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Better Call Saul S3 |OT| Gus Who's Back - Mondays 10/9c on AMC


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Chuck is going to die in a fire because of the lanterns he keeps around newspapers...

Damn, that would make the Exit sign closing shot hit even more. At this point I could see Chuck and Jimmy just becoming estranged. There's more than enough bad blood now.

What I want to know is what happens to the sweet baby angel that is Kim Wexler?


Tagged as I see fit
Whats fucked is that Chuck knows that there's a real chance that Jimmy could succeed if he let him. He doesn't want him to succeed at this. I believe that's why Chuck didn't let Jimmy get hired on HHM. He couldn't even abide the slimmest chance of Jimmy actually succeeding. He hates Jimmy for things he's done in his past. Jimmy took care of Chuck for how many years? Not once did he ask for anything in return. He bootstraped through a law degree, he bootstaped his own firm, and when a time came to help Jimmy, not because he needed it or to bail him out, but on an extension of his own merits, he cast him down.

I think I'd be more sympathetic to Chuck if Jimmy was a parasitic person, but he's not. Chuck, undoubtedly, bailed Jimmy out of something huge, something that would have ruined his life, but it's not shown that this was a common thing. To the contrary, besides the titular bank forgery, Jimmy has done nothing but help Chuck for years now. Not to gain anything, but because he clearly loves his brother. Chuck embodies Americas passion for seeing criminals as criminals no matter how much effort they take to change. It's a self fulling prophecy.

Well stated - it articulates what I think most feel about Chuck's character very nicely.

The veterinarian has been gradually revealed to be a sympathetic character with his hands in a lot of Albuquerque's criminal element.

Mike's first 'kill' be vet guy on orders from Gus. I imagine Mike telling the guy he's got to kill him and giving him some time to make peace. Gut-wrenching. We'll be seeing something like Walt and Jesse with Uncle Tio from the captor's POV.
I'm with those who think something bad is going to happen to Kim. I just can't see her breaking up with Jimmy and/or leaving their firm, and that's it. That's too simple.

I'm still not yet thinking Kim dies or suffers some horrible fate due to Jimmy's actions. Francesca who serves as a receptionist for both Kim and Jimmy, and sticks with Jimmy throughout his Saul Goodman practice.

If one of her two bosses wound up getting killed, due in part to the actions of the other, it seems unlikely Francesca would stay.

My guess is that Kim's law career gets tainted or ruined in some way, and she leaves Jimmy as a relationship, an office partner, and a moral compass. Sometimes things are that simple.

If anyone has a darker fate in store for them, my prediction would be Chuck. But having both Kim and Chuck die seems a little heavy handed.


I'm still not yet thinking Kim dies or suffers some horrible fate due to Jimmy's actions. Francesca who serves as a receptionist for both Kim and Jimmy, and sticks with Jimmy throughout his Saul Goodman practice.

If one of her two bosses wound up getting killed, due in part to the actions of the other, it seems unlikely Francesca would stay.

My guess is that Kim's law career gets tainted or ruined in some way, and she leaves Jimmy as a relationship, an office partner, and a moral compass. Sometimes things are that simple.

If anyone has a darker fate in store for them, my prediction would be Chuck. But having both Kim and Chuck die seems a little heavy handed.

I can't see Kim dying. Way more interesting if Jimmy ends up pushing her away.

Chuck on the other hand....


Junior Member
I wouldn't mind Gilligan retcon Breaking Bad and keep Kim in the picture all the way until the end. She is that good. Don't kill my waifu :(


Maybe Kim gets rich and goes spend her days in some tropical paradise.
Y'all are obsessed with the pessimistic angle!

Yeah, the Saul in Breaking Bad isn't a broken man. So maybe he and Kim just eventually go their separate ways when their versions of the law become incompatible.
Damn, that would make the Exit sign closing shot hit even more. At this point I could see Chuck and Jimmy just becoming estranged. There's more than enough bad blood now.

What I want to know is what happens to the sweet baby angel that is Kim Wexler?

My theory since the beginning of this season was that Jimmy and Chuck would finally come to blows, that Jimmy would find a way to win it all, and Chuck would find some way to take Kim down with him out of spite, pushing Jimmy over the precipice into full blown Saul territory. I think it's been well borne out so far. Kim is the only person Jimmy truly cares about anymore, and who's loss is the only one that could so profoundly change his worldview into the cynical and detached one we know from BB. Kim is the sacrifical lamb, and it's going to be gut-wrenchingly tragic when it happens.

On the flipside, I've been thinking recently about BB characters/events that could/should be appearing soon. Jesse talked specifically about Emilio Koiyama and how Saul got him off charges twice. We've also already been introduced to his cousin Krazy 8 who works with the Salamanca group that's now in hot water with the feds. Now that Jimmy seems to be headed toward a clean slate practice I wonder if Nacho doesn't call in a favor for that very case by the end of this season.
Killing Kim doesn't seem at all like anything these writers would do. I don't even see how they would get to that point. It's too blunt, forward, and downright lazy of a motivation to turn Jimmy into Saul. Like people saying they were gonna destroy or alter the tape when the actual solution to that was more natural and smartly written.


Unconfirmed Member
Killing Kim doesn't seem at all like anything these writers would do. I don't even see how they would get to that point. It's too blunt, forward, and downright lazy of a motivation to turn Jimmy into Saul. Like people saying they were gonna destroy or alter the tape when the actual solution to that was more natural and smartly written.

Season 3 finale is Chuck killing Kim out of revenge, and she bleeds out in Jimmys arms, saying she loves him just as she gives out. Jimmy gives out a great roar in the pouring rain and then proceeds to look into the camera, saying "Who am I? I'm Saul Goodman...".

Chuck is going to die in a fire because of the lanterns he keeps around newspapers...
This is a good catch. Every time I see them, them, it freaks me out. Definitely feels like a setup. I also think Jimmy's little speech about how Chuck is going to die alone and unloved is going to be prophetic about both of those brothers.

One reason I think I might like BCS over BB is that we don't know how it'll end. With Breaking Bad, the final arc was amazing television, but it felt preordained and inevitable, the way a good tragedy does. We all knew it was called Breaking Bad, and that Mr. Chips was going to turn into Scarface. Scarface isn't going to get redeemed, no matter how many Nazis he guns down or whether he saves Jesse. But we don't know how Jimmy/Saul's story ends. I'm betting on some weird redemption, that Jimmy winds up using his irrepressible showmanship and clever scheming on behalf of the little guy instead of for petty profit. That the good in him that so many people see ultimately wins out. But it could go any number of ways. And that makes it unpredictable and exciting.


Season 3 finale is Chuck killing Kim out of revenge, and she bleeds out in Jimmys arms, saying she loves him just as she gives out. Jimmy gives out a great roar in the pouring rain and then proceeds to look into the camera, saying "Who am I? I'm Saul Goodman...".


Then he falls out the window from the Mad Men opening.


One thing that kinda bugs me about Jimmy and Chuck. Chuck blames Jimmy for their father's business going under because Chuck believes Jimmy was stealing from the cash register. My memory is a little fuzzy, Jimmy did steal from the cash register, but it was just one time, the real reason their dad's store went under was because their dad was too nice and gave stuff away all the time.

Why hasn't Jimmy tried to explain this to Chuck? That is pretty much the root cause of the way Chuck feels about Jimmy, and it doesn't seem like Jimmy has ever tried to set Chuck straight on the misconception. Just be like, "Chuck, bro, I watched dad give free stuff to people all the time. He wouldn't stop. I got tired of seeing strangers work him over. I took money one time, but dad was an easy mark and bad businessman, stop blaming me for shit I didn't do."

I mean, Chuck says himself that their dad said it wasn't Jimmy's fault but Chuck didn't believe him. I doubt there's anything Jimmy can add to that.


I also wondered about the photographs and Chuck's non reaction; perhaps he was just so up his own ass he didn't think much of it. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come up again though; Chuck is going to go nuts trying to get back at Jimmy now..


Season 3 finale is Chuck killing Kim out of revenge, and she bleeds out in Jimmys arms, saying she loves him just as she gives out. Jimmy gives out a great roar in the pouring rain and then proceeds to look into the camera, saying "Who am I? I'm Saul Goodman...".

I want a one-off of this.


I also wondered about the photographs and Chuck's non reaction; perhaps he was just so up his own ass he didn't think much of it. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come up again though; Chuck is going to go nuts trying to get back at Jimmy now..

You mean the photos that Jimmy got Mike to take?

It's weird, but since those photos were submitted as evidence, it implies that Jimmy and Kim needed to introduce them during discovery before that hearing started. So whatever they did must have been legal (since Chuck allowed Mike into his house), and by the time the hearing started, it wouldn't have been a surprise to Chuck or Howard, even if it did originally surprise them during discovery.


It's kind of funny how Chuck's bullshit detector is on point to almost being psychic when it comes to Jimmy, but he's pretty blind to everyone else. Mike comes in saying he's with Martins repair with no identification or even a uniform logo on him, carrying power tools even though he had specified he not to bring them, and this doesn't set off any alarm bells for him?


You mean the photos that Jimmy got Mike to take?

It's weird, but since those photos were submitted as evidence, it implies that Jimmy and Kim needed to introduce them during discovery before that hearing started. So whatever they did must have been legal (since Chuck allowed Mike into his house), and by the time the hearing started, it wouldn't have been a surprise to Chuck or Howard, even if it did originally surprise them during discovery.

Yeah those ones; and you are right they would have seen them in discovery had they been paying attention. Maybe the writers will just gloss over it; it didn't seem like a very important detail of the case. But if Chuck does try to track down Mike or something, that could make this entire thing very messy.


Season 3 finale is Chuck killing Kim out of revenge, and she bleeds out in Jimmys arms, saying she loves him just as she gives out. Jimmy gives out a great roar in the pouring rain and then proceeds to look into the camera, saying "Who am I? I'm Saul Goodman...".


Then in S4 we find out Chuck was actually Walt's brother the whole time


It's kind of funny how Chuck's bullshit detector is on point to almost being psychic when it comes to Jimmy, but he's pretty blind to everyone else. Mike comes in saying he's with Martins repair with no identification or even a uniform logo on him, carrying power tools even though he had specified he not to bring them, and this doesn't set off any alarm bells for him?

Chuck doesn't look at the help.
Season 3 finale is Chuck killing Kim out of revenge, and she bleeds out in Jimmys arms, saying she loves him just as she gives out. Jimmy gives out a great roar in the pouring rain and then proceeds to look into the camera, saying "Who am I? I'm Saul Goodman...".


Sounds like a commercial Jimmy would direct.

What about Mike's son?

I agree, Kim isn't dying.
No one is saying that killing someone for character growth is bad writing. But in Jimmy's case it is. It doesn't feel like a natural step based on where the story is going and the world the Jimmy and Kim are in. People are just saying that to throw shocking theories at the wall. A more believable and natural step would be Kim leaving Jimmy, or vice versa,of her own accord either because of ethical differences or to protect one another.

Mike and his son were steeped in a world of crime and police corruption. The writing makes sense for Mike and who he was, a dirty cop who went along to get along. It doesn't make sense for Jimmy and Kim. Sure Jimmy as associated with Nacho and Tuco before, but if the cartel were at all responsible for Kim's demise, I doubt he'd be happily living it up defending drug dealers in Breaking Bad.
This is the best show on television right now and one of the best shows ever. BB was amazing and so is BCS. The last episode was absolutely fantastic.

And yeah, I think Kim dies. I don't know why and how she dies (of course) but that's the feeling I have. And I think Jimmy doesn't become Saul after she dies, he changes his name before she dies (not using the name McGill would be a good reason after this episode)...maybe in the last episode of this season.
I do think he goes the real criminal route after her death though (probably season 5 or last episode of season 4). In the last episode of season 5 we see Walter White entering the room (Saul Goodman's office). Then cut to black. end.
But she doesn't even get mentioned in BB and Saul doesn't try to reconnect with her. Not even a phone call. Seems pretty unrealistic imo.

That's because most of his scenes were about helping Walt or Jessie... You hardly ever see anything about his personal life

Post BB he is in hiding.

Also. I think we get to season 6 before this ends. Need a whole season of post bb Jimmy.


We barely ever see Saul from his perspective in BB. Like probably 80 percent of his stories and scenes are Walt and Jesse (and IIRC Mike) perspective and motivated. We really barely know ANYTHING about him throughout that series, so it's not that weird that we didn't see him trying to reconnect to Kim because he barely ever got any of his own stories. We never got the "Mike and his granddaughter" sort of stuff for Saul.


But she doesn't even get mentioned in BB and Saul doesn't try to reconnect with her. Not even a phone call. Seems pretty unrealistic imo.

Saul was a pretty minor character in BB; he doesn't really exist outside of having meetings with Walt and Jesse. We don't know jack about his personal life.

I still think they won't do that; Jimmy's split with Kim is going to be a major part of this story. But I wouldn't be shocked if we don't at least see the occasional attempt for Jimmy to contact her.


episode was amazing

fuck chuck

and also Jimmy beating his brother at law is a feeling more satisfying than I can ever imagine


Here's a hint: When Breaking Bad was on the air, Kim didn't exist. Literally no one on earth had any idea whatsoever that someone named Kim Wexler was around, or had anything to do with Saul. Saul also did not know who Kim was or whether she ever existed.

That's because Kim is a fictional character, just like Saul / Jimmy.

And just like the creators of Better Call Saul have crafted some incredible film about Jimmy's life despite that life never having existed in any way shape or form during the production of Breaking Bad, I'm sure that the creators of Better Call Saul can think of a thousand different ways for Kim and Chuck to exist in the Breaking Bad timeline.

Maybe one or both or neither is dead. But I'd be pretty disappointed if that's the case. Seems like a pretty boring way for things to go.
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