One of the contestants in Big Brother 18 (US) is a Beyoncé stan. He posted a video dancing/grinding/being artsy farty to Bow Down.
I hope he is evicted first.
One of the contestants in Big Brother 18 (US) is a Beyoncé stan. He posted a video dancing/grinding/being artsy farty to Bow Down.
Icicle works for Sony so noThey have the hottest employees in the business
a LOT of .gifs
Soulscribe, what are the odds you organize another tournament but this time around best music videos? I legit want to see who will win between Like a Prayer and Alejandro or Ooops! I Did It Again vs Roar =3
What movie is that? Let me save them all LOL
No.You haven't seen Bring it On?
I feel so old...I remember seeing it in theatres.
Great opening, and great credit roll.
Actually I do know that there was a series of movies called that but it was because of this was posted
After that elevator incident.
WHEW????Icicle works for Sony so no
The superior Diane Warren collaboration is upon us.
Leona Lewis - We Are All Looking For Home
all proceeds going to your destitute faves
Soulscribe, what are the odds you organize another tournament but this time around best music videos? I legit want to see who will win between Like a Prayer and Alejandro or Ooops! I Did It Again vs Roar =3
As if those videos would get past the first round.Soulscribe, what are the odds you organize another tournament but this time around best music videos? I legit want to see who will win between Like a Prayer and Alejandro or Ooops! I Did It Again vs Roar =3
Poor Xtinct.
My Spotify recomendations are a fucking mess after I let my brother use my phone and he started to listen a LOT of 1D, Bieber and FUCKING ZAYN.
I think is more like a severe case of bad taste.Is your brother homosexual and/or deaf?
Your brother sounds like a good guy. He should join GAF.My Spotify recomendations are a fucking mess after I let my brother use my phone and he started to listen a LOT of 1D, Bieber
Trashy human, incredible artist.Mau ®;207613159 said:Can we all agree Taylor Swift is TRASH? 🚮
The only TRASH part about her is her taste in men, she should accept her truth and be a lesbianMau ®;207613159 said:Can we all agree Taylor Swift is TRASH? 🚮
This is a common misconception. Taylor goes through men faster than Christina goes through excuses why she can't tour. That being said, she's been jumping on all the right bones. Jake Gyllenhaal, Calvin Harris, Tom Hiddleston, John Mayer - even that Kennedy guy was cute.The only TRASH part about her is her taste in men, she should accept her truth and be a lesbian
Taylor goes through men faster than Christina goes through excuses why she can't tour.
This is a common misconception. Taylor goes through men faster than Christina goes through excuses why she can't tour. That being said, she's been jumping on all the right bones. Jake Gyllenhaal, Calvin Harris, Tom Hiddleston, John Mayer - even that Kennedy guy was cute.
You're right. How fast she moved on from her boyfriend of over a year is more alarming than the number of men she's racked up.She's had two partners in the past three years, please stop with this narrative.
In the new issue of a rap magazine called XXL, record executive Irv Gotti admits that Tommy Mottola, Carey's ex-husband and the head of Sony Music, instructed him to make a record for Jennifer Lopez that sounded exactly like one Gotti's company had made with Carey for her movie, Glitter even though Glitter was not finished and Lopez would beat Carey to the punch and undermine a project she was recording for Sony.
In XXL, Gotti is asked by writer Keith Murphy: "Is it true that Tommy Mottola asked Murder Inc. [Gotti's production company] to do the remix of [Jennifer Lopez's] "I'm Real" after hearing a song Ja Rule did with Mariah Carey on the Glitter soundtrack?"
Gotti replies: "Ja wrote a song with him and Mariah singing back and forth on the title track. I get a call from Tommy Mottola, who I have a great relationship with, and he's like, 'I need you to do me a favor. I want you to do this remix for Jennifer Lopez. I want you to put Ja on the record.' Immediately I knew what he was doing because we just finished the Mariah record."
The Mariah record Gotti refers to is "Loverboy," from the movie Glitter. Carey had picked out a sample from Yellow Magic Orchestra's recording of "Firecracker" to be the basis of the song. She and Ja Rule worked on it, and the song was included on daily viewings from the filming of Glitter.
But Glitter was a Sony Pictures release, which is a sister company of Sony Music. Mottola, according to sources who worked on the movie, was surreptitiously viewing footage of Glitter while his ex-wife was shooting it.
"Mariah was so paranoid about the music getting out that we had another singer sing the temporary versions," says a Glitter insider.
"When Jennifer Lopez's record came out, and had the exact same song, we knew she had a right to be paranoid. We couldn't believe it."
Indeed, Gotti's statement to XXL suggests that once Mottola heard Carey's song and knew Glitter was months away from completion he stole the idea and gave it to Lopez for the remix of her song, "I'm Real."
The hit version of "I'm Real" with Ja Rule was released after Lopez's album was already out. It's substantially different from the original version.
Murphy, the reporter who interviewed Gotti, said yesterday that the rap music executive told him that Mottola wanted Ja Rule to make a record "in the same style" for Lopez that he'd already made for Carey. "It was exactly the same style with Mariah and Ja talking back and forth, just the way he does with Jennifer on I'm Real."
But here's a key revelation: the music publisher of "Firecracker" the sample that Ja Rule used first with Carey and then with Lopez told me yesterday: "Mariah Carey called us to license a sample from "Firecracker" first. Then, within a month, Jennifer Lopez also called for it."
The publisher of "Firecracker" also pointed out that the composition, by Martin Denny, had never been sampled before Mariah Carey called about it.
Mariah has a right to be rude. JLo can play innocent all she wants, but she was conspiringwith Mariah's ex-hub to steal ha best material. Mariah practically wrote I'm Real before JBlo snatched it and laid her hamster vocals over it.and probably cunnilingling
History already spilled the tea:
And was she wrong about Big Spider being a talentless waste of oxygen?
FAVORABILITY QUOTIENT (based on vote tally from previous rounds):
Ray of Light - 87
Art Angels - 85
These two albums have only competed together and have won handily each time. Their performance so far has been technically even, so it's anyone's to lose. Ray of Light has a more universal acclaim/recognition, though Art Angels' relative newness could work in its favor.
does this mean art angles is in the lead right nowThis round is reaching 2 days sis, is time to end it