Animation Expo is making me depressed, this is what is possible with good 3D animation in anime.
NSFW, a couple of fan service shots.
Ajin already showed that 3D animation/GCI only is a perfectly fine for anime. If done well it can easily stand up in quality to hand-drawn animation, can add a sense of spaciousness and three-dimensionality to the surroundings and you can do alot of great stuff with facial animations, expressions and micro-emotions. The action sequences with all the particle effects are also mind blowing.
It's also cheaper to produce (in the sense that you need less money for great results) and faster to make, the first season of Ajin has been aired only a few months ago and the 2nd season is already going to air in two months or so.
Of course they went with the "cheapest of the cheap" route for the Berserk anime, I assume they didn't even have the cash to go for the traditional hand-drawn route. That's before adding in really bad direction and lousy camera work (two things that Ajin does really, really well). Not to forget entire arcs being cut and the whole thing being heavily censored (which is surprising,, Ajin is a TV- series as well, people get constantly mutilated in it and it was still aired uncut).