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Best mobo + CPU for $100-150 or possibly lower?

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I'm looking to go el cheapo, folks. Remember that before you go uber-l33t on me; I'm well aware of the more expensive options, but that's not what I want. I'm not big on PC gaming. I am big on quiet computing, though. :)

Here's the deal: I don't want to spend more than $100-150 because sometime starting between next year or the year after, I'm going to build a much better machine. I'd rather wait for the dual core A64's to go down in price significantly (the really good ones), and that's going to take a while.

In the meantime, I need some kind of temporary solution, so that's why I want to go cheap. This may actually suffice for more than a couple years if Vista doesn't run like crap on what I end up getting, and I decide not to build a new rig for UT2007, but that's pretty much unrelated to this anyway.

My current system specs:

Asus A7N8X Deluxe PCB 1.04 mobo
Athlon XP 2400+ (FSB @ 333MHz)
1GB Dual Channel memory
WD Raptor 74GB 10,000RPM SATA Hard Drive
Two DVD Drives (NEC ND-3540A and BTC BDV316C)
MSI Radeon 9550 / Sapphire 9800 Pro (depending on if I'm playing UT or WoW or not :p)

I'm fine with memory, my hard drive and everything else.

All I really want to upgrade is the mobo and CPU.

Athlon 64's are too expensive, but I know Celeron D's are pretty cheap -- is there anything out there that runs at least somewhat better than my 2400+ at STOCK SETTINGS, and runs cool even with quiet CPU fans (I've had it with this T-Bred). Cool as in, not breaking 45-50C. 40C would be GREAT even with a quiet fan if possible. Freaking T-Breds.

AND, as far as motherboards are concerned, there are so many cheap ones out there. I don't want one that's buggy like the mobo I have now (picky with memory, screwy temp readings at times, and did I mention, picky with memory).

edit: Basically, I can figure out what CPU to get, but motherboard suggestions would be nice.


Yeah, I'm looking at the 2800+ or 3100+ Sempron...

But I'm still not sure what motherboard to get.

The cheaper Asus ones have terrible reviews, Gigabyte is kind of all over the place in that regard, and MSI, while good overall, are boards that have been known to have issues with Kingston memory... which is what I have.

The Soltek board looks pretty good, but there's only one review. I dunno if it's a good board or not. Consumer reviews aren't always what you should go by, I know, but they help.

There's other brands like Jetway, ECS, etc. but I wouldn't trust those brands, would you?

Oh, and if anyone knows of a cheap, QUIET CPU fan (that's really quiet, as in under 25db, no false advertising) please suggest. :)


What makes you suggest those? Do you work with them, use them in builds for friends/family, etc.?
That's socket 939 (yes I know it is better), the CPU I want is 754.


Fry's does AMD Sempron 3100 combos every once in a while for $80 or $90. It is a ECS board, but for you are pretty much getting the board for free.


Since you are looking for a cheap board and CPU to get you by for a little bit longer, ECS boards are fine. Once you get the setup they work fine, and have all the features for a non-OCer would want.

Other boards.

Stay away from DFI. Bitchest boards ever!


element said:
Fry's does AMD Sempron 3100 combos every once in a while for $80 or $90. It is a ECS board, but for you are pretty much getting the board for free.


Since you are looking for a cheap board and CPU to get you by for a little bit longer, ECS boards are fine. Once you get the setup they work fine, and have all the features for a non-OCer would want.

Other boards.

Stay away from DFI. Bitchest boards ever!
I figured DFI was trash, they name their boards "Lan Party" for christ's sake. :lol

ECS eh?

Well I WAS looking to OC the 2800+ by maybe 200MHz since it is 1.6GHz and all. If the ECS can do that, I'll look into it... but are they good boards? Will it die on me in a couple weeks, after a year, or something annoying like that? Well no one KNOWS that, but... are they known for having such problems?

I think I'm gonna rule out the 3100+ since it is 32-bit and doesn't have SSE3. If I can overclock the 2800+ by 200MHz I'm already pwning the 3100+ :p

edit: Wait, that's a 3100+ combo. :(
2800+ CPU's are cheaper anyway, wtf.
Thanks though, I still may consider that.


i had a Fry's combo 2.4 celron and ECS board. I use it for a server. I haven't had any problems with it.


Online Ho Champ
may want to wait for price cuts on socket 939 X2's and A64's since amd is going to be switching over to the socket M2 soon. Might get more for your money in a few weeks.


element said:
says it is a 754 board, so i dont think it is barton. i dont think there are 754 bartons.
Excellent. It's confusing though, because there are Socket A Semprons.
AMD should've just made the Sempron line exclusive to A64 and expanded on the Athlon MP name if they wanted to make slight changes to the Athlon XP's. Semprons for the Athlon XP based cores is kind of misleading.

DonasaurusRex said:
may want to wait for price cuts on socket 939 X2's and A64's since amd is going to be switching over to the socket M2 soon. Might get more for your money in a few weeks.
Also excellent.

I'm broke right now, so if you are right, I will just wait a few weeks (hopefully I should have a job by then... hopefully).

You say "few weeks"... so this is very soon? Any articles on this? I'm just curious.

Sooo many sockets AMD is spewing out... what's so great about M2?


I'd try to find the best deal for an AMD 3400+ Semp and a 754 mobo from Asus or MSI. You can O/C the shit out of the 3400, and they are 64bit


I'll take that into consideration, but can an ECS do a not so hardcore 200-400MHz overclock or does it not overclock, period? Seems like you know enough about the boards.


I'm thinking about upgrading, are A64s worth the extra money over the Semprons? What's an X2? I take it M2 is a socket connection - will they be worth waiting for?


If you have the money.

Well, either way it's worth waiting, because even if you don't, cheaper stuff will likely be even cheaper.

One thing that pisses me off about AMD is how they overprice their old CPU's. Like the "Sempron" that is really a 3200+/333MHz FSB CPU. It's $115. Give me a break. The 2800+ 64-bit Sempron is a much better CPU and it is $75.


Yeah, I really only started looking into it today... I probably don't need it tbh it's just that I have a bit of money I can use to upgrade :) I was just surprised how the most expensive Sempron was still cheaper than the cheapest A64... But that's only in the one store I've taken a look at so far.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Fry's has an Athlon 64 3200+ and ECS K8T890A mobo for $160. I've used ECS boards before and never had any real problems. They don't tend to be the most overclockable brand in the world (I had alot of luck overclocking my last DFI board an Athlon 2400) but it's a good combo for the price.


Small update on the M2 thing. Tom's hardware have posted a preview of the new Am2 socket:


Basically, AM2's won't be out 'til early June so there's still a bit of a wait on them. The advantage is that you'll be able to buy an AM2 Sempron and motherboard to start with and then a proper Athlon 64 (maybe even an X2? :)) later on when they've dropped in price. Performance wise, TH think the advantage will come with DDR2800 RAM - as it is, it's about the same performance as the current range of mobos and CPUs.

So will price drops occur soon because of the new gear soon or nearer to June?


Online Ho Champ
Diablos said:
Excellent. It's confusing though, because there are Socket A Semprons.
AMD should've just made the Sempron line exclusive to A64 and expanded on the Athlon MP name if they wanted to make slight changes to the Athlon XP's. Semprons for the Athlon XP based cores is kind of misleading.

Also excellent.

I'm broke right now, so if you are right, I will just wait a few weeks (hopefully I should have a job by then... hopefully).

You say "few weeks"... so this is very soon? Any articles on this? I'm just curious.

Sooo many sockets AMD is spewing out... what's so great about M2?

Well a few may be like end of march mid april. There have recently been some pretty deep cuts to opterons, and i believe the 4000 line X2's, with more cuts to come to single core chips later. The new X2's are being made availabe to system makers in late april/mid may so they get the first batches but bottom line is they will be the most expensive chips amd has for every segment, mobile, server and desktop. Usually a more mainstream lower priced one comes a few months later which will also drive down the type of chips you are gunning for.

If an amd 3000 will suit your needs i would go for it and a mb from either asus, gigabyte, or MSI, they all have boards in the 60-75 dollar range that will support socket 939. So you'll be coming in a little over 150 cause the A643000 is going for around 120 or so.
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