It really looks like an overstuffed cheap plastic folder.
PS5. Is it white or gray?
SeX user: yo my series X is soo tall that if he stretch his hand to the sky he can touch the clouds
Ps5 user: did your series x feel something warm and soft when he stretch his hands??
Sex user: yes, the clouds.
Ps5 user: nope, those are my ps5 balls.
it's not a fanboy post, it's just an old sicilian joke converted into a console joke. (childs discussing how tall their grandparents are), both console are big and kinda ugly, there is no winner in this contestYes
I know it's a fanboy post, but howw can people shorten Xbox Series X to SeX instead of XsX? What does the e stand for?
Omg i totally wanted to post this... Ten points
That guy is 7’6" though.
Looks like it uses cords for power
People wearing masks with nobody around is unscientific, stupid and cringe.
You must be kidding. It looks like a Spanish Galleon full sails ahead!Doesn't look that huge
What does that have to do with my statement? Wearing masks without being around people has nothing to do with science. *Facepalm*People having a negative opinion of mask wearing, despite the science, is what landed the Donald in trouble right now.
Asia has always been much more sensible on this issue than us insane westerners.
What does that have to do with my statement? Wearing masks without being around people has nothing to do with science. *Facepalm*
Who is anti-maskers here? Lol, you're overreacting like most pro-maskers do. I said wearing masks without being around people is unscientific and that's a scientific fact. What does that have to do with being anti-masker? Take your baseless accusations somewhere else where science doesn't matter.And you know who was around how exactly. Not wondering who took the photograph maybe?
Anti-maskers are the worst.
That's it. That's all.
Source: Japanesse youtuber with the PS5 for hands-on preview scheduled for tomorrow Oct 4.
Who is anti-maskers here? Lol, you're overreacting like most pro-maskers do. I said wearing masks without being around people is unscientific and that's a scientific fact. What does that have to do with being anti-masker? Take your baseless accusations somewhere else where science doesn't matter.
This is one of the dumbest takes I have ever heard on this forum. It's pretty obvious that the guy didn't have to wear a mask when sitting next to the PS5 as there's nobody within the vicinity of danger. This is called science, something these pro maskers have idea of when they wear masks to promote some kind of stupid ideology that is not based on anything factual. The fact that you brought Donald Trump into this that obviously has nothing to do with what I was talking about shows your level of understanding of this subject.This is my last reply, because I’m not going to ruin my Saturday morning debating such an idiotic point of view with you lol. There could be 10,000 people behind the camera - you don’t know - and if the guy wants to wear a fucking mask it’s none of your business. The only time someone should take an interest in someone else’s mask is if they are close to them and the other person is not wearing one, because that’s inconsiderate, rude and dangerous. If he wants to wear a mask in an empty room, pipe down.
Wearing a mask is not harmful to anyone, ever. Unlike not wearing one.
This is one of the dumbest takes I have ever heard on this forum. It's pretty obvious that the guy didn't have to wear a mask when sitting next to the PS5 as there's nobody within the vicinity of danger. This is called science, something these pro maskers have idea of when they wear masks to promote some kind of stupid ideology that is not based on anything factual. The fact that you brought Donald Trump into this that obviously has nothing to do with what I was talking about shows your level of understanding of this subject.
So you now need people to take pictures of you in 2020?Who took the photo?