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Bees added to US endangered species list for the first time

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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Go to your local farmers market. We try to buy organic food, as much as possible. The idiots that pushed this through without testing, aren't eating this stuff. It's a form of population control. Eating Monsanto's pesticide food is like smoking a cigarette.

Like a cigarette?

Really now?

And yes everyone that works at Monsanto eats nothing but organic food.
I KNOW Bees are important, but honestly I fucking hate those buzzing devil bugs.

I'll take a spider bite over a bee sting any day.


Water is not wet!
Poor bees. i love bees. Bees are one of the few insects that dont immediately repulse me. Pillbugs/rollie pollies, ladybugs, and butterflies being the others.
The natural ecosystem is a delicate balance of interdependency that has evolved very slowly over time. I think the issue with GMO is that changes are abrupt and upset that natural tendency for things to adapt in a gradual fashion.


Go to your local farmers market. We try to buy organic food, as much as possible. The idiots that pushed this through without testing, aren't eating this stuff. It's a form of population control. Eating Monsanto's pesticide food is like smoking a cigarette.

You are wrong on every imaginable level; in every way posible

You are wrong on every imaginable level; in every way posible

Like a cigarette?

Really now?

And yes everyone that works at Monsanto eats nothing but organic food.




Edit: Not trying to start anything, just saying what I have read from reputable sites.


I KNOW Bees are important, but honestly I fucking hate those buzzing devil bugs.

I'll take a spider bite over a bee sting any day.

Unless you're fucking with them most bees don't just randomly sting. I'll grant you wasps, but how can you hate something called a bumblebee? It's literally a flying fat fuzzball that bumbles around!


Did you even read these? Like the LA times article is about farm workers families. So the ones who pick the plants go home and they are exposed that way. It still sucks and should be looked into how to protect workers, but eating GMO foods is perfectly fine. You've just bought into marketing.


Misleading title. It sucks that any animal is on the endangered species list but please try to be less clickbaity OP.
Did you even read these? Like the LA times article is about farm workers families. So the ones who pick the plants go home and they are exposed that way. It still sucks and should be looked into how to protect workers, but eating GMO foods is perfectly fine. You've just bought into marketing.

Yes I have along with other publications. It's fine, we just have different opinions about the matter.


Yes I have along with other publications. It's fine, we just have different opinions about the matter.

Being incorrect about something "can" be an opinion, but it doesn't automatically make it a valid opinion.

Being anti-GMO is right up there with being on the anti-vaccine crowd or thinking that being racist can be a political view.

Hell did you even read that last article you linked.

It's literally tearing down a book that was trying to argue that "Pesticides are safe" is a myth. It's a double negative.

The article is defending the use of pesticides!

Like read the conclusion of that last article:

Pesticides are meant to harm weeds and insects, but are they also harming us? Leu demonizes pesticides as “poisons” and argues that the precautionary principle should make us eliminate their use entirely. I think he exaggerates the dangers, especially considering that evolution has equipped the human body to thrive while eating foods with levels of natural pesticides several orders of magnitude greater than the levels of artificial pesticides in today’s foods. I certainly agree with him that there is a need for more research. He says safe pesticides are a myth, but I have to wonder if any evidence of safety would ever satisfy him; he seems to be demanding “perfect” safety like some anti-vaccine activists do. There is a danger to invoking the precautionary principle before ensuring that the alternatives are not worse.




Go to your local farmers market. We try to buy organic food, as much as possible. The idiots that pushed this through without testing, aren't eating this stuff. It's a form of population control. Eating Monsanto's pesticide food is like smoking a cigarette.

Two Words

I used to work at a hardware store. People would come in looking for bee killer, like bee spray. I always told them that they shouldn't be killing bees and to just leave them alone and they won't fuck with you.

People are assholes.
You probably don't want a bee nest growing in your backyard.


Being incorrect about something "can" be an opinion, but it doesn't automatically make it a valid opinion.

Being anti-GMO is right up there with being on the anti-vaccine crowd or thinking that being racist can be a political view.

Hell did you even read that last article you linked.

It's literally tearing down a book that was trying to argue that "Pesticides are safe" is a myth. It's a double negative.

The article is defending the use of pesticides!

Like read the conclusion of that last article:

We are just starting to see the effects of the BT and Roundup GMO, and it turns out, they are having effects wildly beyong our imagination by wiping out habitats for local fauna, and affecting species throughout several seasons, causing in the end, collapse.

None of this was found in the early studies, because, those studies lasted months, not years, not seasons, not decades, and we let GMO's out because we thought it was safe, because, we were told so.

And it turns out, the studies done were too short term, and now, we are loosing species left and right.

I cannot see how you can compare it to being anti vaccine?


Uh, citations?
I can make a spooky graph too.

Mitigation is a legitimate process. The monarch episode is a farce.

I'm hearing static when I just want the music.

Sadly, the monarch episode is true. :\

You're wearing hearing aids I think.


On another note, people who thought GMO's is a good idea, are the same people who thought introducing the cane toad to Australia was a good idea, that should give you a idea about the amount of foresight theese people have.

I think this clearly shows that we did not study the effects enough before we let GMO's out, noone thought far enough to figure this out.

And, the scary thing is, we have no idea what this will do, 1000000 generations down the line. We rely on a few studies done by the companies that produce our GMO crops, that is not sufficient.

Yes, we know GMO's can be the food saving thing for humanity, but we clearly did not think it through, and we didn't foresee the effects of it.

Yes, the BT scare for the monarch wasn't true, but, the roundup is true.

They are dead, is that scary enough for you? What more do you need?
Between this and the flu vaccine thread, I need a drink.

And if I were a high school science teacher, I'd need a drink of cyanide because really, what's the point.


Go to your local farmers market. We try to buy organic food, as much as possible. The idiots that pushed this through without testing, aren't eating this stuff. It's a form of population control. Eating Monsanto's pesticide food is like smoking a cigarette.
Organic food is drenched in pesticides as well.
Sadly, the monarch episode is true. :\

You're wearing hearing aids I think.


On another note, people who thought GMO's is a good idea, are the same people who thought introducing the cane toad to Australia was a good idea, that should give you a idea about the amount of foresight theese people have.

I think this clearly shows that we did not study the effects enough before we let GMO's out, noone thought far enough to figure this out.

And, the scary thing is, we have no idea what this will do, 1000000 generations down the line. We rely on a few studies done by the companies that produce our GMO crops, that is not sufficient.

Yes, we know GMO's can be the food saving thing for humanity, but we clearly did not think it through, and we didn't foresee the effects of it.

Yes, the BT scare for the monarch wasn't true, but, the roundup is true.

They are dead, is that scary enough for you? What more do you need?

The Coming Collapse of Western Civilization: The shocking reason why liberal Americans are WEAK, but Islamic soldiers are STRONG

Lead developer of HPV vaccine admits it's a giant, deadly scam

Yes, women are being poisoned by toxic chemicals from feminine hygiene products

...these are the current top three articles being read on this site. The organization widely cited in that article, the "Center for Food Safety", is a hack organization that has been thoroughly discredited by actual scientific bodies, who shockingly don't think a litigation-happy corporate lawyer with a financial stake in the success of organic companies should be considered an authority on agriculture.
Sadly, the monarch episode is true. :\

You're wearing hearing aids I think.


On another note, people who thought GMO's is a good idea, are the same people who thought introducing the cane toad to Australia was a good idea, that should give you a idea about the amount of foresight theese people have.

I think this clearly shows that we did not study the effects enough before we let GMO's out, noone thought far enough to figure this out.

And, the scary thing is, we have no idea what this will do, 1000000 generations down the line. We rely on a few studies done by the companies that produce our GMO crops, that is not sufficient.

Yes, we know GMO's can be the food saving thing for humanity, but we clearly did not think it through, and we didn't foresee the effects of it.

Yes, the BT scare for the monarch wasn't true, but, the roundup is true.

They are dead, is that scary enough for you? What more do you need?

What fucking website are you linking to? Is this a joke?


Go to your local farmers market. We try to buy organic food, as much as possible. The idiots that pushed this through without testing, aren't eating this stuff. It's a form of population control. Eating Monsanto's pesticide food is like smoking a cigarette.

Alex Jones is that you?

Ah yes, bring nothing to the table and instead call us all shills.

Why does this happen in every one of these threads?

I blame Greenpeace.

I had a nutrition teacher in highschool who claimed GMOs were bad for you and made us watch Food Inc.

Years later I saw that daily show clip about GMO potatos, thank God.

Daily Show clip: https://youtu.be/zY-UPHLJ31A
Between this and the flu vaccine thread, I need a drink.

And if I were a high school science teacher, I'd need a drink of cyanide because really, what's the point.
Well, I'm sorry that Big Farma has corrupted your brain with chemicals to the point that you can no longer see the obvious truth in front of you. Sorry. It's pretty obvious that eating produce grown with safer pesticides developed in tandem with GMOs are why farm workers using other pesticides with a higher toxicity suffer when they and their families are chronically exposed to it.
This planet is going to be dead well before the sun naturally burns out and kills it, and every day brings more news confirming it


Sadly, the monarch episode is true. :\

You're wearing hearing aids I think.


On another note, people who thought GMO's is a good idea, are the same people who thought introducing the cane toad to Australia was a good idea, that should give you a idea about the amount of foresight theese people have.

I think this clearly shows that we did not study the effects enough before we let GMO's out, noone thought far enough to figure this out.

And, the scary thing is, we have no idea what this will do, 1000000 generations down the line. We rely on a few studies done by the companies that produce our GMO crops, that is not sufficient.

Yes, we know GMO's can be the food saving thing for humanity, but we clearly did not think it through, and we didn't foresee the effects of it.

Yes, the BT scare for the monarch wasn't true, but, the roundup is true.

They are dead, is that scary enough for you? What more do you need?
If you want to be taken seriously, don't link to natural fucking news, dude...

The Coming Collapse of Western Civilization: The shocking reason why liberal Americans are WEAK, but Islamic soldiers are STRONG

Lead developer of HPV vaccine admits it's a giant, deadly scam

Yes, women are being poisoned by toxic chemicals from feminine hygiene products

...these are the current top three articles being read on this site. The organization widely cited in that article, the "Center for Food Safety", is a hack organization that has been thoroughly discredited by actual scientific bodies, who shockingly don't think a litigation-happy corporate lawyer with a financial stake in the success of organic companies should be considered an authority on agriculture.
And this is why, or at least part of it.

What fucking website are you linking to? Is this a joke?
Yes, it is a joke site.
Or I wish it was : ( In all reality it takes itself totally serious, but the site is shit.

We are just starting to see the effects of the BT and Roundup GMO, and it turns out, they are having effects wildly beyong our imagination by wiping out habitats for local fauna, and affecting species throughout several seasons, causing in the end, collapse.

None of this was found in the early studies, because, those studies lasted months, not years, not seasons, not decades, and we let GMO's out because we thought it was safe, because, we were told so.

And it turns out, the studies done were too short term, and now, we are loosing species left and right.

I cannot see how you can compare it to being anti vaccine?
And not another anti-science fear mongering site, please.


Sadly, the monarch episode is true. :\

You're wearing hearing aids I think.


On another note, people who thought GMO's is a good idea, are the same people who thought introducing the cane toad to Australia was a good idea, that should give you a idea about the amount of foresight theese people have.

I think this clearly shows that we did not study the effects enough before we let GMO's out, noone thought far enough to figure this out.

And, the scary thing is, we have no idea what this will do, 1000000 generations down the line. We rely on a few studies done by the companies that produce our GMO crops, that is not sufficient.

Yes, we know GMO's can be the food saving thing for humanity, but we clearly did not think it through, and we didn't foresee the effects of it.

Yes, the BT scare for the monarch wasn't true, but, the roundup is true.

They are dead, is that scary enough for you? What more do you need?

You're linking to Natural News. Natural fucking News. And you seem to be doing so unironically. I don't know where your life when horribly wrong, but I would suggest backtracking and picking up the trail somewhere before you stumbled down the pseudoscience bullshit path.
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