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dddd these results


It seems to me this community is only doing what the general public has done ages ago: saw past the smoke and mirrors and gimmicky dresses that Gaga doesn't have quite the value she think she does. It is the try-hard-want-to-be-artsy, but missing the point of what art should do in the first place. Art is not there to promote you. Art is there to promote thinking and reflection and trying to shift your perception and attention to places you would not consider without the subtle influence of that particular art piece. The only thing Gaga does is to scream: look at me! LOOK AT ME! and it is hard to think or to take anything home with all that noise.


I thought Lemonade would make it to the finals and win. Honestly.

I'm super surprised, but not actually disappointed.
It seems to me this community is only doing what the general public has done ages ago: saw past the smoke and mirrors and gimmicky dresses that Gaga doesn't have quite the value she think she does. It is the try-hard-want-to-be-artsy, but missing the point of what art should do in the first place. Art is not there to promote you. Art is there to promote thinking and reflection and trying to shift your perception and attention to places you would not consider without the subtle influence of that particular art piece. The only thing Gaga does is to scream: look at me! LOOK AT ME! and it is hard to think or to take anything home with all that noise.
oopT. let them know sis!



I voted for Kanye and Carly in that matchup, but after thinking about it for awhile realized I should have voted for Kanye and Gaga. Which would have made it another tie oops ^_^

I'm always pushing Emotion on people who haven't heard it IRL but it's clearly not underrated on the internets. It was an instant instinct thing

Mau ®

There's nothing basic about Florence's melancholic magnum opus.



Have any of these fools even given it an honest chance? I say no.

It seems to me this community is only doing what the general public has done ages ago: saw past the smoke and mirrors and gimmicky dresses that Gaga doesn't have quite the value she think she does. It is the try-hard-want-to-be-artsy, but missing the point of what art should do in the first place. Art is not there to promote you. Art is there to promote thinking and reflection and trying to shift your perception and attention to places you would not consider without the subtle influence of that particular art piece. The only thing Gaga does is to scream: look at me! LOOK AT ME! and it is hard to think or to take anything home with all that noise.

It seems to me this community is only doing what the general public has done ages ago: saw past the smoke and mirrors and gimmicky dresses that Gaga doesn't have quite the value she think she does. It is the try-hard-want-to-be-artsy, but missing the point of what art should do in the first place. Art is not there to promote you. Art is there to promote thinking and reflection and trying to shift your perception and attention to places you would not consider without the subtle influence of that particular art piece. The only thing Gaga does is to scream: look at me! LOOK AT ME! and it is hard to think or to take anything home with all that noise.


six grammy awards says ur post is full of shit

edit: actually, I want to come back to this, because it's so fucking dumb.

Of COURSE she promotes herself in her music but no more than Beyonce, who released a self titled album and who's empowering music consistently revolves around the fact that she is BEYONCE, she is RICH, and you will never be BEYONCE. the point is that both of them, and many other artists, celebrate themselves while also communicating other themes in their music.

pop artists are egotists.


But Beyonce never claimed she was changing pop music and doing art and all that other blah blah Gaga does. Beyonce just releases good music and she let the music speak by itself.
Y'all acting foolish about Born This Way. STILL. Five years pass and people are still too pressed to admit its brilliance. Give it five more years and publications everywhere will be calling it an all-time classic. Bookmark my life

Let me listen to the 14 brilliant fucking songs on this thing tonight. Whew

This is scalding hot TEA.


Born This Way is Gaga's best album imo.
But Beyonce never claimed she was changing pop music and doing art and all that other blah blah Gaga does. Beyonce just releases good music and she let the music speak by itself.
does she tho?

if it speaks for itself why did she need to do one hour beyonce specials and book out the whole of iTunes ad space when Beyonce released?


Of COURSE she promotes herself in her music but no more than Beyonce, who released a self titled album and who's empowering music consistently revolves around the fact that she is BEYONCE, she is RICH, and you will never be BEYONCE.

Annihilate Beyoncé's faux-feminism!

Speaking of which, this current bracket is tough. BEYONCÉ is an obvious "yes"
because as much as I dislike her, the album is really solid
. Rhythm Nation 1814 is an obvious "no"
because it should've been Control
. Confessions On A Dance Floor and Back To Black are about equal in my view – contrary to a lot of other Madonna fans, I never loved Confessions all the way through, though "Get Together" is a career highlight and the tour was legendary. I'll have to re-listen to them both today.


does she tho?

if it speaks for itself why did she need to do one hour beyonce specials and book out the whole of iTunes ad space when Beyonce released?

Let's not act like having your album art on itunes or shooting an accompanying film for your album is anywhere near as pretentious as running around naked in the forest or Gaga's blatant desperation to up the ante on her "weirdness" only to release a middling pop album like Artpop.


does she tho?

if it speaks for itself why did she need to do one hour beyonce specials and book out the whole of iTunes ad space when Beyonce released?
I mean, Beyonce didn't just talk about how life changing, revolutionary and iconic her recent releases were going to be, she just DID IT.

Gaga's music is ok, but she just needs to stop overselling it (although part of this fault is shared with her fanbase, that just WON'T STOP promoting everything she does like the 2nd coming of christ before she even releases it).

If you look how the buzz goes, Gaga has the spotlight before she releases the album and almost no one has listened to her music, while Beyonce makes people talk about her after she releases the music.

Anyway, props to Gaga for playing masterfully the smoke and mirrors game, a shame the results are just no quite there.
Please find Black Jesus and listen to Born This Way right now. I'm not having any of these shenanigans tbh.

No one else in contemporary pop music could have made this album. It's rambunctious, self-indulgent, funny, loud, brave, ambitious, and wicked smart. It is every album.

Release yourselves to it.


I mean, Beyonce didn't just talk about how life changing, revolutionary and iconic her recent releases were going to be, she just DID IT.

Gaga's music is ok, but she just needs to stop overselling it (although part of this fault is shared with her fanbase, that just WON'T STOP promoting everything she does like the 2nd coming of christ before she even releases it).

If you look how the buzz goes, Gaga has the spotlight before she releases the album and almost no one has listened to her music, while Beyonce makes people talk about her after she releases the music.

Anyway, props to Gaga for playing masterfully the smoke and mirrors game, a shame the results are just no quite there.


Bear with me I never claimed that what Beyoncé does is art, you did that yourself, sis.

We all know Beyoncé is as authentic as a US$2 bill.
That doesn't excuse Gaga, though.
Little monsters do the most i swear

BTW is bloated shit with like 3 good songs and nothing will change that, no matter how many adjectives you attempt to attach to it. Seethe.

Born This Way sounds bloated to you because you're used to the absolute bare minimum, which is what Lana Del Rey delivers every year. Sometimes artists try. It's nice.
Born This Way sounds bloated to you because you're used to the absolute bare minimum, which is what Lana Del Rey delivers every year. Sometimes artists try. It's nice.
Ultraviolence is a bigger risk than both Artpop and BTW sis

but keep looking up more adjectives to add to your description of an album that I'm sure you haven't fully listened to from start to finish in years

Sometimes artists try, and other times they release failed eras and shitty EDM music that even Calvin Harris can take a shit on.



How can Utraviolence be a bigger risk than Born this Way? I mean, I don't like BTW but to be completely fair the "sound" and theme Gaga went for that album was nothing like what was popular during that time.



World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
BTW is a great album tbh

Born this way (not a super fan favourite but catchy as shit
thanks madonna
Heavy Metal Lover
Government Hooker
Bloody Mary
Black Jesus

Confessions and BEYONCÉ are the only valid options for this round
We must not let Icicle win another round
avenge Phoenomizer*
Justice for Madonna and Madonna 2.0

*name may be spelt incorrectly
Ultraviolence is a bigger risk than both Artpop and BTW sis

but keep looking up more adjectives to add to your description of an album that I'm sure you haven't fully listened to from start to finish in years

Sometimes artists try, and other times they release failed eras and shitty EDM music that even Calvin Harris can take a shit on.


For there to be a risk you need stakes. With Lana there are none. It's precisely why she can make an album like Honeymoon and get solid reviews.

Only two people in pop music herstory had the gall to make an album that wasn't going to be a guaranteed hit at the height of their success. The other's Madonna.


With Born This Way Gaga really tried too hard to make us believe she was a true artist but it exploded in her face, the thematic, visuals and music of that era are the reasons she simply vanished afterwards also she trying to convince us it was going to be the album of the decade make eveyone expect way too much from that bloated mess
I've gone back and forth on BTW over the years, but the one constant is that there's really only 4 songs (give or take) that are truly unlistenable on the album. It's very solid, even if I don't think it's as good as TFM...as long as we're not counting BTW's remixes from the SE. Ugh.
abstain from voting

these tasteless cünts don't deserve your vote tbh

no lies detected
But also vote coz why the fuck else am I doing this thing

Because the albums that I believed were the best ever are no longer in running, aside from Emotion and one or two others.

Again, my votes are up for sale.
One album is up way ahead, the others are fighting for second place rn.



DOUBLE FEATURE: Most nominated albums, #10-6
10. 25, Adele

9. Born This Way, Lady Gaga

8. (TIE) Ray of Light, Madonna

8. (TIE) Confessions On A Dance Floor, Madonna

6. Art Angels, Grimes


Who's that girl that you dream of?
Who's that girl that you think you love?
Who's that girl, what if I'm nothing like her
I know there's no such girl
I swear I can't take the pressure



I'm interested to see what direction Xtina is gonna head with this first single.

The red hair makes me think the whole era is gonna have a theme and not just straight up pop.
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