Gentle Rodriguez
Is "major Talbot" a reference to the character in Marvel or is that just a coincidence? I don't know how common that name is.
I still don't think Chuck is all that evil. I don't even think he was trying to screw Jimmy by getting that client back. Getting that client back is just his job. I think the more the reveal of Jimmy's past, the worse Jimmy is going to look.
I agree. Chuck may have his problems with Jimmy, but he had every right to hold onto the client. Kim brought the client to the company. Chuck wanted Kim to stay, but Howard forced her out. Chuck wanting to keep the client isn't the same as Chuck wanting to screw over Kim (and by association, Jimmy).
Even if Kim were just a random guy who worked at the company who quit and tried to pull away a massive client, Chuck would have strongly wanted to keep that from happening.
Chuck went out of his way making himself very sick to keep a client Kim brought in. I don't think he was simply doing his job because he has been hands off with the company for awhile.
This and him seemingly not caring too much that they lost the client until Howard mentioned the Kim and Jimmy sharing an office. If I'm remembering correctly, it seemed like he sprung up and into his closet immediately after hearing that.
But Chuck is willing to put himself through hell, to wrack his body with psychosomatic pain, in order to prevent Jimmy from even enjoying the penumbra of a successful Kim Wexler, Attorney at Law. And it’s an impressive performance. While we watch Chuck damning Kim with faint praise while emphasizing the complexity of the regulatory law on which Mesa Verde’s expansion could founder, we forget that he is powering through his aversion to the lights and phones and electromagnetic background by sheer will. He is not going to give Kevin any reason to doubt them, focused as he is on creating reasons for him to doubt Kim. HHM has to be positioned as the unimpeachable choice, because CEOs, like coaches punting on fourth down, would rather avoid the criticism that comes with bucking conventional wisdom than actually succeed.
Ironically, we just now hit Season 2 Episode 8 and Breaking Bad just would have just aired 'Better Caul Saul'This show is amazing. Every bit as good as Breaking Bad was. Maybe even better.
Ah, misheard. Still my point stands, it was a damn trap. Chuck has given enough rope for Jimmy to hang himself. That with the previous scene with Chuck going a roundabout way to retain Mesa Verde? 100% complete trap for Jimmy.
I love watching Jimmy work.
I love watching Mike work.
How in the hell can this series make work look so damn cool
I agree. Chuck may have his problems with Jimmy, but he had every right to hold onto the client. Kim brought the client to the company. Chuck wanted Kim to stay, but Howard forced her out. Chuck wanting to keep the client isn't the same as Chuck wanting to screw over Kim (and by association, Jimmy).
Even if Kim were just a random guy who worked at the company who quit and tried to pull away a massive client, Chuck would have strongly wanted to keep that from happening.
I don't really get it. They got Mesa Verde back because that's the purpose of being a company - wasn't really roundabout either, just a meeting.
This is so dull. How can the people that made Breaking Bad have made this?
Every one of my friends and family have quit watching. It's just me left.
I want to stop watching but I like the characters of Saul (not Jimmy) and Mike so much that each week before it comes on I get excited again. Only to be mostly bored for a hour.
This is so dull. How can the people that made Breaking Bad have made this?
Every one of my friends and family have quit watching. It's just me left.
Chuck's guilt for screwing Jimmy manifests itself in his condition and after it was done he goes nearly comatose.
It's the perfect trap Jimmy tells Ernie to leave and the case files for Mesa Verde are right there with Chuck on the couch. Chuck doesn't have to do a thing but he effectively led Jimmy to temptation and let "Slippin' Jimmy" take over.
It's a shame you aren't enjoying an incredible show that's easily already on par with Breaking bad after only 1 and a half seasons. I'm my opinion it's actually better.This is so dull. How can the people that made Breaking Bad have made this?
Every one of my friends and family have quit watching. It's just me left.
I want to stop watching but I like the characters of Saul (not Jimmy) and Mike so much that each week before it comes on I get excited again. Only to be mostly bored for a hour.
This is so dull. How can the people that made Breaking Bad have made this?
Every one of my friends and family have quit watching. It's just me left.
I want to stop watching but I like the characters of Saul (not Jimmy) and Mike so much that each week before it comes on I get excited again. Only to be mostly bored for a hour.
I don't really get it. They got Mesa Verde back because that's the purpose of being a company - wasn't really roundabout either, just a meeting.
Oh and Saul copying those documents, what exactly is this going to do? He changed the location but I miss the point. Yeah dumb ol me.![]()
Jimmy switched the last numbers the year of a case that would be relevant to their case. It looks like an amateur mistake, which night be alright once, but he made it on every document of significance. It will make chuck look all but senile, the Mesa Verde clients see he isn't the expert they initially thought, they go back to Kim.
It was the address of the property.Jimmy switched the last numbers the year of a case that would be relevant to their case. It looks like an amateur mistake, which night be alright once, but he made it on every document of significance. It will make chuck look all but senile, the Mesa Verde clients see he isn't the expert they initially thought, they go back to Kim.
Oh, I see. My mistake then, but otherwise, yeah, same effect. Chuck looks like he's an incompetent.It was the address of the property.
Meaning the property they intend to expand to is no longer listed on the documents correctly.
Or it will blow up right into Kim's face because this show is all about denying happy endings.Jimmy switched the last numbers the year of a case that would be relevant to their case. It looks like an amateur mistake, which night be alright once, but he made it on every document of significance. It will make chuck look all but senile, the Mesa Verde clients see he isn't the expert they initially thought, they go back to Kim.
Six years before if I'm not mistaken (in season 1).How long before BB is this again? Feel like Mike's granddaughter looked older here then in BB but I may just be remembering wrong.
Amazing episode.
This show looks sooooo good. I love the cinematography.
-- Said this last week but if you're still bored by BCS, this show just isn't going to satisfy you. We're 18 episodes into what will probably be a 50-show run. You know the ending, or at least where the two main characters end up. You know where we are, you know where we're going. If you are not utterly compelled already, I don't know what to tell you.
Yeah, you said this already last week. Not sure what your friends and family have to do with the people in here who are watching, enjoying and discussing. If you don't want to watch anymore, then stop.
I know we're going towards Saul and Saul is entertaining and fun. The glimpse we had of Saul when he was inventing the story about the pie was great. Mainly I'm watching for the Mike, Tuco, and Hector story now. So I was really disappointed that Mike didn't do much this week. I'm just not too into the lawyer firm dealings. I did enjoy Chuck's pitch though.
Sorry for not liking your show. I'm not saying anything about the people in here watching, enjoying, and discussing. I'm talking about me. I'm saying I've been more patient than most I know in sticking with it. I may say it next week too. I can't quit watching before Gus shows up. And who knows when Jimmy will turn into Saul. I'm also interested in the Mike storyline.
Yeah, I can't see how anyone can argue that Chuck only did what he did for the company. He risked his own health and well being after he heard that Jimmy was somewhat involved.
Chuck's not an evil character, he clearly doesn't like Jimmy's illegal way of doing things. But there's also jealousy there, which has been hinted at throughout the show.
Also, Chuck made Kim sad. Fuck Chuck.
If you are not utterly compelled already
Chuck did not do anything unethical. He acted within the Bar Association rules. He would have acted the same way regardless of who the competing attorneys were.
Yeah, I can't see how anyone can argue that Chuck only did what he did for the company. He risked his own health and well being after he heard that Jimmy was somewhat involved.
Chuck's not an evil character, he clearly doesn't like Jimmy's illegal way of doing things. But there's also jealousy there, which has been hinted at throughout the show.
Also, Chuck made Kim sad. Fuck Chuck.
I didn't say he did anything unethical. You honestly think he would have went to speak with them, around all that electricity, if Jimmy wasn't involved? He's risking, from his viewpoint, his own health for one client.
this is the classical Gilligan character conflict: morally bent characters with hearts of gold and vice versaThe problem with the Fuck Chuck movement, similar to the Fuck Skyler and even the Yay Walter movements is that they boil down the characters to baser components than what the show gives us. True, Chuck is being a jackass, and he does go out of his way but he also wants to help his brother and cares for him. .
The problem with the Fuck Chuck movement, similar to the Fuck Skyler and even the Yay Walter movements is that they boil down the characters to baser components than what the show gives us. True, Chuck is being a jackass, and he does go out of his way but he also wants to help his brother and cares for him.
These antithetical concepts are embedded within the same person make for a very interesting dynamic with Jimmy. He loves and hates his brother, wishes him success, but not as a lawyer, he does it because he knows he'll cause harm to the people around him with his exploitation of the law, but also envies his ability to do so. And all that makes for an interesting character, but not if you ignore one side just to support a caricaturized version of the character that fits preconceptions of him being a good or bad person. I mean, already we have people thinking chuck maliciously intended for Jimmy to mess with the Mesa Verde files, despite the impossibility of the claim.
Having worked in a large law firm, yes.
I worked for a partner who would call clients from a hospital bed.
18 episodes in, it's time to acknowledge this is a show that uses lawyer firm dealings to illuminate character arcs.
I think it's 100% awesome to be critical of art. However I don't think that's what your comments are and promises to do more of the same are more or less explicitly trolling / begging for attention without an honest intention of dialogue.
Agreed. The writers and actors go out of their way to paint everything with shades of grey but people insist on seeing black and white.The problem with the Fuck Chuck movement, similar to the Fuck Skyler and even the Yay Walter movements is that they boil down the characters to baser components than what the show gives us. True, Chuck is being a jackass, and he does go out of his way but he also wants to help his brother and cares for him.
These antithetical concepts are embedded within the same person make for a very interesting dynamic with Jimmy. He loves and hates his brother, wishes him success, but not as a lawyer, he does it because he knows he'll cause harm to the people around him with his exploitation of the law, but also envies his ability to do so. And all that makes for an interesting character, but not if you ignore one side just to support a caricaturized version of the character that fits preconceptions of him being a good or bad person. I mean, already we have people thinking chuck maliciously intended for Jimmy to mess with the Mesa Verde files, despite the impossibility of the claim.
In the specific context of Chuck and the show, do you believe he would zone out, walk straight to the wardrobe, grab a suit without space blanket lining and tell Howard to set up a meeting immediately with phones and lights on if Jimmy wasn't involved?Having worked in a large law firm, yes.
I worked for a partner who would call clients from a hospital bed.