Host Samurai
How miserable does this lady have to be? She can easily buy an island and retire on it for the rest of her life, but NO. She has to go out of her way and ruin the education system for so many underprivileged children.
Deny. Obstruct. Resist. Fight. Impeach.
The woman and man on the far left...this is the story of how they met. 1 year later, I bet they will get married.
I saw the video. There was like 3 people preventing her. She turned around and left?
is that one sign saying "same on u" supposed to be "shame on u"?
Sure, if the dude is into huge feet.
Girl: Your feet are rather small compared to mine
Guy: Still bigger than Donald Trumps hands! Want to grab coffee after this?
This line. So.fucking.much.She's 59 years old, she has had ample time to see faces of children, there will be no magical moment where she suddenly grows a heart like The Grinch. It didn't happen with Trump like people somehow deusionally believed, and it's not going to happen with this woman. Stop treating predatory billionaires like they're developmentally retarded and start treating them like the enemies of the public like they are.
The only way she can win the trust of the public is if she goes against everything she has stood for for the last few decades. It is not the public's job to put on an act for her in some lame attempt to trick her into thinking we're her friends.
I don't agree or like DeVos, but blocking her from entering a school produces nothing good.
I don't agree or like DeVos, but blocking her from entering a school produces nothing good.
It continuous to send the message that people aren't just gunna roll over and shrug their shoulders and let a joke of a person have a say in what happens in our schools.I don't agree or like DeVos, but blocking her from entering a school produces nothing good.
I wonder what all the Trump voters who bought into his "anti establishment/wallstreet" bullshit have to say about DeVos.
Nothing. They absolutely do not care. "Trump won, get over it" is their line of thinking.
This lady has made my life a living nightmare calling me out like that. Just one more thing this administration has done to discriminate against those who are different.
I wonder what all the Trump voters who bought into his "anti establishment/wallstreet" bullshit have to say about DeVos.
Well damn.
Deny. Obstruct. Resist. Fight. Impeach.
Did she try throwing money at the protesters? I know that's how she usually problem solves.
This lady has made my life a living nightmare calling me out like that. Just one more thing this administration has done to discriminate against those who are different.
Also: she was not blocked. She could have gone in. She just didn't. If she gives up that easily on this, how is the actual job gonna be for her?