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Better Call Saul S2 |OT| The Truth Is Just A Point Of View - Mondays 10/9c

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Doubt Jimmy is getting fired just yet. Too early for that to happen and it's not a particularly severe offense (most likely he'll just get a stern talking down to). Feels like either Jimmy is going to show him the original video, or Cliff will turn out to actually be all over his video.

Either way this was the first episode of the season when I started realizing how much it's going hurt so much to see things blow up.

Also, Chuck is an enabling hypocrite. Had no problem with Jimmy soliciting clients in Season 1 but now he's going to ride a high horse after he finally made it?

Yeah, Jimmy is like a drug addict brother who relapses, there's truth to that. There's also truth to Chuck being the kind of brother who hangs a bag of crack in front of him just to taunt and shame him for his transgressions - and then has the audacity to keep him on a leash as his personal mail boy.

Fuck Chuck. He's more petty than Walter is and that's saying something.


He's basically his own worse enemy, which is kind of why this is all tragic. I mean, we know that he has to burn all his bridges because he changes his name and either bails on his family/friends or is abandoned by them.

I wonder what will happen when we catch up to the Cinnabon-Jimmy though. I almost expect the series to end with him reading a newspaper article about Walt going out in a blaze of gunfire against the Neo Nazis and being pissed that Walt gets all the fame while he's stuck in a dead end life being afraid all the time.

id love it if they picked up the current day saul storyline eventually
I doubt they will but itd be pretty ballsy from a writing standpoint
atm the flashforwards are just a depressing reminder of an event that really not even his fault as much as walts
id love it if they picked up the current day saul storyline eventually
I doubt they will but itd be pretty ballsy from a writing standpoint
atm the flashforwards are just a depressing reminder of an event that really not even his fault as much as walts
On Talking Saul they didn't write off the possibility of the show picking up in the current timeline. They being Gould and Gilligan.


Subete no aware
id love it if they picked up the current day saul storyline eventually
I doubt they will but itd be pretty ballsy from a writing standpoint
atm the flashforwards are just a depressing reminder of an event that really not even his fault as much as walts
They'd have to have a short coda at the end of the series, I assume.

And Jimmy's problem is his vanity and his need to chase the "juice". Like he could have just waited the weekend to take the ad to the boss, but he just couldn't wait and had to get it out there.

I suppose if he proves Chuck right by doing something illegal and blowing the entire class action, that might be enough for him to give up the Jimmy name. But we'll see if that's what happens...

On Talking Saul they didn't write off the possibility of the show picking up in the current timeline. They being Gould and Gilligan.
I think anything more than what they give you of the present would be too much. Because you know that somehow Jesse would show up and ask him for legal help or something dumb like that. lol


This season is fun but I'm not as interested/invested as the last one. I was at first surprised that they're stretching Jimmy McGill like this. Maybe Saul Goodman is the endgame of the entire show, which makes the title really silly.


just feels like this show will have one hell of a depressing ending atm. if they continue sauls storyline at least he will have a chance at happiness. tbh he didnt seem broken up in breaking bad. but his combover cinnabon existence is just like he is defeated in every way


Subete no aware
This season is fun but I'm not as interested/invested as the last one. I was at first surprised that they're stretching Jimmy McGill like this. Maybe Saul Goodman is the endgame of the entire show, which makes the title really silly.
Seeing how he turns into Saul is more interesting than anything they could do with him as Saul though.
just feels like this show will have one hell of a depressing ending atm. if they continue sauls storyline at least he will have a chance at happiness. tbh he didnt seem broken up in breaking bad. but his combover cinnabon existence is just like he is defeated in every way
except for that SG was here he etched into the wall. That shows there's still something left in him.


Breaking Bad starts in like 2006 or something IIRC? So it makes quite a bit of sense a flatscreen 4:3 is like high end shit at the time of BCS.

Not only that, but there were plenty of "flat screens" that were still not "flat televisions" (LCD, Plasma, etc). I remember some Sony flat-screened CRTs, and there were still the rear projection televisions, which were also "flat" and could get pretty big.

The one in the episode looked like a rear projection set, especially since the VCR was sitting on top of it, which would have been difficult to do with a thinner set.
Isn't Jimmy more likely to just legally change his name rather than get disbarred? Even if he assumed someone elses identity, in BB he's all over television commercials and stuff. It's not like people wouldn't notice he's still practicing law.


Isn't Jimmy more likely to just legally change his name rather than get disbarred? Even if he assumed someone elses identity, in BB he's all over television commercials and stuff. It's not like people wouldn't notice he's still practicing law.

Jimmy is an expert on legal loopholes. I don't see him being disbarred, but I do see him getting fired. Saul Goodman is going to stand as pretty much the ultimate insult aimed at Chuck.


just feels like this show will have one hell of a depressing ending atm.
Have additional seasons been confirmed? I hope so. If they're just doing this season by season, then it's that fine balance of wrapping up each season while still keeping it open ended for continuation.


I will admit my heart sank when Kim made it known that her career is on the line as well if Jimmy fucks it up. I never considered that angle before.

This show, urgh, it's just heartbreak waiting to happen.

Funky Papa

Jimmy is not getting fired this soon. His indignity will drag on for a good while before he decides to burn everything down and become Saul Goodman.

Regarding the quality of the show, all I can say is that I'm shocked by the entire cast. Every single actor in Better Call Saul was just born to play their role. I'm in awe. Odenkirk, Banksas, McKean and Seehorn are all nailing it. All I'm hoping is more screen time for Mando. He was hilarious in Orphan Black and deserves more recognition.


Gold Member
I will admit my heart sank when Kim made it known that her career is on the line as well if Jimmy fucks it up. I never considered that angle before.

This show, urgh, it's just heartbreak waiting to happen.

Jimmy's helped Kim out a few times with cases, I've always figured that they needed each other for there careers to progress. So if Jimmy goes down I think Kim will too in some way. I looooove how thing's are shaping up at the moment.


id love it if they picked up the current day saul storyline eventually
I doubt they will but itd be pretty ballsy from a writing standpoint
atm the flashforwards are just a depressing reminder of an event that really not even his fault as much as walts

That would require the viewer to have seen Breaking Bad first. As it is the show works as its own independently from BB.
Have additional seasons been confirmed? I hope so. If they're just doing this season by season, then it's that fine balance of wrapping up each season while still keeping it open ended for continuation.
Not yet, but it's doing well for AMC and it will get renewed. As far as the length of the series goes, here's what Gould said last year:
Are you working on an estimate for a number of seasons you think it will take to tell this story?

We've been talking about that recently, we do have some ideas but so much of it depends on whether people like the show enough to keep it going and whether we can sustain it.

Ther'e also creative and business considerations with what Sony and AMC and Netflix are willing to write a check for, we're still figuring it out – but I think the upper limit would be what we did on Breaking Bad [5 seasons].
The only reason Jimmy won't get fired is that it worked. He's going to get reigned in a huge amount, probably to the point where it chafes and he hates it.

Also, Chuck vindicated? Jimmy was certainly skirting the edges of what's allowable with the stunts.


The only reason Jimmy won't get fired is that it worked. He's going to get reigned in a huge amount, probably to the point where it chafes and he hates it.

Also, Chuck vindicated? Jimmy was certainly skirting the edges of what's allowable with the stunts.

It's an interesting dichotomy since in the first part Chuck suspected him of soliciting and doing something illegal, which he didn't get caught for. What he did in the second part wasn't illegal, but on the other hand it was underhanded and without company approval.

Again I don't expect Jimmy to ever get disbarred in this show because if he does, he's not going to be legally allowed to be Saul Goodman, assuming he doesn't get around that by changing his identity but I'm going to assume that it's not that easy to dodge things (that and I always figured Saul Goodman was just his alias since he openly admits to his real name when he first meets Walter which probably isn't something he'd do to a complete stranger due to his clout). At best, he quits his job once he realizes he doesn't like how constrained his job environment is. At worst, he gets fired.
I'm still betting that eventually, Jimmy calls for a mental health evaluation on Chuck and get's him committed and that's how their relationship ends.


Another great episode. This show is so relaxing to watch, I always look forward to it on Netflix every Tuesday. I gotta say I felt bad for Jimmy getting reprimanded, but he should have gotten the OK first, though I believe we all have been or will be in that situation where you know you got something, but also know there's a chance of rejection. Kim will be all over him when she finds out.
I'm sure we all were expecting Gus to show up, but I'm glad he didn't, it would be too early and if he appears, I'd rather it be a bit later, I don't know what he's exactly supposed to be doing at this moment in the timeline.


id love it if they picked up the current day saul storyline eventually
I doubt they will but itd be pretty ballsy from a writing standpoint
atm the flashforwards are just a depressing reminder of an event that really not even his fault as much as walts

If the story is never going post-BB, the flashforwards feel kinda pointless imo. 5 minutes of "Hey remember Breaking Bad, wasn't that great??" followed by 50 minutes of a story that has next to nothing to do with the events of Breaking Bad.

Btw love this season so far. The acting, writing, cinematography... So awesome. My only criticism is that Mike and Jimmy's stories are so separate, they barely touch on each other. That, and maybe this season feels a little unnecessary. Jimmy could've gone full Saul after S1. But eh, whatever. Stretching it out means I get 10 more hours of an awesome show, so I don't mind.


Professional Schmuck
Re: the timing of the switch from Jimmy to Saul:

I guess I figured that was the entire point of the show. This is a tragedy, a fall from grace, a descent into madness -- except we know the ending. It's how we get there that matters.

I'd honestly be shocked if we got to spend much time with full-time Saul at all. Instead, I fully expect we'll see very much what we already have. Jimmy McGill's long fall from supposed grace, with cracks and windows peaking into what he'll eventually adopt as his Saul Goodman persona.

When he finally cracks -- probably some combination of losing his brother and losing Kim while also getting pulled ever-deeper into the criminal underworld -- takes up the name, starts his own practice, and so on, I doubt we'll get much time with him at all. I'm betting that's when we fast forward past Breaking Bad and rejoin Saul in Omaha and maybe get redemption / more tragedy there.


I'm still betting that eventually, Jimmy calls for a mental health evaluation on Chuck and get's him committed and that's how their relationship ends.

That's actually a pretty good point. Jimmy is the one sitting on the doomsday device and the only thing that's holding him back is his waning loyalty to his brother, as well as his commitment to the case. If Jimmy gets ostracized by all his peers and the Sandpiper thing doesn't work out the way they want it to, the way I see it, Jimmy gets fired from Davis & Main, Kim takes a huge blow to her reputation for being his "partner", Jimmy blames Chuck for everything, has him sectioned as revenge and cashes him out like he originally intended to do when he still assumed Howard was a pigfucker.

It's not like he's not well off around the time Breaking Bad starts - even though his office location is in a bit of a cheap location the actual interiors are really well managed and he can clearly afford a secretary (I'm reminded now how awkward it is that Jimmy hits on her considering his love life with Kim) and two body guards, as well as a great amount of advertising. Once Jimmy "becomes" Saul, he's most likely going to be so on his own terms since he clearly enjoys his job a lot more at that point, even if he's dealing with a lot of crooks.
If the story is never going post-BB, the flashforwards feel kinda pointless imo. 5 minutes of "Hey remember Breaking Bad, wasn't that great??" followed by 50 minutes of a story that has next to nothing to do with the events of Breaking Bad.

Btw love this season so far. The acting, writing, cinematography... So awesome. My only criticism is that Mike and Jimmy's stories are so separate, they barely touch on each other. That, and maybe this season feels a little unnecessary. Jimmy could've gone full Saul after S1. But eh, whatever. Stretching it out means I get 10 more hours of an awesome show, so I don't mind.

I guess they don't touch on each other that much because neither have gone all the way. Jimmy's a sketchy lawyer, but he's not fully a criminal lawyer yet. Mike hasn't fully joined the criminal world either, mostly doing smaller enforcement type jobs up until the end of this episode (the Philly thing was separate). I'm sure they'll show how their increasingly intertwine as both head down the path in the series.

And I disagree. Jimmy McGill so far is more interesting to watch than racing towards Saul Goodman. This season is pretty necessary because it shows how close he came to having a legitimate law career before becoming Saul.


Jimmy is damn good at what he does, but what's holding him back right now isn't Chuck, it's the fact that he feels obliged to abide by the law to impress Kim. I thought they were being rather slow getting to full-on Saul, but after this episode, he's closer than I thought. Everything he did wasn't under Chuck's influence, really the opposite.

If the story is never going post-BB, the flashforwards feel kinda pointless imo. 5 minutes of "Hey remember Breaking Bad, wasn't that great??" followed by 50 minutes of a story that has next to nothing to do with the events of Breaking Bad.

Btw love this season so far. The acting, writing, cinematography... So awesome. My only criticism is that Mike and Jimmy's stories are so separate, they barely touch on each other. That, and maybe this season feels a little unnecessary. Jimmy could've gone full Saul after S1. But eh, whatever. Stretching it out means I get 10 more hours of an awesome show, so I don't mind.

Honestly, I'm glad that S2 back peddled on S1's ending of Jimmy basically going "fuck it" and not even attempting to act professional. Seeing him slowly mess up in this environment he's clearly wrong for is way more entertaining than how S1's finale implied the show would go. Since we already know Jimmy gets involved with Nacho again from Breaking Bad, His and Mike's stories will almost definitely cross over sooner or later


Remember when we all hated Howard? I'm having this weird feeling that in the end is him the one that will help Jimmy the most.
The self destructive parallels with Walter are astounding. Kind of makes you wonder why Mike ends up liking him, since he consistently shows his disdain for sloppy criminals.

His character this season really reminds me of Edward Norton's in Rounders. Even when he has a leg up, he feels like he has to game someone in order to get that rush. How hard could it have been to organize a 20 minute meeting with one of the partners to screen the commercial? He'd already brought it up as a possibility. Showing it, even if it sucked, would be more than enough to show initiative and resourcefulness. He's unturned intentionally sticking his neck out and hoping to get it chopped off.


Man, when Jimmy's boss called him at the end, I got second hand shame and felt like I was the one that fucked up. Fantastic moment in a fantastic episode.


I guess they don't touch on each other that much because neither have gone all the way. Jimmy's a sketchy lawyer, but he's not fully a criminal lawyer yet. Mike hasn't fully joined the criminal world either, mostly doing smaller enforcement type jobs up until the end of this episode (the Philly thing was separate). I'm sure they'll show how their increasingly intertwine as both head down the path in the series.

And I disagree. Jimmy McGill so far is more interesting to watch than racing towards Saul Goodman. This season is pretty necessary because it shows how close he came to having a legitimate law career before becoming Saul.

I agree it's more interesting, I wasn't saying I want to watch a show about Saul Goodman. I just meant there's enough information in S1 to explain Jimmy becoming Saul, so in that sense S2 isn't necessary. But it's a lot of fun, so that's good anyway.


The self destructive parallels with Walter are astounding. Kind of makes you wonder why Mike ends up liking him, since he consistently shows his disdain for sloppy criminals.

I don't think Jimmy is sloppy as a criminal, he's sloppy because he's not embraced that he's better off as a criminal.

Plus Walt is dangerous in a way Jimmy isn't. Walt got to a point that
he was willing to remove anyone in his way, and Mike could see that he was going to ruin everything Gus had built. And surprise, Gus and Mike both ended up dead because of Walt.

I don't know if I'm cool to freely talk about Breaking Bad spoilers in this thread so I'll tag them

Completely disagree, I'm loving this season so far, more so than the first.

Me too, really happy with the direction this show is going

Man, when Jimmy's boss called him at the end, I got second hand shame and felt like I was the one that fucked up. Fantastic moment in a fantastic episode.

I saw it coming, but yeah, I'm absolutely dreading next week's meeting. That scene was too real


super predictable reaction of the boss, so predictable that it's unlikely that jimmy would have even done that.
still love the show, though. it's my current favourite show airing.
Jimmy trying to pull a fast one with the commercial makes complete sense for his character. He couldn't stand the possibility of the commercial getting shot down; it would mean not only humiliation, but it would call into question his entire method of lawyering.

Jimmy KNOWS he's right, that this will work and that it's what's best for the residents of sandpiper. And he'd rather bet on that commercial and those results winning his boss over than on himself and his abilities.


This season is super boring so far.

I agree it's more interesting, I wasn't saying I want to watch a show about Saul Goodman. I just meant there's enough information in S1 to explain Jimmy becoming Saul, so in that sense S2 isn't necessary. But it's a lot of fun, so that's good anyway.

I dunno. The climax of S1 was Jimmy getting snubbed by his brother. That would feel pretty unsatisfying as an explanation of him becoming a character like Saul Goodman. S2 looks like they're building Jimmy up for a much, much harder fall. Most people are predicting he'll lose Kim before reinventing himself as Saul.


Jimmy is not getting fired this soon. His indignity will drag on for a good while before he decides to burn everything down and become Saul Goodman.

Regarding the quality of the show, all I can say is that I'm shocked by the entire cast. Every single actor in Better Call Saul was just born to play their role. I'm in awe. Odenkirk, Banksas, McKean and Seehorn are all nailing it. All I'm hoping is more screen time for Mando. He was hilarious in Orphan Black and deserves more recognition.

I agree. The cast is amazing as all hell. They really help bring the characters to life no doubt.
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