Loved the episode. Chuck's going to pay a heavier price for that extra $2.98 that he insisted for the cassette tape. A cassette tape that Chuck used to lure Jimmy into destroying, that was actually a duplicate.
Kim will cross some lines to win this on Jimmy's level (way of doing things). I mean she called a shit ton of repair companies to find out which one Chuck booked an appointment with to have it cancelled. Over the last two episodes Jimmy has deeply thanked Kim for her support and emphasis was placed on those scenes, Jimmy knows how by the book Kim is.
I find what Chuck says to Kim quite interesting as well "...the bar associations standard of proof is far more lenient than what you're use to." Suggesting that he's tape wont be easily suppressed. I don't think Jimmy and Kim are going to be using an obvious defence strategy, I think they'll take Chuck down hard and it will be cruel but sweet. My guess is that Kim recorded the conversation with Chuck and Hamlin and that will be used in the bar hearing, along with other evidence that will suggest Chuck is using the law to a win a personal matter over he's brother and Jimmy will get to keep he's licence, while Chuck on the other hand may lose he's licence.
Did anyone notice the film Mike's watching at he's daughter in-laws house? We're shown a truck pulling up that is labelled "Decontamination Squad - Civilian Defence" a guy in a hazard suit gets out and then we cut to Mike looking away with a sigh. I also thought it was funny that he declined the ice cream he was offered.