of Young's Double Chocolate costs $10. That's the 4 pack price.
Just picked these up. Looking forward to them.
Thought this beer was pretty solid, and nowhere near unpalatably hoppy. But I'm a big IPA guy, so my palate is pretty open to ridiculous bitterness and IBU.Tonight from Green Flash Brewing Company I'm having Green Bullet, which reports itself as a "Triple IPA".
That's a whole lot of green.
As expected, it's nearly undrinkable. I guess it's interesting to see just how far the style can be taken
This is why I'm glad I'm not into wine like I am into beer. I can't imagine how expensive that must get.I'd rather pay twenty for a big bottle of Quad then 30 for a shitty Chardonnay.
I was at this beer tasting today and my girlfriend wanted me to pick up some banana bread beer while I was there. One of the guys from the tasting saw me buying it and told me he heard it's really good if you mix it with Young's Double Chocolate Stout so I grabbed a can on my way out without looking at the price. $10 for a single can of this ghetto looking shit, it better be good.
I'd rather pay twenty for a big bottle of Quad then 30 for a shitty Chardonnay.
Ten bucks for a single can of Young's? That's not right. Somebody must have pulled the four pack apart and didn't reprice them.
Yeah, that's what happened. I went back and got my money.
Glad it got sorted. Young's Chocolate Stout is kind of a gateway stout - it's widely available & not too "out there" for 'ordinary' beer drinkers while giving them a taste of something different.
I don't know I firmly believe that a good Belgian Tripel or Quad > Most wines of equal price.
Safeway is selling it for $7 per sixer by me.Oh shit. My local store just got in Sierra Celebration Ale. My favorite holiday beer. Time to put on 10 pounds.
Thought this beer was pretty solid, and nowhere near unpalatably hoppy. But I'm a big IPA guy, so my palate is pretty open to ridiculous bitterness and IBU.
Is Green Bullet in the same vein as Dogfish 120 minute?
How much is a Chimay Bleue where you live?
I think we have a 0.75 liter bottle for about 6.99 Euros. I'm not a wine drinker, but I assume you couldn't expect a great wine for that kind of money.
Most breweries will consider 90 days the extent of what's considered fresh (depending on style though). IPAs can fade pretty fast especially if they're not kept cold.How long can beer sit on the shelf before it expires?
Its canned btw. IPA from a local brewer called Golden Road.
Love their beer, but I picked up a case of their Point The Way IPA and just noticed it was canned on June 23rd.
I was planning on serving it up at my daughter's 1st birthday party next week.
Now I'm wondering if it'll taste off.
4.5 months seems long as their stuff is usually fresh. I even get growlers filled by them on occasion.
I too considered myself a big IPA guy, but that was just gross.
It was more like a hop tincture than an ale.
Fade fast in what way?
Isn't the whole legacy of the IPA concerning its ability to hold up for a lengthy trip to India?
Fade fast in what way?
Isn't the whole legacy of the IPA concerning its ability to hold up for a lengthy trip to India?
Some of my friends have been harassing me about giving them some of my Westy so when we get together tomorrow I'm planning on doing a blind quad tasting (hoping to prove Westy isn't THAT much better, lol).
Picked up a couple Rochefort 10, Le Trappe Quad, and a Straffe Hendrick, to go along with two West 12 My liquor store guy pushed me away from the St Bernardus.
St. Bernadus Abt 12 is actually really similar to Westy 12.
How's Kona? Their bottles are so attractive, but I fear that that's the only thing they've got going for them.
Also, given the choice between Anchor, Flying Dog and Sierra Nevada for my first barleywine, which should I choose?
.Alchemist aka Heady Topper brewery - from FB
A Difficult Decision
From the very first canning run of Heady Topper we have experienced a level of support and growth that none of us could have predicted. We had hoped our location at 35 Crossroad would be capable of handling the traffic, however with growth comes growing pains. In an effort to stay ahead of the curve we have made the difficult decision to close our retail shop and self-guided tour area. Effective November 15 the cannery will no longer be open to the public.
The good news is this will not affect our production levels. We will continue to distribute to all our current accounts but we are not adding any new accounts at this time. Alchemist and Heady Topper merchandise is available at our online store that we will be enhanced in time for the holidays.
Dan Kennedy - Best of luck. Will the growlers people just bought be refillable somehow?
The Alchemist - hang on to your growlers...
Whoa. No more case sales at the brewery? Time for Vermonters to start chasin' dem trucks!
I've had Heady a couple times, I'm guessing the trade value will go up as it won't be as easy to get now.
people are mad, those people need to chill.
I've been reading the butthurt entitlement at BA. Yes, they do need to calm down.
im guessing people are upset they cant hoard cases, and the price at stores might go up a bit, boo-hoo, the cult worship of that beer is unlike anything ive ever seen
Yeah, that's kinda what I thought.
Today we brew 120 barrels per week in eight 15 barrel batches. We never hold back inventory, and we move all of our beer weekly in a concerted effort to provide the freshest, hoppiest packaged IPA on the market.
I'm not sure what the deal is with the FBS pricing here. I saw some at Hy-Vee earlier marked $9.99. It seems like beer is usually a bit more expensive there than at the liquor store a couple hundred feet away, which is where I got a 4-pack for $11.99. Who knows.Regular place I go is $9.99 a 4 pack. Some other places around are $10.99-11.99 a 4 pack.