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Better Call Saul S3 |OT| Gus Who's Back - Mondays 10/9c on AMC




This is so good because you want Jimmy to win even though he's a dirty criminal lawyer, and Chuck is right even though he's a fuck whose hubris is out of control.
I was stupid to think that Jimmy and Kim needed to beat Chuck at his own game. Stick with what got you there in the first place, so good.
It was perfect to frame him as just a sick old man with mental problems a lot of hate. Kind of made the comeuppance bittersweet.

Very bittersweet. Both sides are right and both are wrong.

Edit: And Jimmy probably just ended Chuck's legal career. Like someone pointed out earlier in the thread, reputation is everything in the law, and now Chuck first looked sloppy, and now crazy. Best case for Chuck is he is forced into retirement immediately.


That was fucking excellent. Wow. Micheal McKean is such a wonderful actor, like damn, he should get an Emmy for that ending scene alone.

Also, I spotted
Tyrus Kitt
in the preview for the next episode. Can't wait to see him back.


It was good to see mini-Huel. All the buildup has started to pay off in the most heartbreaking of ways.

That preview for next week.
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